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Author:  m@nyt1mes [ Sat Aug 15, 2009 9:13 am ]
Post subject:  images

would it work to post an image in spoiler form, like this? :!: warning, image is ~4000x~3000 :!:

in all seriousness, would it work to do that so images can be posted without interrupting slower connections?

Author:  Kestral [ Sat Aug 15, 2009 4:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: images

Earlier in a similar thread it was stated that when images are in spoiler tags, it is already loaded.

The script that shows the text really only changes a certain value for it to show. (Previously it was marked hidden.) For that to work I suspect that the mods would have to re-create the BBcode with a scrirpt that writes the code and not displays it. Athough, that is relatively easier.

Author:  Dogmantra [ Sat Aug 15, 2009 4:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: images


The way Cactus (or whoever set up the spoiler tags, but I'm pretty sure it was Cactus. If not, sorry!) did it was to hide the contents, but they're still there. It is possible to make it so that spoilers are only loaded when they're opened, but just to be able to post pictures is a bit too much work.

Author:  Kestral [ Sat Aug 15, 2009 4:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: images

Dogmantra wrote:

The way Cactus (or whoever set up the spoiler tags, but I'm pretty sure it was Cactus. If not, sorry!) did it was to hide the contents, but they're still there. It is possible to make it so that spoilers are only loaded when they're opened, but just to be able to post pictures is a bit too much work.

Did I just ninja you?

Author:  Dogmantra [ Sat Aug 15, 2009 4:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: images

Yes, but I pointed out why it doesn't work like that, so I still posted :P

Author:  Josjie [ Thu Aug 20, 2009 8:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: images

Dogmantra wrote:

The way Cactus (or whoever set up the spoiler tags, but I'm pretty sure it was Cactus. If not, sorry!) did it was to hide the contents, but they're still there. It is possible to make it so that spoilers are only loaded when they're opened, but just to be able to post pictures is a bit too much work.

I did all the tags :cry: :cry:

Well ok Cactus did "UESP" and "s" :shock: But the spoiler tag was selected and made by me :D

There are tons of spoiler BBcodes around, perhaps there's one that doesn't load directly. I'll go search for one.

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