UESP Forums

Great House Redoran (Club/Faction)
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Author:  OblivionDuruza [ Wed May 18, 2011 9:51 am ]
Post subject:  Great House Redoran (Club/Faction)

You may or not be aware, but recently a group of Hlaalu fans banded together to become UESP's first Great House. Some of us have fairly big plans, some of which, we would love to involve fans of other houses in, (including a Role Play based around the idea of the Morrowind Great Houses).

We know there are plenty of Redoran fans out there, and we thought it might be nice for you all to come together to discuss House Redoran, to share stories and to possibly get involved in some of the activities we hope to run.

So hopefully this will be the push in the right direction you Redoran warriors need, we know your out there, now why not show your true colours for all the forums to see. :mrgreen:

Edit: Now that Ezkaton is Archmaster, his first post on page 2 can serve as the hub of this faction.

Ezkaton wrote:
Alright to get this thing rolling here's the Members List and we definitely need some new members so come on and sign up! :D

Archmaster: Velothi
Councilman: ZombieMonkeyNZ, Ezkaton
Kinsman: Roadcone, Samaelthedestroyer, Greenlantern, Pilaf The Defiler, Gideon Dragontongue, BlackDrake, House of Wolf, Jake-uh, Andere
Retainer: N'wah Nern, RedoranMaster, Stanley_passwall, Kaiden, derp53, MoncarBelvani, Anonymous98223, Snowmane

And thanks to OblivionDuruza and VirtualWeasel for getting this all set up!

Here you can discuss anything and everything you love about Great House Redoran!

If anyone wants to join Redoran and wants to know what we're all about look at this!
The True Noble Code

Any House member wants to participate in the first House activity here ya go!
The Battle for the East Discussion Thread
Join Redoran Today!

House Rules:
1. Follow all the Official UESP Rules
2. To contribute in a positive manner to House activities and discussion
3. To show other members the upmost respect at all times
4. To respect and serve the House faithfully
5. Have TONS O' FUN!
6. Be honorable to your house brothers and Archmaster.

Member Rights and Responsibilities:

· To begin new House discussions and/or activities with mod team approval
· To expel (from the House) members who violate the rules, after 3 strikes
· To administer all House Redoran related threads and discussion
· To communicate with relevant mod team members and leaders of other Houses
· To enact resolutions of House administrative discussion
· To keep all members up-to-date and informed on House business (via updates to the Redoran thread and PMs)


· To begin new House discussions and/or activities with Archmaster approval
· All the powers necessary to the administration of their specified areas (within reason)
· To follow the House and UESP Rules
· To further be active in House activities/discussions in order to retain the rank of Kinsman

· To contribute suggestions to House administrative discussion
· To vote on major House business
· To follow the House and UESP Rules
· To be active in House activities/discussions in order to retain the rank of Kinsman


· To be involved as much or as little as they wish in House discussion and events
· To contribute suggestions to House administrative discussion
· To vote on major House business
· To follow the House and UESP Rules

Hireling (and non-members):
· To comment on/in any and all House related discussion
· None other than to follow the Official UESP Forum Rules

NB: the rights and responsibilities of lower ranks generally apply to higher ranks

Hi all, just an announcement, Ezkaton hasn't been around much. I've tried to get in contact via PM and email, but no luck. So for now, direct your Redoran related queries to myself or ZombieMonkeyNZ, Weasel also won't be on for a week or so anyway, so the two of us are the go. :mrgreen:

It is my honour to announce Velothi as House Redoran's new Councilman. Velothi will be aiding Zombie in the continued effort to see Redoran rise to greatness.

Further, I would like to re-announce the House Survey, which will grow as time goes by. Here are your questions so far:

Here we have some new survey questions:

1. Why did you choose/like Great House Redoran?

2. Who is your favourite (in-game) councilor?

3. If you could pick any office in the Redoran family, what would it be?

4. What was your favourite quest for the House?

5. Do you approve of Archmaster Venmin?

6. Is there anything special you do when playing a Redoran Character (roleplaying-wise)?

7. What is your favourite Redoran related quote?

Bonus Question: Have you tried PAX Redoran? If so, share a few of your thoughts on it.
Round two:
What do you think of the Morag Tong?

Are you a supporter of the Tribunal Temple? Did you think they survived the Second Arnesian War?

Should Redoran militarily take back Caldera or attempt diplomacy with the damned imperial-pigs?

Why did you chose to serve in the honorable House of Redoran and Veloth?

Do you support and serve in the pious Tribunal Temple?

Shall we take Caldera by force, or by diplomacy?

Whom is your favorite Councilor? Do you feel hatred for Ald'Ruhn's fall or Pride that Redoran fell with honor in a battle against the Four Corners instead of submitting to them?

Do you wish to put Hlaalu and Telvanni in their place with their illegal strongholds? Or shall we merely allow the Imperial Administration take care of them?

Do you believe in the Morag Tong's honor and use? Or are you against them?

I'd also love for more people to share their opinions on the original discussion tiopic or on Velothi's question :mrgreen:.

I'm pleased to announce the August Competition of the Month, which will be run in conjunction with the Great Houses!

Author:  Chaos the N'wah [ Thu May 19, 2011 1:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Great House Redoran (Club/Faction)

"Duty, Gravity, and Piety"

Show your support!

Author:  VirtualWeasel [ Thu May 19, 2011 3:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Great House Redoran (Club/Faction)

Thanks for doing this, Duruza. I forgot :oops:

Author:  Ezkaton [ Thu May 19, 2011 4:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Great House Redoran (Club/Faction)

Redoran through and through! I'd love to be part of any activities you may have later on!

Author:  OblivionDuruza [ Thu May 19, 2011 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Great House Redoran (Club/Faction)

VirtualWeasel wrote:
Thanks for doing this, Duruza. I forgot :oops:

Not to worry. I was planning on doing this for some time before you suggested it, you gave me the final push to make the step over the edge though :wink:.

@Ezkaton, would you be interested in helping to administer the Great House Redoran? I'm hoping that eventually, Redoran will become quite independent from me, but I have a fair amount of interest in it and would be happy to help out around here as I like all the Great Houses immensely and I think it would make administering and organising different inter-Great House events and activities much easier if I was connected to all three (and possibly 5 if I feel that there is enough interest in the 2 Houses not featured in Morrowind - Indoril and Hlaalu are my two all time Favourtie guilds ever, It's a real shame Indoril was not a featured faction in Morrowind :()

Author:  Generalno1 [ Thu May 19, 2011 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Great House Redoran (Club/Faction)

Ok look, we have a Great houses thread, what purpose will this thread serve?

Author:  Roadcone [ Thu May 19, 2011 4:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Great House Redoran (Club/Faction)

Redoran FTW.

Author:  Ezkaton [ Fri May 20, 2011 12:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Great House Redoran (Club/Faction)

@OblivionDuruza Yeah I'll try to help anyway possible!

Author:  Chaos the N'wah [ Fri May 20, 2011 1:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Great House Redoran (Club/Faction)

To help shape this Faction and to alleviate some of the Burden off of OblivionDuruza, I'll put forth this Member format (I am not Redoran)
  1. Archmaster:
  2. Councilman:
  3. Kinsman:
  4. Retainer:
  5. Hireling:

You may vote for your Archmaster

Author:  VirtualWeasel [ Fri May 20, 2011 2:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Great House Redoran (Club/Faction)

I was appointed by a mod to manage this thread and lead it. I dislike Redoran, but it'll help out Duruza. :mrgreen:

ChaosDawns wrote:
To help shape this Faction and to alleviate some of the Burden off of OblivionDuruza, I'll put forth this Member format (I am not Redoran)
  1. Archmaster:
  2. Councilman:
  3. Kinsman:
  4. Retainer:
  5. Hireling:

You may vote for your Archmaster or someone can claim it (Or fight over it :Twisted Evil: )
Who ever claims the title can add the member list to their first post (Or OblivionDuruza can edit the OP if the Archmaster isn't on the first page)

This is precisely what is going. This is a mere faction, but it serves many other purposes that you must wait to see. :wink:

Author:  Ezkaton [ Fri May 20, 2011 3:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Great House Redoran (Club/Faction)

I'll go ahead and take over the Redoran house and claim Archmaster of House Redoran so you guys don't have to worry about it lol

Author:  VirtualWeasel [ Fri May 20, 2011 3:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Great House Redoran (Club/Faction)

Sorry... I should have made this clear: We (mostly Duruza) did not intend for people to claim the title of Archmaster. It would be voted for.
So, as the "manager" of this thread, you cannot just become an Archmaster.

Author:  Roadcone [ Fri May 20, 2011 8:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Great House Redoran (Club/Faction)

I'll put my name forward for something, preferably something with large amounts of power but little responsibility :mrgreen:

Author:  OblivionDuruza [ Fri May 20, 2011 8:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Great House Redoran (Club/Faction)

VirtualWeasel wrote:
Sorry... I should have made this clear: We (mostly Duruza) did not intend for people to claim the title of Archmaster. It would be voted for.
So, as the "manager" of this thread, you cannot just become an Archmaster.

That is true as far as I did not want to seize control of House Hlaalu without the support of the other members of the House, I don't mind if Ezkaton wants to take up the title and responsibilities of Archmaster of Redorn. Be my guest, I'm not allowed to have any real role in this house anymore, but I expect it to be an active and worthwhile group nonetheless and would offer all the help I am allowed to give. In the end it is up to you Weasel. :wink:

Author:  Andere [ Fri May 20, 2011 11:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Great House Redoran (Club/Faction)

I think it's good and quite fair to have VirtualWeasel as manager of this Club, at least to start with. And please, folks, don't get overheated (!) and don't go flaming other Houses / Factions. These Clubs are intended as constructive. 8)

Best wishes. One of these days I'll probably join this Club - as a standard member.

Author:  Ezkaton [ Fri May 20, 2011 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Great House Redoran (Club/Faction)

You guys are right I just wanted to get this thing rolling sorry. Well we'll just have to wait for more people to start voting.

Author:  VirtualWeasel [ Sun May 22, 2011 2:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Great House Redoran (Club/Faction)

Ezkaton, I hereby appoint you Archmaster of Redoran. And stuff.

Author:  Ezkaton [ Sun May 22, 2011 3:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Great House Redoran (Club/Faction)

Lol Thank you VirtualWeasel!


Alright to get this thing rolling here's the Members List and we definitely need some new members so come on and sign up! :D

Archmaster: Ezkaton
Retainer: Roadcone,
Hireling: Kaiden
Manager: VirtualWeasel, (OblivionDuruza)

And thanks to OblivionDuruza and VirtualWeasel for getting this all set up!

Here you can discuss anything and everything you love about Great House Redoran!

If anyone wants to join Redoran and wants to know what we're all about look at this!
The True Noble Code

Any House member wants to participate in the first House activity here ya go!
The Battle for the East Discussion Thread
Join Redoran Today!

Author:  VirtualWeasel [ Sun May 22, 2011 3:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Great House Redoran (Club/Faction)

Nice initial job, Ezkaton. :mrgreen: I'll try to get more people to join in soon.

Author:  Ezkaton [ Sun May 22, 2011 3:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Great House Redoran (Club/Faction)

VirtualWeasel wrote:
Nice initial job, Ezkaton. :mrgreen: I'll try to get more people to join in soon.

Thank you! I need as much as I can get haha. :mrgreen: Hlaalu is blowing me out of the water!

Author:  OblivionDuruza [ Sun May 22, 2011 4:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Great House Redoran (Club/Faction)

Congratulations Ezkaton. You'll do a great job I'm sure

I was just wondering if any of the Noble Warrior House Redoran would be interested in chasing the Argonians out of Morrowind at some stage.

Author:  ZombieMonkeyNZ [ Sun May 22, 2011 5:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Great House Redoran (Club/Faction)

*raises hand*
May I join? :P

Author:  Ezkaton [ Sun May 22, 2011 5:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Great House Redoran (Club/Faction)

Yes you may! I need all the warriors I can get!!! Though I am unsure of the ranking system as of right now so don't be offended if you are at low rank.


Author:  ZombieMonkeyNZ [ Sun May 22, 2011 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Great House Redoran (Club/Faction)

The amount of times I've read that book... :roll:
The amount of copies I have that in my Library... :roll: :roll: :roll:

Author:  Kaiden [ Sun Jun 05, 2011 3:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Great House Redoran (Club/Faction)

House Redoran FTW !!!

Some call it boring or stiff, but I am all about the honour!

Not a fan of corruption or deceitful backstabbing (Hlaalu)... not a fan of the arrogant and entitled (Telvanni).

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