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 Post subject: Greetings to the UESP community
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 3:26 am 

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Hello folks, my name is PhantomBMAN, most folks either call me Phantom or BMAN. :)

I'm curious to know how to send a message or other communication with the moderators/administrators of this forum? I used to have an account on here, but I can't seem to log onto it, so I made a different one (hope that's alright, I couldn't find any evidence my old account even exists)

If someone could tell me how to unlock Private messaging, or how to contact the mods, I would be most grateful.

Great to be part of this community.


 Post subject: Re: Greetings to the UESP community
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 3:43 am 
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Well, you've done a fair job of contacting the Mods, since someone slipped up on the paper work and I became one and here I am. So, assuming you're not some form of fancy new bot, I'll answer your questions.

First of all, if you can't seem to find your old account, this new one is fine; no worries. What's the username of your old account? Had you made any posts before? Your old email? If any of that's too personal, PM me, information below.

As for PMs, they shouldn't have to be unlocked or anything. Just go to the top and choose the User Control Panel or better still the link that says 0 New Messages. From there you'll see a bunch of subsections under Private Messages. Choose compose messages and type in the username in the blank section on the left. If you're wanting to contact a Moderator, they are me (Cactus), Codex, Caz, and Josjie. If you need an admin you can contact Nephele or Daveh, though they're busy with slacking off admin duties, so your best best is one of us. Actually, at this very moment your best bet is me because the other Mods are sick, busy with exams, and on vacation respectively, and I'm quite happy helping you anyway I can.

I've taken the liberty of PMing you, so click the 1 New Message link at the top to read it and then you can reply.

Also, you'll have to pardon me, I'm a bit crazy. :mrgreen:

Edit: I nearly forgot. An easy way of PMing someone is to just click the PM button at the bottom of a post, such as this one.

 Post subject: Re: Greetings to the UESP community
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 3:50 am 

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Thank you for the quick reply Cactus.

I've worked with phpbb and forums across the internet for many years, and yet, for some reason, I still can't figure this out.

I've tried going to "Compose message" (it was the first thing I did when I didn't see a PM button on your profile), and I get the message "You are not authorised to send private messages"

Now, besides the fact that authorized is spelled wrong in that message, I'm curious as to what is causing this?

Because I would like nothing more than to have that discussion of questions with you. If there is any other way, please send me another PM (as I seem to be able to read them, but not reply/compose them).


 Post subject: Re: Greetings to the UESP community
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 12:25 pm 
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Authorised is spelt correctly if you're English. You crazy Americans with your crazy Zs :P

As for private messaging, I believe it's an anti spambot measure. You have to be here for a week and accumulate ten posts in order to post links or PM, as far as I know, but I think a mod can change that manually, just for you.

BANG → !

 Post subject: Re: Greetings to the UESP community
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:00 pm 

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10 posts or a post count of 10?

 Post subject: Re: Greetings to the UESP community
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:09 pm 
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A post count of ten, I believe.

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 Post subject: Re: Greetings to the UESP community
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:10 pm 

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HA! Backup for my "Post Count" thread!

 Post subject: Re: Greetings to the UESP community
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 2:49 pm 

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Well, if possible, it would be great if one of the mods (Dogmantra or Cactus) could reach me over MSN or AIM.

I realize this information is absent in your profiles, and thus I assume there's a reason for this, but my inquiry has to do more along the lines of serious business and "management" than anything.

So again, if possible, I'd love to get a "ring" :)

 Post subject: Re: Greetings to the UESP community
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 2:54 pm 

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PhantomBMAN wrote:
Well, if possible, it would be great if one of the mods (Dogmantra or Cactus)

there are many more mods. you could almost call it a "plethora" of mods. isn't that right? well, i would hope that when you use a term, you know what it means, so, would it be right to say we have a plethora of mods? (refference?)
but seriously... im pretty sure only the "green" mods can do anything like that, so cactus, codex, josjie (havent heard from him in a while btw, whats up?) caz, and i think thats it for the green ones. a blue one could do it as well, but its only once in a blue moon one of those ever visits here.

 Post subject: Re: Greetings to the UESP community
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 3:07 pm 

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Aye, I was merely referring to the fact that they were the ones that replied to my question, and as Cactus said, many of the green mods have been off duty with their own RL business.

If this is the case, my hopes are left with Cactus then hm?

 Post subject: Re: Greetings to the UESP community
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 3:14 pm 

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you could just make those 10 posts in the oblivion forum, a few can be posted in easily.
if not, hit the "report button over there :arrow:
it will send a pm to all of the mods. put the reason to "other" and type your problem into the box

 Post subject: Re: Greetings to the UESP community
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 3:32 pm 

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Cheers mate, but its not really a problem that I want to discuss with them. :P

 Post subject: Re: Greetings to the UESP community
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 3:37 pm 

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well i would say your best bet would be just throw out 10 posts in the oblivion forum:
there, 10 posts, easy.

 Post subject: Re: Greetings to the UESP community
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:10 pm 
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PhantomBMAN wrote:
If someone could tell me how to unlock Private messaging, or how to contact the mods, I would be most grateful

The ability to send PMs is disabled for new ("unconfirmed") accounts is disabled because we were previously having problems with spambots sending users "Buy xxx here" PMs. User accounts are automatically confirmed after the accounts have been active for 7 days and the account has a post count of 10. Accounts can also be manually confirmed; I've gone ahead and manually confirmed you, PhantomBMAN, so you should now be able to PM (it's possible you need to log out and log back in to force your session to recognize the change).

A list of all forum mods can be found using The Team link on the main page. Although the two red "admin" accounts are just alternate accounts used by Daveh and I when we need to access those privileges. If, on the other hand, you're actually looking for the wiki admins, those people are listed here. Most of use do not use AIM or MSN. If you'd like to chat, you can check our chatroom and see whether any admins are currently active there.

PhantomBMAN wrote:
I used to have an account on here, but I can't seem to log onto it, so I made a different one (hope that's alright, I couldn't find any evidence my old account even exists)

Over the last couple months, more than 40,000 spambot accounts were deleted from the forums. It's possible a few non-spambot accounts were also deleted in the process (although, if so, only accounts that had never made any posts and had profiles that flagged the accounts as likely spambots). However, there were no accounts containing the word "Phantom" or "BMAN" anywhere in those 40,000 deleted accounts, so if you previously had an account here, it was under a different name. It seems far more likely that you're thinking of your account on UESPWiki, User talk:PhantomBMAN, which still exists and has not been changed in any way since you created it. Accounts on UESP's forums and wiki are separate.

PhantomBMAN wrote:
Now, besides the fact that authorized is spelled wrong in that message

If you would prefer to see system messages spelled with "z" and other British spellings, select "British English" as "My language" under "Board Preferences".

m@nyt1mes wrote:
you could just make those 10 posts in the oblivion forum, a few can be posted in easily.

Spamming to increase your post count is against the forum rules and really annoying to everyone on the forums. Not to mention pretty counterproductive in this situation, since PhantomBMAN's account would still be less than 7 days old. (Needing both requirements is very intentional; otherwise spambots could make 10 posts in about one second and then start flooding the forums with posts containing links to every virus-infested, sexually explicit, or otherwise offensive site on the web).

 Post subject: Re: Greetings to the UESP community
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:16 pm 

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i didnt mean to just post whatever, i meant to just play it out like the other new members did, showing how many opinion type topics there are, sorry for saying that though.

 Post subject: Re: Greetings to the UESP community
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:23 pm 
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Nephele wrote:
PhantomBMAN wrote:
Now, besides the fact that authorized is spelled wrong in that message

If you would prefer to see system messages spelled with "z" and other British spellings, select "British English" as "My language" under "Board Preferences".

The -ize suffix is under "British English"? We use -ise though :P

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 Post subject: Re: Greetings to the UESP community
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:37 pm 
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Dogmantra wrote:
Nephele wrote:
PhantomBMAN wrote:
Now, besides the fact that authorized is spelled wrong in that message

If you would prefer to see system messages spelled with "z" and other British spellings, select "British English" as "My language" under "Board Preferences".

The -ize suffix is under "British English"? We use -ise though :P

:oops: Sorry
* For "z" and U.S. spellings, select "English (United States)"
* For "s" and British spellings, select "British English"
(As an American who was brought up using British spellings, it sometimes takes me a bit more effort to remember which spellings are "correct" ;))

 Post subject: Re: Greetings to the UESP community
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:40 pm 
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Nephele wrote:
:oops: Sorry
* For "z" and U.S. spellings, select "English (United States)"
* For "s" and British spellings, select "British English"
(As an American who was brought up using British spellings, it sometimes takes me a bit more effort to remember which spellings are "correct" ;))

So... you are American! That explains your User Page. Well, most of it, there's still the Canada part. :x

Edit: Although I never did read the Nephele section of that page... I've been there.

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 Post subject: Re: Greetings to the UESP community
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 6:18 pm 
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Nephele wrote:
:oops: Sorry
* For "z" and U.S. spellings, select "English (United States)"
* For "s" and British spellings, select "British English"
(As an American who was brought up using British spellings, it sometimes takes me a bit more effort to remember which spellings are "correct" ;))

I was worried for a moment, Nephele, that I'd inadvertently been using the wrong spellings all my life. Glad to see it's just you :P

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 Post subject: Re: Greetings to the UESP community
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 6:35 pm 

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Alright, much appreciated guys. Refreshing to see active and friendly administration on such a large forum.

 Post subject: Re: Greetings to the UESP community
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 6:38 pm 
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PhantomBMAN wrote:
Alright, much appreciated guys. Refreshing to see active and friendly administration on such a large forum.
We just do it for the money. :wink:

I'm just glad we could get you working! :mrgreen:

 Post subject: Re: Greetings to the UESP community
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 6:43 pm 
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Cactus wrote:
We just do it for the money. :wink:

There's money!?
When's my paycheque coming? :P

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 Post subject: Re: Greetings to the UESP community
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 6:52 pm 
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Dogmantra wrote:
Cactus wrote:
We just do it for the money. :wink:

There's money!?
When's my paycheque coming? :P

I'll put a penny (Canadian, of course) in an envelope and mail it off to you right now! :Twisted Evil:

 Post subject: Re: Greetings to the UESP community
PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 8:14 pm 
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Cactus wrote:
PhantomBMAN wrote:
Alright, much appreciated guys. Refreshing to see active and friendly administration on such a large forum.
We just do it for the money. :wink:

I'm just glad we could get you working! :mrgreen:

And of course our mod meetings are far better than Comedy Central, for example.

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 Post subject: Re: Greetings to the UESP community
PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:38 pm 
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Josjie wrote:
Cactus wrote:
PhantomBMAN wrote:
Alright, much appreciated guys. Refreshing to see active and friendly administration on such a large forum.
We just do it for the money. :wink:

I'm just glad we could get you working! :mrgreen:

And of course our mod meetings are far better than Comedy Central, for example.

Psssht! We have a reputation to maintain here!


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