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 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 2:04 pm 
Lord of the Shivering Isles
Lord of the Shivering Isles
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Joined: Sun Oct 07, 2012 9:15 am
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ES Games: Oblivion:GOTY, Skyrim:Legendary edition
Platform: PS3.
Status: Beta now owns my Liver.
UESPoints: 12
Bit of a change of plans. I originally intneded to play Skyrim this month but well, Assassain's Creed IV is my main focus and taking a bit of a break from it thus no Thoric tales. That and I've really been meaning to do the prologue of Thoric's Journey. However, I've decided to tolerate Oblivion's Levelling System and focus on Oblivion. Going to be a female Altmeri Mage that may have a craving for power as the game goes on out of the belief she needs more power to save the world. She will be the Champion of Cyrodiil, ArchMage, Crusader(Going to headcannon that it temporary gives her a lot of knowledge of how to use a sword) and finally.....

The Lord of music, creator of fun, consumer of fine cheeses, the first and last of his name, Warden, Lord, God, Bat eater, Man eater, Elf eater, intestine lover, Sheogoroath! I do intend to try to show her slowly getting consumed as her journey goes on and for the Shivering Isles to be her downfall. Well, i say downfall, more of the person she was ceases to be exist and is utterly consumed by a never ending lust for power to the point where her morals fail.

Just like Thoric, there are two versions. Story Elf(lots of freedom) and ingame elf. Because Oblivion is a bit fiddly with some aspects and lacks drinks outside of booze, I'm not really going to roleplay that much. Well, not on the same level as any Dovah Skyrim character. May be very light RPing at most as Oblivion doesn't seem to go with Roleplaying for me.

Hopefully, I'll see this to the very end and have tons of stories! :D

Just need to think of a name. Probably be a 40 year old elf. 20 in human years because elves live twice and thrice as long as humans thus me using the 40 = 20 human approach. Pure mage as i love magic and Oblivion's melee isn't that great. Apprentice sign for a ton of magicka at the start and a glass cannon approach. Much more fun. Proably try to collect unique items. First house will be the Imperial city for storage purposes and price being the cheapest. Followed by the Manor in Anvil and no more. Outside of the Shivering Isles. Robes, clothes shall be enchanted. May use luck as an every other level attriubute to level up.

Praise Sheogorath!

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 6:39 am 
Lord of the Shivering Isles
Lord of the Shivering Isles
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Joined: Sun Oct 07, 2012 9:15 am
Posts: 1622
ES Games: Oblivion:GOTY, Skyrim:Legendary edition
Platform: PS3.
Status: Beta now owns my Liver.
UESPoints: 12
It's been quite some time and I am rather rusty. I did do a prologue but that is awful and was just a warm up. Here is the very first story of Saefinna the Mage, Hero of Kvatch, Champion of Cyrodill. Tis rather large.

Death of an Emperor.

The cell stank and provided little light for it’s Altmeri inhabitant. Saefinna was her name and her crime was assault. The Imperials loved to invite people to their most prized city, which was named the Imperial city. Saefinna always thought it was a lazy name for it and often joked about Alinor being renamed to Altmeri City if she was in charge. But what most imperials failed to mention in their books was that it had a bit of a criminal presence and Altmeri young women were a target out of the belief they were easy pickings. Most of the time that turned out to be a mistake on account of all Altmer being gifted with magic and was akin to swatting away a bothersome fly. She had been tasting a bottle of wine when trouble started to brew in the inn. She couldn’t recall the name of the inn but she did come across a drunken mage that insulted her. “Here to steal my magic are you?” “You think you’re soooo good because you’re an elf.” These were the kindest and it wouldn’t have mattered apart from the first punch. Saefinna had reacted to the mage’s attempted assault with a blast of magic. It did not harm him but the poor table that they landed on was killed by his large posture.

She was blamed for starting a fight an hour later and taken to prison for being dangerous. Her crime was assault officially but it was mostly to avoid a magical duel. The Nine knew it was bad enough when that happened at the Arcane University! In the streets of the Imperial City would be a nightmare!

She had stayed at the rear of the cell and spent her time recounting the last book she read. It was on the Life of Uriel Septim VII and had lazily summoned a skeleton over and over again to past the time. She wasn’t too fussed about her stay as she knew it wouldn’t matter in the long run. She was rather cocky and laid back as a person. To her, she was better then everyone else. To everyone else, she was another High Elf.

On the 7th day, she decided to break from her routine of staring at the ceiling for hours on end, practising magic, perfecting the art of lollygagging and got off the rags that made up her bed. It was kind to call it a bed and was uncomfortable but far better then being at sea.

“Well, what do we have here?” A dunmer leaned against the bars of his cell. “look at the elegant Altmer maiden. Where's your dignity now, huh? Where's that famous High Elf poise and bearing? You know, my time's almost up. Pretty soon I'll be free, and you'll still be stuck in this rat hole, waiting for your execution. That's right. I heard some of the guards talking. You're going to die in here, "High" Elf! You hear me? You're going to die in here!” He laughed. “Oh look, an ass. The Imperials think of everything. Tell me, do you do other things then speak rubbish? Do they give you extra treats for insulting others? It must be terrible drool guarding the likes of you. I mean, you’ve been in here for a lot longer and not once, you have tried to escape. Where as, I could make these bars disappear if I cared to.” Fortunately, the Dunmer was spared the speech that Saefinna was about to go on about how she was superior to the gutter trash that resided opposite her when the sound of voices came through the air.

"My sons...they're dead, aren't they?"
"We don't know that, Sire. The messenger only said they were attacked."
"No, they're dead. I know it"
"My job right now is to get you to safety."
"I know this place ... the prison?"
"Yes, your Majesty. Beneath the Legion Compound. We're headed for a secret passage known only to the Blades. No one can follow us through here."

They approached the cell of Saefinna and it was quite the shock. Uriel Septim VII, Emperor of Tamriel was standing in front of her very cell with his blades. “Why is this prisoner in here? This cell was meant to be free all the time!” A blade inquired. “Usual mix up with the watch.” Another retorted. “You, prisoner, move away and you won’t be harmed.” The captain or the woman Saefinna assumed was the captain based on the tone she used. She complied and moved over to the window. “You? I’ve seen you in my dreams. Let me take a closer look.” Uriel addressed the Altmeri prisoner. “Your majesty, that is quite disturbing and complimentary.” She commented as she went to bow before him. “There is no need for formalities but you are the one from my dreams. Then the Stars were right, this is the day.” His voice was filled with weariness and acceptance. “Your majesty, what is going on?” Saefinna inquired. “Assassin’s killed my sons and I am next. By chance, the entrance to that escape route runs through your cell. Whatever it is you have done, that is not what you will be remembered for but today is where you start your path and mine ends.” He told her. “We best get moving,sire. Don’t close this as we don’t know if it can be opened from the other side.” The lead Blade told the others and the Emperor. “Looks like this is your lucky day, prisoner.” The Redguard Blade told Saefinna. “Nah, I’m just blessed by the Nine.” She remarked. She walked up to the bars as the others began to make their way into the escape route. “Hey Dunmer, guess what? I’m free and guess what, you’re stuck in there. Oh, that’s right, you’ll die in there.” She told the Dunmer. It made no sense but it felt good.

She followed the blades and the emperor. “Who goes there?” The female blade asked. “The dawn takes all.” A voice responded. 10 men in black and red armour appeared out of nowhere. “PROTECT THE EMPEROR!” The captain yelled out. “Protect yourself.” Uriel advised Saefinna as the attackers charged at them. The female blade impaled one with her blade before duck to sink it into the thigh of another one. The owner yelled out in pain before being killed. The Redguard deflected blow after blow after blow with his shield and responded with simple yet effective thrusts. The Imperial was using aggressive strikes and his speed exceeded the attackers. His blade penetrated their armour and separated their heads. Their armour was weak or seemed to be as he move through them, one at a time. But before the last one was killed, the Captain was taken from Mundus. The man thrusted a dagger into her throat and her lifeforce was spilled onto the ground.

“Sir, we should move on.” The redguard told the Emperor. “Captain Renault?” He inquired though he knew the truth. “I’m sorry, sire. She’s dead. We have to keep moving.” Uriel walked down the dark corridor and towards the door. “You, prisoner, stay behind and we won’t kill you.” The imperial told her. Uriel glanced at her and in his heart, he knew she would save his Empire. It was fate that would drive her to reunite with him before the end of the path. His blades would not and could not understand it but the prisoner was vital.

“Well, [&@%!].” Saefinna uttered as she watched her only escape option walk away and the door was locked behind them. “Escape, I said. It’ll be easy and I can get back to getting better at the blade and art of magic, I said.” She uttered as she walked around the battlefield in the small room. The assassins were all over the place. They were no match for the Blades but their numbers were their strength.

She whistled and was very impressed. 10 against 3 in any situation was unfavourable yet the blades dealt with them without too much trouble apart from the dead captain. “Sorry, Renault. You’ve served your emperor well but I’m going to need your blade. Nothing personal, just unarmed and this isn’t a good place for magic. Rather not set fire to the place. But don’t fear, I’m apparently the one from his dreams.” She commented as she slowly prised the katana from the blade’s dead hands. “Nice blade.” She uttered just as something smashed in the far corner. “Oh for the love of Julianos!” She expected to be overwhelmed by more assassins and she would have died without taking any down. She knew that in her heart. Sure, she had a bit of experience with a blade but never really fought in actual combat before.
To her surprise and relief, it was a rat. A few seconds later, it was a roasted rat. She walked over to the hole where a wall had been previously and looked into it. “Thanks, Rat.” She cautiously entered it and illuminated the area with a simple illusion spell. She spotted a skeleton with leather armour on leaning against the wall and opposite a bucket. She walked over to it when she heard the squeaking of a rat and spun around just to see half a rat landing next to her foot. “That was odd.” She remarked in surprise at her kill. “As for you, sorry but I need this more then you do. Man, I never thought I’ll be wearing this.” She uttered as she slowly removed the rough leather armour from it’s deceased armour. The bones were quite brittle and a few snapped easily. “Doesn’t stink.” She commented and was relieved. After putting it over her cloth shirt, she removed the leather boots. Both were badly beaten up and in rough condition. They barely looked like they were useful but it was better then nothing. “Right, Saef, find the emperor, fulfil my destiny, yadadada, get rich. Should be simple.” She told herself as she walked towards the door. She saw a dead creature holding a crude weapon. It was made out of wood and had small spikes on it. “Is that a goblin?” She inquired. She recalled a picture she saw in a book a few years back when she was studying some bestiary and it looked just like the specimen in front of her. “Explains why this is in bad shape.”

She unlocked the door using the iron key she liberated from the goblin and made her way through the corridor. Rats fell to her blade as she made her way through the abandoned remains of what was surely part of the prison. She even killed a zombie with a simple flare spell. Today was proving to be quite an adventure for her. She travelled through it dealing with whatever pests she came across until she entered a cave. She took cover behind a pile of logs when the sound of arrows flew in her direction and pushed them down a hill. “Ok, was expecting them to move.” She remarked as she got up and resumed her travel.

She entered the central area of the cave or she assumed it was at least and came across three goblins. The first fell to a touch spell called Shocking Touch. The Second was lit ablaze and ended up becoming fuel for the brazier it was tending to. The Shaman was the real challenge for her and they engaged in a minor magical duel. She came out on top when her sparks sent it crashing through a small fence. She claimed it’s crude staff as her own. It used the head of a goblin and the skeletal hand as the main shaft. How it worked, she did not know but it would be useful to have.

She ended up catching the blades and Uriel Septim VII. He asked her what her birth sign was and learnt that she was born under the Lady. Saefinna was shocked to hear that this was the day he would die and he was content to die.

So, they made their way towards the exit and would have escaped if the gate hadn’t been locked. It was a trap. Saefinna was charged with guarding the emperor just seconds before the assassin’s attacked.

"I can go no further. You alone must stand against the Prince of Destruction and his mortal servants. He must not have the Amulet of Kings!
Take the Amulet. Give it to Jauffre. He alone knows where to find my last son.
Find him, and close shut the jaws of Oblivion."

The Amulet of Kings was thrusted into her hands and Uriel gave her no chance to object to it. “Sire, I’m just a prisoner. Ex-Prisoner, I suppose but if you think the Nine have used me in their plan, I wildo my best.” She told the Emperor. “Goodbye, my friend.” He turned to face the wall and faced down his killer. The assassin’s blade sank into his torso. “You’ve chosen the wrong side.” He told her and charged at her. She tried to strike at him but her blow was deflected. He thrusted at her and she barely managed to jump out of the way. She shocked him with a spell and tried to finish him but he blocked it and drove her back until the redguard embedded his sword into the assassin’s stomach. “Dawn will rule…….Supr...” He fell to the floor and Saefinna saw the full extent of the assault. There were 20 dead bodies littered around the place and the Imperial’s was surrounded 15 of them. She retrieved his sword and handed both Katanas over after speaking to the redguard. He revealed his name to be Baurus and trusted the Emperor’s last act. Saefinna of Alinor, Summerset Isles was entrusted to bring the Amulet of Kings to Jauffre. This was merely the start of a long path for her.

Praise Sheogorath!

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 10:16 pm 
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Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:04 pm
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ES Games: Arena-Beaten,Daggerfall-Beaten,Battlespire-beaten,Redguard-Still haven't Beaten,Morrowind GOTY-beaten,OblivionGOTY-beaten,Skyrim and its DLC Xbox360-Beaten,ESO-Beaten except DLC(PS4)
Platform: PC,PS4,Xbox One
UESPoints: 0
Here is the backstory and post game fate for my Arena and Daggerfall Characters and the backstory to my Morrowind Character,I don't have a post game for him yet since I am stilling playing as him and in the case of Oblivion and Skyrim,I haven't come up with characters yet.

Roderic Sitte Born 3E 370
Prior to the Game

Born and raised in Chorrol as the son of minor noble from Eastern High Rock serving a diplomatic position in the court of Uriel Septim VII.He had a younger sister born a few years later and they spent most of there time growing in diplomatic estate in the Elven Garden's District of the Imperial City.Growing up he learned what most sons's of nobles learned,Combat with all manner of Weapons,mostly Swords,Horseback riding,the upkeep of Plate Armor,Archery and diplomacy.Being a Breton he would have learned magic but oddly enough he didn't not seem to possess the strong connection to magic that most Bretons treat as second nature.Though he did show quiet an affinty for enchanted items.Among his tutors where some renowned Knights from High Rock and Decorated Legion Veterans.For Magic Training he had tutors from sorcerers from High Rock,some mages from the Arcane University and even some Altmer Masters from Summersett,but to no avail,his last teacher was of a more informal nature the Apprentice to Imperial Battlemage Jagar Tharn,Ria Silmane.
His father died when he was 18 years old in the year 3E 387,his mother and sister returned to High Rock but he decided to remain in the Imperial City.Where he remained a minor member of the Imperial Court.For two years he continue to train secretly with Ria Silmane and the two developed a fast friendship even attending the New Life Festival together.But one day it all changed for the worse.
He was taken from his bed by what appeared to memebers of the Imperial Guard and taken to Prison Cell underneath the city,he was just left there not chained up,not even his possesions taken from but left to rot in a locked dank cell deep in the Imperial City's complex sewer system.
But then he recieved a shimmering vision,it was his friend Ria Silmane whom he was most delighted to see,only to be disheartend by what she had to say.
It appears the Imperial Battlemage had betrayed the Emperor Uriel Septim VII and trapped him in a pocket of Oblivion using an artifact known as the Staff of Chaos.He then used illusion magic to take up the Emperor's guise and transforms his minions into imitations of the Imperial Guard.
He then went about systematically removing threats to his plot usually via assassinations but apprently he took so little stock in the threat Roderic possed that he just left him a cell to rot under the city.
Ria then told him than when she learned of this plot and went warn the Elder Council that Tharn had killed her and dumped are remains somewhere in the sewers.But she told him not to fret that there is still hope.
She told him the she had aquirred the key to cell and teleported it to inside the cell and instructed him to find a teleportation spell she has put in the sewer to take him somewhere out of Cyrodiil.
She told him that he was the last hope,that Tharn was unable to destroy the Staff of Chaos because it was made from the land itself and could only split it into 8 piece which he hid through out Tamriel.
It was his job to retreive these pieces and restore the rightful emporoer to the throne and stop Tharn.She said maybe the Nine had chosen him for this task.

After the Game

After defeating Jagar Tharn inside the White Gold Tower and free the Emperor from Oblivion,the Emperor named him the Eternal Champion.But the Emperor deicide he had new job for this new hero of the Empire but first he was given a new name and identity all traces of his existance were erased.The Outside World would only know his deeds as those of The Eternal Champion not those of Roderic Sitte.
He was to become a member of the Blades,the Emperors Bodyguards but also his eyes and ears in the provinces.He spent sometime in Cyrodiil and rose quickly in the ranks of the Blades before being to sent to High Rock to be the lead Blades Agent for the Illiac Bay Region.
His Sister had also taken on a new identity and was in service to the Blades in the Illiac Bay Region serving in noble courts around the region mostly notably Daggerfall.
One of his last jobs in Illiac Bay Region,was to search for a missing blades agent whom the Emperor had sent to the region on an importmant mission.He was never able to find her nor her remains,the official story was the she disappeared or was stepped on by the Dwemer Golem Numidium.He eventually returned to Cyrodiil sometime after the Warp in the West.
Once back in Cyrodiil he was called into the Palace late one night where the Emperoer thrust into his arms a healthy baby boy whom the whom the Emperor said was his [&@%!] born out of an affair with a palace maid.The Boy's name was Martin and The Emperor instructed his trusted agent to take the boy and his mother and take them out of the city and set them up somewhere nice and to make sure they were well taken care off and to check up on them and inform him of the Boy's condition from time to time.
Also while in the City he met another of the Emeperor's most trusted agents in the Blades an Imperial by the name of Caius Cosades with the most unusal habit of walking around shirtless.They become good friends but after while Caius had to leave on assignment to somewhere in Morrowind.
He was still alive by the time of the Oblivion Crisis but reports differ on wheter he lived to see its end.


Magdelena Marchad Born 3E375

Born in Evermore to her mother and father two retired Breton Adventures her father a Spellsword and her Mother a Healer,where they shared a modest home both were skilled magic users.
She enjoyed a quiet life playing with friends,attending school while also helping her mother tend to her patients and collecting herbs and other alchemical reagents while also training with her father and voraciously reading books in her parents modest library,
Her parent where amongst a small circle of people mainly the magically incline who knew and worked against Jagar Tharn's treason and to restore Uriel the VII to the the Ruby Throne
One day the faithful message had arrived a mysterious champion had succeeded the real Uriel had returned and Jagar Tharn Slain in the Imperial Palace and that their was to be celebration in the Imperial City.
Now a grown young woman Magdelena begged her parent to let her go to the Imperial City to take part in the festivites.Her parents agreed so she booked passage on ship leaving Farrun bound for the Port City of Anvil.
But before she left her father gave her an unusual staff that he and her mother on found on their adventures together.
On the road between Anvil and the Imperial City she saw a group of well dressed travellers being attack by a group of bandits,following the instinct to help those in need instilled in her by her parents.She jumped into duty they fight them off.When one of the bandits got behind her and raised his claymore poised to cleave her in half she raised the mysterious staff in defense when all of a sudden when the blade hit the staff it brok in half but not before it erupted in a shower of lightning that killed the bandit and sent the others running into the Great Forest.
Thanking their savior she had found out that the group she saved were some nobles including memebers of the Emperors extended family who had been away on holiday,they insisted that she meet with Uriel and join them for the official Imperial Celebration held at the Palace at White Gold Tower.
Stunned by the marvelous structure the held so much history she met with Uriel the ruler of all of Tamriel who looked a little worse for wear not surprising given his ordeal,flanked by his Blades and his newly appointend Imperial Battlemage,a fiercly loyal Altmer from Firsthold by the name of Ocato.Though the young champion was nowhere to be seen.
The Emperor took a shine to the young Breton of 29 Years and thanked her for saving his relatives.He offered her job as a member of the Imperial Intelligence Service the blade in his personal service but not has a bodyguard but an agent that answered to him and Ocato directly.
She trained with the blades and other elite fighters and agents.She performed many tasks for the Emperor during this period running from running messages,spying to tracking down and executing people who had collaborated with Jagar Tharn and his plot only one had gotten away from a her,A Altmer Mage who worshipped Mehrunes Dagon by the name of Carecelmo,it was reported he fled east into Morrowind with a knight who was in his service.
It was during she met and married her lover a Breton Healer who was serving in the legion by the name of Roderic Erielie.In 3E 404 they had a healthy baby boy whom they had named Roland Marchad after one of her ancestors.
Then one night she was summoned to a top secret meeting with Uriel and Ocato at the Palace.They had an assignment she was to sail to Daggerfall to investigate stories regarding the haunting of that city by the spectre of its recently deceased King Lysandus and to find a letter he had sent to Daggerfall's Former Queen that never arrived,it was said to be of a senstive nature.
So after saying good bye to her family how a lived in a house on the outer shores of Lake Rumare she set sail from the Port of Anvil where she first set foot in Cyrodiil,this time bound for Daggerfall.With some gold and Ebony Dagger the Emporer had gifted her.The trip had went smoother until they entered the Illiac Bay when he seemingly magical storm appeared out of nowhere destroying the ship and leaving her stuck in the roiling ocean.She swam for the shore and while climb the slick and now muddy shore she found a small cave which she had crawled into,being wet,cold and in pitch black cave she started to make a fire and after finally lighting it.She sat in horror to find a rock slide was starting and had sealed her into the cave but just before she gave up hope of esacpe.She turned around to find a passage in the back of the room leading deeper into the cave.
And so here is where her investigation into the Lysandus haunting and the search for the letter began but first she had to find her way out of this cave.Needless to say events got much more interesting.

After the game

The retrieval of the Mantella and the Totem of Tiber Septim led to the activation of the long lost Dwemer Golem Numidium which triggered a Dragon Break and the events that would come to be known has The Warp in the West.
The Agent who triggered these events was never seen again.Rumor states that she was crushed by the mighty Golem when she tried to control the Golem herself in one of the now converged possible timelines.
But no body nor blood stain was ever found,so who can say what really happened.

Fanon Ending:The Dragon Break caused her to displaced in time,to be stuck in a black void where time did not pass,to perhaps return to Nirn some point in the future.


Roland Morrard Born 3E 402

Prior to the game

Born in a small village in eastern High Rock,but raised in Wayrest by his adoptive parents A Dunmer Woman who was a former Ashlander and her husband A Breton Spellsword who had served in the Legion in Morrowind which is where they met.
They told him from what they now that his real parents had been laborers in small village near Farrun when they were slaughtered with almost everyone else by a rampaging reachman,before they in turn where killed and run off by a passing group of Orc Legion veteran's bound for Gortwog's Nova Orsinium in order to suppourt his cause.
In the wreckage of the village they found a scarred,crying but other wise healthy baby breton boy.Whom they had their Shaman take to Wayrest to be put in a orphanage.But instead the boy was adopted by this most unusual couple.
They had adopted the boy since they had always wanted a child but the she could not concieve any children after she had suffered injurys after being beaten and stabbed not by her own tribe but memebers of the xenophobic Cammona Tong for being has they said a traitor to the Dunmer People.
She didn't leave Morrowind with her husband before she tracked the Cammona Tong members down and rightously slew them in the name of Vegance.
He spent most of childhood and teenage years going to school or training in the arts of a Spellsword with his father some of his legion vet friends.He left his home and sailed for Cyrodiil on his 18th birthday hoping to find opportunity as an adventure there since the questing hero scene in High Rock was pretty Crowded.
But alas things did not workout like that and soon he found himself in the Imperial City running messages and picking pockets to keep his ribs from meeting his spine.Until one day he found himself on the badside of a crooked watchman by the name of Audens Avidius who had him thrown in to the Imperial City's Prison,where he spent a considerable time wasting away.
Until one day he was woken up in the middle of the night with no explanation,put in a carriage that took him to Windhelm in Skyrim where he was then put on boat heading east to Morrowind.Ignorant of the role he was to play in that nations history.He had quite a bit of trouble on the sailing trip being plagued by bizarre dreams voices in his head.While the only other inmate on board a Dunmer man by the name of Jiub starred at him strangely.

My original plan for Oblivion was to have him be the son of my Daggerfall Hero but that might make him to old,I might but I also might make a whole new character.As for Skyrim it might be a new character or it might being my Daggerfall character since I don't have her written has being curb stomped by the Numidium but instead the Dragonbreak causes her to be displaced in time.The Numidium story is a cover up for the fact that she just vanished for 217 years only to reappear in the wilds of Skyrim near were Ulfric gets captured.Upon further review I might keep with my plan for Oblivion since that would make him the same age as his mother at the start of her quest in Daggerfall,which would be 29 Years Old.

 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 6:19 am 
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I'm getting back into Skyrim and that means I'm probably going to be doing my photo journals kind of thing again.

For now I'm playing the umpteenth incarnation of my go-to character, Arathir the Imperial. Character focus subject to change, I have a few more concepts in my head.


(yes my computer still isn't good enough to take ultra hd texture screenshots)

A generally kind hearted rapscallion, Arathir was born and raised in the streets of the Imperial City. His father was a bard and from him he learned the ways of song and string, earning himself a spot as a deckhand on outgoing merchant ships where both a strong arm and a light tune were in need during long voyages.

The young minstrel found it vexing, however, that he visited all these fantastic locales only to unload cargo and then immediately depart on another long, uneventful voyage. After one stop, he hopped off of his ship and never returned, instead spending his week's wages on a sword and then seeking out work as a traveling mercenary and do-gooder in the heart of Cyrodiil.

With the civil war brewing in the north, however, opportunities for sellswords abound. Arathir sets his sights on the cold north, not knowing what lies in wait.



 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 3:13 pm 
Grand Master
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It's been ages since I've visited this thread. Suppose I just came on here to say that I finally started adding Felina videos to my tiny gaming channel. I only have 2 of her videos up for now but I intend to upload more. It's totally meaningless and doesn't matter but it's a lot of fun recording my gaming sessions. :)


 Post subject: Re: The TES Roleplayer's Thread
PostPosted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 11:23 pm 
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Restarted thinking of Jennifere, and had another idea.

In A Mirror, Darkly - Full Circle, Part 1. 4E 201
This is just a quick-write based on an event that happened to her ingame.
Jennifere softly opened the door. "Elenwen, I need to ask you something."

Elenwen put down her book, and her gaze arose from her bedside chair to look at the disturber; the last light of the sun strayed the window. "Ah Jennifere. Why could this not wait until the morning?"

"Because... The opportunity is very time-sensitive."

Elenwen's brow narrowed into a scowl, but she stopped short of actually telling her to get out. Jennifere took it as approval. "I've had an idea about how to resolve the present circumstances in a better way for the Dominion."

Elenwen stifled a laugh. "Jennifere, if you were anyone else that statement would get taken as treacherous."

"But, I'm not anyone else." She smiled.

Elenwen shook her head, but smiled too. "No, you aren't. What is your idea?"

Jennifere shuffled slightly, moving inside the room to close the door. Elenwen's smile stopped. Jennifere took a deep breath. "I marry Ulfric Stormcloak."

Elenwen barely had moments to register what she said before she roared with laughter, bending double; more than a minute shocked. When the incredible suggestion stopped being so funny - Jennifere wasn't trying to make her laugh - Elenwen took her seriously. She pulled up a second chair, and invited the younger woman to sit. She spoke carefully, yet considerately. "Jennifere, the very concept of that borders on insane. But, I will hear you out. What exactly are you thinking?"

"Well, I am the Dragonborn after all; we already dictate the Imperial course, but all our means of influencing Ulfric and the Stormcloaks are indirect. A compromised position, no?"

Elenwen thought carefully; yes, she was her usual naive self, but theoretically she had a point. "You want to have yourself as our agent on the inside of the highest levels of the Stormcloak leadership? I apologise for laughing now that I understand your reasoning."

"Yes - he gets the Dragonborn as his wife, and that puts him in a very strong position; strong enough to abandon the Empire entirely."

Elenwen smiled in approval. "Divide and conquer. You are learning, girl."

"Exactly; no longer a local conflict in just Skyrim, but one that takes the stage to a higher level."

"And this time, we control both sides through your influence on Ulfric."

"That's what I'm thinking."

Elenwen stood, and paced the room for a little while, mulling the concept over, pausing to light candles. "It is risky."

"Agreed. Especially for me."

"Yes - if Ulfric ever finds out, then your husband will kill you. And that is only the beginning of how such an operation could go wrong. It could lead to all out war, before we are ready for the second war."

"Equally, it could mean a Skyrim under me as High Queen after Ulfric's life ends who chooses to be a vassal instead of choosing bloodshed. And we are already preparing for the second war anyway."

Elenwen folded her arms. "Yes, we are. But we want to start it on our terms. You being caught and then executed as a Thalmor spy at the highest level of mannish government leading to all Tamriel rising against us is extremely disadvantageous."

"I'm willing to risk my life to do this."

"It's not just your life at risk Jennifere, although your acceptance of the risk of dying for our mission is admirable."

"I believe I can make this work. After all, my being a Justiciar is known only within the embassy."

"Yes, it's why you are on a high degree of freedom operative level, building your alibi as the Dragonborn."

"And the Dragonborn has easily justifiable motives for wedding the leader of a free Skyrim."

This gave Elenwen a little bit of a pause for thought, as her initial thought was Jennifere specific. "She would indeed, as an act towards peace, and defiance against the Thalmor."

"Exactly my point. No one would suspect that she's a spy."

"Yes." Elenwen paced around the room. "I believe your idea has merit. However, this is beyond my level to sanction Jennifere. This has to get the approval of those higher up than myself."

Jennifere gulped. "I understand."

Elenwen stroked her cheek. "But don't worry; if this is approved, you'll have the full backing of the Thalmor behind you, because this is an opportunity that we either refuse, or change all our planning to act upon."


Jennifere walked the steps, and the yellow-bearing guards opened the door for her. "Welcome back my Thane."

Jennifere smiled. "Thank you, it is good to be back."

She strode in, catching the last of Balgruuf arguing with Proventus. Balgruuf roared, throwing his arms in the air. "For the last time, Whiterun must stay neutral; I'm not having this city seiged and destroyed by either side."

Jennifere interrupted, as sweetly as she could. "My Jarl."

Balgruuf smiled, welcoming the interruption. "Jennifere, it is good to see you."

"Could I talk to you about Ulfric?"

Balgruuf scowled. "I have already said my piece."

"I understand, but I have a very different proposal in mind."

Everyone looked at her. Balgruuf spoke. "What?"

"I'm debating asking him to marry me, which naturally changes a huge amount of the politics involved in this war."

Balgruuf turned red with... Jennifere wasn't quite sure what he was feeling, but he held far better than she thought he would. "Jennifere, have you lost your mind?"

"No, I have thought this through."

Proventus turned and got a drink. Balgruuf sat down, his hand rubbing his head. He opened his mouth a few times, trying to find words, but in the end, he just looked at her.

"I know this is a fairly outlandish suggestion, but I would like to know how you respond to the concept of a Ulfric and Jennifere pairing as High King and High Queen."

"Fairly outlandish?"

"I'm being tactful."

Balgruuf hung his head in his hands. "Well, I'd be happier with him being High King knowing you were High Queen."

"In the same way you'd prefer to be stabbed by a kitchen knife over a longsword?"

Balgruuf smiled at her joke. "You jest, but you aren't wrong."

"Would you accept it if it was made clear that it was because of me?"

Balgruuf stroked his chin for a while. "Yes. But don't go to him unless you have the support of the other Jarls Jennifere; I do not want my city to burn as other cities have."

"I've already been in touch with other Imperial Jarls; this can end the war."

"I hope you can, Dragonborn. Why come to me last though?"

"Because I figured you would be the second-hardest."

Balgruuf saw it in her eyes. "Then good luck with the hardest."


Jennifere walked through the snowy wind, on the cold stone of Windhelm. All she had to do was propose to the one person who is not directly under Thalmor control who possibly might know who she really is; would Ulfric remember their brief shared look back in Helgen? Would he recognise her as Thalmor without her armour on?

She arrived at the Palace, her mind a blur. "The Dragonborn seeks an audience with Ulfric Stormcloak."

The guards acknowledged, and opened for her. She walked slowly towards the throne, before sitting to wait her turn. Galmar and Ulfric were discussing matters of the war, and Jennifere took out her letter from Tullius, signed by each of the Imperial Jarls. Jorleig approached her."You may speak, Dragonborn."

Jennifere stood, holding the letter. "Ulfric, I have something I wish to say about this war, and coming to a lasting peace."

He stood from his throne. "Spit it out."

She held out the letter. "I bring a letter supporting my proposal." she knelt in front of him. "Ulfric, I offer you my hand in marriage, if you will accept an end to the war."

Ulfric ignored her, focusing on the letter. "So, I become High King, you as High Queen, an end to hostilities, with special dispensation for allowing Talos worship. Interesting." He began to pace around the room. "I trust you have personally spoken to all these people?"

"Yes. I met with Tullius first, who needed a lot of persuasion, but the Imperial Jarls saw the advantage of our co-regency. Balgruuf agreed to support our co-regency."

He looked at the kneeling woman, before taking her hand. "So, I get everything I want."

"It took a lot of persuading."

"I can imagine." He let go, and paced around the room a bit more. Jennifere had a quick look around, and saw the number of guards had increased. "Of course, there are some questions unresolved. There's the matter of Northwatch Keep and the Embassy." He now came down to her level, staring into her eyes.

Jennifere tried to control her heart rate. "Tullius has talked with the Third Emissary."

"Or was it you, you who saw her just a few nights ago, in her own bedroom at night?"

Jennifere's eyes went wide; he knew. They kept staring into each other; his eyes flared, her breathing rapid. He knew. He knew exactly who she was. She didn't dare close them. She had seconds to think through her options, and she chose honesty. "Your informant is correct. I am a Thalmor operative." She felt the blade at her throat from behind, and then closed her eyes, expecting to die.

The soldier spoke next, lifting Jennifere up, binding her hands behind her back. "Shall I dispose of the Thalmor trash?"

"No. I want to understand her first. Not a word of this leaves this room, on pain of death." Ulfric took her hand as the soldier let go of her, and took her into his room, alone. He pushed her onto a chair. "I knew you were working with the Thalmor, Jennifere."

"I am. Here on official policy."

"I knew that too. My informant told me about your visit to Elenwen. And the others, I've heard you visit Elenwen often at night."

"Elenwen is my mentor, and she is most free for mentoring at night."

"My informant says you are more than that."

"Elenwen is ten times my age Ulfric; we are not in a relationship. Is it true that I am secretly a Justiciar, yes. But I am not having an affair with Elenwen."

"I see. Did Elenwen put you up to this policy?"

"No, this was my idea."

Ulfric paced around the room, never letting his eyes off her. "What I don't understand is why you are here."

"I'm here because the Thalmor see the value of the Dragonborn marrying Ulfric Stormcloak and therefore escalating the conflict by inducing a collapse of the Empire."

Ulfric paused his pacing, and sat beside her. "And inside your heart? Or have they ripped yours out?"

She looked deeply into his eyes, hoping he'd understand. "Ulfric, I... It's complicated."

Ulfric raised his eyebrows. "They set you up because you've actually fallen for me?"

Jennifere blushed. "I volunteered."

Ulfric stared into her eyes again. "Can I trust you, Jennifere?"

"Ulfric, I am genuine with my offer of marriage."


"I'd have to tell you my whole life's story to explain..."

Ulfric loosed her binds. "Jennifere, I'm going to take a step of trust." He took her hands with his, and held them gently, looking into her eyes to reassure her. "I look in your eyes, and all I see is how scared you are. So, all I will do is hold your hands like we have a relationship, and let you talk."

"I'm terrified."

"No one will hurt you."

"Ulfric, how much do you know about what life is like in the Summurset Isles?"

"Very little."

"I'm descended from the royal family of Firsthold; my family was purged when I was nine years old. I was taken alive, and moulded into an obedient little soldier for the Dominion. That was all I knew for the last ten years."

"What changed?"

"I became Dragonborn. Or learned I was. Somehow, ever since I defeated Alduin, I feel myself returning."

"Suddenly there's a conflict inside you."

"Yes. I want peace for Skyrim. I don't want the second war the Thalmor are planning. But, I'm trapped in the Thalmor."

"You see marrying me as a means for peace."

"Exactly; I can bring unity. I'm the Elven Dragonborn."

"And Elenwen sees us having a relationship as a way to vassalise Skyrim."

"Exactly. Along with all Alinor, the Thalmor know I am here tonight."

"So why should I take your offer?"

"Because if my power as the Dragonborn keeps growing, I can overthrow the Thalmor. But not while under their control."

"Playing both sides to get the time you need to grow your own power."

"Yes. And then I can make good on my dream."

"Your dream?"

She kissed him. "I dream of a world where Elves and Men are one people, with all the fighting between us in the past."

Ulfric looked at her, holding her hands. She was beautiful, no question. Naive to such a high level of danger it was amazing she survived at all. And Ulfric found himself thinking of her. She was sweet. She was idealistic, hopeful. "Jennifere, if you do this, if the Thalmor realise that you are going to betray them, they will kill you."

"I know. But, I would rather die as Jennifere Stormcloak. If I have to die, I would rather die for what I truly believe in."

"To die as an Elven Woman beside a Human Man."

"Yes." Jennifere looked into his eyes, reaching out her hand to touch his face. "And I want him to be you, Ulfric."

They stared into each other's eyes. Ulfric began to feel like there was nothing else in the room, except her. "I never thought about marrying an Elf."

Jennifere smiled. "Then marry the Dragonborn."

Ulfric thought about it. It made a lot of sense; the gamble was Jennifere was playing both sides. But, Jennifere was hopeless at deception - she truly believed in her ideas of Elves and Men as one. So, yes she was a double agent, but she was his double agent. The question became how to spin the politics; obviously marrying the Dragonborn had advantages, but if her nature as a Thalmor spy came to light, it could end her. And him. And she wasn't powerful enough yet to defeat the Thalmor; even Talos had needed some help to conquer the Aldmeri, and Jennifere wasn't on his level.

But that was the thing - she wasn't on his level yet. But if she was allowed to grow, who knew where she would end up?

"Jennifere, what do the Thalmor want me to do with your proposal?"

"If you kill me, they propagandise my death both domestically here in Skyrim and abroad. If you marry me, they will accept the compromises relying on the assumption that I play the part of dutiful vassal, not knowing that it was a gamble that I believed I could get strong enough to defeat them before they realise the deception. Send me away and we have the status quo. Expose me as a spy, and it means war."

"That's two bad options, more of the same, or one good option." He smiled as he held her hand. "I do accept your hand in marriage."

Needless to say, this is retconning Thalmor-Jennifere killing herself after defeating the Blades, which is the last story she was in. But, I figured out the right direction to take her, several years later, and well, Jennifere and Ulfric make such a good couple.

In a Mirror, Darkly - Full Circle, Part 2. 4E 202
Jennifere settled in her new bedroom - they had eventually decided on a small service. Ulfric gently held her, but slightly offset. She could tell he didn't trust her, not yet. One day.

"Jennifere, does Elenwen spy on you?"

"She doesn't need to, ever since the peace talks at High Hrothgar, she has had a mental link with me."

"Her choice?"

"Yes. She expected you to demand her leaving, and in the event that it happened, she wanted to be able to advise me."

"So everything said in front of you is known by her?"

"Sort of. Moments when we are intimate, she is not observing; I didn't feel her scrying at all during our wedding for example, and well, here in your arms, I know she is not listening."

"I expected this."

"Of course. It's why I haven't mentioned it, I know that you know that I am a Thalmor spy, and therefore I know you won't allow anything to be said in my presence that couldn't be heard in Elenwen's."

"Do you really think this can work, Jennifere? How can you defeat people who know your thoughts?"

"By simply being open and honest. Elenwen knows that I have revealed that I am a Thalmor operative; we discussed protocols in the event I had no choice but to disclose my true identity."

"Does she know about Morvigil?"

"She assumes her Embassy could not be compromised by a Stormcloak spy, and therefore sees it as a naive failing of mine that I gave my position away when you accused me."

"Jennifere, how can I tell you things that I don't want Elenwen to know?"

She smiled. "Tell me them when we are in a position where she won't listen."

"When won't she listen?"

Jennifere shifted onto her back, laying herself down. Ulfric took the hint. "Ulfric, when she is using the link, it's downside is she sees what I see, and feels what I feel."

"And she will hate to be feeling underneath any man, let alone me."

"Exactly. Personally, I find it so liberating to be with you; I can be me, knowing that for once I am not at risk of being sent to a reindoctrination centre."

"It is so strange. I never thought I would be marrying a Thalmor."

"Likewise, I never thought I would be marrying a Nord. I figured I would end up being passed off to some higher-ranking Altmer."

"Yet here we are. Do you really think we can make this work?"

"Ulfric, what exactly do you mean here? We have a lot going on." She laughed. Ulfric thought how pretty she was when she laughed.

"Well, I am the definition of a present day Nord leader, you are an Altmeri Thalmor. And now we are husband and wife, each of us being drawn in different ways."

"It is a challenge, definitely. But, Ulfric, I am your wife before I am anything else. Elenwen thinks I was going through the motions when I vowed myself to you, now and forever, but I was not. I meant my wedding vows today."

"I still feel like the lines are blurred."

"They are; at some point, it is extremely likely that Elenwen will arrange some scheme to force me to prove I'm still loyal, and I can only hope I am ready for war with the Dominion when it comes. But, the only time I can be sure that I am free to be me, is when I am with you." She looked deeply into his eyes, letting herself be totally vulnerable. "Ulfric, I would rather die than give that freedom up. "

In a Mirror, Darkly - Full circle, Part 3. 4E 203
Jennifere put two fingers on the doorpost as she entered the room as she looked for her husband. For Ulfric, he knew what it meant; it was their little code - one finger meant Jennifere was not being observed, but two, such as now, meant Elenwen was scrying her. Jennifere looked into her husband's eyes; he was worried. "Hilgrund told me to come here, as soon as I got to the stables. What is happening?" While she waited for a reply, she looked around the rest of the room; Mages from Winterhold, all the Jarls and their retinues, Legate Rikke, Serana, Isran, Falion of Morthal, even Neloth via a conference portal. Which Jennifere knew meant this was properly serious, whatever it was. It was Rikke who spoke.

"Emperor Titus Mede the Second has been assassinated by the Dark Brotherhood. In addition, the assassin has assassinated the man who placed the contract, before notifying us."

Jennifere sat down, taking the information in. "Why turn himself in?"

A voice replied from above and behind her. "Hello, sister."

"Ancaron? You're alive?"

"Yes. Obviously." Jennifere smiled.

"I thought they killed you."

"No. They did try, but I escaped, and took the boat as we were supposed to."

The memories came rushing back. "I was captured."

"Guarded by more than fifty Thalmor soldiers. Even now I'd think twice about those odds."

"Hold on, if you are in the Dark Brotherhood, how come none of these people have bound you?""

"Because my Dark Brotherhood is now your secret service."

Jennifere rested her head in her hands. "This is a lot to take in."

Ulfric spoke next. "More to the point, war is coming. We aren't sure if it will be an Empire wide civil war, or the start of the Second Great War. But the death of the Emperor has sparked a fire."

"And the fire will torch the forest."


Wuunferth the Unliving spoke next. "What becomes immediately apparent my Queen, is the need to deal with Elenwen's scrying. Skyrim needs you. Tamriel needs you. You are Akatosh's chosen. And we can't afford to risk open war with our most formidable warrior-mage giving away everything she sees and hears."

Jennifere could almost hear Elenwen screaming at her. "Elenwen is saying that if you break the link, war will be declared."

Ulfric looked around the room. "Then war is upon us. Now, Wuunferth."

Jennifere looked down; her seat was in a warding circle. Now she understood why so many Mages were present - the first battle of the Second War would be to free her. The Mages began their incantations, and Jennifere could feel Elenwen trying her best to gather her own Mages while reinforcing the spell. She felt like the centre of a magical vortex, one that swirled and swept her, until totally disoriented she fell from her chair. Ulfric realised, and leapt to catch her; Jennifere felt safe looking into her husband's eyes, as her own went dark.


Three days later, she awoke; she was laid in bed, her husband by her side. "Ulfric?"

Ulfric kissed her. "I'm so glad you are awake."

"What happened to me?"

"The Mages tried to explain it to me, but I didn't understand much. Elenwen realised the link was failing, and so her side tried to kill you via the link, which you felt when you fell. Because I caught you, they had to drain my lifeforce as well, and by the time I was going down our Mages realised things had changed."

"Our side won?"

"Yes. The next day the link was finally broken. Your brother gave Neloth this to enchant."

Ulfric picked up the circlet off the floor as Jennifere got up, and saw it - the Diadem of Ayrenn. "Ulfric, that circlet is worth more than Windhelm is."


"That's the Diadem of Ayrenn. It passed into my father's possession after the Thalmor attacked the Royal Family in Alinor, and he abandoned Firsthold to go on the run from the Thalmor. Ancaron must have kept it safe." She thought a bit more. "Ancaron wants me to be Queen of Alinor."

"A circlet makes you queen?"

"Ulfric, I have, well, a friend is looking after them on my behalf waiting for me to come and fetch them, Auriel's Bow and Shield."

Ulfric looked at her. "What kind of friend can be left with artefacts of a god?"

"He's the last living Snow Elf, tending the shrine of Auri-El in a forgotten vale deep in the western mountains." Jennifere smiled. "I get to be the Unforseen Queen."


Jennifere had disappeared for a few days, much to Ulfric's concern; she said she had a few things she needed to collect from various hideaways. What she didn't mention was that one of them was an actual, living Red Dragon.

A Red Dragon that wore a tailored suit of Ebony armour. And atop the Dragon's back was his queen, Jennifere, arrayed for the war; on her brow was Ayrenn's diadem, on her left arm Auriel's shield, over her shoulder was Auriel's bow, at her hip was her Dragonbone sword that had defeated Alduin, and she was arrayed in Moonstone and dragonscale armour. And when she got down, and approached Ulfric, he noticed that etched on her breastplate was an Eagle in flight over her left breast, and the Stormcloak Bear on her right breast, and that the scales were from the Dragon she rode. She smiled. "Like what you see, my love?"

She twirled for her husband, while Ulfric just stood. "You look like a goddess."

Jennifere smiled. "I am Auri-El's chosen."

In a Mirror, Darkly - Full Circle, Part 4. 4E 203-205
The dispute about the succession of the Empire effectively ended - the interim council determined that handing power to Ulfric and Jennifere straight away was a safer option than risking war with the north and the south simultaneously. In addition, rebels against the Thalmor rose in the Isles, made more significant by the desertion of Tenteconar, with his army of Firsthold loyalists in Exile, who crossed the border into Cyrodiil before swearing fealty to the Queen of Firsthold and Alinor, vowing that the Summerset Isles would know the peace and prosperity of the kings and queens again.

The Thalmor were thus in a far weaker position than foreseen, and were not willing to risk the prospect of having their armies on mainland Tamriel while dissent at home was such an issue; many among the elders of the Altmeri could still remember the days of the Royal family, and Jennifere's banner - The Eagle and Bear side by side - became the banner of the Royalist faction. Mainly for lack of any other candidates than Jennifere specifically - Jennifere might wear the crown of the Unforeseen Queen, but her lineage was through the House of Rilis, facts known throughout the Altmeri.

Still, she had the strength to make her claim, which was more than could be said for any other claimant.

For Ulfric, at first he married her out of convenience, but the more time he spent with her, the more he loved her. He found himself taking a secondary role to his queen - Skyrim was free at last. But more and more he thought of her dream of restoring the Elhnofey.

She had changed him. Once, Elves were the enemy; the true enemy, using the Cyrodiilic Empire as their pawn. But now he had a more nuanced view; his wife, warrior Elves like Telcontar, the first Dragon Knight, who rode Vulthuryol after Jennifere released him from Blackreach, Ancaron, and Elves of all kinds who flocked to Jennifere's banner of a peaceful, unified Tamriel all made him see that it wasn't all Elves. Just the Thalmor.


War however, would not wait. The Thalmor, in an effort to identify and eliminate prospective traitors, offered free exile for any who wanted to support Jennifere - they could depart on ships, and wouldn't be harmed by the Thalmor. Jennifere assumed it was a trap, and sure enough, the refugees just happened to be halfway to landing at Anvil, Cyrodiil when a strange storm raged and destroyed many ships; thousands were killed, and thousands more were shipwrecked anywhere from Hammerfell, Cyrodiil and Valenwood. Those who arrived at the first were passed to Cyrodiil, where a refugee settlement was established outside Anvil, around Fort Strand, while the unfortunates who landed in Valenwood were captured and treated as enemy spies.

Having dealt with anyone foolish enough to openly defy the Thalmor, the Thalmor declared war. The loss of Telcontar's army was regrettable, but the Thalmor knew letting Jennifere establish herself would be worse. The first battle of the war was a fighting retreat; Leyawiin was evacuated north along the eastern side of the Nibenay Valley. Bravil and Skingrad and the forts between them formed the key defensive line to prevent land invasion from Valenwood and Elsweyr, and had to be defended.

Hammerfell, originally neutral on Jennifere, decided to fight themselves, committing their large navy into action to prevent Altmeri reinforcements from crossing the sea.

Jennifere herself fought in The Battle of the West Weald, before going on the offensive with her dragon allies - Valenwood was given the choice of surrender, or Dragon Fire would torch every tree. The Bosmer, doubting her resolve, wouldn't answer. Arenthia, a settlement in existence since the Dawn Era, burned until nothing remained. The Bosmeri archers tried to shoot the Dragons down, but they were armoured with enchanted armour that slowed or deflected arrows. The suits of armour were easily the most expensive armour suits ever made in Skyrim, and represented almost three hundred thousand Septims of investment in materials and time; a full year of Eorlund Greymane's time and effort working ebony on the Skyforge, with the biggest enchanting commission ever paid to the College of Winterhold.

With the Dragons flying on Falinesti, the Thalmor suddenly saw the Bosmer change sides to protect Falinesti; the Aldmeri Dominion collapsed as the Silvenar surrendered all Bosmeri forces rather than risk the city's destruction, and Elsweyr decided to follow the shift in the balance of power, surrendering to Telcontar's army who then garrisoned the Province.

With the war now fought over the sea between the Summerset Isles and the rest of Tamriel, popular uprisings saw the Thalmor lose control; Jennifere was crowned Queen of Auridon and Alinor on the 1st of Frostfall, 4E 205 less than an hour after Odaviing landed; the Thalmor had lost control of the army, navy and all assets outside the city of Alinor, which came under siege after the Thalmor sealed it away in an impenetrable field. The war was technically won, and the watchful peace began.

In a Mirror, Darkly - Return to Solitude, Part 1 4E 201
Jennifere rushed out of Riverwood along the north road. The claw had been dealt with, now she just had to go return to the Yarl's pet mage to give him the tablet, and she could get back to Solitude. As she travelled, she came across fellow Thalmor, heading north with a prisoner in tow. Jennifere stopped to watch them, her Justiciary Escort, Emissarial Ranking broach her only item of jewelry. The three of them looked at each other, with one of the Escorts approaching her. Sword drawn. "Do you know who's broach you wear?"

"The broach of a Justiciary Escort, Emissarial Ranking."

"And who did you kill to obtain that broach?"

"No one; I was assigned to Elenwen, but we got separated at Helgen."

The man looked at the other two; the Justiciar nodded to corroborate her story. "We are busy taking this man, as you can see. Neither Elenwen or Vardiil have been seen since the disaster. Do you know where you are going?"

"I got dragged into helping out the Yarl; it's a long story, but I just have to deliver this tablet and then I will head to Solitude."

"And do you know how to get there?"

"I was instructed as Vardiil escaped with Elenwen to take the carriage from Whiterun."

"Then proceed, Escort of the Emissary. She does not like to be kept waiting."

The man rejoined the other two, and Jennifere continued running herself. Little did she know that she was about to be delayed, and start a journey that would change the destiny of Skyrim and Alinor alike.

i must confess, the more I write Thalmor-Jennifere, the more she feels the most complete of her various alternate natures - Jennifere Dovahsebrom is... rather eldritch, while Jennifere Queen of Skyrim is nice but somehow there feels like a piece missing reflecting back on the previous stories. And Jennifere Queen of Vampires never really worked. But Jennifere the Second Unforeseen Queen feels like the most complete version of her.

In a Mirror, Darkly - Elenwen's Letter, 4E 201
For the attention of Lord and Lady Heceril and Culumani:

Several weeks ago, the decision was taken to transfer to me Jennifere, as a Justiciary Escort, on the basis of developing her unique potential. It is my assessment that this potential has been revealed following the discovery that she is "dragonborn". I have therefore taken the executive decision to release her from her officially assigned duties so that she may develop both her potential and her standing in the public eye without being seen as an agent of ours. Her primary duty in the immediate future is to make contact with the Greybeards; a reclusive Nord sect to whom no Altmer has been before, to my knowledge. I have instructed her to take a full and detailed report of whatever intelligence she can gather, which will be included in the next report. Beyond that, her future duties include employing her unique position to investigate the return of the dragons; when this is resolved, she will return to normal duties.

Signed, Elenwen, Third Emissary.

In a Mirror, Lightly - Restored Enholfey, 4E 240
Note - this is very speculative, but then developing such magics is kind of a priority for the Jennifere-led Union of Nirn.

Ulfric watched her; she, and various other Elves who had agreed to her plan to blend Nord and Altmer into a base for restoring the ancient Enholfey, or at least to try it. The ideas weren't entirely new - Jennifere had been draining her life to extend his for decades. Ulfric contemplated how he felt faster, felt younger, felt stronger at ninety now than he did before he married her fourty years ago. But that she had managed to find a few hundred Elves who were crazy enough to join her was new.

This had been a project of Jennifere's from soon after they were married, and she had been using herself as the test subject. Every one of them had a Human spouse on the receiving end of what this ritual would accomplish; Jennifere had requested an increase in interracial marriages between Altmer and Nord, hoping to blend the best of Elves and best of Men into a new kind. There was no compulsion - Jennifere feared that it would ruin the process if it was forced. A few hundred Elves had taken Human spouses - notably, Telcontar, Jennifere's 2nd in command Altmer, had married Lydia, her Housecarl in Whiterun - but this was even more voluntary. She hadn't even asked; Telcontar had found out that Jennifere was sacrificing her life to extend Ulfric's, and he suggested to other Elven spouses of Humans that they followed her example after he tested out the process and lengthened Lydia's life a little.

Blood magic, they said, was the primary starting point - take the life of the longer lifespan partner, add it to the shorter lifespan partner. Vampiric drain reversed. But that wouldn't give the permanent change to start making the Restored Enholfey. To do that, Jennifere had a few ideas - their son Aeuthred and daughter Erriene were one way - but she wanted more.

And to get more, she was willing to go a lot further than just borrowing vampire knowledge and using it differently.

She had explored so many ideas and theories - blood, shadow, water, thaumaturgy, old Dwemer tonal architecture, the manipulation of time, revisions of Dawn magics - if it had the prospect of achieving her goal, and did not require a bargain with the Daedra, she had considered it.

The result?

A mingling ritual composed of at least half a dozen schools of magic, with the result that the participants share their combined lifespan, share their minds, blend their natures, and if they go on to die naturally they die together simultaneously. That bit Ulfric understood; the whole unification of melding Altmer and Nord bit he didn't.

To be truthful, no one did. It was part of why Jennifere had spent so long working on it on her own; that way, if she messed up, only she could be affected. Now, ok, a thousand Mages had been looking over the details, so it ought to be more confidence-inspiring, but then almost none of them had previous experience. And the few who did have experience were nearly all insane.

Just as well, really - more than half the mechanics drew on magics that had been illegal in previous times because of evil that happened from them.

Ulfric touched her to get her attention. "Just how likely is this to work?"

Jennifere ummed. "I honestly don't know."

Hundreds of Mages stood around the site; all experts in Restoration, just in case. Hopefully, they would only be needed for the wards.

Jennifere walked to the crowd, and got their attention. "We are ready to begin. Now, for my own conscience at least, I must ask that because of the nature of what we are trying to do, people only continue if they truly want this, because it is my belief that people doing this because of compulsion will break this, and so, I want to remind people that this is the last chance to walk away from this experiment. So, if anyone is having second thoughts, now is the time to act on them."

Jennifere looked across the hundreds of couples; many looked at each other afraid, but so many looked at each other in delight. They all stayed. The people who were thinking of quitting already had. "Ok people, Elves on the left, Humans on the right, and may the gods have mercy on our souls if this goes wrong..."

Jennifere stood facing Ulfric, and smiled as she removed her dress; one of the requirements was to be able to bear your heart to the other, and they weren't sure whether the reference literally meant the ritual would physically burst the chest to cause a link, and Jennifere decided that if it did, she'd rather not soak her dress in blood. Ulfric joined her. They were first - that way, if anything went wrong, the others would be able to stop. They stepped towards each other, and held each other's hands.

The attendants began working through the incantations; Jennifere and Ulfric were hidden from view in a field of light. They were just them, alone together. Then the pain hit; excruciating pain, like all their blood was on fire. Mainly because it was; one of the downsides of having to use a thaumaturgical spell for this section of the blending process was that in order for the blood magic to transfer their life essences into one being and then resplit back between them, their blood had to be physically exchanged via a gaseous medium. The other changes started too; Jennifere felt herself age, and when she looked at their hands, she could see their skin tones merging, her formerly tanned yellow skin gaining a much more pinkish hue. She smiled as he grew taller, and his ears became pointed like hers.

The field closed, and they were among their people again, the first Restored Enholfey. Jennifere looked deeply into Ulfric's eyes, before kissing him, and as she did, she sent him a thought. "Hello, my wonderful husband."

She withdrew, as he returned the favour. "Hello, my beautiful wife."

With the eyes of thousands looking upon them, they joined hands again, and laughed together. Then turned to each other. Ulfric spoke, but Jennifere finished his sentence. "Are we?"

"Yes, we are. Emotions, thoughts - everything you feel, I feel,and everything I feel, you feel. We are one, my love."

Jennifere ran her hand down her chest, checking herself for blood, before turning around and putting her dress back on. Then she turned to the crowd. "I believe that Ulfric and I are joined, permanently. Anyone want to copy us?"

With that, hundreds of couples took each other's hands. Jennifere smiled - her biggest dream had just come true.

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