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 Post subject: Silicon & Sorcery - A Cyberpunk/Fantasy RP
PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2013 9:50 pm 
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Silicon & Sorcery

It is Monday the 9th of June 2053 in the City of Rockpine. The city is on the western coast of Emerald Lake and in the Mediterranean Atlantic Alliance. However it is an alternate earth. It is a world in which fantastical creatures exist, people can manipulate the forces of magic, megacorporations rule the economy and man can merge with machine. What in one reality is Lake Starnberg of southern Germany is Emerald Lake of the MAA in this one. Yesterday you recieved a physical letter in a black envelope which read as follows:
I am a middle man representing the Arkose corporation. I have taken note of you and believe you are just the kind of person needed for the job I want to offer. You will be working as a freelance agent in association with others such as yourself. I can inform you that it shall be a rescue mission and you will be paid 5000 Chits for your services. If you are interested please come to the headquarters of Arkose in the central district at midday tomorrow. Bring this letter with you and you will be taken to the CEO's office where he will give you further details about the contract. I do hope you come as I look forward to working with you.

- Bhaal

You have chosen to take this Bhaal up on his offer and have traveled to the Arkose headquarters.

Alternate Earth in 2053

Blue - The Mediterranean Atlantic Alliance
Orange - The Far East Alliance
Red - Dominion of the Red Dragon
Green - Kingdom of the Green Dragon
Purple - South African Collective
Brown - Other

City of Rockpine

Dark Blue - Emerald Lake
Light Blue - Central
Brown - South Central
Orange - Old Town
Bright Red - Low Town
Purple - Docklands
Lavender - North West
Pink - Croí Island
Red and White Stripes - Rockpine Airport
Lime Green - Emerald National Park
Black Rectangle - Rockpine Nuclear Power Station
Dark Green - Suburbs
Dark Red - Rockpine University College
Yellow- Farmland

Humans- Hail from Eurasia. Like humans of our earth. Jacks of all trades. Life Expectancy: 90

Elves – A head smaller than humans on average. Pale humanoids with pointed ears. Have same hair and eye colour variations as humans. Have an innate talent for magic. Hail from North America. Life Expectancy: 120

Drow – Much like elves but with grey skin, white, grey or black hair and red, purple or blue eyes. A head smaller than humans on average. Good at staying out of sight. Can see in low light. Hail from Asia. Life Expectancy: 120.

Orcs – Burly, muscular green humanoids. A head taller than humans on average. Mouths have large underbites. All have natural black hair. Mohawk and dreadlocks are common hairstyles. Much like Orcs in Tes. Hail from Africa. Life Expectancy: 70

Trolls – They are massive at 7 foot tall. White fur covers the entire body with the exceptions of the face and the palms of the hands and feet. Hail from Scandinavia, Iceland and Greenland. Females are larger and more muscular. Have horns like you would see on a Ram. Males are less muscular with small nub horns. Life Expectancy: 60

Treecko – Reptilian humanoids complete with scales and tails. Cold blooded. Same height as humans on average. Males are red, females are green. Hail from South America. Unlike all other races which have humanlike reproduction and pregnancy terms, Treecko lay eggs. As a result have no breasts. Can breathe underwater. Life Expectancy: 60

Faustians – Red winged humanoids. A head taller than humans on average. Have 2 arms as well as the wings on their back, much like the gargoyle sculptures of our earth. Universally bald, no body hair what so ever. Possess natural winged flight. Hail from Africa. Life Expectancy: 70

Trolls and Treecko and can only reproduce with those of the same race. Orcs and Faustians can interbreed. Humans, Elves and Drow can interbreed. Children are the same race as their mother with only a few minor traits inherited from their father. Children are fertile.

All species wear clothes. Clothing style is a lot like that of present day earth. Humans, Elves and Drow all get along well together. Orcs and Faustians get along much like Humans and Elves. However some see other races as inferior. This isn’t universally true and is more of a minority view these days. That doesn’t mean it isn’t still around and is no longer a problem. Homophobia isn’t much of an issue, the majority of people are fine with same sex relations. Only some of the smaller religions have a moral problem with it. The main problem people have is practicality in that same sex relations don’t produce offspring. In the same fashion there isn’t much discrimination based on sex. Overall civil rights movements in the MAA and FEA have been going well but prejudice remains.

Dorsten: The common tongue of humans after the rise of Dorsten and end of the dark ages. These days it is the common tongue of Humans and Elves. Most spoken language in the world. Used in most international business. Official language of the MAA and the Dominion. Identical to our English.

Elven: The old Elven language. Was replaced by Dorsten when humans and elves merged their empires together. Not the official language of any country, but is still commonly studied in the MAA. Identical to our Irish.

Dru: Language of the Drow. Second most spoken language in the world. Official language of the FEA. Identical to our Japanese.

Treek: Language of the Treecko. Official Language of The Kingdom of The Green Dragon. Identical to our Spanish.

Groke: The old Troll language. Was replaced by Dorsten when Trolls and Humans merged their empires together. Not the official language of any country. Identical to our French.

Bruck: The shared language of Orcs and Faustians. Official language of the Collective. Third most spoken language in the world. Identical to our German.

Naming by Race
Humans: Have names that our humans have. Have first name and family name. Some have middle names.

Elves: Have names that elves have across fiction. Have first name and family name. Some have middle names.

Drow: Have names that dark elves across fiction have. Have first name and family name. Some have middle names.

Orcs: Have names that Orcs across fiction have. Have first name and family name.

Trolls: Have Viking sounding names. Singular named.

Treecko: Have names like Aztecs or Incas. Singular named.

Faustians: Have Demonic sounding names. Singular named.

The Mediterranean Atlantic Alliance (Also called MAA, pronounced “M-A-A”.) [Blue on Map] – Made up of North America, Europe and North Africa. Democracy with a capitalist free market. More or less run by megacorps. Same megacorps as the FEA. Have a space station (Gamma-Omega) orbiting earth that is home to a city, shared project with FEA. Also sent colony ship (Journey’s Hope) out to the stars 3 months ago.

The Far East Alliance (Also called FEA, pronounced “Fay” [Orange on Map] – Made up of parts of mainland Asia, Japan, Australia, other countries in the south china sea. Democracy with capitalist free market. More or less run by megacorps. Same megacorps as MAA. Have a space station (Gamma-Omega) orbiting earth that is home to a city, shared project with MAA. Also sent a colony ship (Journey’s Hope) out to the stars 3 months ago.

Dominion of the Red Dragon (Also called the Dominion)[Red on Map] – Located in Asia. Fascist state. Ruled by the Red Dragon. Set up after the green dragon kingdom. He saw what the green dragon did and decided to do the same. Wanted to take over Eurasia, didn’t work out quite that well. Still managed to take over much land. Strained relations with other nations but currently at peace.

Kingdom of the Green Dragon [Green on Map] – Located in South America and Central America, Ruled by the mighty god emperor Green Dragon. Shun technology after the industrial revolution. Want to live as nature intended, home to the rainforest. Isolationist.

South African Collective (Also called the Collective) [Purple on Map] – A communist state made up of Madagascar and Southern Africa. Isolationist.

Other [Brown on Map] – Small nations. Some like islands of the Caribbean and south pacific are privately owned by megacorps. Others like in Africa are mostly small quarreling nation states. New ones are forming and old ones are ceasing on such a constant basis it is almost impossible to keep up.

Space: The Space Station Gamma Omega is home to a city of the same name. It was built 5 years ago. The colony ship Journey’s Hope is also home to a city. It set off 3 months ago. They are ran by a collation of the MAA and FEA. All the Megacorps played a role in these projects.

Megacorporations (or “Megacorps” as the kids call them these days) are massive, sprawling multinational companies. They all have their fingers in a lot of pies. Medical care, human enhancements, transport, entertainment, food, education, weaponry, clothing, toys and much more. It has been that if you can buy it, a megacorp will sell it. While all of them do a large numbers of things, they are excel in different fields. But as said, they do far more than just what they excel in. These are the companies that drive the economy. They also sell their services to governments, allowing them to privatise many of their services such as transport, education, healthcare and law enforcement. These companies make billions a year. This isn’t to say they are the only companies left in the world. But when a new company starts to become big, a megacorp will usually buy it. For this reason most businesses in the world are small or massive with little in-between. These Megacorporations often hire independent contractors to do their work off the record. This allows them to carry out their corporate plans in secret as well as being safe if something goes wrong for the people they hire. The megacorp can simply say they have no connections to the individuals because officially, they don’t. The following are the Power Four, the four Megacorporations of the world.

Arkose: Leaders in computing, telecommunications and cyberware. From the FEA.

Black Sun: Leaders in weaponry and security. Run police forces and prisons the world over. From MAA.

ProtoGen (Proto General): Leaders in healthcare and bioware. Run hospitals the world over. From MAA.

Rendo–Clarke: Leaders in transportation and education. Rendo were from FEA and world leaders in transport and Clarke from MAA education. They merged together 7 years ago. Run schools, universities and public transport networks the world over.

Important People World Scale
Rahu, The Red Dragon – Fascist ruler of the Dominion of the Red Dragon.

Galeru, The Green Dragon – God Emperor of South America. Hates modern technology.

Christopher Berkins – Human, male, aged 46. President of The Mediterranean Atlantic Alliance. Leader of the Dorsten Democratic Party.

Felara Saren – Drow, female, aged 64. President of The Far East Alliance.

Baalberith – Faustian, female, aged 32. Chairman of The South African Collective.

Important People Local Scale
Celria Telind – Elf, female, aged 82. Mayor of Rockpine and a member of the Carthian Party. Has husband and 2 adult children. Full cyborg.

Holmge – Troll, female, aged 37. Chief of police. No family in the city.

Kyle Chalk – Human, male, aged 55. CEO of the Rockpine branch of Arkose. Has one son named Sam aged 24. Wife is dead. Full Cyborg.

Culsu – Faustian, Male, aged 34. CEO of Rockpine branch of Black Sun.

Daryl Walker - Human, male, 35. CEO of Rockpine branch of ProtoGen.

Relosa Davor – Drow, female, aged 76. CEO of Rockpine branch of Rendo-Clarke. Married with no children.

Snat Shargakh – Orc, male, aged 36. Known to be the head of the Rippers, one of the two main criminal gangs in Rockpine. Considered to be the less elegant group and seen as nothing more than thugs. Made up of people of all races.

Isaac Alan – Human, male, aged 53. Known to be the head of the Mobbers, one of the two main criminal gangs in Rockpine. Considers himself to be an educated businessmen even if illegitimate. Can be just as brutal as the Rippers if you cross them. Only humans, elves and drow are allowed join.

Concise History
BD: Time before the birth of William Dorsten. There were civilizations made up of the 7 races known as the precursors but they were small and kept few records. Most civilizations are small tribes. The era is seen as a dark age before recorded history.

AD: William Dorsten is born on the Island of Crete in 1AD. Would go on to unite all the smaller human groups in Mediterranean under one empire and one tongue. Were peaceful with Drow of the east. Orcs and Faustians were always hostile for long, eventually joined too. Humans sailed to America in 1622. Met Elves and the species were quick friends. In 1697, the two countries joined together to make the Mediterranean Atlantic Kingdoms. In 1724 first met the Treecko. Were also peaceful but didn’t want to join empire. Were less advanced. In 1756 Democracy came to earth and MAK was changed to MAA. Drow soon followed to set up FEA. In 1782 the Green Dragon landed in South America, took over the land. Hated technology. Most Treecko lived in South America and now part of kingdom. Kingdom became isolated from the rest of Treecko in other parts of the world. In 1812 industrial revolution started, tech started getting better, trains were the main form of transport. By 1876 had electricity. In 1896, Red Dragon took over much of MAA and FEA land in Asia. Set up Dominion of the Red Dragon. In 1907 South African Collective was set up. By 1910’s people had automobiles. By 1950’s people saw the beginnings of the modern Megacorps. By 1990’s we had the internet. 2020’s we started to see the start of modern day Cyberware and Bioware. Technology has continued to advance.

Much like our world there is no solid proof for the existence or lack of existence of gods. While ghosts exist they are just disembodied souls who have yet to fully pass away. It is unknown what occurs after death and resurrection of the dead is widely considered impossible. There are no recorded instances of it working. However this doesn’t stop people from trying and some argue that if you did succeed than you wouldn’t go around telling everyone.

Followers of the Council: Most popular religion in the world. Polytheistic. Followers of all races. Believe that thousands, millions or even billions of creatures they call Prometheans created the earth. This race is led by a council. They believe in reincarnation after death and that one day they shall meet the Prometheans and a new golden age shall begin.

Cult of the Dragon: 2nd most popular religion in the world. Believe dragons are gods which created the universe. Believe in reincarnation. The main religion of the Dominion and Kingdom of the Green Dragon. Almost exclusive to those nations.

Church of the All Maker: 3rd most popular religion in the world. Monotheistic. Mainly human and Elven followers. Believe all creation was made by one entity known as god. Believe that this world is a test to be our best. Upon death morally upstanding true believers ascend to a paradise, everyone else is reincarnated and tested again. Believe William Dorsten was the first to ascend. Founded in 1682.

Other: Some other religions exist but on such a small scale and with so little impact they are hardly worth mentioning. There are also irreligious people which are numerous. Some believe no gods exist and that death results in the end of existence. Others find themselves unsure of what the truth really is and leave themselves open for the possibilities.

Calendar and Holidays
The calendar is the same as ours. It has the same months, days of the week and a leap year every four years. There are a number of holidays throughout the year.

January 1st: New Year’s Day – People celebrate to take in the New Year.

February 14th: Earth Blossom Day – Festival related to love. Started after industrial revolution, said to be a way to love nature and each other. Many think it was and still is just a way to sell stuff.

March 17th: Dorsten Day – Celebration of the Birth of William Dorsten.

April 1st: Mad Gladro Day – Day in which people act like fools and play tricks. To remember the mad king of the Elves, Gladro.

June 21st: Summer solstice, longest day of the year. Important in many religions.

August 18th: Unification Day, the anniversary of the day in which the human and elven empires combined together.

October 31st: Samhain, the night of ghosts. Said that ghosts are most active this night. Food was traditionally put out for the dead and children dressed as beasts to scare off other beasts. This lessened over time, led to trick or treating. People enjoy sharing horror stories on this day.

December 21st: Shortest day of the year. Winter Solstice. Important in many religions.

Creatures and Environment
All animals of our earth exist on this earth too. Many other creatures are just beefed up versions of animals that we already have. This may have occurred naturally or through genetic modification. However there are also a number of more fanciful creatures. Many of these creatures are creatures that are considered mythical on our earth. One creature of note is the dragon, which looks like the European Dragons of our world. A Dragon is the size of several of our 747 planes. They can breathe fire and speak. Dragons come in many colours. Most people thought they were myths until the green dragon arrived, it is unknown how many dragons exist in the world but only two are known for certain. However there have been numerous sightings of a blue dragon in North America. There are still other creatures which many consider myths. Vampires and Lycanthropes are a perfect example of this, they are often seen in popular culture but their existence is still debated. There is also a distinction between ghosts and spirits. Ghosts are the disembodied souls of the dead which for whatever reason have yet to leave this plane. Spirits are strange creatures which embody many things. Nymphs for example embody nature, demons embody rage and reapers embody death. There are numerous kinds of spirits, it has been theorized by many that they dwell on another plain of existence yet there has been no solid proof for that yet. Still it is the leading theory. In all spirits are mysterious creatures, as likely to help you as to harm you. The biomes of the earth are much like earth of today. However many parts of the earth are polluted. Thick smog covers many cities. Climate change has resulted in rising average temperatures and increased natural hazards.

Law and Economics
Chits is the electronic currency of the MAA and FEA, based on plastic money cards. The value is a lot like our Euro. It is divided into Chits and the smaller Bits. 100 bits make a chit. Chits are stored on cards or in banks. Money can be transferred from card to card. You can also use ATMs to deposit money into your account or withdraw money from it. Money can be transferred from account to account. ATMs are very common and often seen at street corners. The nations are home to free market capitalist economies. There is little social welfare. No allowance for having children, being unemployed, being injured or disabled. Left wing parties are fighting against this but the megacorps keep them down. All registered citizens get a Social Identification Number or SIN (Yet some people still call it the redundant SIN Number) at birth. It is made up of 16 digits in 4 digit blocks. Your SIN is what allows the government (and others who shouldn’t be doing it) to access information about you. It is your birth certificate, passport, credit history, legal record and personal record all rolled into one. Church and State are separate in the MAA and FEA. Law Enforcement is privatised. The government hires Black Sun to act as police and run prisons. This makes them easy to buy off and often they won’t care about an area unless they are being paid for it. For this reason police are rarely seen in slums of cities. Yet richer areas are often full 24 hour of police surveillance. Generally there are 4 kinds of Black Sun officers you’ll see on the streets. Casual class, which wear normal clothes, they are equipped with a bullet proof vest under their clothes, handcuffs, a stun rod (much like a baton that carries an electric charge as you hit people with it) and a 10mm handgun. These tend to be detectives. There are light class, who wear the black sun gender neutral uniform which consists of black trousers, black boots, a grey long sleeved shirt and a bullet proof vest over the shirt. They are equipped with a 10mm handgun, stun rod and handcuffs. Medium wear the same uniform as their light counterparts and carry the same equipment but with the addition of a 45. Calibre sub machine gun (think of the UMP) or shotgun. Finally there are assault class, which are much like a swat team. They wear full body armour and are equipped with a 10mm handgun, handcuffs, flashbangs, frag grenades, stun rod and then pick one of a choice of shotgun, assault rifle or sniper rifle. There are even said to be an elite class, for tasks even assault class officers can’t handle. Many common laws such as assault, murder, theft, trespassing, fraud, sexual assault exist. As long as a weapon isn’t biological, chemical or nuclear you can probably buy it legally. Narcotises and prostitution are both legal. As are enchantments to the body of all kinds. For the most part the law takes a rather laid back approach. As a rule of thumb you can assume long as you aren’t harming someone or their property, it isn’t a crime. Of course of someone has enough money, the police could be convinced that they aren’t committing crimes or that other people are. Black Sun aren’t the only law enforcers. There are government agents called G-Men, regardless of gender. They are above Black Sun officers but often work with them. They aren’t called in often, but when they are they mean business. The fire brigade are a volunteer force run by each individual city. Various military branches also exist, army, navy and airforce. The best of the best are the special forces, which are a lot like Black Sun's Elites but working for the state.

Politics in the MAA
The leader of the MAA is known as the president, this is a combination of our roles of presidency and prime minister. The MAA is a representative democracy with a single common house called parliament. There are 1000 seats in parliament. Parliament is located in Iceland which is the capital of the MAA, the entire island is the hub of administration. Everyone over the age of 18 votes in elections that are held every five years to elect someone from their constitunacy to represent them as a minister of parliament (MP) In parliament these MPs then vote for who should be president. Coalitions of parties to be in power aren’t uncommon. There are 3 main political parties in the MAA, yet smaller parties and independents do exist. Currently in power is the Dorsten Democratic Party. They are a right wing party. There is the Unification Party who are the second largest party. They are a right wing part and in all honesty the only difference between them and the DDP is the name. Finally there is the Carthian Party. Founded in 1901 and named after their founder Edward Carthian they are the third largest party and centre left. The Carthians are in many ways similar to our labour party. They are a common sight as the junior members of a coalition. For more local running people of a region elect a mayor every 5 years. There is no question that politicians suffer from corruption and accept bribes from megacorporations.

Education and Healthcare
The government pays Rendo–Clarke to run Primary and Secondary Schools. This allows youth to attend for free while the government picks up the cost. There are also private schools which people must pay to attend. Without doubt they are far better than the public alternative. Rendo-Clarke also run universities. Some excellent students receive government scholarships to attend these universities but most have to pay out of their own pocket. You can also receive a scholarship for military service. Hospitals exist to cure most aliments, from broken bones to bullet holes, disease to dismemberment. They are privately run by the ProtoGen company which uses its Bioware technology to heal people. The Body Alteration Booth is an often used tool. Magic is also used to heal people but to a lesser extent due to its unpredictable nature. Medigel is a product made by ProtoGen that is sold commercially in small canisters the size of deodorant cans. It exists in the place of things like plasters and disinfectant. When the gel covers a wound it seals it off from infection and stops bleeding. It effectively acts as skin, should you have enough you can cover almost any wound. It also kickstarts the healing process. This isn’t to say it will completely heal you. While in some smaller cases it will, medigel is still good to keep you together on the way to a hospital. It costs 50 Chits a can. In some poorer places where people can’t afford a proper hospital and there isn’t one nearby they go to the less reputable street docs.

There are mages of all races but not all people have innate magical talent. All elves do. Magical ability shows itself around puberty. Despite countless hours of study we are unsure about the nature of magic. It is seen as an art rather than a science. Mana is all around us and part of the universe itself. You can’t see it, harvest it, taste it or smell it but it is there. For unknown reasons there are higher concentrations of mana in some places and very low concentrations in others. It is this mana that powers magic. Mages don’t speak words or make special movements, instead they just use themselves as a channel for the mana around them. By using magic one tires themselves. An inexperienced user could fall unconscious through their overuse. However you don't have to worry about any long term health effects through the use of magic. The only real way to master your use is through practice. But what exactly can magic do? In short, nobody is sure. You can heal minor wounds, cure diseases, fire elemental blasts of flame, summon spirits, use telekinesis, create illusions, levitate, breath underwater and much, much more. Still magic is a tricky beast, you can never be sure what will happen and something can always go wrong. It is best to experiment, try different things to see what you can and can’t do. However there are something magic is universally known to be unable to do. It can’t resurrect the dead (at least it never has) but you can put a spirit in a body to create a zombie. This mindless automaton devours all livings things in sight. You can’t summon anything other than a spirit but you may be able to make a creature follow your commands. You can’t teleport things (including yourself) or travel in time. You can't use magic to change your race, sex or general appearance. However those things can be easily done with bioware. You can however change into animal form, this is one of the most difficult magics to do successfully. You can't change others into animal form. There is also talk of mages who can change one material into another. This is mostly regarded as nothing more than fairy tales. If it ever was possible then it has been lost to time. The same is true of lots of magic, it is often hard to separate what can be done, what can't be done and what just hasn't been done yet. Just because we think it is impossible, doesn't mean it is. However in all these things the conservation of mass and energy still applies, if you shapeshift you remain the same weight. Stage magicians are popular as people enjoy the tricks they can do.

Technology has advanced well in the world. It has advanced beyond even our technology. While lasers guns, FTL travel, teleports, time machines and hovercars don’t exist, there is some great tech out there. Computers have come far and people can dive their consciousness into cyberspace. Weapons and transport have improved. You can alter your body with cyberware and bioware. Technology has allowed for a great many things. That isn’t to say it is always used for good.

Arkose holds the monopoly on cyberware. A piece of cyberware is an implanted piece of technology controlled by the mind often unconsciously. It can vary from a fully prosthetic body to far more common implants that allow for the connection to other technology and the cyberspace. Robotic limbs, hidden weapons, communication devices, sub dermal armour, computers, chainsaw arms, piano built into your leg, in short if you can imagine it, you can implant it. Almost everyone has some kind of cyberware implanted in them. You would have to be a backwards luddite if you didn’t. That or very, very poor. The most common implants is a “Jack” that simply allows the brain to interact with technology either wirelessly or through direct input. Keyboards and other such input devices are a thing of the past. To interact with computers you need a Jack. You can control technology remotely or download things directly into the brain. You can copy existing knowledge to back up devices but this serves at little more than a fancy diary. You can play back experiences you’ve had, but that’s about it. You can’t make a backup of yourself. This also allows your consciousness to enter into technology, this is how people access the digital world of cyberspace. Cyberware could look exactly like the real thing or totally different, it all depends on what the consumer wants. Costs vary depending on what you want. A Jack would be 50 chits while a good prosthetic body would costs hundreds of thousands. Cyberware doesn’t impact your use of magic in anyway. It doesn’t make it worse or better. One type of cyberware is a full prosthetic body, in which the entire body is replaced by cyberware and the only organic part remaining is the brain. These people are called full cyborgs. A full cyborg can turn off their nerve receptors and feel nothing. With this, they can’t feel pain. Their shell can be very hard to pierce, armour piercing rounds and a high calibre gun is highly recommended if you face one. If you are out to kill, aim for the head. Just keep in mind, a headshot would almost certainly cause damage to a head computer. You can get your hands on cyberware at an official Arkose Cyberware Clinic or you can go to some less reputable places to buy your cyberware.

Robots are fairly advanced. True AI is rare, mainly because of the cost and difficulties of making one rather than the moral issues associated with enslaving a sapient being. True AIs aren’t just made, they are formed naturally overtime. It is a difficult process to do with no guarantee it will work. One just has to hope that a true consciousness will form. It is cheaper to just have robots that follow simple commands or put a person’s brain into a robotic body. It is against the law to clone people or to make artificial people. That isn’t to say that it doesn’t happen in secret.

ProtoGen holds the monoloply on Bioware. Bioware is technology that allows you to change an individual’s genetic material at a cellular level. You can change somebody’s race, sex, height, age, weight, allow those with no innate magical talent to use magic, make people faster, harder or stronger, have them heal faster, give them stronger organs, thicker skin, allow them to breath underwater or give them wings to fly. In short you can change every detail about somebody’s biological make up. These alterations occur inside a Body Alteration Booth (BAB), a device that somewhat looks like a metal coffin. Time inside a BAB can vary from 5 minutes to 18 hours depending on the procedure. The thing about a BAB is that while it can make you in peak physical condition it cannot make you a super human. To be better than the best you would need cyberware. You can get your hands on bioware at a hospital or you could visit a street doc who has a BAB.

Another interesting thing of note is the cost. For one thing you don’t need maintenance afterword. Costs can vary from 500 Chits for a simple procedure to 10,000 Chits for the most complex. However keep in mind, Bioware can only make you look younger, it can't be used to alter your age and keep you young forever.

Weaponry and Armour
There is little in the way of weapon control. As a rule of thumb if it isn’t nuclear, chemical or biological you can probably buy it. Guns still use bullets and most have good old triggers. They are a lot like our guns except stronger. People still use melee weapons. Swords, bats, crowbars, knives. But obviously guns are far better. You can also get your hands on explosives like grenades, mines or even rocket launchers. Cyberware can be used for weaponry. Allow you to improve your aim, reflexes, fire with your mind or even build your weapons into your body itself offering perfect concealment. Weapons cost a similar amount to our prices for them. Of course you don’t have to buy them from the most trustworthy sources. But just because you can buy them doesn’t mean you can carry them around everywhere. It’s illegal to walk around with a weapon drawn. Just like some places will enforce a dress code, some places won’t let you in if you have weapons. So keep in mind things like how you’ll carry a weapon and concealment. As much fun as carrying a grenade launcher may sound, an easy to conceal pistol could be the way to go. And while an overcoat may look stupid it can really help conceal weapons. Still if you have somewhere to store a weapon such as the boot of a car, by all means bring it along. Lots of this is also true for armour. You won’t be let into a fancy restaurant in full riot gear. Practicality is sometimes the best way to go but as mentioned you can keep it somewhere other than on your person and then change into it when need be. There are many kinds of armour and none is perfect. You may have natural armour or use bioware or cyberware. You could also have some external armour already mentioned such as helmets, kevlar vest or even full combat armour. Just remember that there is a lot to take into consideration when choosing what you want to use to fight and what will protect you in a fight and that nothing is perfect.

A common mode of transport is on foot. By putting one foot in front of the other people can walk, doing it quickly and they can run. Those with wings can also naturally fly. People also use pedal bicycles and motorbikes. Automobiles such as cars, buses and trucks are one of the most used modes of transport. Trains, trams and subways are also used for public transport. Ships are used for traveling across water. Submarines are also used but are far less common. For air transport people use helicopters or aeroplanes. Helicopters come in a number of sizes, some can only fit half a dozen people for transport while others can carry 2 dozen people or large piles of cargo. Rockets are used to travel to space. A large space craft known as Journey’s Hope is home to an entire city and is currently traveling to the stars. To drive all these modern vehicles the pilot can plug themselves into it, the vehicle literally becomes part of them. The exception is vehicles with no engines (bicycles) and older vehicles which are like antiques. Vehicles also continue to have manual inputs, this is for the unlikely event that there is some technical difficulty.

Computers and Cyberspace
Computers have advanced far beyond what we have. Computers could be non-portable large blocks sitting by themselves in a room. They serve not only as computers but also for communication like phones. These are only really used for work or as a public computer. Personal computers are a different story. In the past small black boxes were common to carry around as personal computers but aren’t as common these days. Most people if they want a portable computer go with one built into their head. Computers are faster and better and all technology is interconnected by cyberspace. As mentioned old input devices like keyboards are a thing of the past, people instead use cerebral implants called Jacks to interact with technology. It is a wireless and physical input, which one you’ll be using alternates with the device in question. In cyberspace the user is represented by a persona. They are much like avatars on the internet. It could look like you, like a fictional character, like a robot, like a massive squid. It is all up to the user. Cyberspace is like an entire virtual world. All computers are part of cyberspace, here you look at files and gather information. An individual part of cyberspace, such as one computer is commonly called a plane. What the part of cyberspace or plane looks like depends on what is what it was designed to look like. It could be an office, a library, a forest or a castle. Cyberspace also encompasses something wider. You can interact with other people, head to cyber cafes, play games. In ways it is a lot like our internet. Of course it is dangerous. If you are hacking into a computer the built in defences could fry your brain and kill you. While such extreme measures are rare it is best to be cautious in these virtual planes. While people being trapped in cyberspace is considered impossible as one’s mind never actually leaves their body and you can always log out with ease, urban legends remain. People speak of ghosts which haunt cyberspace itself.

People still enjoy music, radio, television, literature, films, stage performances etc. However one of the most popular forms of entertainment is the JLL Game or Just Like Life Game. With technology that allows for simulated sensation you just plug into the device like a computer. It transports you to an interactive virtual world where you play as a persona. This persona could be selected by the designer or you could make it yourself. You could play as a fox running around meadows, play as a sword swinging barbarian hero, be a sauvé detective or just use one of the countless [&@%!] ones to have a lot of sex. There really are endless possibilities for a JLL game, especially when you consider how thousands can be part of one multiplayer game.

City of Rockpine
Rockpine is a city in the MAA. It was founded in 754 AD. It’s located is on the western coast of Emerald Lake. It has a population of 2,186,356. A busy motorway goes through the city. The city is divided into several districts. If you don’t have your own transport then a public transport network of buses and trains that go above and underground connect the districts of the city. It costs 2 Chits if the destination is within your district, 3 Chits for a neighbouring district and 5 Chits beyond that.

Central (Light Blue on Map) = Central is home to the CBD and by extension home to the headquarters of every megacorp. The area of the city is known for its towering skyscrapers. The modern architecture is very different from the gothic feel of older parts of the city. There is no industry in central and no residential areas either. The entire district of the city is commercial, if you want to buy something then you can find it here. From shops to bars and from brothels to nightclubs, you can find it all here. It is home to Central Hospital which is around the northern part of the district. Like all hospitals you can get your medical and bioware needs here. It is patrolled 24/7 by plenty of Black Sun officers in medium load out. Has Arkose cyberware clinics.

South Central (Brown on Map)= To the surprise of nobody, it is located south of central. An upper class residential and to a lesser extent commercial part of the city. It is home to numerous apartment complexes with fancy apartments where the rich live. There are also plenty of good commercial establishments but most people just go to Central proper when they want to buy goods. In the south of the district is the Southern Hospital. Like all hospitals you can get your medical and bioware needs here. It is patrolled 24/7 by plenty of Black Sun officers in a medium load out. Has Arkose cyberware clinics.

Old Town (Orange on Map)= At the south of the city is Old Town, it is the oldest part of the city. It is made up of a mixture of middle and lower class residences. It is made up of terraced houses, semi-detached houses and detached houses. There aren’t any apartment blocks. It also has some commercial areas that aren’t of great quality or high class. However this part of the city is known for its interesting nightlife. What industry was there is gone now, leaving only abandoned warehouses and factories, most of which have been taken over by the Rippers gang or squatters. There are no buildings higher than 4 stories with the exception of Rockpine Cathedral in the north of Old Town. In recent years the area has suffered from decline. The best part of Old Town is the northern section with aforementioned cathedral and Rockpine Square. When the city was founded it was the centre of town. Rockpine square is actually a large public park, in the centre of the park is a life size stone statue of “The Protector”. She is holding a sword in one hand and a shield in another, she wears hoplite armour from the period in which the city was founded. The statue has been there as long as the city and the exception of this tourist sight and architecture in the north of old town, most tourists to Rockpine avoid the district. It is patrolled by Black Sun officers in a light load out. There was a hospital in the district called Rockpine Hospital, but it closed down and is now just and abandoned hunk in the south of Old Town. Those with money go to South Central for medical needs, those with less go to a street doc. No official Arkose cyberware clinics but it does have bootleg cyberware clinics. Also home to the Pod Palace, a 4 story capsule hotel that costs C20 a night.

Low Town (Bright Red on Map) = By far the poorest part of the city. Most people avoid it like the plague, and if there was a plague the people here would likely have contracted it. It is so poor that there isn’t even a black sun presence patrolling the streets. They only go there when they are looking for someone. The whole area is run down and more or less run by the Rippers gang. Dingy apartment blocks and terraced houses are what people call home. There is no industry and what there is commercially isn’t the friendliest. Of note is the Ripper Arena. While as long as one agrees to the risks involved before fighting it is legal and there are places like it in other parts of the city, this battleground run by the Rippers is often known to result in the death and serious injury of those fighting in it. While such things would be rare in most civilised battlegrounds they aren’t uncommon here. If you do get injured then good luck. There are no hospitals and the people here couldn’t afford one. You’ll just have to take your chances with a street doc. No official Arkose cyberware clinics but it does have bootleg cyberware clinics.

Docklands (Purple on Map) = Home to heavy and light industry in Rockpine. While there is some commercial buildings there is no residential presence. It has no hospitals but is close to the Northern Hospital and to Central Hospital so there are no problems there. It is considered to be Mobbers turf but is still patrolled by Black Sun officers in a light load out. No offical Arkose cyberware clinics but does have bootleg clinics.

North West (Lavender on Map)= A middle class residential and to a lesser extent commercial part of the city. It is home to apartment blocks, semi-detached houses and detached houses. Has a hospital in the eastern part of the district called Northern Hospital. Patrolled by Black Sun officers in a light load out. Has official Arkose Cyberware clinics.

Croí Island (Pink on Map) = Named after the elven word for heart, this heart shaped man made island is a self-contained settlement and fortress for the rich. It has upper class residences and commercial establishments. It is patrolled 24/7 by assault class Black Sun Officers. It has a hospital called Croí Hopital and offical Arkose cyberware clinics. Most of the houses are large mansions. The rest are fancy apartment complexes. Only the very rich live here. The island is surrounded by a 4 meter concrete wall. To the north there is a dock, it is located outside the wall and to get into the settlement property you have to pass a security gate. There is no public transport to the island. At the end of the bridge to the island is a large security gate.

Rockpine Airport (Red and White on Map) = The airport is located north of the city. It is home to public aircraft as well as private and government owned aircraft. It sees many aircraft coming in and out on a daily basis.

Emerald National Park (Lime Green on Map) = The national park is located to the north west of the city. It is government owned and protected, people aren’t allowed develop here. There is plenty of flora and fauna here and sees numerous visitors.

Rockpine Nuclear Power Station (Black Rectangle on Map)= This large power station is located north of the city. It supplies power for the city of Rockpine and its hinterland around it. It is under protection from Black Sun members with an assault load out.

Suburbs (Dark Green on Map)= The suburbs are a large residential area to the south west of the city. They are home to middle class people who live in detached or semi-detached houses. There is almost no commercial business except for corner shops and supermarkets. It has no hospitals or cyberware clinics of any kind. There are a handful of Black Sun officers in a light load out.

Rockpine University College (Dark Red on Map)= This University is located south of the city. It was founded in 1871. There are dorms on campus for residence of some students. There are a handful of Black Sun officers in a light load out. It teaches all kinds of subjects.

Farmland (Yellow on Map) = Lots of people eat vat grown food these days such as cultured meat. However there is still a need for farms and there is still a demand for “the real thing”. Farms have become larger and more and more mechanised.

Game System
Classes and Dice Rolls: These are what your characters are generally skilled at. Any race can be any class. Fighters are good at battling others. Mages can use their arcane talent. Rogues are very skilled at using technology like computers. They are also skilled at picking locks and staying out of sight. The more you specialise the better you are, but spreading out can also be an advantage. A pure rogue would be the best kind of rouge, but would be in a lot of trouble if they came up against something outside their area of specific expertise. At the other end of the spectrum a Fighter/Mage/Rogue would be a jack of all trades but a master of none. Note that persuasion isn’t governed by any skill. It is based you actually skill as a player to persuade an NPC. The classes you can pick are as follows.


Success and Failures are based off me rolling a pool of D10s behind the scene. The amount of dice in the pool is based off what you are doing and your class. An action will be related to a certain class, for example punching someone will be related to a fighter and throwing a spell to a mage. The following are the amount of dice in a pool for each combo.

1 class – 6 dice
2 classes – 4 dice.
3 classes – 3 dice.
Task not associated with any of character’s classes – 1 die

The target number is always 8 or higher. An 8 or higher on any of the dice will result in a success. So if you had three dice, one came up 1, one came up 5 and one came up 8 you would have a success. If none of your dice turn out to be an 8 or higher than you fail. If you are only rolling a single die and it comes up 1 then you suffer a critical failure, this will result in serious negative effects. If you roll a 10 than you score a critical win, this will result in positive effects. Note there can be positive and negative modifiers for a roll, these will decrease or increase the number of dice in your dice pool. For example cyberware to increase your reflexes will increase the dice in your dice pool if you are attempting to avoid a punch. On the other hand being a large troll would make staying quiet and hidden harder and reduce the number of dice in your dice pool. Your dice pool can go no lower than one die.

Combat: Combat will be based on the dice pools mentioned above. There will be no set measurement of damage. Without any armour, natural or otherwise a round from a high calibre anti material rifle will do a lot of damage. On the other hand throwing a rock at a full cyborg wearing full body armour will just annoy them. The more armour the harder it is to break through. However different armour types are weaker and stronger to different kinds of attacks, no armour is perfect. You are never safe in a fight, just safer. Note some armour can impact mobility and can look out of place. You wouldn’t be let into an upper class restaurant wearing full kevlar riot armour. Armour could be natural, like the thick hide of some races, it could be as a result of bioware to give oneself thicker hide, it could be due to cyberware in which metal or kevlar are implanted or metal replaces body parts, it could be magical, a spell to protect you from harm and it could be physical, the result of the type of clothing you wear. Try to use the right kind of weapon, armour and tactics for the kind of fight you have. Just keep in mind your opponent will probably be doing the same thing.

Character Creation
Character Sheet:




[b]Physical Appearance:[/b]


[b]Character Class:[/b]

[b]Chits (Exact Amount. Can go no higher than C500,000. On card and in bank.):[/b]






[b]Other Items:[/b]


[b]Political Views:[/b]

[b]Languages:[/b] Dorsten (Mandatory)


[b]Other details that don’t fit into existing categories:[/b]

[b]Relationships (Family and Friends, NPC and PC):[/b]

Sheet for Relationships (Make one for each person in the relationships section)
[b]PC or NPC:[/b]
[b]How they are related to PC:[/b]
[b]Other Details:[/b]

Example of Character Sheet:
Name: Jane Winters

Race: Human

Age: 28

Sex: Female

Physical Appearance: Average build and average looking. Has a buzz cut with hair dyed orange and has cyber eyes that can change change iris colour at will. Usually has them be orange. Has a single metal nose stud. Orange flame tattoos go up her left arm.

Persona: Her persona is a skeleton with black bones and pair of glowing red eyes.

Character Class: Mage/Rogue

Chits (Exact Amount. Can go no higher than C500,000. On card and in bank): Card: C900 Bank: C1,200

Accommodation: Lives in a 2 bedroom Middle Class apartment in the North East district with her brother. Apartment is on the 2nd floor and is furnished with normal middle class furnishings.

Cyberware: Jack. Headcomputer. Cyber Eyes: They can change colour, zoom in her vision, see in the dark and filter out bright lights acting as sunglasses and resistance against flashbangs.

Bioware: Magical Talent: Jane had no innate magical talent, got bioware to allow her to use magic. Peak Healing: Can heal at a faster rate, wounds that would take a week to heal could be healed in days, wounds that take a day to heal could be healed in hours.

Weapons: Black switch blade that she keeps concealed in her left boot.

Clothing/Armour: Black combat boots, black jeans, grey long sleeved t-shirt and black leather jacket. A silver necklace with heart locket containing a picture of her and her brother.

Other Items: Lockpick kit. A black hip flask filled with whiskey. A black 2047 dirt bike with Jack capabilities, can jack herself into bike and drive it as an extension of herself.

Religion: Atheist.

Political Views: Centre-left. Votes Carthian.

Languages: Dorsten.

Background: She grew up in a middle class family, in the suburbs near Rockpine in a two story house with her parents and older brother . Her mother has been a Black Sun officer and her father unemployed since she was born. She didn't attend college after finishing secondary school. She took up her passion and began working with computers. She proved her skill and became an employee of Arkose. She left her family home and moved in with her brother at age 20. At age 21 she went to the hospital and received bioware to give her magical talent. She has been practicing with it ever since. Had started drinking once she turned legal at 18. However it started to become a problem when she was 26. She got fired for turning up drunk to work. With no source of income and a need to pay rent and fuel an alcohol addiction she became a freelance hacker. She takes what jobs she can and often finds herself breaking into a corporate buildings to steal information for whoever her employer happens to be. Still she struggles to make the money she needs and her brother is left paying for her. Yesterday she received a letter from a man named Bhaal to come to the Arkose HQ to receive a job offer.

Other details that don’t fit into existing categories: Has a massive fear of snakes. Loves motorcycles, technology and rock music. Suffers from alcoholism. Left handed.

Relationships (Family and Friends, NPC and PC):
How they are related to PC: Her mother
Name: Alice Winters
Race: Human
Age: 54
Sex: Female
Other Details: Lives in the suburbs with her husband. Works a desk job as a Black Sun police officer.

How they are related to PC: Her father
Name: Jason Winters
Race: Human
Age: 53
Sex: Male
Other Details: Unemployed. Lives in suburbs with his wife.

How they are related to PC: Her brother
Name: Harry Winters
Race: Human
Age: 31
Sex: Male
Other Details: Lives with Jane in an apartment. Works as a barman at a bar called "The Purple Troll." Is sick of paying for his sister's shortcomings.

Before making a character there are a few things to take into account. First they have to be someone who's caught Bhaal's eye. This doesn't mean you have to already by the ultimate freelancer. A person who preforms magic tricks on the side of the street, a lowly hacker, an orphan who gets by pickpocketing people on the streets or someone who's know to have won a few fights in his area. All these are fine. Second they have to have accepted the offer and are willing to do these kinds of jobs. Because otherwise what are they doing here? But this doesn't mean they have to be someone who is willing to kill, a pacifist is just fine. Third what they have has to make sense with their character. A man in his early 20's with rich parents could have tens of thousands of chits and lots of cyberware. But a 16 year old orphan who's been living on the streets since he was 4 wouldn't have be a full cyborg with hundred of thousands of chits and a huge arsenal. All you really need to do is make sure that your character makes sense. If I have a problem with your character I'll be sure to let you know so we can fix the problem.


1. Forum Rules apply
2. No Godmodding. (Control other characters, determining the outcome of combat, changing the time, etc.)
3. Only post one attack per combat "turn." This being before I get back to you and post the results of your actions. I don't want to see posts like "James shot the orc 7 times, then the elf 3 times and then he ran up to the drow and punched him in the face before tossing a grenade at the troll."
4. One player character per person. You can make friends and family under relationships but these will be NPCs. I might hand over control of a character to you.
5. Try your best to use good grammar and spelling.
6. All out of character talk in hide tags after the RP starts. Hide tags that is. Double parentheses  aren't acceptable.
7. Characters have to be approved by me.
8. Keep in mind that you can die. If you die you can make a new character. PM me about it.
9. If you wish to join after the RP has started then PM about it. On the flip side if you are dropping out or going on hiatus for a while please PM me about it to let me know.
10. I will kick as a last resort if I really have to. Please don't make me.
11. Don't be afraid to talk me about things related to the RP. Or things not related to the RP. I get lonely too.
12. I am still the GM. So it is still possible for me to do things with my powers that aren't listed here under rules. But don't worry, I won't go mad with power.

So we have come to solve every squabble in the village personally?
The last thing you never see

Last edited by Kerr on Mon Dec 16, 2013 1:50 pm, edited 24 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Don't post here yet. I'm still working on it.
PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2013 9:51 pm 
CotM Winner!
CotM Winner!
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Joined: Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:32 pm
Posts: 970
Location: Ireland
ES Games: I, II, III, IV, V. Once I caught a fish alive.
Platform: PC & Playstation
Status: Shadowrunning
UESPoints: 20
Player Characters:
p-sto as Mara Kornai the Mage/Fighter. Quit The Job
Velvet LeChance as Rosa Garcia the Rouge. ?
Nova as Avariss Canthus the Figher/Rogue. ?
Thelastdovah as Valsha Réváin the Mage. Dead
Br3admax as Friedrich Karls the Mage/Rogue. Quit The Job
Unionhack as Arthas Othrenil the Fighter/Mage.
EpicAbrad as Melvin Lafayette the Fighter/Rogue.
Baloth-Kul as Brondar Don-Skull the Fighter.
Musicman247 as Ninurta the Rogue.
Mars as Furriessin "Finni" Ablenthar the Fighter/Mage. Quit the job
Hissen as Andresil Indalla the Mage. Quit the job
BetaB17 as Caius Dracon the Fighter/Mage
Thelastdovah as Náheia Déros the Mage
Hissen as Feredir Arnen Erudagrian the Mage/Rogue ?
The-Shadow-One as Jelit Drest Sandsong the Rogue/Fighter ?
Justice Knight as Rosalie Smith the Fighter
Alarra as Corrine Lemark the Fighter/Rogue.

So we have come to solve every squabble in the village personally?
The last thing you never see

Last edited by Kerr on Sun Jan 05, 2014 1:53 pm, edited 25 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Don't post here yet. I'm still working on it.
PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2013 9:51 pm 
CotM Winner!
CotM Winner!
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Joined: Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:32 pm
Posts: 970
Location: Ireland
ES Games: I, II, III, IV, V. Once I caught a fish alive.
Platform: PC & Playstation
Status: Shadowrunning
UESPoints: 20
Character's Current Chits:

On card:
p-sto: Mara Kornai = C5,153.00
Velvet LeChance: Rosa Garcia = C=2,018.50
Nova: Avariss Canthus = C397.00
Br3admax: Friedrich Karls = C2,100.00
Unionhack: Arthas Othrenil = C2,388.50
EpicAbrad: Melvin Lafayette= C474.00
Baloth-Kul: Brondar Don-Skull= C3,439.50
BetaB17: Caius Dracon = C4963.00
Thelastdovah: Náheia Déros = C0.00
Hissen:Feredir Arnen Erudagrian = C4983.30
The-Shadow-One:Jelit Drest Sandsong = C34,995.00
Justice Knight: Rosalie Smith= C500.00
Alarra: Corrine Lemark = C260.00
Musicman247: Ninurta = C2412.00

In bank:
p-sto: Mara Kornai = C8250.00
Velvet LeChance: Rosa Garcia = C103,883.00
Nova: Avariss Canthus = C33,747.00
Br3admax: Friedrich Karls = C8000.00
Unionhack: Arthas Othrenil = C7250.00
EpicAbrad: Melvin Lafayette= C51,750.00
Baloth-Kul: Brondar Don-Skull= C6450.00
BetaB17: Caius Dracon = C80,800.00
Thelastdovah: Náheia Déros = C244,731.00
Hissen:Feredir Arnen Erudagrian= C14500.00
The-Shadow-One:Jelit Drest Sandsong = C65,000.00
Justice Knight: Rosalie Smith= C1000.00
Alarra: Corrine Lemark = C7152.00
Musicman247: Ninurta = C3000.00

Dropped out/dead/stopped posting.
Hissen: Andresil Indalla = C29,997.00
Mars: Furriessin "Finni" Ablenthar = C413.00
Thelastdovah: Valsha Réváin = C0.00

So we have come to solve every squabble in the village personally?
The last thing you never see

Last edited by Kerr on Mon Jan 06, 2014 11:17 pm, edited 80 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Silicon & Sorcery - A Cyberpunk/Fantasy RP
PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2013 9:59 pm 
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May be a mistake to make a character that is primarily a hand to hand fighter with no cyberware but should be interesting.
Name: Mara Kornai
Race: Human
Age: 54
Sex: Female
Physical Appearance: 5’9, straight blonde hair down to her waist tied in a ponytail, blue eyes, round face, fit and slightly thin figure, through a combination of bioware and taking care of herself she looks more like she’s in her early thirties than mid-fifties
Persona: None
Character Class: Mage/Fighter
Chits (Exact Amount): 157
Accommodation: Tenement building in Old Town
Cyberware: None
Bioware: Virtually everything possible. Improved strength, speed, reaction time, bone density, skin and organ toughness, rate of healing and disease resistance. Increased sensitivity for all senses. Enhanced tactile sensitivity allows for greater feeling of pleasure but all means Mara feels pain more intensely.
Weapons: Fingerless shock gloves with discharge nodes on knuckles, palms and back of hands
Clothing/Armour: A simple black dress with matching shoes
Other Items: Black purse with some personal items
Religion: Personal
Political Views: Market Socialist
Languages: Dorsten (Mandatory)

Background: Formerly the charismatic leader of a niche cult dedicated to celebrating the glory of the natural human body and spirit. In its prime the cult was fairly well known, though many looked down upon it as an excuse for people to gather together for orgies. While Mara found this characterization inaccurate she did very little to dispute it. For a number of years she enjoyed a rather strong following, most of which lived in a close to self-sufficient commune outside the city. However, the commune was open to all and did make a small amount of revenue hosting both curious vacationers and less strict adherents of Mara’s philosophy.

After eleven years of operation the commune was shut down and Mara’s following evaporated due to a scandal revealing that she was siphoning off funds from the commune in order to finance bio-enhancements. Mara insisted that bio-enhancement was always viewed favourably by her philosophy and the long term plan was finance the improvement of the bodies of other members once work on her was complete. Despite a long campaign of public relations her reputation was too damaged by the scandal and never managed to recover.

The next few years of her life were spent as a recluse as Mara attempted to decide what to do with herself. In this time her focus moved away from the improvement of the individual to the state of society in general. Supporting herself through whatever odd jobs she could pick up and keeping only enough for herself to subsist, she dedicated her spare money and time to causes she believed worthy.

Spending much time secluded from conventional society, the poverty she was exposed to living in the city came as shock to her. As time passed her ideology has become increasingly socialist, believing that society should do more for the overwhelming number of poor. Though she doesn’t necessarily agree with all their objectives, frustration has led Mara to become increasingly active in a number of socialist organizations.

Among her many social projects she teaches magic and martial arts for free to women so that they are more able to defend themselves in the dangerous streets. While Mara has considered setting aside some money so she can purchase proper training facilities for the women and sustain the facilities by operating it as a business open to the general public, she’s still not completely over her past and has felt too guilty to take any steps in this direction.

Other details that don’t fit into existing categories:

Relationships (Family and Friends, NPC and PC):


Last edited by p-sto on Thu May 30, 2013 10:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Silicon & Sorcery - A Cyberpunk/Fantasy RP
PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2013 10:03 pm 
Lord of the Shivering Isles
Lord of the Shivering Isles
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Status: Beta now owns my Liver.
UESPoints: 12
Character will be up tomorrow Kerr. Tis Valsha and will pad her out more.

Praise Sheogorath!

 Post subject: Re: Silicon & Sorcery - A Cyberpunk/Fantasy RP
PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2013 10:07 pm 
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Joined: Mon May 28, 2012 7:37 pm
Posts: 293
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UESPoints: 10
Name:Rosa Garcia
Race: Human
Age: 27
Sex: Female
Physical Appearance: Rosa Garcia is what most would call 'girl next door pretty'. She stands at a height of about 160 centimetres and has lightly tanned skin. She has large, dark brown eyes and naturally long eyelashes She also has dark brown hair which is usually tied in a high ponytail. She also has a small, button nose and plump red lips. Of an athletic build she is rather skinny with a tight core and small breasts. When she was eighteens he had the words "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs." tattooed up the inside of her left arm. When she was twenty-three she had the words "The last capitalist we hang shall be the one who sold us the rope" tattooed on her right shoulder (blade area). Her final tattoo which she got quite recently is a small hammer and sickle positioned on her left breast. She has black eye - a wound that skill looks rather fresh.
Persona: Grizzly Bear.
Character Class: Rouge
Chits (Exact Amount): 83
Accommodation: Rosa lives in a cramped studio apartment on the third floor of a large complex in the Low Town. It does not have much furnishing apart from the basics. Directly cross from the entrance there is a rather large queen-size bed. To the left of this bed is set of draws that she keeps her clothes in as well as there being a small mirror and blade in the bottom draw, concealed beneath one of her trademark black hoodies. To the right of the bed is a small foot locker which contains very little worth mentioning other than a revolver (fully loaded and equipped with red dot sight), seven spare bullets for this revolver and fifteen spare M9 bullets. She keeps a small stack of Communist writings a top this footlocker. There is also a dystopian themed novel lying next to these writings. She keeps any other books that she owns on top a small shelf fixed above her bed. The novels are mostly dystopian themed and alternative history. In the corner of the room there is a dilapidated, brown, two-seater couch across from a television that looks like it was manufactured earlier in the century. There is a small stack of DVD's that came out last century beside the TV. A small partition separates the main living area from a similarly cramped kitchen which contains a small fridge and oven, a portable stove with four rings and two counters for preparing food on. Connected to her apartment is a small bathroom that contains a toilet, a sink and a rather cramped shower. Rosa lives on her own.
Official Cyberware: Jack. Head Computer. Cyber Eyes: They can zoom in her vision, see in the dark and filter out bright lights acting as sunglasses and resistance against flashbangs. Cyber eyes also allow her to view the world in infared. Enhanced Hearing: Allows her to hear sound between 1Hz and 30000Hz. Her hearing sensitivity has also been increased and is now 5x as good as it originally was.
Unofficial Cyberware:Implanted Rebreather: Implanted in the primary bronchi it recycles and cleanses indrawn breaths before they pass into the lungs filtering out any toxins. It also has the added effect of not allowing the harmful chemicals in marijuana smoke into her lungs (carbon monoxide, phenol etc.) It does not always work and harmful toxins have been known to get into her lungs though only in small amounts.
Bioware: None.
Weapons: Concealed silenced M9 Pistol (fully loaded). She also carries twenty spare M9 bullets (two rounds) on her person. She carries a cheap stungun, which although is quite small packs a powerful punch but, unfortunately for anyone wanting to use it in covert operations, is also quite loud. She has two spare cartridges for this stungun. Rosa has a horrible shot though does not have the funds to purchase a perception augumentation to rectify that as of yet.
Clothing/Armour: Rosa is wearing a black hoodie, the hood pulled up, with a white shirt beneath. She is also wearing dark, denim, skinny fit jeans and white trainers. Beneath her shirt is a Kevlar vest.
Other Items: She is carrying a black rucksack containing: Carton of cigaweed (20). Lockpicking Kit. 2 Medigel. Stun gun and spare cartridges. At home (of note): Ounce of cocaine (in petri dish in bathroom.) Steel razor and mirror (in drawers). 1 medigel (in drawers). Revolver and assorted ammo (in footlocker).
Religious Views: Gnostic Atheist
Political Views: Godless Communist.
Languages: Dorsten.
Background:Rosa, since escaping the London orphanage she was placed in at age thirteen has popped up all over Western Europe, usually helping the local Communist movement. London, Portsmouth, Paris, Madrid, Brussels. She's helped out in some way or another, constantly fighting what she refers to as the dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie (though indirectly). She arrived Rockpine three years earlier and was quick to fall in with the local Commusist movement there too.
Other details that don’t fit into existing categories: Rosa regularly enjoys the recreational use of cannabis and occasionally uses harder drugs such as Cocaine and Methamphetamine. Prefers films from the 20th century and enjoys classical music. Loves reading. Right handed.
Relationships (Family and Friends, NPC and PC):
How they are related to PC: Friend
Name: Kareem Hassan.
Race: Human.
Age: 31
Sex: Male.
Other Details: Communist. Volunteer Firefighter. Lives on fifth floor of Rosa's apartment block. Three generations previous his family fled Tehran for the MMA. Fighter.

How they are related to PC: Friend.
Name: Fatima Hassan.
Race: Human.
Age: 29
Sex: Female.
Other Details: Communist. Volunteer Firefighter. Lives on fifth floor of Rosa's apartment block. Former [&@%!]. Wanted to get serious but Rosa didn't. They're still friends though. Three generations previous her family fled Tehran for the MMA. Fighter/Rouge.

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 Post subject: Re: Silicon & Sorcery - A Cyberpunk/Fantasy RP
PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2013 10:07 pm 
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Uh just a question:
Are any of the positions in Black Sun 'locked off' from PCs such as the Assault Class?

Avron the S'wit wrote:
Justice knight wrote:
Why do I have to be given?! :mrgreen:

Because you're so popular!

 Post subject: Re: Silicon & Sorcery - A Cyberpunk/Fantasy RP
PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2013 10:27 pm 
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@p-sto - Yeah, looks fine. I'll add you now. By personal under religion I assume you mean her own cult she set up. Also by personal items I assume you just mean small stuff (keys, makeup, etc.) Also can you just put down none under Persona?

@Velvet - She still watches DVDs. How retro. Just 2 things to fix up before I accept it. Techie is now Rouge. I changed it in case people thought they were just about computers. Also the district is Low Town not Low City. Other than that looks fine.

@Justice - No members of the Elite Assault class. Also no high ranking members of any Megacorp. You won't be taking part in your day job during the RP.

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 Post subject: Re: Silicon & Sorcery - A Cyberpunk/Fantasy RP
PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2013 10:28 pm 
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Yes to both questions and will do, Kerr.


 Post subject: Re: Silicon & Sorcery - A Cyberpunk/Fantasy RP
PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2013 10:32 pm 
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It was originally going to be VHS.

And I made both changes, Kerr.

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 Post subject: Re: Silicon & Sorcery - A Cyberpunk/Fantasy RP
PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2013 9:29 am 
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Name: Avariss Canthus

Race: Drow

Age: 36

Sex: Male

Physical Appearance: Average, muscular Drow with dark grey skin and no hair. Has quite pointy ears and purple eyes.

Persona: A shadow formed from smoke.

Character Class: Figher/Rogue

Chits (Exact Amount): 20000

Accommodation: Large sized apartment near the top floor of an apartment complex in South Central.

Cyberware: Jack, headcomputer, knee and ankle reinforcements allowing for faster movement, resistance to breaking and higher jump, knuckles reinforced with steel (under the skin.) He has also: hearing enhancements, bone reinforcements in his arms and spine and muscles enhancments that give him beyond average strength and speed, but not too much. Despite all these augmentations, he went for even more adding two, 5.8mm sub-machine guns with a 20 magazine size which are concealed under fake skin on the top part of his wrist which can open up with thought (as any agumentation and the sub-machine guns are controlled this way as well,) as well as two, 10cm hidden blades which are concealed under the skin of his wrist, on its bottom half, and can be revealed just like the SMGs and stretch out the end of his palms.

Bioware: Thicker skin and healing speed enhancements.

Weapons: Two, .45 ACP caliber silenced pistols, a length of wire used as a garrotte, 5 smoke grenades and a AI AS50 sniper rifle with a variable zoom scope, a night vision attatchment and silencer. The sniper rifle has its own case.

Clothing/Armour: Multiple suits of different designs, all with hidden pockets and compartments. Multiple pairs of elegant shoes with softened soles that create minimal noise (some shoes contain hidden compartments.)

Other Items: Pack of matchsticks, a 2 seater, luxurious low rider with Jack capabilities and roof, expensive watch and sunglasses.

Religion: Atheist.

Political Views: None, but leans towards the DDP if necessary.

Languages: Dorsten (Mandatory), fluent in Dru.

Background: Avariss was born in Rockpine to a incredibly wealthy family. His father was a higher-up in the Black Sun whilst his mother was a higher up in Arkose. At the age of 8, his mother died in a car accident and his father fell into a great depression. It took 2 years for his father to return to normal, but once he did, he began funding Avariss’ Bioware and Cyberware implants. At first they were mostly bioware, but once Avariss passed his 16 birthday, he began implanting himself with multiple Cyberware technologies.
At the age of 20, Avariss got a human girl, a beautiful 19 year old called Angelina, pregnant and due to his father’s general dislike of humans, it caused a massive argument which tore Avariss’ family apart and he was disowned. Thankfully, he managed to save enough money on his own to buy a apartment in South Central. Soon, he found himself working as an assassin for hire, as if to spite his law-enforcement obsessed father.
Shortly after his first job, the woman he impregnated gave birth to his daughter who was named Emily, but they lost contact with each other. After multiple years of working and isolation, Avariss heard that Emily’s mother died due to a drug overdose but Emily herself was looked after by her grandmother.
It has been 8 years since he last heard about his daughter, and now he is a professional hitman, and he hopes, that his daughter will never find him; for her own sake.
Other details that don’t fit into existing categories: Avariss is very quiet. He only speaks when he has to, and prefers his actions to do the talking. He is terrified of his father and hates parental responsibilty, or responsibility over any young person. Avariss is also quite popular choice for an assassin, usually having very well paid jobs and is widely feared.

Relationships (Family and Friends, NPC and PC):
How they are related to PC:His father.
Name: Halfingfalfidor Canthus
Other Details:Lives in a large mansion on Croí Island, resents Avariss and believes that he is dead.

How they are related to PC:His daughter.
Name:Emily Freeray
Other Details:Lives in a middle class residence in the North West part of Rockpine, doesn’t know about Avariss.

Done and dusted.

I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favourite forum on the internet.

Last edited by Nova on Sat Jun 01, 2013 5:54 pm, edited 3 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Silicon & Sorcery - A Cyberpunk/Fantasy RP
PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2013 9:32 am 
Lord of the Shivering Isles
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Name:Valsha Réváin




Physical Appearance:Valsha is 4'5ft and has a slim figure. Red hair that she has tied into a pony tail with two bangs at the front but is currently blue. A thin chin and blue eyes. She has green mascar and red lipstick on. And generally very attractive.

Persona:Valsha is a kind and curious woman. She is very patient and has a decent sense of humour. She swears a bit but mainly as part of her act. She loves interacting with her fans and will take the time to speak to them.
Character Class:Mage
Chits (Exact Amount):500,000
Accommodation:An average apartment in South Central.



Clothing/Armour:Blue jeans with cream boots. A bright blue shirt with a black vest underneath. A Followers Of The Council necklace hangs around her neck and she wears a green hat with the threatre's logo on it. A stylish black leather jack. A pair of sunglasses.

Other Items:The latest phone and has many apps on it. A silver pen for signing autographs just in case a fan bumps into her on the street. A teal wallet which contains her CHIT card, a picture of her parents and the keys to her motorbike as well as her appartment. She owns a modest black motorbike and a modest car but prefers the motorbike when she is just traveling from one place to another. A letter that is neatly folded in half in her pocket.
Religion:Followers Of The Council

Political Views:She doesn't like politics but have kept her views to herself to avoid risking putting her carreer in danger if she got on a politicion's bad side.

Languages: Dorsten (Mandatory)

Background:Valsha Réváin was born into an average family. She showed signs of magic from a young age and showed an interest in the enteraintment bussiness from the age of 10. Her parents supported her decision to become an entertainer when she told them at the age of 16. She started off preforming tricks in the streets untill she was recruited by a local theatre to preform an opening act for a stage mage. Her career started to become successful as the years went by. Originally, she was known for the spinning plates of fire act. At the age of 24, she was given her own show and it was regarded as a general success. From simple tricks to death defying ones, she quickly rose to fame for her shows and for the nature of her stunts. At 26, she came up with her most dangerous trick to date. The Chained Tank. She would get wrapped in 10 layers of chain over a white dress and have 15 padlocks attached to them then get lowered into the 10ft square tank of water. Then she would undo them all via magic whilst using her magic to breath underwater. But not all of her dangerous stunts have gone as planned. The Invicible Woman stunt went wrong a few years ago. It involved her blocking bullets with magic in tune with a song. One of the guns went off early and shot her in the lower torso. She made a quick recovery and continued using that trick but retired it after several near misses. Her shows are known to last up to 4 hours and are said to be excellent. They are usually a mixture of magic and humour as well as Valsha wearing revealing outfits. In an interview, she said she wears them because she knows sex sells and it gives her something to work with. She has been sabotaged many times. Someone once spiked her water with laxative which resulted in an embarrassin situation during her trademark magic trick but it resulted in her getting infected and having to cancel her shows for an entire month. Despite the many sabotages, she remained fully commited to her shows and enjoyed it. She even made a joke about the embarressing situation due to that sabotage.

She preformed at the city's biggest threatre and was it's biggest act. She worked 9 months a year, 4 days a week. She reserved 1 day a week to interact with her fans. She was offered a hefty sum by Playboy to pose for them but she kindly rejected the offer. She has stared in 2 films. Both minor roles and has appeared on TV many times. Mainly interviews when she promoted her show. Whenever the threatre got a new act in, she would get them more time and help to promote that act to avoid overshadowing them. Her parents were very proud of her but refused to accept her cash stating that they were happy that she was living her dream. She refused to speak to any of the gossip rags and when they started spreading false rumours about her, she made up more rumours. But in a way that were both unbelieveable and something that those mags would use.

After her very last show for the year, she returned to her dressing room to dry herself and to get into some dry, clean clothes after resting a bit. She saw a letter on her desk and opened it. The letter was from the Arkose corp

She is very famous in the city and she enjoys her fame. Her spells have always been used for her show so she won't be able to handle herself in combat that well at first due to her not practising combat techinques with her magic. Wonder if there will be an annoying fan character? :shock:

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 Post subject: Re: Silicon & Sorcery - A Cyberpunk/Fantasy RP
PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2013 10:36 am 
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I'll post one up after I'm done doing school work>_< I had most of him down, but I think I had something I wanted to ask..

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 Post subject: Re: Silicon & Sorcery - A Cyberpunk/Fantasy RP
PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2013 1:13 pm 
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Can't except either at the moment and here's why:

@ Nova:
Medium sized apartment near the top floor of an apartment complex in South Central.

Apartments in South Central are hardly medium sized. They are all large and fancy. That's really it.

A lot is wrong here. It looks like you didn't even read the OP.

Before we get started you just left out 2 sections and put the wrong section in spoiler.

bangs at the front but is currently blue

How? Are they dyed blue? Can you specify this?

Persona:Valsha is a kind and curious woman. She is very patient and has a decent sense of humour. She swears a bit but mainly as part of her act. She loves interacting with her fans and will take the time to speak to them.

It's clear you don't have the faintest idea what a persona is. See "Computers and Cyberspace."

Accommodation:An average apartment in South Central.

See what I told Nova.

Chits (Exact Amount):500,000.

She's really rich and has no cyberware. Okay, that's odd. A rich famous person who can't use any computers.

The latest phone and has many apps on it.

Doesn't exist. Portable computers exist. But head computers are more common. Of course you can't use them without a jack so it would be pointless having one in the first place.

I assume you didn't mean to say she keeps her keys in her wallet. It's probably just the way I read it.

Political Views:She doesn't like politics but have kept her views to herself to avoid risking putting her carreer in danger if she got on a politicion's bad side.

You have political views. It can be simple things like "All people should be equal" or "Keep those money grabbers away from my money." It can just be who you would currently vote for. But put something down.

modest car

What kind of car? A 5 seater sedan?

A stylish black leather jack.

What? Do you know what a jack is? Because it isn't clothes. And why would it be black instead of just blending in with her skin? It couldn't be made of leather.

You know magicians generally don't (have assistants who) wear revealing clothes because sex sells. It's to distract you from what they are doing.

Who is sabotaging her shows? Why?


Doesn't exist.

. The letter was from the Arkose corp

It's from Bhaal not Akose.

There might be more things wrong that I missed.

So we have come to solve every squabble in the village personally?
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 Post subject: Re: Silicon & Sorcery - A Cyberpunk/Fantasy RP
PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2013 1:22 pm 
Lord of the Shivering Isles
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It was supposed to be a leather jacket. Didn't realise that phones were replaced. Will amend. Will modify when i have some spare time later to suit your requirements. :)

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Last edited by The SheoDovah on Fri May 31, 2013 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Silicon & Sorcery - A Cyberpunk/Fantasy RP
PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2013 1:31 pm 
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Kerr wrote:
Dovah wrote:

Doesn't exist.

What kind of sick twisted world are we living in?

But seriously could you still clarify some of things that are out of the RP and things that got replaced? I'm assuming that people like Jesus and De Valera are out because they'd be unneeded in the world and a lot of the big companies like Ford and McDonalds would've been run out of business by the Megacorps or never existed in the first place.

But what about people like Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Did they exist or did someone else in history replace them? I'm assuming others like Lenin and Che Guevara and Mao were never needed in the world and most likely didn't exist (or didn't exist as major figures in history). There dozens of different people whose views would've helped shape Rosa - two of her tattoos are actually Karl Marx quotes - and I'm really unsure about whether I should just ignore their existence right now

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 Post subject: Re: Silicon & Sorcery - A Cyberpunk/Fantasy RP
PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2013 1:38 pm 
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For instance I want a page of the Communist Manifesto tattooed on my back.

Justice knight wrote:
Oh and listen to Br3ad he speaks wisdom.

 Post subject: Re: Silicon & Sorcery - A Cyberpunk/Fantasy RP
PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2013 1:55 pm 
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You want me to go through everyone who's ever existed on our earth and tell you if they exist in this one? Just because it is an alternate earth doesn't mean these people existed. This is why I was tempted to go with a different world altogether. In almost all cases the answer is no, they don't exist.

Big companies like Ford, McDonalds, Tesco, Shell, Sony, Microsoft, Apple don't exist and didn't exist. It's the megacoprs.

Religious figures like Jesus or Muḥammad don't exist.

Almost all of our Historical figures don't exist. An exception would be William Shakespeare. Different things happened in certain cases. For example a communist revolution did happen but it was in South Africa in 1907. The world wars didn't happen, the last "big" war was when the Red Dragon swooped down.

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 Post subject: Re: Silicon & Sorcery - A Cyberpunk/Fantasy RP
PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2013 1:58 pm 
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Anyone can roleplay Valsha's assistant. I will add the persona later once i researched more about it. Hopefully, this will be acceptable and because i was ninjaed when i edited it, the character sheet is in the previous post.

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 Post subject: Re: Silicon & Sorcery - A Cyberpunk/Fantasy RP
PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2013 2:08 pm 
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Isn't basically just an online avatar? In a virtual setting, it can be as realistic or cartoonish as you wish, am I rite

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 Post subject: Re: Silicon & Sorcery - A Cyberpunk/Fantasy RP
PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2013 2:12 pm 
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In that case.

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 Post subject: Re: Silicon & Sorcery - A Cyberpunk/Fantasy RP
PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2013 2:19 pm 
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A headcomputer is cyberware. It wouldn't be an advanced jack, just a jack. It wouldn't increase reaction speed.

Is she right-wing, centre of left-wing?

It isn't the Bhaal corporation. The person's name is Bhaal.

You say the car is modest and then describe it as a sports car. Just have the description of the sports car.

There's no real need for [&@%!] mags when JLL games exist. People could make someone in her likeness and stick in in a JLL game if they really wanted to anyway. Print media on the whole has been on the decrease.

Still left out a section and labelled the "Other details that don’t fit into existing categories:" section wrong. Look at character creation part of the OP. I have a sample character sheet.

I didn't say you have to have an assistant. You can if you want of course (but you'd have to put down information about them.) I was just pointing out the reason magicians and/or their assistants dress in revealing outfits if to distract the audience.

"[&@%!] mag" A what mag?

So we have come to solve every squabble in the village personally?
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 Post subject: Re: Silicon & Sorcery - A Cyberpunk/Fantasy RP
PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2013 2:26 pm 
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I want her to have an assistant and don't mind if someone decides to be her assistant as long as it's a woman. I will edit out the modest bit and the reaction speed.

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 Post subject: Re: Silicon & Sorcery - A Cyberpunk/Fantasy RP
PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2013 2:32 pm 
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She believes that everyone should be equal so that makes her a left-winger sweeping generalisations <3. Making her centre left would probably be the most logical choice. Torys are centre-right if that helps you.

You can focus on your career and still hold an opinion. She may not express the opinion often but she can still hold one.

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 Post subject: Re: Silicon & Sorcery - A Cyberpunk/Fantasy RP
PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2013 2:35 pm 
Lord of the Shivering Isles
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Then she is left wing. I admit, i don't know much about political views. Well, apart from my own and others who share mine. But that would be off topic.

If no-one wants to be Valsha's assistant, i edit the sheet to reflect the assistant.

Praise Sheogorath!

Last edited by The SheoDovah on Fri May 31, 2013 4:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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