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Ouroboros Crates

Tue Jul 17, 2018 6:33 pm

Three of these just randomly appeared on my account. I've looked them up and all I can find is that they are something to do with Twitch, which is not something I use (or not knowingly anyway)

Anyone any idea where they came from? I've just levelled up to level 31, but I'm pretty sure they weren't a levelling reward.

Re: Ouroboros Crates

Tue Jul 17, 2018 7:27 pm

I think ESO does give out crates as rewards upon certain levels, so that might be it-- although if that were the case then you'd probably have noticed them when you claimed your level-up rewards.

Another possibility is that they're rewards for completing some dungeons with a group while you were grinding to increase your level.

And another possibility is that they're rewards for being a paying ESO Plus customer (if you are one), because ESO just had a "free ESO Plus" weekend to try to interest people who didn't have ESO Plus into trying it out for free and becoming hooked on it, and as part of that event any existing and paying ESO Plus users earned a free crate for each day that they logged in during that event.

Re: Ouroboros Crates

Tue Jul 17, 2018 7:31 pm

The Ouroboros crates were rewarded for each day people logged in while the daily rewards system was down, as a sort of "Thank you for putting up with us." Very nice gesture.

Additionally, there were the seasonal crown crates (up to 6) awarded to ESO+ members who logged in during their free ESO+ preview event.

And there's more at the end of the month. Glorious crates! :D

Edit: You can read about it on ZoS' forum right over here.

Re: Ouroboros Crates

Tue Jul 17, 2018 8:17 pm

I logged in each day at the beginning of the month to claim my daily rewards (and to play, of course), but I received only 1 appeasement crate for my troubles! :( Oh well.

EDIT: I probably should have logged in before replying, because I also had three Ouroboros crates waiting for me. I was confused because at the beginning of the month when they were having an issue with the daily rewards resetting instead of being available, I did receive one free crate out of nowhere, which I assumed was to appease everyone for the daily rewards not working. Someone had mentioned something about not getting their free crate at the end of June, which I assumed was a reference to the last daily reward from June, but I had already received all of my daily rewards in June. Anywho, I did get three free crates today, so... Woot!

Re: Ouroboros Crates

Wed Jul 18, 2018 7:56 am

Must be the daily rewards thing then. To be honest I didn't realise they'd messed anything up. The rewards don't span a full month anyway so I just assumed we'd hit the gap :)

I don't subscribe to ESO+, not yet anyway. I'm heading that way though, but I'll do what I can with the base game first.

Edited to add: I've seen a lot of people complaining about this on the main Bethsoft forums. I don't understand how people can be angry about getting something for free. I'd play the game anyway.

Re: Ouroboros Crates

Wed Jul 18, 2018 8:41 am

Ouroboros Crates - a reference to Red Dwarf series 7?

Re: Ouroboros Crates

Wed Jul 18, 2018 12:43 pm

Well, crown crates are notorious for being full of junk you don't need, and the ouroboros crates were more of that. But I am always happy to get free stuff, and you can convert unwanted crown items into the gems to purchase items instead of waiting for the chance for one to drop, so hit me with all the laborious crown potions and poisons! :roll:

pdblake wrote:I don't subscribe to ESO+, not yet anyway. I'm heading that way though, but I'll do what I can with the base game first.

If you decide to get it, I do think it's worth it. Getting access to the DLCs is nice, minus some very minor things (like tiny XP and gold boosts), but that craft bag...game changing if you like to craft and stuff, hah.

Morven Ashwing wrote:Ouroboros Crates - a reference to Red Dwarf series 7?

Probably a reference to the ESO logo, which is an ouroboros of the three alliance animals. :)

Re: Ouroboros Crates

Fri Jul 20, 2018 11:57 am

Yeah, think I'll subscribe at the end of this month and upgrade to Summerset too. I'll delete my characters and start from scratch, empty the bank and such. I like to have a clean slate.

It's a shame so much is account wide really for me. I'd prefer each new character to stand on its own. I don't use collectibles and the like but to start a new character and instantly have loads of stuff in a craft bag from other characters, that seems a bit too easy for me.

I think each new character I start I will first "park" the existing one, by clearing the bank and craft bag and using any gold made to buy more bank space (that's something I don't have qualms about)

Re: Ouroboros Crates

Fri Jul 20, 2018 1:44 pm

Well, if you want to craft, I would highly suggest hanging onto your crafting items just for sake of ease (materials can be laborious to acquire, even when they once seem abundant). But of course, you do you! :D I hope you enjoy ESO+ if you go for it, and definitely have fun in Summerset. Morrowind was a great chapter and this one also does the story justice.

Re: Ouroboros Crates

Fri Jul 20, 2018 9:48 pm

@pdblake, I sort of feel the same way, except I feel like the bank space ought to reset as well, along with all of the player housing.

The problem with that-- from ZeniMax's point of view-- is that each user account takes up a certain amount of space on the server, and if each character on an account had its own bank space and player housing space then it would greatly increase the potential amount of space needed by a given user's account on the server. They'll make certain exceptions to the amount of space allowed, but these exceptions require the user to spend money to buy additional character slots or to buy a monthly subscription to ESO Plus.

So the way I've decided to look at it is that all of my characters are close friends or associates of each other, such that if one of them puts anything in the bank, buys new player housing, or otherwise acquires any items which aren't bound to a specific character, then it becomes a sort of "communal" or shared property that any one of them can use. I can't believe that such a system would work in real life ("Wait, you think that you should be free to withdraw and spend some or even all of the gold I just earned and deposited in the bank? Are you crazy? Go earn your own gold!"), but it is what it is.

What I intend to do whenever I'm eventually ready to start over from scratch is to create a brand new character on the European server, because it's my understanding that the various servers are separate and independent of each other. But I might not do that until after I've put ESO aside for an extended period, then gone back to play it again, similar to going back to Oblivion or Morrowind or Skyrim after a long break and starting all over from scratch.

Re: Ouroboros Crates

Mon Jul 23, 2018 2:40 pm

SeaGtGruff wrote:So the way I've decided to look at it is that all of my characters are close friends or associates of each other, such that if one of them puts anything in the bank, buys new player housing, or otherwise acquires any items which aren't bound to a specific character, then it becomes a sort of "communal" or shared property that any one of them can use. I can't believe that such a system would work in real life ("Wait, you think that you should be free to withdraw and spend some or even all of the gold I just earned and deposited in the bank? Are you crazy? Go earn your own gold!"), but it is what it is.

I like that idea, SeaGtGruff. That's a good workaround that lends itself toward the sort of creativity you can get in a world like we have with RPGs. It reminds me how someone in the UESP PC-NA guild was saying that they have backstories so that all of their characters are somehow intertwined and/or related. I know I have a couple of characters who are intended to have backstories of some relations, but I think I would be hard pressed to think of how to connect all six of them. That would require levels of creativity I'm not sure I have, haha!

I suppose, if you had enough storage coffers and player houses (the inn rooms would probably work rather nicely), you could drop one in certain alliances/places and have it "shared" by some of your characters, in a sense.

Hmmm. Now I'm seeing lots of possibilities for creative workarounds to this. :D

Re: Ouroboros Crates

Tue Jul 24, 2018 7:07 am

I think of my current three characters as more like college roomies or whatever, rather than being related per se. For one thing, I can play with only one of them at a time, so it's not like they can interact with each other, aside from being able to share things via the bank or trade things via a storage coffer. So it's like they each go their separate ways and don't even really hang out together in the housing.

Actually, it might be cool if you could "park" your alternate characters in your housing-- like have them sit in a chair, lie on a bed, etc.-- and then when you switched to a different character you could still see your other characters in your housing, so you could have them sitting around the dinner table together or sitting in front of the fireplace drinking and chatting together.
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