Hi all,
I've been working on a DaggerfallSetup equivalent for GNU/Linux on and off for a few weeks. Depending on the user's selection, it will check for a DOSBox installation, install DOSBox from your distributions repository if it's not found (assuming you're using either apt, yum, or zypper package managers), create a custom DOSBox config and a desktop shortcut. A few people have helpfully tested but I figure I'd open it up to a wider audience in case others may find it useful. It's not perfect but it's in working order, and if it turns out that people use it I can try to add more to it (Andyfall, Daedrafall, translations, etc.). Mods, I've read the rules and didn't see anything that would prohibit a thread of this nature but please correct me if I'm wrong.
With all that being said...
Features (taken from the DaggerfallSetup page and modified as necessary):* FixedQuests by Donald Tipdon, Fixes: Quests bug-fix.
* DFQFIX 3.3 by PLRDLF: Quests bug-fix.
* Q0C00Y03 Fix by GhanBuriGhan: Quest bug-fix.
* P0B10L08 Fix by Ancestral Ghost: Unlock a vampire quest with misnamed QBN file.
* SPELL.STD Fix by Nwart: Spell Bug-fix.
* FACTIONFIX 1.2 by PLRDLF: Faction-Database bug-fix.
* DFBIOGFIX 1.1 by Deepfighter: Fix Biography files.
* POLITIC.PAK Fix v2 by Uniblab: Fix for Wrothgarian Mountains enclave.
* HackFall Release 3 by DelphiSnake: Compilation of fixes
* Daggerfall Graphics Fix 07/06/14 by MrFlibble: Fix a variety of graphics issues.
* Wayrest Dark Elves Fix by Andrew Polis & DelphiSnake: Fix Dark Elves skins for Barenziah, Morgiah, Helseth & Karethys.
* DOS32 Advanced DOS Extender 9.1.2 by Narech K: Prevents most saved game corruption and keeps the game more stable in general
Additional features:* Installs a desktop icon (works in XFCE and Cinnamon, broken in Raspbian/PIXEL for some reason I have yet to figure out)
* WASD/mouselook control scheme option during install
* Option to install Pirates of Tamriel (overwrites the original game files)
The original thread is over at the Daggerfall Workshop forums. You can find the link to the installer there, since it doesn't appear that I can post links here. If you use it, please let me know what you think or if you run into any problems.