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Your ESO Character(s)

Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:52 pm

Since the other usual threads have been started, I thought I'd go ahead with this one.

Got a character in beta you want to show off? Got one you plan on re-creating when the game goes live? Got any characters planned?
Or maybe you're reading this after April 4, 2014 and the game's already live. Any way you look at it, here's the place.

Feel free to add any other info you want to share. Below is a template for easy copy/pasting.

Current level:
Weapon type:
Armor type:
Other info:

Re: Your ESO Character(s)

Tue Mar 04, 2014 4:03 pm

I've got one in each faction so far, here's the one that's highest level:

Name: Dalvynn
Race: Dunmer
Class: Nightblade
Faction: Ebonheart Pact
Current level: 13
Weapon type: Dual-wield swords
Armor type: Medium Armor
Skills: Focusing on the "Assassination" and "Siphoning" trees.
Crafting: All of them to test them out, but mainly focusing on alchemy, enchanting and clothing.
Other info:

This is the only character I have that's been to Cyrodiil. Other than do the tutorial and explore a bit, I haven't done much. I'm hoping to spend more time there next beta.

I will probably re-create this character when the game goes live, but I need a better name and I need to spend more time at character creation - I rushed it to get into game quicker.

Re: Your ESO Character(s)

Tue Mar 04, 2014 6:13 pm

Name: Haegar the Hardy
Race: Nord
Class: Templar
Faction: Ebonheart Pact
Current level: 8
Weapon type: Two-handed
Armor type: Heavy
Skills: Aedric Spear, Fighter's Guild skills, and don't remember the others
Crafting: armour/weapons
Other info:

Re: Your ESO Character(s)

Wed Mar 05, 2014 4:02 am

Karth Onasi
lvl 15
Favors a Two-handed Sword or Bow
Heavy Armour
Favored abilities: Ambush, uppercut, killer's blade, Swallow Soul, the invisibility spell and the Deathstroke ultimate

Playing this character is quite a bit like playing a vampire. Self healing based on inflicting damage and or killing targets and the ability to blip around while vanishing. Eventually the build will slip in mark target and an instant 2h damage ability.

When the game goes live I'm not sure if I'll want to run breton or khajiit or argonian (3 favorites)

Re: Your ESO Character(s)

Sat Mar 08, 2014 1:09 am

I severely disliked the guy your character is named after :P

Re: Your ESO Character(s)

Sat Mar 08, 2014 1:32 am

For some reason soooo few people got it and confused me for another NPC.

Re: Your ESO Character(s)

Sat Mar 08, 2014 7:38 am

Probably because its Carth, not Karth

Re: Your ESO Character(s)

Sat Mar 08, 2014 8:52 pm

You're referring to my redguard dragon knight. :mrgreen:

Re: Your ESO Character(s)

Sun Mar 09, 2014 1:02 am

Name: Bjornolf Steel-Shaper
Race: Nord
Class: Dragonknight
Faction: Ebonheart Pact
Current level: 5
Weapon type: Sword & Shield
Armor type: Whatever he can find. Likely to end up in Heavy Armor.
Skills: Not that you have a choice - the generic Dragonknight skillset.
Crafting: ALL OF THEM. But mostly Blacksmithing, Woodworking, Alchemy.
Background: He's a Nord who prefers bashing steel with a hammer to bashing people with a hammer.
Other info: He looks like my husband :P. Even though all I basically did was create a Nord, make him average height and skinny, put his face somewhere in the middle of "soft" and "angular", and give him the right hair and beard.

I like the character a lot. I don't enjoy the Dragonknight class. Problem is, I don't think I like any of the classes.

Re: Your ESO Character(s)

Sun Mar 09, 2014 3:51 am

I love all my babies, I can't just pick one. But I will use the handy spoiler tag to keep my post about the same length. I always get terrible Alt-itis in RPGs, especially quality MMOs.

Name: Wushaye
Race: Argonian
Class: Nightstalker
Faction: Ebonheart Pact
Current level: 9
Weapon type: Restoration Staff
Armor type: Mostly light, maybe will mix in some heavy armor.
Skills: Lots of siphoning and restoration skills
Crafting: Alchemy
Background: My idea with her, is a sort of witch-doctor/swamp witch kind of vibe
Other info: In my head cannon, she and the following dunmer character are travelling together.

Name: Daynisea Ares
Race: Dunmer
Class: Sorcerer
Faction: Ebonheart Pact
Current level: 9
Weapon type: Dual wielding, ideally either daggers or swords
Armor type: Mostly medium with either some light or heavy depending on how magicka thirsty she ends up being.
Skills: Here is what I have planned for her.
Crafting: Enchanting
Background: Hoping that she won't be too squishy by giving her some nice self heals, and defense buffs.
Other info: Very important that she has the winged twilight from her Lady's realm of Moonshadow.

Name: Relonwe
Race: Altmer
Class: Templar
Faction: Aldmeri Dominion
Current level: 4
Weapon type: Two Handed Weapons, and Bows
Armor type: Heavy, and maybe with some light for more magicka, but probably all heavy.
Skills: A lot of the Aedric Spear line I think
Crafting: None
Background: Not much in the way of a background for now.
Other info: I decided to give her the cute Mohawk(the full one not the little one). Also the golden body and face tattoos, for those of you who haven't seen them, they are gorgeous, the way they shimmer and shine, and reflect light, I just love them.

Name: Faleese
Race: Bosmer
Class: Nightblade
Faction: Aldmeri Dominion
Current level: Got her to 17
Weapon type: Bow, and Dual Wielding
Armor type: Medium
Skills: Dabbling in all the Nightblade lines, trying to figure out what works best with long range, along with of course the bow skill tree. She is also probably going to end up being a werewolf, we'll see how fun that is.
Crafting: Provisioning
Background: Just a typical bosmer native to Valenwood.
Other info: Love that we get to have antlers, love them to tiny bits. She has the longer set with the extra prongs, and they look so perfect.

Name: Nero Fabianus
Race: Imperial
Class: Dragonknight
Faction: Daggerfall Covenant
Current level: 9
Weapon type: One handed weapon and shield
Armor type: Heavy
Skills: Mostly weapon skills and some draconic power abilities from the class tree.
Crafting: Blacksmithing, Woodworking, and Clothier. I only need to find the Altmer and Argonian books for the playable races, and then of course the wierd styles.
Background: An honest blacksmith from the Imperial City.
Other info: I decided on Daggerfall covenant, because it had the most Cyrodiilic "feel", and so I would have an even two characters per faction.

Name: Daphne Lirrian
Race: Breton
Class: Sorcerer
Faction: Daggerfall Covenant
Current Level: 9
Weapon Type: Destruction Staff
Armor Type: Light Armor
Skills: I wanted a more magic dependent traditional Sorceror to play with all the skill that the dunmer would skip. So she will be a much magier mage.
Crafting: None
Background: Someone sheltered to start out with, who slowly grows in confidence during the story.
Other Info: The summoned clannfears are adorable.

Name: Tsakhali
Race: Khajiit
Class: Dragonknight
Faction: Aldmeri Dominion
Current Level: 9
Weapon Type: Destruction Staff(Fire)
Armor Type: Light
Skills: Fire and Brimstone type skill set.
Crafting: None
Background: Probably from Senchal
Other Info: I made her a tiny bit chubbier, cause she has such a sweet tooth.

I'm a bit surprised we are limited to 8 characters(16 if you play on both servers). I thought it would be at least 10, one for each race. I'm resistant to use up my last spot since I like messing about with the character creator so much, but I suppose I could set up the European server for that. Although I do know I will go for my heavy armor mace wielding Thor concept, for my 8th character.
Last edited by Melete on Mon Apr 14, 2014 1:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Your ESO Character(s)

Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:02 pm

Okay, with Early Release now in hand (this was edited since the topic is so short,) what I had once planned has gone out the window.

Name: Thichon Llervu
Race: Dunmer
Faction: Ebonheart Pack
Class: Dragonknight
Current level: 6
Class Skill Focus: Ardent Flame (and LOTS of it!)
Weapon Type: Dual Weapon - Sword / Dagger (main;) Axe / Mace (alt)
Armor Type: Heavy Armor
Crafting Focus: Blacksmithing
Background: Haven't fleshed that out a lot yet. Should read up some more on Dunmer lore.
Other info: Of the few characters I've set up, he's definitely going to be my "story" character, he just feels so right. I hope to get into some roleplaying with him as well.
Last edited by noobishlord on Mon Mar 31, 2014 3:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Your ESO Character(s)

Thu Mar 20, 2014 9:14 pm

I haven't played the BETA yet or anything, but I'm already planning on creating a character for the upcoming ESO release. :-D

Name: Don't want to say yet incase someone steals it! hehehehe
Race: Bosmer
Class: Night Blade
Faction: Aldmeri Dominion
Weapon type: Bow, Sword, War Axe
Armor type: Light Armour
Crafting: Enchanting
Other info:

Re: Your ESO Character(s)

Sat Mar 29, 2014 6:10 pm

Name: Not revealing yet, though I plan to get up really early tomorrow to reserve her
Race: Redguard
Class: Nightblade, maybe Dragonknight
Faction: Daggerfall Covenant (though I have the Imp. Ed., haha)
Weapon type: Bow
Armor type: Light/Medium mix
Skills: Siphoning and Assassination if NB, Ardent Flame if DK
Crafting: Woodworking and Alchemy
Other info: Based off a reoccurring fanfiction character of mine.


Name: As above
Race: Altmer
Class: Sorcerer (so boring)
Faction: Aldmeri Dominion
Weapon type: Destruction Staff (Lightning if I can get it)
Armor type: Medium
Skills: Storm Calling major, Daedric Summoning minor
Crafting: Enchanting, Alchemy
Other info: Stereotypes, haha.

Re: Your ESO Character(s)

Sun Apr 06, 2014 10:32 pm

Name: Oogy Boogy
Race: Orc
Class: Nightblade
Faction: Ebonheart Pact
Current level: 7
Weapon type: Enchanted Two-handed Sword
Armor type: Heavy
Skills: Siphoning
Crafting: Enchanting, Blacksmithing, Provisioning, Alchemy
Background: TBD
Other info: Tall, solid build Orc with full body warpaint.

Re: Your ESO Character(s)

Sun Apr 06, 2014 11:10 pm

Name:Yewie Espee
Race: Dunmer
Class: Sorcerer
Faction: Ebonheart Pact
Weapon type: Destruction staff
Armor type: Light
Crafting: Enchanting
Background: A scholar of Tamrielic history
Other info: A member of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits. He is stuck in a void of untimes, waiting for some mystical force called "freetoplay" to shatter his prison and allow him to walk Tamriel once more.

Re: Your ESO Character(s)

Thu Apr 17, 2014 5:00 am

Minor Edits wrote:He is stuck in a void of untimes, waiting for some mystical force called "freetoplay" to shatter his prison and allow him to walk Tamriel once more.

The mystical Freetoplay is a harsh mistress. She may forsake him to the void of untimes for an eternity.

Re: Your ESO Character(s)

Thu May 08, 2014 4:38 am

Name: Lifts-Her-Leg
Race: Argonian
Class: Sorcerer
Faction: Ebonheart
Current level: 13
Weapon type: 2HW, Dual Wield, Staff, Bow, in that order.
Armor type: Heavy as possible.
Skills: Stuff - hey, I just play the game. But she is into conjuring, since I need a meat shield to survive long.
Crafting: Blacksmith, Clothing, Enchanting
Background: A relative of you-know-who, I see her as the Angela Davis (old person checkpoint) of Argonians. She wants to support the people by making stuff for them.
Other info: I've been waiting for TESO since the Zeroth Era, just to use this name. Yeah, pretty sad.

As for using more than one character, I let my son take a slot with his Altmer Templar. Running more than one character at a time? Ain't nobody got time for that ...

Re: Your ESO Character(s)

Thu May 08, 2014 4:59 am

The Angela Davis of Argonians

Just letting that marinate.

Re: Your ESO Character(s)

Fri May 09, 2014 2:35 am

Demiverse wrote:The Angela Davis of Argonians

Just letting that marinate.

As was my intent. Being old has it's own perq tree, eh?

Re: Your ESO Character(s)

Sun May 18, 2014 5:01 am

Name: Oogy Boogy
Race: Orc
Class: Nightblade
Faction: Ebonheart Pact
Current level: 28(?)
Weapon type: Enchanted Two-handed Sword
Armor type: Heavy
Skills: Siphoning
Crafting: Provisioning, Alchemy and Blacksmithing
Background: TBD
Other info: Tall, solid build Orc with full body warpaint.

I've removed Enchanting from my Crafting list, because it kinda blows :\
I've quickly become a master at Provisioning though. It levels up way too easily with all the ingredients available.

Re: Your ESO Character(s)

Sat Jul 19, 2014 6:28 am

Name: Grantham Delacourt
Race: Breton
Class: Templar
Faction: Daggerfall Covenant
Current level: 45
Weapom type: One-handed
Armor: Heavy
Skills: To many to list
Crafting: Blacksmithing, Provisioning, Woodworking and Clothing
Other info: Average height

I also have another one, but It's pretty much the same as the one above. The other characters name is Alix Vicente.

Re: Your ESO Character(s)

Wed Jul 23, 2014 12:46 pm

I have several, so I'll just do my main.
Name: Judicla-Syr
Race: Argonian
Class: Nightblade
Faction: Ebonheart Pact
Current level: Veteran rank 2
Weapon type: Two handed/Restoration staff
Skills: Mix of leeches and attacks that focus on healing and damaging in the same move
Crafting: Clothing, blacksmithing, alchemy, enchanting
Background: Previously a slave, Judicla-Syr's experimentation with blood magic lead to a horrible accident in which she completely sucked all of the blood from every other living thing on the plantation she worked at. Now an agent for the Ebonheart Pact, Judicla cuts a bloody swath across the battlefield while also keeping her allies patched up.
Other info: Tall for an Argonian.

I'd show a pic, but I can't post links.

Re: Your ESO Character(s)

Thu Jul 24, 2014 7:14 am

Name: Ottar Big-Axe
Race: Nord
Class: Templar
Faction: Ebonheart Pact
Current level: VR2
Weapon type: Two-handed axe
Armor type: Heavy
Skills: Unlocked most by now..
Crafting: Blacksmithing mostly
Background: Got his soul stolen by Molag Bal and all that...
Other info: Farts a lot

Re: Your ESO Character(s)

Sun Mar 01, 2015 4:15 am

Name: Dragonfett (same as my User ID)
Race: Breton
Class: Sorcerer
Faction: Daggerfall Covenant
Current level: 14 (2/28/2015)
Weapon type: Primary: Destruction Staff; Secondary: Healing Staff
Armor type: Light
Skills: Will update later
Crafting: Enchanting and some Woodworking
Background: Dragonfett is not his given name but rather an nickname he has given himself so that the daedra that he summons are less likely to learn his True Name
Other info:

I currently have all 8 character slots filled with 7 other alts.

Re: Your ESO Character(s)

Sat Mar 07, 2015 11:02 pm

Name: Kromag gro-Mukh
Race: You'll never guess
Class: NB
Faction: DC
Current level: 47
Weapon type: axe and shield / bow
Armor type: 7H / 5M2H
Skills: assassination, siphoning and Bolstering Darkness. Tanky stuff
Crafting: Blacksmith
Background: Yes, much background. So character.
A low maintenance tank basically. Not so good dps but awesome for solo hard mobs and big groups.

Name: Follows-His-Own-Shadow
Race: Take another guess
Class: TP
Faction: DC
Current level: 18
Weapon type: Two-hander, bow
Armor type: medium to light
Skills: much restoring light, little aedric spear
Crafting: Clothier
Background: Yes
This is a proper hybrid character with good damage that dumps mana with aedric spear or saves it for healing.
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