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 Post subject: Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!
PostPosted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:29 pm 
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Just the aerial sweep-over and music made me get a wee bit excited.

 Post subject: Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!
PostPosted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 10:37 pm 
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The SheoDovah wrote:
Or hopefully, they'll ditch prisoner entry and go for something else.
Aww, I like the classic rags-to-riches story. It makes me feel so accomplished.

Aarah wrote:
Just the aerial sweep-over and music made me get a wee bit excited.
Same though! I was smiling so much, ach. And all because of a little music and some hills.

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 Post subject: Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!
PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 12:02 am 
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Alarra wrote:
(Looks like Daggerfall, Redguard, Dawnstar, and Shadowkey you don’t start as a prisoner, correct?)

I do believe you have the honor of being the Emperor's friend in Daggerfall, though I tell ya, that starter dungeon sure does feel like a punishment. I still get mad just thinking about it. I think I wouldn't mind going that route again, but I think the prisoner trope has sort of stuck. Like those sweetrolls.

Mmm. Sweetrolls.

Cassandra wrote:
Aarah wrote:
Just the aerial sweep-over and music made me get a wee bit excited.
Same though! I was smiling so much, ach. And all because of a little music and some hills.

I literally threw my arms up in the air and squealed like a school girl when that teaser played. Makes me remember how excited everyone was when Skyrim was announced, and then when it came out! It's fun to feel the excitement all over again. I've had a fun time with the MMO but it will be nice to see the 4E storyline progressing more. I must know what becomes of my poor, toppled Empire.

And I absolutely wouldn't mind a Hammerfell location. I really like Redguard culture, from the bits we've seen of it. Got to stick it to anyone who gives the ol' one-two bye Felicia to the Empire and gets the Dominion worn down enough to get a treaty. Rock on.


"[...] for the lives of gods are not what mortals think and matters that weigh only years to mortals weigh on gods forever."
The Tribunal Temple, Nerevar at Red Mountain

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 Post subject: Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!
PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 1:02 am 
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The prisoner trope feels so ingrained at this point, but it would be nice if along the tutorial section you can stumble across a small cache of weapons and armors of all varieties or some selection process like the first 3 standing stones that determines what you find in the tutorial. It's only a minor annoyance, but I always had a hard time not stealing first thing in Morrowind regardless of the character I was playing... someone has to finance my first set...

Honestly, what I hope for is a way to opt out of the tutorial altogether, like a slightly hidden path amidst what ever fight/war has broke out to let us escape. Throw me nude into the wilds if I don't have to listen to another line of the same rhetoric

 Post subject: Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!
PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 4:58 am 
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Wouldn't it be grand of TES VI was an updated version of Morrowind's style? Like obviously Skyrim-esque combat, but an opening tutorial and questionnaire like in Daggerfall/Morrowind; picking a class, a birthsign, etc. Hell you don't even have to be a prisoner this time, maybe an emissary from Cyrodill (can still be any race besides Imperial) or a courier with a message for the Kings of Hirock & Hammerfell (which could be the main focus of the plot).


 Post subject: Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!
PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 6:38 am 
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Irony being that you're the imperial courier sent with a declaration of war or some form of bad news and you end up on the chopping block anyway :P

I'm not actually sure I miss Birthsigns or not (I think it would be cool if you could still pick one for flavor or minor abilities)....but I do wonder what standing stone stand-in we'll get

 Post subject: Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!
PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 5:21 pm 
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Leliel wrote:
Wouldn't it be grand of TES VI was an updated version of Morrowind's style? Like obviously Skyrim-esque combat, but an opening tutorial and questionnaire like in Daggerfall/Morrowind; picking a class, a birthsign, etc.
That sounds grand, indeed. I like picking a class and birthsign. And questionnaires are such fun; I don't always like what they give me, but I like doing them just for the sake of doing them.

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 Post subject: Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!
PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 4:22 am 

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Cassandra wrote:
Leliel wrote:
Wouldn't it be grand of TES VI was an updated version of Morrowind's style? Like obviously Skyrim-esque combat, but an opening tutorial and questionnaire like in Daggerfall/Morrowind; picking a class, a birthsign, etc.
That sounds grand, indeed. I like picking a class and birthsign. And questionnaires are such fun; I don't always like what they give me, but I like doing them just for the sake of doing them.

Yes, bringing classes back would be great, for in-game believability if nothing else. I mean, Skyrim made it look like the character had only dabbled in everything and otherwise just loafed through his/her life until the game's start. Classes give characters some history and well, character.

I'd have no problem with preserving Skyrim's core concept with leveling, that is that every skill increase counts towards a new level. But it could be tweaked so that at start every skill is at 5 plus racial bonuses, then the player could pick 5-6 skills that get +15 points. In addition it might be that class skills count, say, 20 per cent more towards leveling. As for birthsigns, one could be picked in character creation, and then there could be a (maybe quest-locked) system to change it for a moderate price, in money or maybe in skill points or something. And voilá, we would have both classes like back in earlier TES titles and the freedom of Skyrim's system! How'd that sound?

 Post subject: Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!
PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 5:15 am 
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Sounds good enough to me!

Tbh any form of classes would be nice.

And ah, I like the idea of having the ability to change your sign, after doing a certain quest. It gives some more flexibility while still having to go through that choice at the beginning (also I think it'd be nicer than Skyrim because who wants to run around looking for stones? I'd rather just choose one at the beginning and have a single place to go and change signs later on).

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 Post subject: Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!
PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 9:07 am 
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Don't know if this has already been posted-- didn't see it mentioned yet-- but this guy makes an excellent case that TES6 is going to be in Hammerfell, or at least that the trailer is showing the northwest coast of Hammerfell. He even pinpoints the exact locations seen in the trailer:


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 Post subject: Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 6:33 am 

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SeaGtGruff wrote:
I may be wrong, but I think High Rock is the only province that's completely covered in ESO.

Valenwood too

 Post subject: Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 7:01 pm 
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Yes, I should have said "I may be wrong (and frequently am)"-- and this was YATOBI (yet another time of being incorrect)! ;)

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 Post subject: Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!
PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 3:11 pm 
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Bets are on its Hammerfell and Highrock. Last standing tower, location of the last Dragonbreak, Last bastion of the dying empire. Dominion invasion, rebuilding army to face it. Restoring peace between Imperial Hammerfell and the seceded parts of it. Aldmeri plot to take the tower, stone might involve time travel maybe harnessing the power of the dragon break to return to convention? Could end with Landfall initiating if it they succeed. Also blades probably serves as a companion app in some regards so no doubt it will involve the Blades in some manner. Be interesting to see how long after Skyrim it actually takes place...

...!!CHIM, CHIM, CHAROO!!...

 Post subject: Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!
PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 8:34 pm 
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My initial thought was that it looks like High Rock-- just because of the, you know, high rocks and mountains. Of course, there are mountains in other provinces.

But I've been convinced by Camelworks' breakdown and explanation that it's Hammerfell.

I haven't watched the other person's breakdown and explanation yet about it being High Rock.

But the suggestions that clues found in Skyrim and possibly earlier games pointed to Hammerfell seem pretty intriguing.

So my money is on Hammerfell. :)

But no matter where it turns out to be, I'll definitely be playing it-- unless it requires more power than my computer can muster, in which case I'll be sitting in a corner with my head against the wall, whimpering.

ESO mains: Michel Shaldon (PC NA), Miguel Outrider (PC EU)

 Post subject: Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!
PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 2:37 am 

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My guess is that it will take place in High Rock. My main reasons are that I looked at all of the areas on multiple maps for where theoretically the trailer could take place, and I found the only possible options to be: High Rock, Hammerfell, Mainland Morrowind, and the Summerset Isles.

Both Morrowind and Summerset have a very different landscape than what was showcased in the trailer, which were my main reasons for excluding them.

After this, I then looked at the world map showcased in TES: Arena and TES: Online to see which mountains could possibly contain snow, which ruled it down to High Rock. I took a look at multiple maps in order to conclude where I believe the exact location is for the trailer.

Once I established the most likely location, I started looking deeper into TES Lore, so I could make some assumptions as to what type of story the next game would have. I discovered that a passage from the in-game book "The Warp In The West" would fit perfectly alongside what was shown in the trailer. It describes that the locations between the main forces of the Illiac Bay are in ruins, and that pieces of the land have been devastated to the point where they have now become blackened and desolate. The possible "crater" in the trailer is possibly a blast from the Numidium.

 Post subject: Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!
PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 5:18 am 

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I think it's going to be High Rock, personally.
Looking at map formations, sunset, etc. High Rock has the best opportunities (assuming the geography in the teaser is worth anything), the music makes me think more of Bretons, and I think the themes in High Rock might be particularly popular right now, especially with series such as Game of Thrones being so popular. High Rock is essentially like a magical medieval England/France, and I assume the geography could be quite interesting. With a High Rock setting there could also be some expansions on orcs, a look at the Hammerfell (dlcs involving Hammerfell and Orsinium, maybe? maybe there could be a island off of Hammerfell we can do to, similiar to the Solstheim dlc...), and we could see stuff relating to Skyrim, too - maybe Forsworn are being slowly pushed into Hammerfell because of events going on in Skyrim, and the PC has the opportunity to address it.

Hammerfell could be interesting... Or it could be a lot of deserts and, well, kind of boring? I'd much rather see Bethesda continue to do more environments because after Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, I really, really don't want to see more and more sand. I'm practically set up on sand for the rest of my life, at this point. :lol: I could probably deal with Elswyer if they made it interesting with say, buried pyramids, lush oasises, etc. with an expansion on the Khajiit - which I would LOVE to see in game, since we've only seen 1 khajiit morph at a time in game (besides ESO, I guess) - but... ehh. I'm good for now. I just don't really find Hammerfell to be too interesting, outside of the whole "Redguards are not native to this plane and they killed an entire group of elves" tidbit.

I'd prefer Valenwood as a setting but I think it's fair to say the teaser doesn't look anything like Valenwood has been described... so if it was Valenwood, I'd be really confused and surprised.

 Post subject: Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!
PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 1:31 pm 
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Epona wrote:
With a High Rock setting there could also be some expansions on orcs, a look at the Hammerfell (dlcs involving Hammerfell and Orsinium, maybe? maybe there could be a island off of Hammerfell we can do to, similiar to the Solstheim dlc...), and we could see stuff relating to Skyrim, too - maybe Forsworn are being slowly pushed into Hammerfell because of events going on in Skyrim, and the PC has the opportunity to address it.

A fair point in this with opportunities; I like some of these thoughts. :)

I personally still want to bank on Hammerfell, especially if it is in close proximity to the events of Skyrim on a timeline. For one, Hammerfell's rejection of the White-Gold Concordat and their leaving the Empire (what remains of it, anyway) makes it a really strategic place, especially given that they kept the Great War going on their own for another 5 years and got the Thalmor to give up with the Second Treaty of Stros M'Kai. How are they fairing as an independent nation? There's a great story there for all sorts of civil unreset and restructuring, not too unlike the civil war we witness in Skyrim, and I think that added a lot of nice flavor to the gameplay. Additionally, I imagine Hammerfell would have been watching news of the Stormcloak uprising with great interest, especially if it meant another potentially independent province. You have a lot of lore that could be looked into with Redguard culture (which I think has proven to be more complex than it looks on the surface, given its exposure in ESO) and so many cool factions that could be explored (more Order of the Diagna lore - c'mon, Bethy!).

Hammerfell could be interesting... Or it could be a lot of deserts and, well, kind of boring?

I think they would find a way to spruce it up; Bethesda isn't known for giving us one solid zone of blah in any province, thankfully!

Though High Rock is a safe sell, I think. It's not too alien of a setting, it has lots of intrigue and a stellar location, and it wouldn't be too unfamiliar. Everyone loves a Breton. I think it boils down to what direction they take the 4E story, and, in that regard, anywhere along the Bay would be ripe with lots of possibility for storytelling and a prime location for setting that captures casual gamers and long term series fans, though, so at this point I'll take it as it comes!


"[...] for the lives of gods are not what mortals think and matters that weigh only years to mortals weigh on gods forever."
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 Post subject: Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!
PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2018 4:00 am 
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You know I would gladly compromise with Bethesda if they decided to not reintroduce ALL of the Morrowind features into TESVI in lieu of a better journal & quest/dungeon experiences. Obviously the combat system is dated and does not work for everyone, and the lack of fast travel can be an issue.


 Post subject: Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!
PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:24 pm 

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Out of all the big announcements at E3 this year, the one announcement that left a lot of people confused.

 Post subject: Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!
PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 2:16 am 

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Imbalance wrote:
I'm assuming a mid or late 2019 drop, meaning the GOTY edition will hit just in time to help me completely ignore most of 2020.

Man, do I wish this prediction had come true.

His name was Emer Dareloth.

 Post subject: Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!
PostPosted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:28 am 

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Imbalance wrote:
Imbalance wrote:
I'm assuming a mid or late 2019 drop, meaning the GOTY edition will hit just in time to help me completely ignore most of 2020.

Man, do I wish this prediction had come true.

Wishing harder... :(

His name was Emer Dareloth.

 Post subject: Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!
PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2022 7:41 pm 

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Imbalance wrote:
Imbalance wrote:
Imbalance wrote:
I'm assuming a mid or late 2019 drop, meaning the GOTY edition will hit just in time to help me completely ignore most of 2020.

Man, do I wish this prediction had come true.

Wishing harder... :(

Still wishing.

His name was Emer Dareloth.

 Post subject: Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!
PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2023 2:00 pm 
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Snagged off MSN:

"As part of Microsoft's court case with the Federal Trade Commission, Xbox bigwig Phil Spencer was asked about exclusivity plans for Elder Scrolls 6. Spencer said that the Elder Scrolls sequel will be in development for at least another five years and that platform availability is yet to be decided. At the very earliest, this means Elder Scrolls 6 will launch in 2028 [...]"

"It's the same team that's finishing Starfield, which comes out this September. So we're talking about it being likely five-plus years away."

Wow. And there I was planning to wait for TES6 before upgrading the XBox. :|

Apathy is on the rise, but no-one cares.

 Post subject: Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!
PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2023 1:22 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: TES VI Officially Announced!!!!
PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 11:13 am 

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Done wishing. Moving on.

His name was Emer Dareloth.

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