The JavaScript aforementioned could be easily made with the eval() to write the <a> in a <span> using document.getElementById. The first {TEXT2} would define a variable beforehand, then the script will replace all spaces with underscores (_).
I think the question was more a "Can we please use them?"
5tealthh: We're not allowed to use img tags, because at least one person accesses these forums with Dial-Up, and it would be effectively excluding them from certain topics to use them.
nyk45 wrote:On the other hand, it would be the same as one more signature per thread page.
Not necessarily. If you frequently see a signature or avatar, it will be saved in the cache and load from there, as opposed to re-downloading each time. Unless someone changes their signature/avatar really often (and with the signature, only then if they use a picture), it shouldn't affect download speed much at all.
But there are still browser options. But oh well, it's easier for us to click a link, than for someone with dial up to have a strictly-text browser. Yep, we should stick with the links.
It sucks that we can't post images. We should at least have a file size or pixel by pixel size restriction on the image. Like it can't be more than 500x500 pixels and can't be more than 500kb or something like that.
I have another small request to make. If it's too much work, don't worry, but the Spoiler code tends to make the text that you spoiler mesh with the rest of the post. If someone could make a box appear around the text that's spoilered when it's open, that would be much appreciated. Sometimes I'll be reading one and click to close it, only to find the next sentence was spoilered too.