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Fighter's Stronghold DLC concern
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Author:  Kanisuma [ Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Fighter's Stronghold DLC concern

I don't know if this is a concern of any "high-ups" (those who have been here longer than me and are far better at Wiki stuff), but the Fighter's Stronghold page (http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Fight ... Stronghold) needs updated. It needs to not say we can get the FS DLC from the link posted or have something in paranths to this extent. I am not entirely sure how to do it though as i made such a major faux pas with the first Wiki edit i tried. :(

After finding NOTHING on any of the forums here, i quite literally spent days and hours online searching, and i have been unable to find an alternative to the option of downloading FS from the link at the Elder Scrolls pages which sends us to OblivionDownloads dot com (i'm not allowed to post the URL, which doesn't matter as it's useless anyway). That site, which is referenced on the afore mentioned page as the place to get the FS DLC, has been down for a long time. A very long time it would seem. I was hoping through my research i would find some alternatives, or at least one, but i haven't. Bethesda has nothing in the way of DLC. I found several sites with torrent downloads that were free, but they were all viruses. (<--I know that's not "good" of me, but i want people who read this to be sure i really did cover all the bases.) Direct2Drive isn't supported by Bethesda either (read the patch descriptions at: http://www.elderscrolls.com/downloads/u ... atches.htm) and doesn't seem to offer the FS DLC. The long and short of it is, there is NO way to get this DLC without violating copyright, which is so not cool with me personally.

I honestly have no clue about the Xbox information as i play Oblivion on my PC and PS3.

I would edit the FS page myself, yet i worry i would step on someone's toes and or do it incorrectly. This page needs updated. It's easy to let ourselves think we're the only people playing this game, us "old hats", yet we fail to realize there are also A LOT of newer players, who use this Wiki site almost like an Oblivion Bible of sorts ( :wink: ).

Well, i hope i posted this correctly. Let me know if there is anything i can/should do further.

Edit 9.7.09 (later in the day): I moved this into the FS "talk" page, which is reached by clicking the discussion tab (http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion_talk: ... Stronghold). Thank you for your help. This thread can be locked, deleted, or whatever someone needs to do with it now.

Author:  Codex [ Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fighter's Stronghold DLC concern

It's more likely to be seen by an editor who can fix it, if you post this at the Fighters Stronghold talk page. Few people at the forums are wiki editors.

And please note that discussing torrents and other illegal ways of getting software is strongly prohibited. I realise you had the best intentions, but it could get the site in trouble.

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