A place for discussions and questions specifically about the UESP forums.
Sun Jun 06, 2010 6:10 am
Is it really necessary to have avatars less than 100px high and wide and less than 9.77kb in file size?
That really begs for some trouble when it comes to having avatars, <10kb alone hardly affects any connection. Things like videos, flash applications, and numerous 526kb+ images would stall a connection.
The basic PhpBB3 forum software style for the UESPF loads about a MB of data for nearly every page for just the styles. It also loads several hundered kilobytes with included files for the forum software's internal functions. Then there is the size for each page in itself. (The view topic page clocking in at the largest of files, where avatars are generally loaded.) You also have to take into account the effect on the user themselves. PhpBB does not use images like truly bandwidth efficient places such as Facebook, or Youtube, who use a master sprite greatly increasing performance for slower connections. PhpBB styles (uesp included) do not use this type of image.
So, if the UESP is trying to help out with faster speeds, then why not keep a totally blank style and limit message size?
I'm only asking for the moderators to consider it. No one is going to upload an avatar to the forum with the intent to stall a page, and avatars are already privileges withheld from new users in the first place. Something like avatars with less than 40 or 50kb will not severely effect connections; if connections for a user are already slow, it would be because they are running internet intensive tasks one way or another or downloading something.
Sat Jul 17, 2010 1:52 am
yah, i know what you mean, i just use gimp (free downloadable image editer) to scale the image
Sat Jul 17, 2010 2:04 am
I definitely support this, but I must say I'm skeptical about anything actually happening.
Sat Jul 17, 2010 2:07 am
Vivec's Tears wrote:I definitely support this, but I must say I'm skeptical about anything actually happening.
Since this has been around for more than month, I doubt it too.
Sat Jul 17, 2010 6:31 pm
I imagine it has less to do with connection speeds and more to do with the amount of space the host wants to designate just for member avatars.
Sat Jul 17, 2010 6:43 pm
Prophet wrote:I imagine it has less to do with connection speeds and more to do with the amount of space the host wants to designate just for member avatars.
That hardly wouldn't be a problem.
Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:13 am
its always good to vent, and just talk over it, dont need to be a solution
unless you
do want to protest
Sun Jul 18, 2010 1:15 pm
It would be good if the file size could be bigger, maybe only even up to 15kb. I find I have to convert my avatars into a lower quality form which can look rather tacky.