Sun Jun 05, 2011 6:03 am
Sun Jun 05, 2011 6:37 am
Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:17 am
Arch-Mage Matt wrote:Yes, of course we treat you like human beings. And after constant reminding we get frustrated. Implying that we do not treat you like human beings is, frankly, insulting.
Arch-Mage Matt wrote:I do not consider myself nor most of the current mod team over-zealous most of the time. Most of us, in fact, will look the other way when a topic veers off discussion until the point where it gets out of hand.
Arch-Mage Matt wrote:1. Administrative convenience for non-mods - Could you elaborate on that?
Arch-Mage Matt wrote:2. The ability for non-mod users to feel they can make significant contributions around the place - They can, have, are, and will. I see every day, every member makes a significant contribution. As many others have said here, it does not matter who you are, but what you say. Relating to this, though, some newer users themselves tend to get a bit overzealous, when they make multiple topics for everything, join all of the clubs, and post everywhere. They are overwhelmed when they try to fit into the community when they just need to realize that, it comes with time. Be yourself, let your true colors shine through, and you will find your place here. Don't try to force your way in, let it happen gradually.
Arch-Mage Matt wrote:3. A bit of the fun that the forums present - While I have no doubt some people think that many interesting discussions were halted by the Mod Team, it is why we have a General Discussion thread, and the whole General Banter thread as well. Want to discuss something specific? Just bring it up in the General Section.
Arch-Mage Matt wrote:4. The overall sense that the mods, when acting as mods and not simply users (because you are all wonderful users and people as far as I am concerned), are compassionate humans - We are and try to be kind while doing this, trust me, it's no picnic to constantly do those little tasks. But when the general mass of users start to act like they haven't read the rules, haven't listened to what the Moderators have said in the past, it gets a little frustrating. I hate to sound like someone with that kind of authority (The thought of me acting like a mean teacher gives me the shivers) But sometimes it is necessary.
Arch-Mage Matt wrote:Again, Duruza, it generally it looks like you go over the top when posting. This is not a bad thing, but it can be viewed as post-flooding and creating topics that seem unnecessary. And again, I.E. in the roleplaying section, you create a feedback thread while there is a sticky topic for it, and when I've already locked another discussion thread. Now, to you it might look like us being strict and mean. To us, it looks like you haven't paid attention to what we're doing and what is generally accepted and unaccepted. When a topic is viewed as unnecessary we lock it because it only leads to spam. But it has always been known that members can PM us with concerns and then we can discuss it. And usually, a lock or merge is usually the best first step to a user correcting their problem.
There is no rule on how active you can be as long as you have something to say. If you "Post-flood" I.E. make one word posts in every thread or giving unhelpful comments in a question thread. If you receive a complaint about being too active from one of the older members and you truly feel your posts were helpful and important , ignore it.
Read my above paragraph, if you are truly making good-content posts, it does not matter how active you are and don't let the older members tell you otherwise.
Arch-Mage Matt wrote:Mod ‘talk pages' -- Yes, these are called Private Messages.
All I'm saying is that talk pages would make it easier for all users to be able to know where they stand with the mods.Arch-Mage Matt wrote: [...] haven't listened to what the Moderators have said in the past, it gets a little frustrating
Arch-Mage Matt wrote:An ability or platform for users and mods to gain a better understanding of one another and where we all are coming from through suggestions and constructive comments -- Again, never feel afraid to PM us, seriously.
Arch-Mage Matt wrote:A winding down of the simple ‘lock’ mentality with the advent of a sort of ‘partial lock’ -- Again, I believe that the first step to making your idea better is to start over if you did something incorrect.
Sun Jun 05, 2011 12:06 pm
Sun Jun 05, 2011 4:10 pm
Sun Jun 05, 2011 4:53 pm
Jeff are you going to be just like Azrock, and stop in evey couple of weeks/months, and complain about how unfairly you are being treated...???
Sun Jun 05, 2011 5:21 pm
Sun Jun 05, 2011 6:16 pm
Sun Jun 05, 2011 6:29 pm
Sun Jun 05, 2011 6:34 pm
Sun Jun 05, 2011 7:02 pm
ChaosDawns wrote:Also Jeff, you're not helping and brow-beating/ganging up on newer members could lead to them feeling like they're unwelcomed, some could very well turn into trolls if they feel wronged enough. To use the vernacular 'You've created a monster' in the latter scenario
OblivionDuruza wrote:I’ve been doing some serious thinking about the forums of late and I realise that while the forums are great, they are seriously flawed by an over zealous mod team bent on completely obliterating the thing that makes humans unique,
OblivionDuruza wrote: “You must not post more than 15 times a day” and “You cannot do anything that might be considered, making a splash. Conform or face the consequences. We do not see change in a favourable light.” Because that is the impression I have received from some (not all) of the older members of the forums. It was never my intention to turn the forum on its head and it never will be, but some slight change is inevitable and not a bad thing.
OblivionDuruza wrote:That being said, we are not machines that can be programmed to act by a strict set of guidelines and rules (which seems to be the current expectation of the mod team), we are human beings and we have the right to be treated as such.
-Threads about moderator or admin actions or inactions.
If you feel you have been treated unfair or have any complaints, feel free to contact one of the moderators via PM.
OblivionDuruza wrote:I can't organise different threads for my House, so my Hlaalu thread is a bit of a mess as a result. I've been PMing all members announcements, but it'd be nice to have specific discussion threads and perhaps and an announcement thread too, for instance.
OblivionDuruza wrote:Okay, new members join clubs because they want to, not because they want to fit in. I'm a member of many clubs, but you'll notice not all of them, because there are some I don't want to join because I don't see it as necessary.
OblivionDuruza wrote:Thats' not really what I meant. It's hard to have fun when you constantly have to check yourself to make sure you're doing the 'right' thing. The forums really need to relax.
A bit of common sense comes into play on a lot of things. Just because it's not in the rules, doesn't mean it isn't stupid. I like to think of UESP as a mature forum, but that gets difficult at times...OblivionDuruza wrote: I've seen instances of things that haven't actually violated the rules of the forum, but have been frowned upon nonetheless.
Well then, if most of the time you are satisfied then what is your problem? it happens, you will live. The mods do have other urgent things to attend to, and other forumers to deal with to.OblivionDuruza wrote:As I said above, PMs are useful and I've sent hundreds in my time here, but they are not sufficient in some instances. I don't feel free to PM if I'll simply be ignored again (hasn't happened all the time - in fact on the whole I've gotten responses as I said in my OP, but it has happened and nothing has been done to fix it)
Veck wrote:I come back to this place and find threads like this. Maybe the problem is more with the members than the mods, or did you not consider that? Au revoir.
Sun Jun 05, 2011 7:29 pm
Sun Jun 05, 2011 7:42 pm
Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:17 pm
Dean wrote:How is he ganging up on him? and if anyone was to do what you said could happen, then they are a complete muppet at the end of the day.
Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:22 pm
ChaosDawns wrote:I don't have anything against the mods and I genuinely like that they changed the Off-topic thread (I never felt like I could keep up with it and in the end, I did a little of the spamming just to try and be heard ), but I'd like to think this forum is above comments like "Just deal with it" or blatant insults.
Mon Jun 06, 2011 12:21 am
That is the problem. It is not how many pages we have in this thread at the end of the day, per se, but how you are posting on the forums in general. I am not saying there is anything wrong with how you guys enjoy your time here, because there isn't - this is not a place that wants to snuff your unique personalities, which is what gives the forums flavor. But UESP has a culture; it has a history. We have rules and expectations. The problem isn't that you may or may not agree with them, it is that you blatantly disregard moderators' requests to consider them. We are here for discussions and opinions; we are not a regime. We volunteer (some of us on top of having full time jobs off the forums, mind!) for you guys, not ourselves! But when you make us repeat ourselves we spend more time cleaning up and lecturing you, and other members feel overwhelmed, which makes us stressed. When we are stressed, the forums fail to be fun...and that defeats the point.
Mon Jun 06, 2011 4:07 am
Mon Jun 06, 2011 4:13 am
Mon Jun 06, 2011 4:19 am
Mon Jun 06, 2011 4:38 am
Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:14 am
Mon Jun 06, 2011 11:45 am
Mon Jun 06, 2011 12:27 pm
Jeff wrote:My big heartburn... is that I have now been turned into the Grumpy Old Dude... yet again... by a bunch of new members... that WILL NOT, and DO NOT want to follow the Rules, and Fit in.
Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:12 pm
Mon Jun 06, 2011 3:17 pm