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After having watched the Quake-Con Live Stream, what is your attitude toward TES:O?

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Still Unsure
Total votes : 36

Impressions Poll

Fri Aug 02, 2013 6:27 pm

So, the stream is done, and soon we'll likely all have seen it...so, how are you feeling toward TES:O?

Re: Impressions Poll

Fri Aug 02, 2013 6:33 pm

To be honest I couldn't be more excited. I've never been a big mmo guy, but I think this one will be a game changer.

Re: Impressions Poll

Fri Aug 02, 2013 6:55 pm

I'm with Toki.
Never played an MMO, but I'll certainly go for TESO.

Re: Impressions Poll

Fri Aug 02, 2013 7:12 pm

It rhymes, so it must be true :D

Re: Impressions Poll

Fri Aug 02, 2013 7:19 pm

I'm not expecting it to be anything like they're advertising it. They [&@%!] half of Skyrim's features before release, and then included the game literally half finished (And yes, I'm well aware Bethesda isn't making it. Because Zenimax is it only means it'll be more rushed, since the publisher is solely in control of it), so I won't be expecting anything that good. If it is good, then I'll be pleasantly surprised.

Re: Impressions Poll

Fri Aug 02, 2013 8:55 pm

Looked like an Elder Scrolls game that you can play with friends, so that's good.

Graphics are good.
There are books!
First person & third.
Ability morphs sound interesting.

Should be fun!

Re: Impressions Poll

Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:08 pm

While the game looked great, once the combat started I was a bit disappointed. It just doesn't look to me like combat I want to be doing for hours and hours.

Also, did anyone see EverQuest Next on Quakecon? Now THAT looks like an MMO I might invest a lot of time in.

Re: Impressions Poll

Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:07 am

I was definitely impressed, especially the whole leading the goblins against the dreugh thing. It really felt like a quest from Skyrim or Oblivion. And visually the game looks great, I'm loving the art style they chose.

Re: Impressions Poll

Sat Aug 03, 2013 5:27 am

I think it looks really good - especially the visuals. The more I see of it, the more excited I get.

Re: Impressions Poll

Sat Aug 03, 2013 3:42 pm

It definitely looks impressive and I'm probably going to get it, but some aspects are too "MMO" to me. (such as the horse just disappearing, and the fast travel looking like teleportation rather than a fade to black ... that just ruins immersion to me, but I guess that isn't high on their list. I guess I'll still have Skyrim for that.) I just don't know if they'll be able to pull of the feel of "Elder Scrolls, but with other players" when everyone is like. . . doing MMO things. If that makes sense. :P

Re: Impressions Poll

Sat Aug 03, 2013 4:11 pm

I thought that the wayshrines were a good, lore-friendly way to go for fast travel. The horse disappearing and reappearing was a little strange, but since I'll play a mage I'll probably pretend it's a conjured horse. :P

I liked the minimalist HUD and the fact you couldn't hurt allies.

Re: Impressions Poll

Sat Aug 03, 2013 5:15 pm

I am not loving the graphics, but the idea of being able to venture through Tamriel with a friend is just utopian.

Re: Impressions Poll

Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:31 am

Witchery wrote:It definitely looks impressive and I'm probably going to get it, but some aspects are too "MMO" to me. (such as the horse just disappearing, and the fast travel looking like teleportation rather than a fade to black ... that just ruins immersion to me, but I guess that isn't high on their list. I guess I'll still have Skyrim for that.) I just don't know if they'll be able to pull of the feel of "Elder Scrolls, but with other players" when everyone is like. . . doing MMO things. If that makes sense. :P

I know what you mean. There wil be so many player dancing or yelling "UR MOM" that it will definitely ruin the immersion. I feel like I want to play this game not for the social aspects but for exploring all of Tamriel.

Re: Impressions Poll

Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:51 am

Mr.Argonian wrote:
Witchery wrote:It definitely looks impressive and I'm probably going to get it, but some aspects are too "MMO" to me. (such as the horse just disappearing, and the fast travel looking like teleportation rather than a fade to black ... that just ruins immersion to me, but I guess that isn't high on their list. I guess I'll still have Skyrim for that.) I just don't know if they'll be able to pull of the feel of "Elder Scrolls, but with other players" when everyone is like. . . doing MMO things. If that makes sense. :P

I know what you mean. There wil be so many player dancing or yelling "UR MOM" that it will definitely ruin the immersion. I feel like I want to play this game not for the social aspects but for exploring all of Tamriel.

Definitely! Exploring the entirety of Tamriel is just too good to pass up. I feel like I'll be doing my own thing the whole time, though :P

Re: Impressions Poll

Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:56 am

Or you could have some followers that know what they're doing and don't get in your way...>_>

Re: Impressions Poll

Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:00 am

I'm genuinely impressed, there were a few things that I can see non-MMO players having issues with such as the slightly off hit-boxes and lack of standard enemy recoil that make the combat seem somewhat disconnected, but aid in MMOs (Having multiple keep an enemy recoiling every second would be an issue).

I love that ZOS paid enough attention to things such as teleport graphics and pointing your bow up when firing a bombard style attack that could have been easily overlooked. Movement animations (Running, dodging) weren't bad, but bow shots are just too fast and I'm not fond of some of the weapon swings.

The horses could use the teleport or ride off into the sunset treatment (Run a few meters then disappear), but obviously can't operate the same as the single player games as mounts in MMOs are set as just graphical changes rather than its own entity since it would bog down servers.

I really liked the character models and creation system, particularly since I was expecting a pretty close copy of Rift's system, with customization almost being too much, but this is TES and it works for the series. The Nord male and Dunmer have a strong Morrowind feel to their art design (Which isn't a bad thing), coming close to feeling like if Bethesda had updated/remade Morrowind partway through Skyrim's development cycle.

Graphically amazing; when I first heard that ZOS was going to do stylized realism I thought, "Oh great, either cartoony WoW/Allods or uncanny valley filled with sparkles Rift?" but it looks fine to me. Though some of the spell and ability effects are a little too showy and make me wonder what Cyrodiil battles are going to look like..

The soft lock system is great, it clearly displays who you're aiming at, whether they're dead or not, and the aura effect is perfect for first person PoV

What blew me away was the skill lines, we'll literally have more customization options then we know what to do with; the Racial skill lines was completely unexpected and likely change any plans I had on race choice (curse the min-maxer in me!)...I wonder what the Khajiit ultimate ability is...

But the two things I really didn't like, the dialogue animations and the fact that goblins...don't look like the ones in Morrowind or Oblivion (very ape/troglodyte-like) but rather look like the typical fantasy goblins (aka green bandits). I'm really hoping that maybe they're using a placeholder model for humanoid enemies that they altered last minute for Quakecon and not the final model for goblins...
Last edited by Chaos the N'wah on Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Impressions Poll

Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:13 am

Musicman247 wrote:Or you could have some followers that know what they're doing and don't get in your way...>_>

Wow, that sounds great! Let me know when you find someone. :P

Re: Impressions Poll

Sun Aug 04, 2013 4:00 am

Mr.Argonian wrote:I know what you mean. There wil be so many player dancing or yelling "UR MOM" that it will definitely ruin the immersion. I feel like I want to play this game not for the social aspects but for exploring all of Tamriel.

I think I recall them saying at some point that there's something you can select to choose if you want to be in a game with people of a certain age, or in a certain region, or who prefer to roleplay, and such.

Re: Impressions Poll

Mon Aug 05, 2013 9:46 am

My only real concerns when watching that gameplay were that
1) for an MMO, we only saw other players in the instanced dungeon group (though this could've been pre-arranged)
2) The archery animations seemed halfhearted, though, based on interviews I have heard (I can't remember the source) and what we saw, it seems that the player was just tapping the mouse to fire, and that other times (which I hope is when he held it), his character held her bow upright, and we saw her really draw on the arrow- I'll just have to wait and see if I'm right there.
3) Hit detection didn't seem to be all there, but then they have plenty of time to fix that.
4) We didn't get to see how communication works between players, though it was confirmed in a recent Ask Us Anything it wasn't going to be through speech bubbles

Otherwise, I was loving the skill lines, the HUD (or lack thereof) and the story behind the dungeon. It really did seem to be fitting as an ES game, literally, ES with Friends.

Now give me some Bosmer info, Zenimax/Bethesda!

Re: Impressions Poll

Mon Aug 05, 2013 10:07 am

Abel wrote:While the game looked great, once the combat started I was a bit disappointed.

Yeah. Well. It's the Elder Scrolls, man.

Re: Impressions Poll

Tue Aug 06, 2013 2:37 am

A few animations might need some work, but the fact that before he teamed up with his party it looked like a full fledged Elder Scrolls game, then it even got more interesting when the party raided a dungeon and it required teamwork. I am very impressed with what I saw, and the most excited I have been for it since that Alliances trailer.

Re: Impressions Poll

Sun Aug 11, 2013 1:27 pm

Still unsure. I mean my opinions have changed from it is probably going to be rubbish to it is probably going to be meh. Back when I first heard of it the game did just sound like your standard MMO that wanted to be WOW. I'll admit, it does look more like the Elder Scrolls now. I'm now planning on getting the game for PS4, whenever I get a PS4 anyway. Probably be next Summer. I'll get it pretty much because it is an Elder Scrolls game. Play it as a Breton Spellswordy character, see what it is like. Really hope it is just buy to play rather than a subscription service.

Re: Impressions Poll

Sun Aug 11, 2013 3:53 pm

Impressions from a panel of fan sites following ESO: http://elderscrollsotr.mymiddleearth.com/2013/08/09/eso-all-stars-episode-3/

Re: Impressions Poll

Mon Sep 23, 2013 7:53 am

Still unsure. I mean my opinions have changed from it is probably going to be rubbish to it is probably going to be meh. Back when I first heard of it the game did just sound like your standard MMO that wanted to be WOW. I'll admit, it does look more like the Elder Scrolls now. I'm now planning on getting the game for PS4, whenever I get a PS4 anyway. Probably be next Summer. I'll get it pretty much because it is an Elder Scrolls game. Play it as a Breton Spellswordy character, see what it is like. Really hope it is just buy to play rather than a subscription service.

Re: Impressions Poll

Mon Sep 23, 2013 1:11 pm

Honestly, I hope that the PVP isn't mandatory. If there is one thing I dislike in games, it is competitions between players. It usually just causes fights/rage.

Also, I hope they bring back the Oblivion/Morrowind leveling system.
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