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DaggerFall issue everything is sped up, not clockspeed issue

Sun Aug 06, 2017 7:20 pm

im playing daggerfall, yes im using the daggerfall setup version. but randomly while im playing, the game will just speed up like crazy.

my character and the enemies increase in their speed that they move.
weird thing is that the game is still running at 50,000 Cycles, no frame skip at all...
whats going on?
It does this after about 30 minutes of gameplay.

this has never happened before with daggerfall setup

i just updated to the newest version of DaggerFall Setup a week ago and only started having this issue a few days ago. i originally thought it was steam causing this issue, but not launching it through steam still causes this issue

Re: DaggerFall issue everything is sped up, not clockspeed i

Sun Aug 06, 2017 9:36 pm

Hello Chizmaz,

I will carefully check what files are different between the new setup and the previous one, in order to see which file could cause such a thing.

Nevertheless, can you tell me if you play the game in English or if you choosed to install a foreign language (French, German, Spanisk...), and if you remember what options you choosed during the installation process. This will not be easy to debug if we have to play 30 minutes before having the issue...

I'll come back to you in the following days. If somebody else have the same issue, please let me know.

Re: DaggerFall issue everything is sped up, not clockspeed i

Sun Aug 06, 2017 9:43 pm

I play in english.

i think using the function keys is causing it. i disabled all of dosbox's function keys and it still does this.

function keys are used to switch between interactions as well as going to ur stat screen. (however it only does it with F1-F4 i believe...

Re: DaggerFall issue everything is sped up, not clockspeed i

Sun Aug 06, 2017 9:55 pm

OK, thanks for the information. I never use F1 or F4 when playing Daggerfall, which I do only to test my edits for the Project French Daggerfall. But if you play the standard English release, the main Daggerfall program, which is the file Fall.exe, is unchanged since 2010. I will chech some other configuration files.
I will see if I can reproduce the phenomena.

-- Few time later --

I checked with Winmerge the content of the two directories into which are the files used to generate the setups 2.12 and 2.13 and I confirm that the only difference is the content of the Project French Daggerfall, so the English version is not modified.

To go further, I will have to install both 2.12 and 2.13 English versions and check if the installed Daggerfall are the same.

Re: DaggerFall issue everything is sped up, not clockspeed i

Mon Aug 07, 2017 11:12 pm

I just did the installation with DaggerfallSetup 2.12 and then 2.13, Full installation in English. Each time I've generated the complete directory content with DIR /S and stored the result in a text file. And finally I've compared the two text files with Winmerge.

The only differences I found, apart from the directories creation dates, were :
- FALL.EXE, because it has been patched during the installation.
- Uninstallation files : normal, setups are not the same.
- BLOCKS.BSA, which has been patched during the installation.
- MAPS.BSA, which has been patched during the installation.
- Readme and Webxxx.Url in Docs, that has been updated for 2.13.
- ... and that's it !

After that I compared with an hex editor the patched files FALL.EXE, BLOCKS.BSA and MAPS.BSA in both versions and they were identical.

All that demonstrates that there is no difference at all in the English version of Daggerfall that you use between the DaggerfallSetups 2.12 and 2.13.

I'm not telling that the issue you describe does not exist, just that, in my point of view, that doesn't come from the new DaggerfallSetup 2.13.

May be an old issue with Dosbox 0.74 that nobody never noticed up to now ? A bad parameter into Dosbox configuration file Dosbox.conf ? May be a wrong use of function key that you don't notive while playing, as CTRL-F12 or ALT-F12 that speed up emulation or unlock speed in Dosbox ?

Re: DaggerFall issue everything is sped up, not clockspeed i

Tue Aug 08, 2017 7:17 pm

alright. maybe its an issue on my end

ive never had the issue before and im sure if it was at this point with the DF setup, im sure people hitting the F1, F2, F3, F4 keys to switch the interaction modes would have noticed it by now.

Re: DaggerFall issue everything is sped up, not clockspeed i

Tue Aug 08, 2017 9:40 pm

I understand your point, but now we are totally sure that the contents of the two versions for the English Daggerfall are the same, so it seems that the explanation is to be found somewhere else...

Re: DaggerFall issue everything is sped up, not clockspeed i

Mon Aug 14, 2017 7:17 pm

I assume that you are not accidentally pressing the '1' key, but might as well mention it since it's a distant possibility...
(With cheatmode activated '1' toggles the super speed mode.)

Re: DaggerFall issue everything is sped up, not clockspeed i

Tue Aug 15, 2017 6:03 pm

Jormungandr wrote:I assume that you are not accidentally pressing the '1' key, but might as well mention it since it's a distant possibility...
(With cheatmode activated '1' toggles the super speed mode.)

maybe that's it. I know I have 2 and 3 set for move up and down. maybe I should just disable cheat mode :/ lol I only use it for the "[" & "]" incase I get stuck or fall out of the world.
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