caralampio wrote:
So I walk a little further and find an imp. It can only be killed by magic.
Actually, steel weapons or better will also do the job. Assuming you haven't picked the ebony dagger during character creation, just go elsewhere and fight some more enemies, and you should find some weapon of steel quality soon enough.
caralampio wrote:
My Breton has 201 magic and the only attack spell is Shock (IIRC). The tutorial says, click backspace to open the magic menu, double click on the spell, exit and then use mouse1 to cast. However what happens is that the spell is automatically cast upon closing the menu, and then can't be cast again with mouse1.
Frankly I can't guess what's the problem here because I never really played the game with the default control configuration. Do you use the cursor mode or the view mode (freelook)?
Just in case, the game can be easily reconfigured to a WASD keyboard-mouse setup that is
de rigeur in modern games:
You can also feel free to customize the controls to your liking. You are
welcome to stick with the defaults, of course; however, many people never
realize that the game supports mouse freelook, such that the game plays out
very similarly to any other first person game. This makes it MUCH easier to
look around and control the game.
[!] To activate mouse freelook, press ESC and go to Controls. There, along the
bottom you will see a button for Mouse, click it. Now, just switch the mouse
from Cursor to View.
JIC, it is quite easy to reconfigure the game to a WASD keyboard-mouse setup that is common in modern games:
If you set the mouse to freelook, there are two other keys you need to make
note of in the controls screen. They are:
* Activate Center Object: by pressing this key, you "click" on whatever you
are pointed at. This is used to talk to people, pull levers, loot treasure
piles and bodies, etc. Pretty much everything.
* Toggle Cursor: This will allow you to switch the mouse to a cursor in order
to make clicking on small items easier.
(the quote is from a Daggerfall FAQ I can't link to currently because the forum engine doesn't allow me to post links to external sites)If you use this control scheme, you use the mouse to activate a spell by double-clicking on it while in the spellbook screen, and then fire the spell by pressing the "Activate Centre Object" key (which is essentially the "Use" key; you can map it to whatever you like). There's also a "reload spell" button that activates the last spell you used when pressed, thus allowing to fire a spell multiple times more easily. Again I forgot what this key is by default but you can map it to whatever you feel like.