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Re: General Discussion

Wed May 05, 2021 2:18 pm

ZeRoc! My mate! Hows it cracking for ya

Ya, that nostalgia trip be hitting hard every time.

Some of the gang is still around over on the Discord. The RP crowd also got its own server even if it doesnt see so much RPing

Re: General Discussion

Wed May 05, 2021 3:39 pm

Yeah man it is a shame. I think there so much to be discussed about TES even beyond the games as well but it doesn't gain a lot of traction. Although mainly a lurker :D I did enjoy the more lore orientated topics that would pop up or when we were all debating the next DLC for Skyrim. I`m sad to admit I just don't feel that excitement for TESVI, if anything its been replaced with anxiousness

Re: General Discussion

Wed May 05, 2021 4:08 pm

BetaB17 wrote:ZeRoc! My mate! Hows it cracking for ya

Ya, that nostalgia trip be hitting hard every time.

Some of the gang is still around over on the Discord. The RP crowd also got its own server even if it doesnt see so much RPing

Life's been good to me as a whole. I should check out the discord some time. Back in my day we didn't have Discord, we used the IRC, and that's how we liked it. Ah, the memories. :lol:

Re: General Discussion

Wed May 05, 2021 10:43 pm

The IRC was both amazing, and the worst possible idea ever.

I loved it.

The nostalgia brings me back now and then also, but there's only about 4 new posts to read, so my holidays-in-the-past never last very long.

Re: General Discussion

Sun May 09, 2021 11:04 pm

I'm just sad because I didn't even know IRC existed when I first joined the forums. I don't even know if people still used it then tbh, but if they did it's tragic to think I missed out. Even just for clout's sake, sksksk.

Re: General Discussion

Mon May 10, 2021 2:33 am

If I recall, IRC chat even by that time either had its niche following, or basically was treated the same way we treat Discord VC chats

Which made sense, bc the IRC was very reliant on having other people join in and even then the chatroom wasnt the best(you couldnt see older posts prior to you joining the chat).

Of all the times I used it, it was either reliably active.. or it was bc a group of us decided to go there

Re: General Discussion

Thu May 27, 2021 10:22 am


Re: General Discussion

Sun May 30, 2021 2:53 am


Re: General Discussion

Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:02 pm

Believe wrote:The IRC was both amazing, and the worst possible idea ever.

I loved it.

The nostalgia brings me back now and then also, but there's only about 4 new posts to read, so my holidays-in-the-past never last very long.

Ahhh, the chat. I remember someone once made me a mod there, which was a big mistake on their part. Did not last for long. Oops

Re: General Discussion

Fri Jun 11, 2021 2:49 am

Aarah wrote:Hey Wolfborn! Thanks, yeah, I pop in from time to time to check things are okay. I would never forget forum-land. Too many cool people I have met here!

Likewise, it was nice to see your posts around when I popped in, and a few from others too.
Yep, I am doing good, thanks. How are you? I see you have just started working again; I hope the hiatus wasn’t due to anything bad (other than that pandemic thing, of course). :-x. Hope the job is going well.

Thanks, Aarah! Sorry for the delay in replying; I haven't been on the forums for a while now. Good to hear you're doing well.

I'm doing reasonably well at the moment. My work hiatus was due to a number of factors, some good, some not so good, but in the end it was a good opportunity to put a few things into perspective and get some things done that I just never seemed to get around to when I was working. My return to work wasn't all smooth sailing either; shortly after I returned one of my co-workers tested positive for Covid, and I got to sit at home for another two weeks as a result. (I was fine, I didn't catch it, but local government regulations required me to self-isolate for 14 days anyway. My co-worker turned out fine as well.) I'm back at work full-time now and things are going well.

The only downside is that now I have less time for the important things in life, like playing Oblivion and browsing these forums. :P

Re: General Discussion

Tue Aug 03, 2021 5:00 am

So you ride yourselves over the fields
And you make all your animal deals
And your wise men don't know how it feels

Hat, Taters, other old friends who names are lost to me, where you at?

Re: General Discussion

Tue Aug 03, 2021 11:13 pm

The place is real quiet nowadays, sadly. I myself haven't really posted in two years, save for this instance of course. Wouldn't even be on right now if I weren't going over some old stuff from Tamrielic Adventures for nostalgia's sake.

It's kinda the nature of the centralization of the internet that we're moving away from dedicated forums to partitions of popular services like Discord. While I adore Discord, part of me is really sad that forums are pretty out-of-fashion nowadays. There was something really special about them, and this place in particular.

There's always the chance for TESVI releasing sometime in the next decade to revitalize the place, but I doubt it. ESO didn't do much to bring life back (I'd go as far as to say that ESO damaged the forum's activity, but that's me being a curmudgeon more than anything), and I wouldn't expect the next game to do the same when discords and other forms of chatting are available.

Re: General Discussion

Thu Aug 19, 2021 1:37 pm

Anyone interested in making a Knights of the Nine music video with Sabaton's Last Stand?

Re: General Discussion

Thu Sep 09, 2021 2:22 pm

Unionhack wrote: There was something really special about them, and this place in particular.


Re: General Discussion

Wed Nov 10, 2021 4:33 pm

Dark elves: Enslaving the dead is wrong.
Also dark elves: (proceeds to enslave the living)
Dark elves: Our religion states that you cannot suck off random strangers.
Also dark elves: Our religion states that you can murder your friends.

YouTube Link

Re: General Discussion

Thu Dec 30, 2021 5:05 am

Are these forums dead?

I see 10 threads of spam lol.


Re: General Discussion

Sun Jan 02, 2022 8:34 am

My bad :oops: been busy irl but another mod has it covered

Re: General Discussion

Sat Apr 16, 2022 1:17 am

I have and always will, own this thread.

Re: General Discussion

Sat Apr 16, 2022 3:16 am

Not unless someone decides to do a little editing :lol:

Re: General Discussion

Sat Jul 23, 2022 2:51 am

HatofMadness wrote:I have and always will, own this thread.

why dont you own some [&@%!] lmao.

ZeRoc wrote:Life's been good to me as a whole. I should check out the discord some time. Back in my day we didn't have Discord, we used the IRC, and that's how we liked it. Ah, the memories. :lol:

i remember you fondly but simultaneously not very well. its been 84 years

have to say discord is a massive improvement overall from forums like this imo but they do still have their own charm in that i actually have to consider what im saying before i just slam the enter key and force everyone else to deal with it. i know which is better for comedic value though

i havent read the rules for probably ten years but if i am breaking one or more please rest assured i do not care i literally just wanted to come in here and dunk on hat cause i thought he would enjoy it and then i also saw zeroc.

Re: General Discussion

Sun Jul 24, 2022 5:25 pm

Your all good Rose :lol:

Re: General Discussion

Fri Aug 12, 2022 5:02 am

If we are dunking on people, my vertical is nigh untouchable.

I greatly imagine these boards are being held together by sheer willpower of the old crowd, and the ever so slight influx of newbies before they get directed to the Discord. I never got the hang of Discord, and likely never will. Maybe I'll pop in, but it's unlikely I'll know anyone there, so eh. I'm old enough to remember when AIM became a thing, and even then I never liked chat rooms much. I'm practically a dinosaur with technology like this.

But there was a time when the UESP forums were my internet home. And like any old house, you gotta drive by occasionally and say hi to the new owners and catch up with the old neighbors.

Re: General Discussion

Fri Aug 12, 2022 8:34 pm

The old RP group still has their own discord server. Not everyone is always active, but everyone tries to keep up

And the uesp official server still has some veterans like Alarra, Fiar, Velvet n a few others(some of em are staff too). If ya do ever pop by, @me or another staff bc we can unlock some of your perms so ya dont have to wait on leveling up
(Would be nice tho if there was a channel just for the Forum OGs :dur: but thats kinda what we did with the RP server)

Re: General Discussion

Thu Aug 18, 2022 6:51 am

scribbane wrote:If we are dunking on people, my vertical is nigh untouchable.

I greatly imagine these boards are being held together by sheer willpower of the old crowd, and the ever so slight influx of newbies before they get directed to the Discord. I never got the hang of Discord, and likely never will. Maybe I'll pop in, but it's unlikely I'll know anyone there, so eh. I'm old enough to remember when AIM became a thing, and even then I never liked chat rooms much. I'm practically a dinosaur with technology like this.

But there was a time when the UESP forums were my internet home. And like any old house, you gotta drive by occasionally and say hi to the new owners and catch up with the old neighbors.


Re: General Discussion

Mon Aug 22, 2022 10:07 am

VirtualWeasel wrote:
scribbane wrote:If we are dunking on people, my vertical is nigh untouchable.

I greatly imagine these boards are being held together by sheer willpower of the old crowd, and the ever so slight influx of newbies before they get directed to the Discord. I never got the hang of Discord, and likely never will. Maybe I'll pop in, but it's unlikely I'll know anyone there, so eh. I'm old enough to remember when AIM became a thing, and even then I never liked chat rooms much. I'm practically a dinosaur with technology like this.

But there was a time when the UESP forums were my internet home. And like any old house, you gotta drive by occasionally and say hi to the new owners and catch up with the old neighbors.


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