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 Post subject: Re: Skyrim at War
PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:02 am 

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Arch-Mage Matt wrote:
Thought. My ever devious mind needs to know if we can use spies. Possibly even assassins?

Spies - yes
Assassins - only if chance of success is low.

Which brings up a thought how are we going to fuigre out who wins batles and whatnot?

 Post subject: Re: Skyrim at War
PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:02 am 
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I guess that'd be the DM's call?

Because there's no fun to be found in being normal.

 Post subject: Re: Skyrim at War
PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:10 am 

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Thats fine by me then.

 Post subject: Re: Skyrim at War
PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:14 am 
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For both my and JV's satisfaction, could the positions of Mar Karth Side ( :P ) and Snowhawk be swapped?

 Post subject: Re: Skyrim at War
PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:26 am 
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Yes,I'll agree to that. Their positions were one of the more tenious aspects of the map.

Also, on spies and assassins, I had thought up how they might be implemented when I was drafting out the High Rock version of the game, so I've got a triple dice roll idea for assassins (success, survival/capture and secrecy -i.e. whether they pull off the hit without implicating the person who hired the Hit) so I guess I could bring that over to the game.

As for how it will work, this might be worth a read, although it will not be exactly like this, although it will be working off the same basic concept:
Set-up recommendations:
I highly recommend everyone to download Realpolitik. It's a free download that you can get here. Realpolitik is the program that I am using for adjudication and for maps. It is also a helpful tool for players to test what could happen.
Once you have Realpolitik, find your Realpolitik folder (by default it saves to C:\Program Files\Realpolitik in Windows) and enter the variants folder. Create a new folder there called Morrowind and download the files found here into that folder. Doing so is necessary to play my custom map in Realpolitik.
You may also want to peruse some of the articles at Diplomacy Archive, though a great many of them deal with strategy for the standard game and so would not be very helpful on a variant map.

Board set-up
This board is divided into 49 provinces. 11 of these provinces are water, which should be identifiable by their light blue colour. 24 of the provinces are what we call "Supply centers." Supply centers are major cities and can be identified by the 'double circle' symbol. Note that some of them are islands; I'll get to that in a bit.
Of the supply centers, 15 are "home centers." Home centers are the supply centers that players have possession of at the beginning of the game, and they are shaded in the player's colour. You will also note that each home center is occupied by either an army (cannon) or fleet (ship) in the player's colour and marked with the initial of the power they are playing.
The remaining 14 provinces are simply land regions to balance the board and provide leverage in attacks.

The object of the game is to control more than half of the supply centers on the board, i.e., 13 on this map.

Fundamental Rules
The following rules form the basis of all other rules.
- The game is based around strategy and human nature. There is no random element apart from that which you consider associated with the latter.
- No province may ever be occupied by more than one unit
- All units are of equal strength. In order to "win" a battle, you will need support (which I will discuss in the section on spring and fall.)
- All players move simultaneously
- Players should be regularly communicating with one another, making alliances etc. You may say whatever you want to any player (please don't be crass) and nothing you say is binding. Of course, if you lie, you may be less likely to be trusted in the future.
- Don't take things too hard; it's just a game. Also, try not to hold grudges from one game to the next.

The game begins in the spring of 1901 (which is actually inaccurate based on the calendar of Morrowind, but for simplicity it remains.) Every year has up to five seasons: spring, summer, fall, autumn, and winter.

Spring and Fall
From a mechanics standpoint, spring and fall are identical, thoguh strategically they may be different because fall more immediately precedes winter. During the spring and the fall players "diplome" i.e. communicate, and issue orders.
Orders should follow a very specific syntax. You may also write out the order longhand. If you do not use the suggested syntax, you should be very clear as any ambiguously written order is a "misorder."
During each spring and fall season you may issue exactly one order to each unit you control. You issue orders by sending the mod (that's me) a PM. Email is also acceptable, but I prefer PM. You may change your orders at any time before adjudication by issuing a new set of orders. These orders will supersede the previous orders for all re-ordered units. The types of orders you may issue are as follows:
The hold order is the simplest order you can issue. To issue a hold is to order the piece not to move (and to defend its current position.) The syntax for a hold order is F Bla H (fleet in Blacklight holds.)
Any unit that is not issued another order will be assumed to hold.
This is the basic move order.
Armies may be ordered to move from the land province they currently occupy to an adjacent land province (regardless of whether it is occupied.)
Fleets may move from open water to adjacent coastal provinces and vice versa, from open water to adjacent open water, or from a coastal province to an adjacent coastal province, along the coast. (See "special map features" later on in this post.)
The syntax for a move order is A Ran-Mol (army in Ranyon-Ruhn to Molagreahd).

If you move into a province that would otherwise be vacant, or if you attack with more force than the current occupant defends, you will successfully move into the province. If you move to an occupied province on the same turn that the current occupant leaves the province, the move will be successful, or likewise if you move uncontested to a vacant province. The following situations will result in failure to move:
Attempting to move to an occupied province with insufficient force to oust the current occupant (fails)
Attempting to move to a province to which another unit of equal force also attempts to move (bounce, nothing moves)
Attempting to move to a province to which another unit of greater force also attempts to move (fails)
Attempting to exchange locations with another unit (bounce) You CAN rotate three or more units. Also, you can exchange locations with another unit *if* at least one of the two units involved is convoyed (see convoy)

Support (defensive)
By offering defensive support to a unit you are essentially agreeing that the unit has the right to stay in its current location. You may offer support to a unit in any province to which the supporting unit could have moved (adjacent, land for armies, etc.)
By supporting a unit defensively, you increase the defensive strength of the unit by one during that turn. There is no limit to the number of units which may support you except the practical limit of board layout.
If the unit you are supporting is issued a move order, your support is invalid, even if the move order fails (you can't defensively support a unit that is on the march).
If the unit (sorry about the typo, thx sam) with which you are supporting is attacked by a foreign unit, the support is cut and rendered invalid (you can't defend someone else if you have to defend yourself.)
The syntax for defensive support is A Kra S Riv (army in Kragenmoore supports Riverbridge).

Support (offensive)
Similar to defensive support, through offensive support you increase the force of an attack (move) order. In order to render offensive support, the supporting unit must be otherwise able to issue a move order to the destination of the attack. It is NOT necessary to be able to move to the origin of the attack.
You may support any player's attack; it does not have to be your own. There is no limit to the amount of offensive support you may receive except the practical limit imposed by the board. If the unit you support does not make the move you supported, your support is rendered invalid. If you are attacked by a foreign unit EXCEPT the target of the attack you are supporting, your support is cut. Exception to the exception: If you are dislodged by the target of the attack you are supporting, your support is cut.
The syntax for offensive support is F Alm S Mou-Adr (Fleet in Almalexia supports Mournhold to Alt Drethan)

A convoy is a special move order that caters to the fact that the land areas are not all contiguous. It allows a player to move an army across open water.
In order to initiate a convoy, you must have a fleet in open water. Coastal fleets cannot convoy. The army you wish to convoy must be located in a coastal province adjacent to the convoying fleet, as must be the destination.
You may convoy across multiple waterways in a chain, provided that there are fleets present in all necessary water provinces and all are properly ordered. The army and all convoying fleets must be properly ordered. The syntax is as follows:
A Tea-Nec (Army in Tear to Necrom; same syntax as a normal move for an army)
F SSD C Tea-Nec and F MSD C Tea-Nec *or* F SSD and F MSD C Tea-Nec (Fleets in Southern Sea of Dreams and Mid Sea of Dreams convoy Tear to Necrom)
If there exists an overland and a convoy route for a move, the army will take the overland route by default. In order to specify a convoy route, append via convoy to your move order.
The only way to interrupt a convoy is to dislodge one of the convoying fleets (see adjudication)

At the end of the spring or fall season, the mod (me again) will adjudicate the turn. Units that can move without conflict will do so. In the event that there is a conflict (generically defined as "two or more units attempt to occupy the same province") adjudication is as follows:
The unit that has more un-cut supports wins. If the loser was attacking, that unit does not move. If the loser was defending, that unit is dislodged (see summer/autumn). If the winner was attacking, that unit successfully moves. If the winner was defending, that unit holds its ground.
If the conflicting units have the same number of un-cut supports, none of them move. This is called a bounce.
Special case: If two attackers of equal strength attack the same province, and the province is currently occupied by a defender of lesser strength than the attackers, the defender is not dislodged by the bounce. This is called a "beleaguered garrison."

NOTE: you cannot dislodge, nor support the dislodgement, of your own units. If such an event would occur, the offending units are considered to hold.

Summer and Autumn
These seasons are also sometimes called "spring and fall retreat phases."
During summer and autumn, any unit that was dislodged during the previous season is given the option to retreat. There is to be no discussion during summer and autumn.
A dislodged unit may retreat to any province to which it would otherwise be able to move EXCEPT one of the following:
An occupied province
The province from which the dislodging attack originated
A province that was left empty as the result of a bounce

The player also ALWAYS has the option to immediately disband a dislodged piece, and remove it from the board. There are times when this may be beneficial, perhaps to rebuild a new piece, or to appease a neighbour.

All dislodged units retreat simultaneously. If two or more units attempt to retreat to the same province, all are disbanded.

This is also called the "build phase."
If any supply center is occupied at the beginning of winter, that supply center comes under possession of the player who occupies it. If a supply center is unoccupied in winter, its ownership does not change. This means that once all the neutral supply centers are owned (usually first or second year) Diplomacy becomes a zero-sum game.
Once ownership has been established, the number of supply centers a player owns is tallied. The player may control as many units as they own supply centers. If the player controls more units than the number of supply centers they own, they must choose to disband any of their units they wish until the numbers become equal. If the player controls fewer units than they own supply centers, they may build units in their home centers until the numbers become equal, or until all of their home centers are occupied. A player may not build a unit in a home center they are not currently in possession of. Otherwise, they may choose where they build and what type of unit they build (you may not build a fleet in a landlocked province). You are not required to use all of your builds, and if you opt not to you will not *lose* them, due to the counting system I've just described.

Special Map Features
There are three island locations: Sad, Dag, and PTe. Because of the proximity of the islands, either armies or fleets can travel to them from the nearest landmass (or water in the case of fleets.) They also do not hinder sea travel along the mainland coast. e.g. Dag does not prevent Gni and Gra from sharing a coast.
The Zenithar Channel is narrow enough that armies are able to cross it and wide enough that fleets are able to navigate it. That is to say that any unit may move freely across the borders between Ebo, Eag, KAi, Cor, Gah, and Sto.
The provinces of Mol and Aka (Molagreahd and Akamora) have two separate coasts. Fleets moving to or from these locations are restricted to the side of the landmass they are on. They do, however, occupy the entire province, and so it is impossible to have a fleet on each coast. Whomever is playing house Indoril should also note that if they choose to build a fleet in Akamora, they must specify on which coast they wish to build it.
There are two greyed areas. The large grey area on the southern and western borders of the map represent the lands of Skyrim, Cyrodiil, and Black Marsh, which have no intention of being involved in this conflict. They are impassable. The grey area at the center of Vvardenfell island is Dagoth Ur. It is impassable due to volcanic activity and blight diseases.

If you have any questions, post them here, send me a PM, an email, or an IM. My contact information can be found in reply zero.

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 Post subject: Re: Skyrim at War
PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:54 am 

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So where do i download realpoltik or wont we be using it?

 Post subject: Re: Skyrim at War
PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:58 am 
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I had a look at it and it's easier not to use it, just because there's a whole bunch of other software you need. But the basic principles will still apply in terms of orders being sent to the DM, etc.

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 Post subject: Re: Skyrim at War
PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:34 am 
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By the way, i'm guessing the DM has Winterhold, so i'll have the Pale!!! Phew, I got in here quick enough, the places were going like hot potatoes.

Looks like i'll be out early, the Pale isn't exactly looking like a military superpower, anyway:

Username: Crepe the Ashlander
Character Name: Belvyn Rethan (Other titles: Belvyn the Kind, Belvyn the Fair)
Race: Dunmer
Gender: Male
Age: 51 (considering he's a Dunmer that takes him for about 35-ish in Human years i'm reckoning)
Description: A Dunmer, obviously, he has rather dark grey skin, more darker so than other Dunmer. His eyes are a deep red, his face is also rather young looking, with a few wrinkles on his forehead and around his cheeks. His black hair is combed back over his head and very rarely moves from this position. He is lean in stature given to his athletic nature, due to this, Belvyn is a fast moving opponent when engaged in combat. He is fair minded and loved by his people for this, he is calm when under pressure and eager when given the chance. Although he does seem to be under the King's boot, he only ever does what is best for his people and will openly cry out when his Hold is directly affected in a negative way by the meetings of the Jarls. For this, he is highly respected in other Holds, for his stalwart behavior and 'almost Nord-like' demeanor.

Background: Born to a Hlaalu councilor and a Tribunal priestess, Belvyn led a solemn life of political studying and backstabbing in Narsis for the first 20 years of his life. One day his mother and father were killed in an Argonian ambush near in the Argon jungle on their way to Port Tear. Left to himself, Belvyn brought his younger brother Dramas (13 years of age) to their uncle's house in Balmora in Vvardenfell. After 8 years of living and studying the different cultures of Tamriel, he decided he would take leave to Skyrim to study how the Nord, Falmer and Dwemer cultures mixed and the history of their encounters. Only his brother tried to stop him from going, but that was only because he wanted Belvyn to pursue the House Hlaalu and become a councilor (a role his brother would eventually pertain).

When he was in Skyrim he purchased a cheap apartment in Winterhold, knowing that the College of Winterhold was there (it being the Imperial capital of Skyrim it was rather cosmopolitan as well, he was sure he would fit in with the Dunmer community there), he would obtain valuable knowledge from the archives in the college. When he reached the age of 30, he celebrated by joining an excavation team adventuring into a newly discovered Dwemer ruin in the mountains south of Winterhold. On the excavation were several guards, an Imperial captain that went by the name of Valerius Distinitus, the current Jarl of the Pale (his reason for coming was that he wanted to learn more about the wonders of Dwarven engineering), and the excavation leader, a Redguard called Azzan Christophe. He quickly made fast friends with the Jarl of the Pale, and during the excavation Belvyn and the Jarl found several important discoveries about the workings of the centurions and how they managed to work outside Morrowind. Azzan wanted these discoveries for himself, so Azzan trapped the Jarl, Belvyn and the Captain (Azzan was certain the Captain would tell law enforcement about his treachery) in the Dwemer tunnels. Eventually Belvyn met Azzan, and Azzan explained to Belvyn how he was going to kill him and steal his discoveries, Azzan then assaulted Belvyn, needless to say Belvyn's sword play came into hand and Belvyn eventually defeated Azzan and his guards with the help of the Captain and the Jarl.

After the excavations event, the Jarl invited Belvyn to continue his studies in the Jarl's longhouse in Nimalten. After 9 years of living in Nimalten he met a Nord woman named, Aeta White-Mane, he admired her strong will and her eagerness to help the lower classes even though she was part of one of the most influential families in Nimalten. Six years later (Belvyn is now 45), the Jarl died in a skirmish with Nede supramascists in the woods south of Nimalten, without an heir, the Jarl left the Hold to his best friend Belvyn, although this angered Belvyn greatly, one week later his wife gave birth to a child, a boy, he named Llaalan. Ever since Belvyn took the throne, he has battle against Nede supremascists and fought hard for equal rights for all races in not only the Pale, but the whole of Skyrim, gaining him great respect amongst the many races of Skyrim as well as some of the other Jarls.

Other Information: Has friends in high places, the Imperial Captain who accompanied him on the excavation is now a Legate in the Imperial garrison in Skyrim (although I don't think this should affect the RP), the Legate still keeps in contact with the Jarl and this has raised many eyebrows in other Holds, but Belvyn insists that he would never abuse his friendship with the Legate.
Colour: Red (The Pale)

 Post subject: Re: Skyrim at War
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 3:46 am 
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You can have Winterhold if you wish, I won't have any Hold.

Also, just an update, I'll be missing for most of January, so we might have to push starting the RP back a little. I'm gone from the 8th util the 15 and then again from the 21st until the 29th.

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 Post subject: Re: Skyrim at War
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:36 am 

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So i take it we will be doing this in february?

Which means i will be back at school so i might have to drop out.

 Post subject: Re: Skyrim at War
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 9:18 am 
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Nah, i'll just stick with the Pale, i've made my mind up, plus whoever has the capital is usally the one in everyone's sights.

 Post subject: Re: Skyrim at War
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:50 pm 

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Are there any open spots?

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 Post subject: Re: Skyrim at War
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:01 pm 
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I think Winterhold is free, and Haafenheim (Haafingar)

 Post subject: Re: Skyrim at War
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:03 pm 
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I took Haafinheim.

 Post subject: Re: Skyrim at War
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:04 pm 

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Nevermind, it is okay. I can't really download anything.

To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace- General George Washington

If you are far from the enemy, make him believe you are near- Sun Tzu

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 Post subject: Re: Skyrim at War
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:14 pm 
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You don't have to download anything, I think Duru thought it would be a bad idea, you can still use Winterhold then.

 Post subject: Re: Skyrim at War
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:16 pm 

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It will be okay. I don't understand the concept the best, it would be better off for me to not join. I am not good with pvp rps.

To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace- General George Washington

If you are far from the enemy, make him believe you are near- Sun Tzu

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 Post subject: Re: Skyrim at War
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:26 pm 
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Okay then, no bother

 Post subject: Re: Skyrim at War
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:48 pm 
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* Winterhold is taken, but Whiterun is free.

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 Post subject: Re: Skyrim at War
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 8:02 pm 
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Ah yes, I think the only reason I discounted Whiterun because its very dangerous to take them.

 Post subject: Re: Skyrim at War
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:54 pm 
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I'll take the free spot! If there are any?

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 Post subject: Re: Skyrim at War
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:17 pm 
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I think Whiterun is the last one, but that one is dangerous its in the centre and borders everyone.

 Post subject: Re: Skyrim at War
PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 2:27 am 
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Seeing as that is potentially everyone, I think we might be able to start soon. I figure that you guys will survive without me for a week, because no battle occurs until the seasons change, so you will have time for un-mediated diplomacy.

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 Post subject: Re: Skyrim at War
PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 2:29 am 
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 Post subject: Re: Skyrim at War
PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:00 am 
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Happy news beats sad news!

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