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Wiki log in issue
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Author:  Stacet [ Tue Aug 04, 2009 12:16 am ]
Post subject:  Wiki log in issue

Every time I try too create an account on the Wiki page it all looks okay and I also recive an e-mail address confirmation in my gmail inbox. But when I thy too login this happen:
Login error

There is no user by the name "Stacet". Check your spelling, or create a new account.

I'm also able too register with exactly the same username more that once. Something wired.

I whant too use the same username both here at the forum and on the Wiki.

Author:  Nephele [ Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wiki log in issue

I'm assuming that this issue is resolved, because you have since made edits (e.g. this one) on the wiki, and you are obviously also able to login to the forums.

Author:  Stacet [ Tue Aug 04, 2009 3:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wiki log in issue

[s[But if I log out I can't log in unless I make an account with the exact same username.
Soo im afraid too log out as you see.[s]
EDIT: Sorry all issues is now gone I'm now able too login after I have logged out. Tested recently.

Thanks for a very great Wiki. Hope I can help and learn too improve this site even more in near future. :mrgreen:

Author:  Nephele [ Tue Aug 04, 2009 3:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wiki log in issue

[written before Stacet's latest update...]

The only strange thing that I've noticed with your wiki account is that you have not provided an email address -- which leaves me somewhat confused as to how you could have received any confirmation emails (not to mention that the wiki doesn't think you've confirmed your account). Try pulling up my preferences and making sure that an email address is listed.

Other than that, it's possible that when you first created a wiki account, the site was still in the process of being restored, thus causing problems (although other new accounts made at the same time look OK). In which case, your problems might not recur this time around. If you have problems after logging out, feel free to email me at nephele AT skyhighway DOT com, and I can look into your account's status further.

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