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Castle Faallem/missing prince quest STUCK
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Author:  SirJohnson999 [ Mon Oct 09, 2017 2:37 am ]
Post subject:  Castle Faallem/missing prince quest STUCK

So recently, I started getting back into daggerfall, but there is one problem.

I am on the missing prince quest, and the chosen castle was Castle Faallem.

Once I got in there, I started searching around, and climbing up walls.

So I found the part of a wall where there is a deadly trap that kills me in 2-3 hits, but this part leads to a room filled with treasure, including the death certificate. How do I know this? I broke into the door just before dying, and there it was. The note was on the table.

So essentially, I'm stuck. I can't find any other entrance to the room, and I can't tank the trap since I don't have very good armor or HP.

Any alternative entrances or tricks? Maybe levitation? If so, how can I get levitation?

Thanks! :|

Author:  Jormungandr [ Mon Oct 09, 2017 2:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Castle Faallem/missing prince quest STUCK

You are not stuck!

That trap only damages you while you are moving, so just take a few steps, rest/heal, take a few more, rest/heal, etc. until you are past.

Author:  SirJohnson999 [ Mon Oct 09, 2017 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Castle Faallem/missing prince quest STUCK

Jormungandr wrote:
You are not stuck!

That trap only damages you while you are moving, so just take a few steps, rest/heal, take a few more, rest/heal, etc. until you are past.

Thank you so much! I'll try it!

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