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Re: Star Wars

Sat Jan 02, 2016 8:52 pm

I think the answer is far simpler...

It's a JJ Abrams film, and it's full of plot holes.


I think we'll find that the reason why Luke is hanging out alone on an island, is simply because the island looks cool, and the writers wanted Luke to be a macguffin. At the moment there's no deeper explanation than that, and odds are about 30-70 against that they'll think of a properly satisfying explanation by the time they release the next film.

Re: Star Wars

Sun Jan 03, 2016 5:51 am

I just recently watched the films (except episode 1) for the first time, and just got back from seeing The Force Awakens. I really enjoyed it, personally, as did my sister, who has not seen any Star Wars before.

I was surprised that they killed Han Solo, but I could tell it was coming in the scene leading up to it.

Also, I was really excited to see that island in the end, lol. I'm traveling to Ireland this year, and that's one place I'm going (as long as the seas are calm enough) - the Skellig Islands were on my list since before I knew that it was a filming location for this movie.

Could someone list the expanded universe (books, animated shows, games, etc), and what order to read/do them in? I'm interested in seeing more of Star Wars (though I've heard that the new film makes the books non-canon).

Re: Star Wars

Sun Jan 03, 2016 10:16 am

Alarra wrote:
Could someone list the expanded universe (books, animated shows, games, etc), and what order to read/do them in? I'm interested in seeing more of Star Wars (though I've heard that the new film makes the books non-canon).

The expanded universe consists of the following:


You are correct in thinking that the EU is no longer canon; however, it was not necessarily the new films which caused this (it was a decision made by Disney following their buyout of Lucasfilms, probably because of licensing concerns and a desire to give themselves more room to exploit new product opportunities), and the death of the EU goes far beyond just the books (which were usually poorly-written and terrible), affecting every piece of Star Wars media made prior to 2014 (outside of the six original films). In other words, nothing is canon anymore - not the books, not the comics, not the video games, not even the stuff Lucas himself insisted was top-grade canon ("Force Unleashed", for exampled).

I'm not that big fan of the Star Wars EU myself, but if you haven't already, I'd strongly recommend playing Knights of the Old Republic I and II, which you can pirate or find here. Dark Forces (and it's sequel, Jedi Knight) (here) were also a lot of fun, assuming you like Doom-style FPS games. The only other recommendation I'd have is, give The Clone Wars animated show a try (it should be on Netflix, IIRC). The first couple episodes are a little rough around the edges, but overall it's actually really well done, and I'd argue that it's better written and better acted than most of the actual films. A few of the episodes, such as the shadow-planet multiparter, may even be the best (non-game) things Star Wars has ever produced.

Re: Star Wars

Sun Jan 03, 2016 5:52 pm

Alarra wrote:Could someone list the expanded universe (books, animated shows, games, etc), and what order to read/do them in? I'm interested in seeing more of Star Wars (though I've heard that the new film makes the books non-canon).
Tv Tropes has a list of the old EU (here), but I've never read/watched any of them so I've no idea of the quality.

Alarra wrote:I just recently watched the films (except episode 1) for the first time, and just got back from seeing The Force Awakens. I really enjoyed it, personally, as did my sister, who has not seen any Star Wars before.

So which was your favourite? And which versions did you see? (I hate that I even have to ask this question. Lucas, remastering all the time :Angry: ).

Re: Star Wars

Sun Jan 03, 2016 10:28 pm

A lot of the similarities to New Hope can be interpreted as good theming, though. It's a space opera, there are going to be paralells, reflections and callbacks, and I wholly support that. It's thematically sound.

I'd give the movie a solid 9/10 were I a critic.

Re: Star Wars

Sun Jan 03, 2016 11:11 pm

Just came back from watching. Anyone who badmouths Kylo Ren is getting a royal talking to, and I'm glad he did what he did.

Re: Star Wars

Sun Jan 03, 2016 11:15 pm

Whilst I feel that SW should be more original, the sheer amount of hate that the prequels got left Abrhams little to no choice but to do Episode 4, along with his reputation seeming to put people on edge. From the reviews i've read and what i've read on here, it is a solid film but it does sound like i would have been a bit disappointed due to the similiar themes. That said, not doing a Lucas and CGIing everything is a welcome thing and I can see it being used as a stepping stone to regain lost fans along with testing the waters. Darth Rendar, Pokéball deathstar, rebels, it's seems that they are things they are testing. With luck, Episode 8 will be it's own thing and we could see new standards being set for the films.

I do want to see some Star Wars games with an excellent plot being developed and released. 1313 could have redeemed the franchise due to the er... kinda mixed releases it had. And SW:Kinect. It could have been the adult Star Wars game that we were waiting for. Even if it was Uncharted Wars. The downside at the moment is that those who have the rights to develop games seem to either focus on free to play stuff or games that are shovelware. :(

Aarah, you do not know the power of fans.

That said, i kinda don't care about what he did.

Also, who knew that he was Jar Jar Binks? I did not see that twist coming! :O

Re: Star Wars

Mon Jan 04, 2016 5:18 am

Thanks for the info, Doros and MetaCthulhu.

MetaCthulhu wrote:So which was your favourite? And which versions did you see? (I hate that I even have to ask this question. Lucas, remastering all the time :Angry: ).

I think A New Hope was my favorite; it's just such a classic. I saw both the original and remastered versions of A New Hope, and I believe the remastered versions of the others since those were the only versions I was able to get ahold of. While looking up the music from the end of Return of the Jedi, I did discover the original scene, which was interesting.

Re: Star Wars

Mon Jan 04, 2016 5:22 am

You just can't beat Empire, IMO.

Re: Star Wars

Mon Jan 04, 2016 3:06 pm

MetaCthulhu wrote:I've heard some pretty convoluted fan theories as to why
Luke is doing nothing in the middle of nowhere while everything gets destroyed. My theory is a little simpler (mind you, I didn't say the convoluted ones were wrong): Ren killed everybody and then took the only ship.

The first lines spoken in Episode VIII: "Twenty years since my plane crashed, and finally someone wises up to send a rescue ship. WL-50N has been in low-power mode most of that time, so he's been unable to get a signal out..." Then he gestures over to a playing ball painted to look like a droid's head.

Re: Star Wars

Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:26 pm

Followed by a WILLLLLLLLLLSOOOON scene in Episode 8. Episode 9 is revenge of the WILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLSOOOOOOOOON but as Darth Willllllsooooooon.

Re: Star Wars

Sat Jan 16, 2016 5:59 pm



Re: Star Wars

Sun Jan 17, 2016 12:59 am

Is it advisable to see episodes 1, 2 and 3 before watching TFA? I've kind of seen the first two but not the third. Chronologically, 3, 4 and 5 are obviously closer to the timeline of the new film but thought there might be important stuff to learn from the prequels.

The Sheodovah wrote:Aarah, you do not know the power of fans.
What's this you say?

Re: Star Wars

Sun Jan 17, 2016 2:00 am

Aarah wrote:Is it advisable to see episodes 1, 2 and 3 before watching TFA? I've kind of seen the first two but not the third. Chronologically, 3, 4 and 5 are obviously closer to the timeline of the new film but thought there might be important stuff to learn from the prequels.
Well... the honest-to-god Star Wars fan in me is yelling an emphatic "NO!", and my inner film buff is saying, "I can't think of any major callbacks or references to them", but at the same time I'm not going to say, "don't watch them". If you do watch them don't expect... quality. Honestly if you've seen Episodes I and II, go ahead and watch Episode III, it is the best out of the prequel trilogy (that's not saying much though).

Re: Star Wars

Sun Jan 17, 2016 2:51 am

After having watched the originals, then the prequels...and then the prequels, then the originals...I'd say watch the original trilogy first.

You don't need context to get into Star Wars, and the prequels don't really provide any badly needed context. Taking everything else but out of the equation, I'd say it's at least more worthwhile to watch the prequels last, so that you can see the advances in certain effects, styles of shooting, and the complexity of swordplay. Episodes IV-VI were like "whack. whack. whack whack. whack." The prequels had excellent sword masters to teach the cast, and the swordplay was legit Jedi [&@%!].

But yeah, there's no real advantage or necessity for watching the prequels first. As far as the films are concerned. swords have mostly always been glowy death beams, cars have always been airborne, and galactic politics have always been a godawful mess.

Re: Star Wars

Sun Jan 17, 2016 3:29 am

Chewie acts like an 8-year old with a scraped knee whenever he gots shot. He did it on the sail barge in Return of the Jedi, and he does it again in The Force Awakens (that's not a spoiler, it's just a flesh wound). You'd think the big lug would have some tolerance for pain.

Re: Star Wars

Sun Jan 17, 2016 5:17 am

I think it's not so much that he can handle it but rather that he enjoys attention and likes to be melodramatic. He's a big guy and hurting him is extremely painful. For you.

Re: Star Wars

Sun Jan 17, 2016 12:55 pm

I watched The Force Awakens without watching the prequels. Although I've heard enough about the prequels that I know what happens in them, I don't feel like I need to see them nor do I really want to. So no, I don't think you need to watch the prequels. Original Trilogy is great though watch them if you haven't seen them in a while, I rewatched them a few months back before playing the KOTOR games. (On that note KOTOR 1 is good, KOTOR 2 is fantastic. Kerr likes an Obsidian game more than a Bioware game, surprise there.)

Force Awakens spoilers. And yeah, watch it because it's really damn good.
I want to see what they do with Kylo Ren. I wonder if they'll go for a Prince Zuko style redemption arc or not.

I thought the scene with General Hux's speech and The First Order just destroying The Republic was really good. Interesting to see a Star Wars film make parallels to a Nuremberg Rally and have it be for The First Order/Empire instead of the Rebel Alliance. Of course The Empire has always been fascist. I think Abrams said the idea for them was "What if the Nazis went to Argentina and actually managed to get started up again."

Re: Star Wars

Mon Jan 18, 2016 12:33 am

Dark Spark wrote:Chewie acts like an 8-year old with a scraped knee whenever he gots shot. He did it on the sail barge in Return of the Jedi, and he does it again in The Force Awakens (that's not a spoiler, it's just a flesh wound). You'd think the big lug would have some tolerance for pain.
Don't most Stormtroopers take one blaster bolt, while wearing armor, and then die? Maybe Chewie's actually tough as nails.

Knight Captain Kerr wrote:I watched The Force Awakens without watching the prequels. Although I've heard enough about the prequels that I know what happens in them, I don't feel like I need to see them nor do I really want to. So no, I don't think you need to watch the prequels.
If you haven't watched the Darth Maul 2 on 1 duel scene I recommend doing so.

Re: Star Wars

Mon Jan 18, 2016 1:00 am

Darth Maul.. one of the best sith to appear on screen, and is on par in popularity with those seen in the comics/games. Honestly, Darth Maul kind of has the same badass vibe as General Grievous did in the Clone Wars mini series

As per the clones, to be fair they tend to get hit in the body and often said weapons are on par with their own(i.e the armor is worthless then). Seems to be the armor is better for physical damage or fighting more primitive foes.. Tho none of that mattered with the ehwoks(teddy bears?) Which was utter BS. Maybe its the gradual decline of clones or the cost ofa mass produced army. Frankly tho, the droids faired better in battle. They may not be as bright or intuitive, but boy can they be durable when need be

Re: Star Wars

Mon Jan 18, 2016 1:03 am

I'm glad that it's not required to watch the prequels before TFA. The main reason I haven't watched them properly/at all for 3, is because I didn't particularly like em. I'd gladly rewatch the originals again though.

Speaking of stormtroopers, have you seen the stormtrooper that bangs his head on the blast door? It always makes me laugh.

(In case anyone hasn't seen it....)

Re: Star Wars

Mon Jan 18, 2016 2:03 am

Aarah wrote:Speaking of stormtroopers, have you seen the stormtrooper that bangs his head on the blast door? It always makes me laugh.

Yep, that's always great. In the re-release (which your clip is from), they added that sound effect to that scene, to draw attention to it. Which...honestly, wasn't necessary, but hey. Still a great blooper. Lucas added another helmet-door-bump to a scene in another Star Wars movie (one of the prequels), as an homage. ...not as good (and of course, not as genuine) as the original.

Re: Star Wars

Mon Jan 18, 2016 7:30 am

I love the FO Trooper in Episode VII that

gets Mind Tricked by Rey

"Aaaaand I drop my gun." The delivery is phenomenal, I was in stitches.

Re: Star Wars

Sun Feb 07, 2016 7:36 am

Did anyone know that Chewbacca is 200 years old?

Re: Star Wars

Sun Feb 07, 2016 8:40 am

Wookiees live for several hundred years!
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