Started: Students of Despair
You overhear whispers of a small city (can't think of a name that is canon) near the Jerall Mountains that has suffered a bit trouble. A celestial body has crashed into a river that leads to the city, creating a pit that siphons the water. As a result, their water supplies are thinning and the sewers are no longer being rinsed by the river. The citizens don't fear dying of thirst but of the unknown that lurks in the depths. Descend into the abyss and hope against all odds that you will ever see the sun again!
Where does this pit lead? What are those crystals made from?
You arrive in the vicinity of the small city, you can decide to enter the pit or you can visit the city first. If you enter the pit now then you will be missing some dialogue from two NPCs (who you'll eventually meet later down the road). If your first stop is the city, you will meet two citizen/researchers that wish to accompany you into the pit (temporary followers). Their names are Arianna Vineticus and Perin Lorian, an Imperial and Bosmer that share a long history together.
Before descending the pit, both researchers will comment on the celestial formations that surround the entrance.
Perin Lorian: "Amazing! As the flow of the river approaches the rock formations they turn into gaseous state. But why are the vapors going down there?"
Arianna Vineticus: "Hopefully we'll find out later. Look, the stones' composition almost resemble soul gems..."
Perin: "I concur, not only that though, these look like they originated from Masser and Secunda. See how the white and reddish-purple easily fuse together."
Arianna: "Most would assume that the impact would leave a larger crater. This... Are you thinking what I'm thinking?!"
Perin: "Yes! This maybe just a coincidence but I think the comet came to a halt just before impact. Almost as if something wanted to reveal this passage."
Arianna: "Well let's find out what lies within."
Watch your step. The road will be long and arduous. Note: names on map were dubbed after the expedition.
Arianna: "It seems that you're in luck friend (the player), Perin and I are adept in levitation spells. Here, let me show you how."
Perin: "Ah, I sense that you've already mastered the art of levitation. This is good! Let us proceed then."
As you slowly levitate down the seemingly Endless Fall, you notice ponds and small lakes that dot the walls. The two researchers conclude that this is where the water vapors end up. The three of you take a closer look and notice strange slaughterfish and other water critters.
These are slaughterfish?! They were forced to adapt.
Arianna: "Could it be that his place has been sealed for centuries... possibly even a millennia."
Perin: "Indeed, look here friend (you), the slaughterfish eyes have receded almost to nothingness, and they've even grown these stalks with lights on their heads."
You get your first panoramic view of the Eagle's Descent, the cave doesn't look like much to most, but the architects use powerful magics to shape it so that it resembles an eagle that is about to capture its prey. This cave had two functions: two keep intruders out and to keep people in. Since this is the start of this quest it starts with a tutorial of the new(ish) iteration of levitation. Now you can fly at normal speeds (similar to walking) or faster sprinting speeds (consumes magicka as you channel the spell) or short dashes (consumes a small amount of magicka per button press).
You're ambushed by several dozen flying creatures. Then the group suddenly realises that these beasts are actually animunculi never before seen by anyone. The face plates seemed similar to typical Dwarven machines, but the bodies were made of a metal that was so light as to allow flight yet strong enough to shred even the toughest armour. After a long and cinematic battle...
Perin: "Oh oh, do you see that? Under that bridge it leads to another area. A staircase of some kind? Interesting...
This path will eventually lead you to the Beacon of Hope.
Or you can fly straight to the Guardian's Foyer, but again your progress will be impeded because the doors will not operate without a certain item.
Either way you choose, the researchers can't contain their excitement. The architecture is a fusion of Ayleid and Dwemer buildings!
Arianna: "This is impossible! Ayleids and Dwarves living side by side?"
Perin: "I can't believe it either! If you look at that door there (he'll point to either the Guardian's Foyer gate or the Slave Storeroom door), you can see that it's made from a fusion of Ayleid and Dwemer metal. Such a feat in metallurgy was always thought to be impossible. This door must hold a lot of secrets as it is nigh unbreakable."
Arianna: "Also notice the tree motif that is common in most Ayleid ruins, wreathed in the angular patterns of the Dwarven cities."
Perin: "No one can know for sure why these two great peoples built this place, but look at what they've accomplished!
The Slave Storeroom is not required to complete the quest but if you're running low on alchemy ingredients then you might want to spend a few minutes looting the place. The Storerooms are filled with whispers of anguish and woe. But your companions brush it off as a soft wind.
When you reach the Slave Quarters, the group can't deny that this area is haunted. Unseen wraiths begin to assault the group, strangely enough they seem to be pushing them out without causing injury. You can try to attack them with sword or spell, but it is futile as they pass through air. Perin squeals and conjurs a candle, Arianna follows suit. The wraiths are warded off by the light, for now. You can see what can be best described as fog or clouds looming right outside the radius of the candlelights. The ceiling is very low compared to the Eagle's Descent, the walls are crudely chiseled, at least a hundred hovels that served as dwellings are cramped into this cave. The rooms are all carved from the very stone in the cave. At the end of the cave is the Beacon of Hope.
You hear a whisper and it instructs you, "Light the beacon, free us."
The Beacon of Hope, carved into the very wall. Those who sculpted the statue intentionally left it bereft of facial and bodily features.
There are two options:
1. Arianna's path: Light the beacon and help three ghosts find closure: a mother separated from her child, a sculpter deprived of his sack of water, and a guard that was punished for his compassion for the slaves. Afterwards the Beacon of Light will grant you the key that you need to open the Guardian's Foyer. You hear countless sighs of relief, the whispering stops, the ghosts have been laid to rest.
2. Perin's path: Set the beacon aflame, the light is almost blinding to the wraiths and they converge on you. This time, your weapons and spells will work. Finally defeat the colossus of the beacon and claim the key. You will also be granted a permanent bonus, all your damage will be increased by 30% against all undead.
Let's fast forward to the Guardian's Foyer.
If you chose Arianna's path you will have to fight the Guardian and visit the Security Outpost to open the gate yourself (it resembles an Ayleid sentinel). If you chose Perin's path, the Guardian accept the key and use his spear to signal the Security Outpost, then the gate will open.
After passing the gate, there will be a puzzle waiting for you. Depending on which path you chose, Arianna or Perin, one will be filled with despair and think the room is a dead end. The other, the one you sided with, will give you hints if you're stuck on the puzzle. All I can say is that the puzzle is of Dwarven design, you have to rotate a few lenses and orbs to activate the elevator.
Now you have access to the Rise of the Phoenix. There are mountains of treasure and a funnel-like pit that leads to somewhere. Several Falmer perched high up on the grand staircase alert you to their presence but they don't attack (their presence is explained by journals strewn across the dungeon). Rather they are watching, waiting, and possibly guarding this area. The mounds of treasure are of Dwarven and Ayleid orgin.
However, the centerpiece of this room is a short drop to leads to another, smaller room. However the entrance is flanked by at least two dozen Dwemer centurions spheres. Once again, however, these animunculi are far more different than anything known to the world. Their metal carapace and weapons only made possible between a horrific union between the cruel minds of Ayleid and Dwemer. How the centurions react depend on which path you took.
The Rotunda
If you've fully explored the caves up to this point, then you'll have the full set of Phoenix armour that allows to you unlock all of the benefits of the Rotunda. It is not mandatory however. When the researchers try to enter the rotunda they are met with an invisible force field but it allows you to access the inside.
Unlike the rest of the cave, the walls and floors of this room are not of Dwemer or Ayleid origin. The walls seems to be a combination of metal and stone but far more ethereal and enigmatic, it is also polished. The walls are lined with several gateways that sealed to prevent anyone from entering them. At the center of the room is a small fountain-like edifice, but still very much a part of the ground. Atop the edifice is a shard, no larger than a Orc a Khajiit head. It's exactly the same composition as the crystals that lay on the surface. Your hand only had to be close to the shard for it to activate. A voice, both calm and powerful, resounds within every pound of flesh, every inch of bone; it says, "Claim your birthrght, Shezzarine."
You feel as if you've heard this voice all your life and understand what it is granting you, now you can select one of the gateways and allow the powers from Aetherius to flow into you. Each gateway corresponds to one skill tree, all perks are unlocked, the skill is maxed to 100 (up to 200 if you already had it maxed), and certain perks will have increased magnitude. You can further amplify the effect of this boon by donning the Phoenix armour set.
You can only visit this place once a day if you wish to switch to another gateway to augment your skill. Afterwards you can now put your new items and skills to the real test and fight dozens of Falmer and Centurions at the same time.
When you return to the city you can refuse to discuss what you experienced with Arianna and/or Perin, but if you share what you known they may be able to provide some speculation as to what that chamber was. The crystals that were blocking the river flow will now recede into the cave and stop any trespassers.
Daily Bonuses
1. You get to change the Rotunda bonus once per day, if you wish.
2. You can collect up to 50,000 gold per day from the Golden Hills.