I was wondering if there was any scenario in which you would necro-post.
The rules say this:
Forum Rules wrote:
No Necro-posting - This is bringing old topics back to life. If you have a legitimate reason for resurrecting a topic, to ask for more help on the same subject, that is fine. If the topic is weeks old, then they have probably received the help they needed. Making a comment in an old topic only makes you look bad, and is considered to be post flooding.
Like what if I went to the "Post your Character" topic in the Oblivion section and posted my character? Would that be ok? I am just confused because the forum rules kinda contradicts itself, because it says "If you have a legitimate reason for resurrecting a topic. then that is fine", but it also says "Making a comment in an old topic only makes you look bad". So which is it? Never necro-post, or only do it if you have something worthwhile/helpful to say?