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Daggerfall Face in Corner
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Author:  fiyerfli [ Mon May 25, 2015 6:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Daggerfall Face in Corner

Whenever I fast travel out of Daggerfall, a face appears in the top left of my screen, as if I am escorting someone. I do not remember picking up a quest like this. I just finished freeing Medora, and I got a letter from a werewolf hunter. Othr that that, nothing really happened. I did not pick anyone up, they just appear. Anyone know what this is?

Author:  Dunadd [ Tue May 26, 2015 1:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Daggerfall Face in Corner

I had that happen once after i'd been sleeping in a tavern, but it went away by the time i went outside. I think it's just a minor bug that will go away pretty soon.

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