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Help with soundmodding
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Author:  Discotron [ Fri Nov 18, 2016 12:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Help with soundmodding

I wish to add the Daggerfall theme to the main menu/character creation, as it doesn't play naturally (no version I've tried actually does play it).
However, I don't know how to do it. I checked out the DaggerSound utility, but I can't play the .wav (tried Groove, BSplayer, VLC, and some random .wav-player I found off a google search), so that hasn't helped me.
I use the MIDI sounds, and I don't need an actual file for the theme, I only need a guide how to make it play in main menu (and character creation, if possible).
:sweetroll: :sweetroll: :sweetroll:

Author:  AKB [ Sat Nov 26, 2016 2:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with soundmodding

That's probably out of most people's skill sets. I'm not trying to say your request in unrealistic, I'm simply saying saying that would know how to do that.

My easy solution, just turn on the theme in a browser or media player while in those menus.

Alternatively, you can try contacting [https://twitter.com/gav_clayton Gavin Clayton], the developer of Daggerfall Unity, and suggesting he include it in his version of the game (which will likely be the most popular version of it going forward). As a possible alternative, try to get into contact with PLRDLF, who knows more about Daggerfall than anyone alive, I believe.

Author:  Discotron [ Sat Dec 03, 2016 12:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with soundmodding

Okay thanks, I thought since it's a 1996 game that it shouldn't be so hard to mod and that there existed some kind of comprehensive catalog/modding tool for these kinds of things.
But yeah, it sucks since the Daggerfall theme is awesome.

Author:  MrFlibble [ Sat Dec 24, 2016 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with soundmodding

Discotron wrote:
Okay thanks, I thought since it's a 1996 game that it shouldn't be so hard to mod and that there existed some kind of comprehensive catalog/modding tool for these kinds of things.

It would probably be possible if the game already had another theme playing in the main menu; in which case you'd just need to replace the MIDI file in the game data. However music in the main menu is disabled, meaning that you would need to change parts of the executable which are "hardcoded". This requires extensive analysis/debugging of said executable.

In the simplest of cases, a main menu theme was present (like in the beta demo) but then the developers disabled it - either by blocking off the relevant piece of code or by pointing it to an "empty" music file entry. You would then have to find the code responsible for the menu music and "fix" it by re-activating or changing the music entry it is supposed to be playing.

However it might very well be the case that there is no code for playing music in the main menu whatsoever. In this case the only way to change it would be to either re-appropriate some code responsible for music playing from another section of the game (which may or may not be possible), or, if the source code was available, edit the code and compile a new executable with this modification.

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