UESP Forums

Problem in Lysandus' Tomb
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Author:  silverkatana3d [ Wed May 07, 2014 3:12 am ]
Post subject:  Problem in Lysandus' Tomb

Every Time I click on Lysandus' Sarcophogus with the powder the screen flashes with some crazy colors goes black and then the screen goes back to normal and I am looking at Lysandus' sarcophogus again. The problem is that this makes me miss the message that Lysandus' ghost is supposed to give me. Is there any way to fix this?

Author:  Daggerfall2014 [ Sun May 25, 2014 8:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Problem in Lysandus' Tomb

The version that I'm currently playing (from the Bethesda website), does not play any of the in-game video animations. My original CD-Rom version played them fine, but that version was buggy as hell so I don't use it anymore. I recently completed the Lysandus' Tomb quest and saw pretty much the same thing you did. I checked my quest log and it updated properly though, so I left the dungeon and moved on to the next quest.

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