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Daggerfall: Modtastic

Thu Feb 21, 2008 10:53 pm

In my own, haphazard way, I've been slogging away at the Daggerfall data files. After writing my own stuff for reading data as described on the file formats/hacking section of the wiki, I tried to fill in the gaps for the unknown quest opcodes (Hex/Dec):
    05/05 - When Item dropped at Location: Set state
    1B/27 - If state: Add Location to map at specific coordinates
    23/35 - If state: Set multiple states (usually used to set Globals)
    31/49 - If state: Cure PC of status
    32/50 - If state: Show Video
    3F/63 - If state: Add Mob as Escort
    40/64 - If state: Remove Mob from Escort
    47/71 - Give gold to NPC: True/False
    48/72 - If state: Inflict Status on PC (disease?)
    4D/77 - If PC Level >= X: Set state
    4E/78 - When NPC talked to: Set state
    4F/79 - If Faction Reputation >= X: Set state
    51/81 - Unlock Location/NPC's Location (not sure of this one)
    53/83 - If state: Teleport PC to location, specific coordinates
    57/87 - If state: Place Mob at specific coordinates

If anyone's still interested in hacking this excellent but buggy old game, here you go. :)

Edit: Oh, I also wrote a program for decoding the 'message hashes'. Naturally this is sort of slow, but by passing the possibilities through a dictionary filter it does produce some quite workable results. I've done a bunch up to 7 letters and produced my own 'plainishtext' version of all the QRC/QBN files. If anybody is interested in having a look, let me know and I'll pop them on my webspace.
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