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Lich's Soul NEver Gets started

Mon Nov 21, 2016 6:06 am

Hello everyone,

This is my first shot on Daggerfall and i have this really important problem. The Lich's Soul quest does not start. I have completed Morgiah's Wedding Quest and i am Level 10 while the quest requires level 7. I tried to let the time pass, by traveling for 4 x 30 days and resting by no zombie came at me. I don't know what else to do.

Does this trigger on a character level change?
Is there an easy editor to forse it start?

Thank you in advance.

Re: Lich's Soul NEver Gets started

Mon Nov 21, 2016 6:56 am

I thought that this bug sounded familiar so I checked the Daggerfall patch log and found it. Basically this is a problem with the quest not being activated properly. If you run your savegame through FIXSAVE (it will be backed up automatically just in case) it should detect that you need the quest activated and send the zombie for you. FIXSAVE should have been installed when you ran the Daggerfall 213 patch installation program (DAG213)

PATCHED.TXT wrote:Patch Fixes, version 1.06.200


* The zombie in the Soul of a Lich quest is now properly sent.
If you do not get the zombie when you're supposed to, run
the new FIXSAVE enclosed and it will activate it for you.

Re: Lich's Soul NEver Gets started

Mon Nov 21, 2016 8:28 pm

Hello Crawldragon and thank you for the reply.

I run on windows 7 64bit and the DAG213.EXE seems to be for 32bit only, so i havent installed it. Is there any workaround for me to use?

Ok, i found my solution. I just need to do all the work through the dosbox. If anyone needs further info please contact me. Again, thank you Crawldragon.
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