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If this is a glitch, it seems pretty useful

Sat May 12, 2018 8:58 am

The other night when I was ready to stop playing ESO and hit the sack, I teleported back to my room in Vivec City.

The next day when I logged in, I decided to check out the new palace in Hew's Bane. I previewed it before leaving my room in Vivec City.

When I exited the palace, I appeared at the location I'd been the night before when I teleported to my room in Vivec City.

Although I don't have any crafting stations or storage chests in any of my residences yet, I can see where this could be useful in certain situations, such as:

You're in the middle of a delve and run out of inventory slots. Rather than start looking for low-value stuff to destroy so you can free up some inventory slots, if you have a storage chest in your residence and it isn't filled up yet, you could teleport to your residence, dump a bunch of stuff into the storage chest, teleport to the preview of some residence you haven't collected yet, then exit the preview and end up back in the delve.

Re: If this is a glitch, it seems pretty useful

Sat May 12, 2018 8:38 pm

I just tried this in an actual situation and it works great!

I was in Auridon to get some buried treasure, and on the way to the location I got a furnishing item in some loot.

I teleported to one of my homes and dropped off the furnishing. Not that I didn't have plenty of inventory space, but it was a good opportunity to try this out.

Then, rather than exiting my home, I previewed a home I haven't collected yet.

When I exited the previewed home, I ended up in Auridon.

Sorry if this is old news to everyone else, but I think it's pretty nifty.
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