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Author:  Ava [ Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Townspeople

Apparently it's supposed to be possible to attack townspeople... can anyone tell me how? I can't seem to hit them with weapons or spells - my characters can walk through them, even. :S

Author:  MrFlibble [ Sun Feb 09, 2014 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Townspeople

Ava wrote:
my characters can walk through them, even. :S

That is certainly not the correct behaviour of the game. Are you sure you haven't cast some weird spell on yourself?

Author:  MARS [ Sun Feb 09, 2014 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Townspeople

You can definitely walk through them. They're just stationary sprites.

To attack them, just swing a sword at them. They should disappear with a splatter of blood.

Author:  Ava [ Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Townspeople

No, I haven't used any strange spells. This has been the case with several characters ever since I got the game last September. Swinging weapons doesn't work, it just goes through them - no acknowledgement whatsoever, as is the case with spells too (and targeted spells won't use them as a target). Actually, it's the same with picking their pockets - clicking on them only results in dialogue.

Author:  MrFlibble [ Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Townspeople

Ava wrote:
Swinging weapons doesn't work, it just goes through them - no acknowledgement whatsoever, as is the case with spells too (and targeted spells won't use them as a target). Actually, it's the same with picking their pockets - clicking on them only results in dialogue.

Daggerfall is known to be buggy if some of the system settings differ from what the game expects (e.g. the notorious glitches observed when running it natively in Windows). Are you running the game in DOSBox? If yes, how have you configured it? Also, have you patched the game to the latest version?

[Edit] Just to be sure: we're talking about the townspeople who walk outside, right? Not the shopkeepers, guild members, priests in temples or townspeople who are inside their homes?

Author:  Ava [ Sun Feb 16, 2014 3:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Townspeople

MrFlibble wrote:
[Edit] Just to be sure: we're talking about the townspeople who walk outside, right? Not the shopkeepers, guild members, priests in temples or townspeople who are inside their homes?

Ahh, that's where I was going wrong. I didn't realise you specifically can't attack people inside homes. :D

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