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The Sins of Our Fathers

Sun Mar 24, 2013 1:00 am

I'd like to apologize for being unable to produce a map, but given the fact that it would nearly need to be in 3D, I lack the graphical capabilities to create one.

Any questions will be answered should they be asked.

The Sins of Our Fathers

From the beginning of time angels have been living on the mountain that is the entire world, by the first residents called the Transcendent Peak. Angels are born on it, live on it and die on it, never knowing where the mountain is, or from where it emerges from the ground.
3 miles below the summit, a dense fog blocks all view of the land further down, and the fog is so thick it can and will suffocate anyone attempting to brave it.

How old their existence is the angels are not aware of. They came to live on the mountain over 5000 years ago with 6 servant races, known as the Cadet races, who took care of the practical work while the angels was the source of good in all the world and across dimensions. The people were happy, and no one had any reason to believe their world would ever change. The seven clans were strong, each shining their light of virtue out onto everyone, each showing their own virtue: Generosity, Charity, Temperance, Patience, Chastity, Humility and Diligence. No one thought their guiding light would turn anyone off the right path.

But 5000 years ago, the Cadet races revolted. During the Cadet Insurrection, the angels’ society nearly toppled, destroying all virtue. The craftiest of the cadet people forced their way into the Chamber of the Heptarchs from which the leaders of the clans led the people, killing six of the seven leaders. Only the leader of the Chastity clan, Aquinius the Victor, was able to fight his way out, leaving his fellow Heptarchs to die fighting against a superior force.

Having killed the heptarchs, the Cadet races turned towards the people, and many fled or were killed. Aquinius himself was rallying people far down the mountain, back before the fog reached as high as it does in the present day. And when the day came, he and his two most trusted lieutenants, called the Insurrection Triarchs, led the collective forces of the Angels up the mountain, forcing the Cadets down below the ground, sealing them in. During the heavy battles, all three Triarchs fell, and when the battle was won, the angels struggled to rebuild. The fog came creeping up the mountain, only staved off by the powerful magic claimed from the cadet races, which the angels used alongside their own magic to keep it at bay 3 miles from the summit.

5 years after the insurrection, the demons appeared. The Cadets had in their wickedness built a home beneath the earth, and had been transformed into hideous abominations, shadows of their former selves. The angels captured those who ventured outside and threw them back down, but otherwise did not attack, for it pained them greatly to see their former friends and allies transformed in such a way. They built large gates blocking the five main mouths of the cavern system running beneath the ground they walked, preventing most demons from entering their new existence.

The events known as the Cadet Insurrection and the Daemon Break are the earliest recorded instances in angelic history. No earlier events are known, lost to the ravages of the war with the Cadets.

The Time of Rebuilding

The Time of Rebuilding is used to describe the period immediately after the Insurrection, the time in which the angels struggled to rebuild their ruined, war-torn land. The millennia it took to clear the mountain to make the virtues shine brightly again were the most laborious in angelic existence. They began rebuilding the pillared marble structures everyone lived in. They repaired the gold ornament emblazoning every surface. They replanted all the holly, ivy and blooming flowers that the Cadets had overturned and shriveled. They returned the ruined streams to their original flow, making them run freely again. They cleared the land of their dead, making it beautiful again. It is remembered as an era of peace after unrest, where everyone, noble and commoner alike, worked hand in hand to recover the lost.

The Time of Enlightening

The first year of the Time of Enlightening is set as being the year 1032 After the Insurrection, the birth year of the most celebrated angel after Aquinius the Victor, another member of the Chastity clan and Heptarch for 40 years, Chrysostus Whitelight. He was the mind behind the religion and law of the angelic realm that permeates every part of society even today. He is considered the greatest statesman and philosopher in angelic history. The Enlightening refers to the implementation of laws that he made the outlines for, as well as many more that followed after his death as other Heptarchs took it upon themselves to help angels to salvation through the guidance of Whitelight.

The Time of Perpetuity

The Time of Perpetuity came about as the laws of the angels finally became as they are to this day, and began a little over 2000 years ago. Angel society goes about its own cycle, the daily life disrupted by nothing other than the occasional demon escaping through smaller cracks in the surface, causing the guard force to chase around the mountain frantically until they round up the problem. It is named after the hope that things will last this way forever, with the angels living after the seven virtues and attaining glory even past the veil of death obscuring the future.

The mythical history encompasses the events which must have happened before the Cadet Insurrection, but are otherwise shrouded in myth. These include the arrival of the angels at the Transcendent Peak, the beginning of the contracts between the angels and the cadet races, and the founding of the seven clans and the Heptarchy’s ascendance to power.

Present history

It is now the 44th year of the 3rd millennia of the Time of Perpetuity. For over 5000 years, peace has reigned as varying Heptarchs have ruled from their palace on the summit of Transcendant Peak. The angels have prospered and grown in number, never recessing even once, but now worried murmurs can be heard in the corners of the houses and clans. The later years have seen an increase in the number of demons forcing their way to the surface to disturb the peace, and there are fears that this may be a prelude to an invasion from the demons. At the same time there has been an increase in discontent among parts of the population, perceiving the government as hypocritical and totalitarian. These discontented individuals keep their views mostly to themselves though, resorting to dropping fliers at night, as the government naturally isn’t too happy about being slandered.

To disrupt the discontention and to act on the demon issues, the Heptarchy has announced that a special group will be formed, its sole purpose being to catch demons. This group will be comprised of civilians, and will not be a part of the official guard force, working as a sort of undercover group.

This is where you come in. You will, for whatever reasons you chose, be at the recruitment office for this fore. Be it for fame, money, status or something else entirely, you go seeking your fortunes and to save the Mountain that is the World.

Geography of the Mountain

The World Mountain is the whole world. Any view of where the mountain might stand is obscured by an impenetrable layer of clouds, choking anyone who tries to pass through it, covering both land and sky as far as the eye reaches three miles down the small plateau that is the summit. On this plateau lies the
Palace of the Heptarchs, where the seven clan leaders decide right from wrong and judge the people they rule. The center of the plateau is a giant plaza, on which statues stand depicting Aquinius and Chrysostus, flanking the entrance to the Palace. The only other buildings on the summit is the High Aegis, the combined court, barracks and prison of the Palace Guard, and the Great Library, containing all historical records and ledgers of the angelic realm. The summit is the uppermost of the different levels the mountain is divided into.

Below the plateau, on the highest, steepest slopes lies the residences of the nobles. The upper mountainsides are as such littered with large houses of marble, looking a lot like a cross between a Roman villa and a Greek temple. The nobility is in most cases the oldest, most influential families of the seven clans, with the odd wealthy merchant in between, though the two groups overlap a fair bit. This tier is the tallest level below the summit, and is aptly named the “First Level”. Just before the lower boundary of this level, the uppermost of the gates into the mountain’s deep stands, a large, gold and wrought iron made solid plate, constantly guarded and watched over.

The Second Level, directly below, is generic residential area. Down here, wealthy and impoverished live side by side in less impressive houses, mostly made of marble still, put a few of the poorer inhabitants use limestone or light granite as a cheaper, less grand replacement. Down here, wild conifer trees also stand in small numbers, as well as small streams running along the now more level slopes of the mountain. The second level also sports the second highest of the gates to the deep.

The Third Level is the commercial area. It holds nearly all shops and is centered around a large plaza on the northern face of the mountain. The area is nearly deserted at night, as no one lives here on a daily basis. The only people you are likely to meet are the guards on the western slopes guarding a gate to the deep, and their counterparts on the eastern slopes, guarding the fourth of the gates.

The Fourth level is residential area, holding most of the farmers, hunters, shepherds and the like of the Heptarchy. They live almost exclusively in granite, with often large gardens and homesteads separated by lines of trees or the now quite large rivers formed by the conflux of the smaller streams from further up the mountain. A single gate is located here, standing in lone majesty with its flanking guards in an otherwise unremarkable area.

The fifth level, by far the largest, reaching from the Fourth Level and all the way down to the Fog, is farmland, forests and meadows, and is where people from the fourth level goes to do their daily work. Apart from the guards guarding the two gates to the deep on this level, only the odd hermit or runaway teen live on the fifth level permanently.

Below the clouds, nothing is known. It is widely believed that there are further levels within the belly of the mountain, but nothing is known for certain, as no angel has ever lived to tell any tales from beneath the earth.

Points of interest on the Transcendent Peak

The Summit is of course the most prolific part of the mountain, holding the palace where the Heptarchs rule, the library and archives where only the Heptarchs are allowed to enter and the high court where the Heptarchs pass judgment on those who have wronged the Heptarchy in some way. But it is not the only place of interest on the mountain:

The Abyssal Hole

The Abyssal Hole, located in the upper reaches of the first level, is a place usually avoided. Though it is a gate into the Mountain’s deep, it is unguarded as it is just a vertical shaft striaght down, and noone dares to live within 200 meters of the epynomous hole. This is where angels who have committed the gravest crimes are led to be thrown into the deep pit, never to be seen again. The Hole is believed to lead all the way down to the fabled Abyss, located underneath even the mountain base, and is the place where those who have failed in upholding the seven virtues go after they die. Throwing angels in there is the equivalent of an execution, and is only done to those who have fallen beyond rescue, a way to shorten their path to the Abyss. The Abyssal Hole is roughly ten meters in diameter and is surrounded by an arena style sand circle and two stands for spectators.

Golden Plaza

Golden Plaza is the main market square, an elongated ellipsis nearly one acre big. It is also where public proclamations are made, and where the recruiting office for the guard force and other special task forces are located. This office stand on the corner of the Plaza itself and the main avenue leading from the Golden Plaza and up towards the summit.

The Gates to the Deep

The Gates to the Deep, the colloquial name for the seven caverns that opens up to the insides of the Mountain, are the same to look at no matter which one of them you’d find yourself at. Each gate is made of two solid, wrought-iron slabs joined in the middle, decorated with intricate spiraling patterns. In front of this stand the guards tasked with keeping angels out and demons in, and in front of this a large, wrought-iron fence painted with black and gold. The seven gates are spread out across the mountain, though all of them are on either the eastern or the western side of the mountain. The first and second gates, on the first and second level, are both on the eastern face. The third level has one on both the eastern and the western face, known as the third and fourth gates. The fifth gate stands on the fourth level, facing west, and the fifth level holds the last two, the sixth and seventh gates. All of these gates are locked. Always.

Angelic society and culture

The angels live in an oligarchy. The leaders of each clan, picked from the nobility of said clan, sits in the council till death. The nobility of each clan take positions as advisors or other administrative duties within their clan. The layman, the ordinary citizen, picks a clan he feels comfortable being in, often corresponding to his job, though marriage between people of different clans is highly encouraged as it prevents feuds from erupting between clans. These angels carry out their jobs and get paid by either the state or their employer, using their money to buy goods from the merchants in the market district. These buy their stuff from craftsmen and farmers, who occupy the lower rungs of the mountain, and, perhaps, society, though it is hard to look at it like that when the child of a doctor can choose to become a forager and vice versa. Social mobility is at a maximum, but only outside the nobility, which is a closed-off circle for most people.

Angelic society revolves around their clans and their clans’ ideals and main values. All angels are expected to hold the highest standard in all seven of the patron virtues of the clans, regardless of which clan they have joined, though it is taken slightly less seriously if you fail to uphold a virtue you aren’t representing through your clan. All laws of the angels revolve around this, and though fines are non-existent as a punishment, jail sentences for stepping off the path of virtue are common. All laws and all verdicts are issued by the Council of Heptarchs, the guard force acting as police, jailors and interim military when the demons act up. ‘Crime’ rates are generally low, though.

The reason for these laws being taken so seriously comes down to what can be called the “religion” of the angels, though they don’t believe in any deity. Their belief is similar to Buddhism in that they believe in the upholding of certain virtues to lead to happiness in the afterlife, with failure to uphold these lead to damnation, cursing you to live after death as a victim of the demons’ vengefulness. Early angel Heptarchs made the following of their system law, assuring that they do not fall victim to the demons. As the demons uphold the exact opposites of the seven virtues, the demons are viewed as the enemy of paradise, and therefore, even communicating with demons is forbidden. Likewise, this is also one of several other reasons for demons being disallowed to exit the caverns beneath the mountains.

Technology and Magic

Angels are magical beings, but they are unable to harness the magic without the use of tools, being greater in physical strength than at magical prowess. A few, skilled angels can create spheres of light in their hands, or balls of heat, their magic appearing very close to the physical properties of a lightbulb, revolving around heat and/or light. Most angels, however, are dependent on tools. As such, for use of their magic as weapons, they craft tools that channel their energy. It might be fishing rods with no string, channeling their magic through the pole, using it to catch fish, it might be toys, looms and the likes, and it might be weapons, even though these are usually reserved for the guard force. Hunters still use crossbows or ordinary bows, while the military have early renaissance weaponry, such as arquebi and muskets, but advancing all the way up to flintlock weaponry and early rifles. Nothing automatic, though, and no revolvers, only single cartridges. As they only fire miniature globes of superheated lights (of laser-like properties), they don’t need automatic weaponry or ammunition, only a source of light. As long as their weapons have a source of either heat or light, it will work when you fire it. Angels also have regular melee weapons, but these have fallen out of fashion over the last centuries.

Apparel and architecture

Angelic clothing is likewise in the medieval, renaissance and Victorian eras as well as the classical Greek and Roman times. Any metal will be gold, silver or copper (Based on how well off you are), and cloth is with no exception pastel-coloured, black never being used at all.
Likewise, angelic architecture is mostly classical, medieval or early renaissance, the Gothic period being the latest one encompassed by their buildings’ styling.

The Seven Clans

The seven clans of the angels are not something you are born into. When angels turn fourteen and come of age, they get to choose which clan they want to join, and anyone is accepted. In exchange, they are obliged to uphold the virtue of the clan they are now part of to perfection, and are only allowed slight leeway on the six other virtues. The Clans are made up of several ancient families, comprising mostly of the nobility living on the first level. These nobles rarely choose different clans from their parents’. Most of the clans, though, are made up of the normal Angel citizens, and these change around freely, leading to clan sizes fluctuating wildly from generation to generation.

Clan Castitas

Clan Castitas, the Clan of Chastity, is, due to their history and old tradition the most prestigious of the clans in the regard that the leader of the Castitas also serves as the leader of the council of the Heptarchs, leading the word in meetings. The Castitas serve primarily as priests of some sort, or in medicine unrelated to birth, gynecology and venereal diseases, though a few stray from these usual trades. The leader of the Castitas is the 45-year old Miraz Wolfheart, a menacing, imposing angel whose presence is nearly always noticeable from at least 30 yards. He has a long, black, oiled goatee and thick, bushy hair and eyebrows. He is not a man you displease without grave consideration. An angel of the Castitas must adhere utmost to the virtue of chastity, and Miraz is good at keeping his clansmen in line.

Clan Industria

One of the more prestigious clans, the Industria got their merits during the rebuilding after the Insurrection, their diligence carrying the other clans through the hard work. Known for never ceasing to go hard at it, the Industria mostly work as builders, carpenters and other practical jobs. They possess a dogged cunning, but generally, the Industria is not reknowned for holding the biggest brains, and more often than not the clan is satisfied with following the policies of the Castitas. Such is the opinion of the current leader, Remus the Bee. Though nearing his sixties, the by now slightly overweight Heptarch still looks like a large child with his blonde hair and fat face. He is quite the workaholic, good at menial paper-pushing and getting stuff done, but not the greatest at seeing the consequences of his actions. As a member of Industria, you must adhere to the virtue of diligence, never ceasing to work hard and be obedient.

Clan Caritas

The Clan Caritas are perhaps some of the best when it comes to mathematics and economy. Sadly, they follow the creed of sharing what you’ve got, showing generosity to those who have less than you. The Caritas are mostly found working as nurses, caretakers or teachers, showing great care for society and equality. They value brains over brawn, but will not hesitate to use force to pry through their need for equality. Their current leader is the 38-year old known as Ilianos the Grand, whose red combover hair and full beard makes him quite easy to recognize when coupled with the fact that he is nearly 2 meters 20 tall. He is reputedly notoriously badly prepared, frequently missing meetings in favour of walking around the market square giving alms out of the state treasury. He is also rumoured to never have read any of the numerous mass of papers accessible only to the Heptarchs, and is thus generally pretty clueless.
If you are of the Clan Caritas, you must adhere to total generosity and charity.

Clan Temperantia

The clan of temperance is not specializing in any particular profession, but they are never found in any jobs having to do with cooking, baking or brewing. Living mostly Spartan lives, they are perhaps not the most cheery people, but they are of clear mind and have special aptitudes for gardening and similar trades, though they, as stated, are not particular to a single vocation. The clan is lead by the 40-year-old Horus Flyeagle, thus nicknamed because he manages to look unassuming even in a very important position. He is bald except for a graying, black tonsure and has a pair of pince-nez on the bridge of his nose at all times. He has no eyebrows and a very worried expression, often turning sour or tired, his brown eyes never seeming to be at peace. He rules his clan more with pleading and guilt-trips than use of power, but he keeps his clanspeople in check, and is usually happy to comply with whatever Wolfheart comes up with. If you are of the Temperantia, you must, as you might guess, adhere to temperance and abstinence.

Clan Humanitas

Usually taking care of children, school related work or herding, the Humanitas are the clan of kindness. The clan takes pride in never being of ill will, and is the only clan not to hold any hard feelings against the demons, their former servants, though they are still, however they try to deny it, distrustful of them. The Humanitas are likely to think the best of anyone, and is closely related to the clan of charity. That is also the case with the two clans’ leaders. Clan Humanitas is lead by Stakakkos Ficklewind, the little brother of Ilianos. The youngest of the Heptarchs, ranking at only 28, he has shaggy, unkempt hair of auburn colour, gray eyes, a narrow face and a tiny moustache which makes him look slightly shifty. Like his brother, he spends inordinately large amounts of time trying to even out the inequalities of angelic society, and has not read any of the documents he has available for him to help him lead, getting an easier pass through this situation owing to the fact that he has only been a Heptarch for a few months. The Humanitas must adhere to kindness and humanity.

Clan Patientia

The Patientia are very patient. They make good guards because of their attentiveness and liking of standing around doing essentially nothing for large amounts of time on the off chance that something should occur. But if something does occur, the Patientia act. They do nothing without solid proof, and can be very slow on the uptake, but if they get going, they are a force to be reckoned with. They will inevitable always advocate for waiting things out, and more often than not vote in favor of neither proposal in the Council, thus often being out of influence by choice. Prone to going “Told you so!” the leader of the Patientia is the crewcut, 53-year-old Vanadius the Waiting, aptly named so for never voting for or against anything at all, using most of the time at Council meetings listening or just thinking to himself. He looks very much like Wolfheart, his black hair beginning to gray only slightly, and he possesses a matching goatee, though Vanadius’ is curled and paired with a Fu Manchu. The Patientia pride themselves on patience, clear thinking and willpower, and adhere unyieldingly, but passively, to these ideals.

Clan Humilitas

Not even angels like to be humble all the time. As such, the one thing certain is that the Humilitas will always be the smallest clan. They are almost exclusively found in the simpler vocations such as farming, foraging and cleaning, the few nobles who choose to be Humilitas Clansmen having a large workload in administrating their clan. They can be stepped on by the larger clans, but can be trusted to do their best, though they never seem to quite think anything of themselves, which is why the Humilitas’ leader, whoever he is, is always in doubt about his decision-making skills, and thus likely to abstain from voting alongside the Patientia. The clan’s leader is the current oldest member of the Council of Heptarchs, Dachiallys the Elder, aged 83. He looks somewhat like a wizard with a long, uneven beard, a bald head of hair and bright blue eyes, though the aging angel is now nearly blind on his right eye. The clan Humilitas adheres to the difficult disciplines of Humility, Humbleness and Loyalty.


An angel is the term the people above the ground of the mountain have given themselves. Angels live to an average of a hundred years of age, aging much in the same way and speed as humans.

An angel can be dark-skinned, of Asian complexion, Caucasian, Arab, tanned, anything as long as it’s a natural colour. The same goes for their hair and eyes, though they don’t seem to be bound by usual laws of genetics. As such, they are very varied in their looks, with a small majority being Caucasian. Angels have a pair of wings made up of long, white feathers, and a wingspan of about seven feet.

Angelic names are Greek or Roman sounding, occasional Italian and Romanian mixed in. They do not use surnames, rather relying on titles or nicknames to distinguish between similarly named people, and live to an age of around a hundred years.


Demons are tall, ugly and ogre-like, with red skin, red eyes with yellow pupils and big, black horns in the forehead. They also have thick, black hair and a long, reptilian tail. They live to around the same age as angels.

Demons are much more adept at magic, and will invariably, when going to the surface, disguise themselves as an angel, though these disguises are easily seen through as they cannot uphold it to the standards of a real angel's looks.

Note that players (sadly) cannot play as a demon, and have to play as an angel. The choice lies in the picking of a clan.

Character Sheet
Age(At least 14):
Clothing(Please start without weaponry unless you are a hunter.):
Background/History(Can be kept hidden from other players, but the DM would like to know it.):


Fat Boy Kyle
Name: Alida the Quiet
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Clan: Humilitas
Appearance: 5ft6; Nimble build; tanned complexion (mediterranean); black hair not quite reaching her shoulders (think Cortana's); green eyes; cute face; smaller wings than usual.
Clothing: She wears a simple white tunic and a curious bracelet she inherited which appears to be small translucent gems held together by dim light.
Personality: Alida never seems to be sad, nor too happy, she always has a faint smile and says nothing but kind words - on the few occasions she talks. She keeps to herself and her family mostly, although she is not unsociable; always responding when talked to, just not usually with much more than a gesture or a few gentle words.
Background/History: Like her mother, Julietta, she is a cleaner for the nobility. She rarely talks to any other cleaners or nobility, mostly because her quiet nature tends to make her go unnoticed. Most do not realise that her father is Brutus Bear Hands of Clan Patientia, who serves as a guard - he is about 6ft8, has massive hands, is big built, with a black warhawk and he too is always seen to have a smile.[/quote]

Name: Riva
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Clan: Industria
Appearance: Would probably be characterized as Asian. Tall and hawkish, with a narrow face, flashing violet eyes, and a sharp chin. Her hair is a raven black, long but messy. Pale, largely unblemished skin. Hew wings are fairly average, if usually badly tended to and blackened from soot.
Clothing: A simple, dark pink longsleeve shirt, black apron, and black trousers.
Personality: Straightforward and practical, but beneath her stoic exterior she is deeply dissatisfied with her life.
Background/History: A blacksmith and gunsmith by trade, and a damn good one, too. She had learned it from her father as he had learned it from his father, and generally she had lived a very simple life. She yearns for more, though, and wants to see more of the world beyond her forge.

Name: Cato the Mute
Age(At least 14): 21

Appearance(Physical): shoulder length black hair, has a Fu Manchu. Would be considered Arabic in skin complexion. He is about 5'7", with lean muscle, very little fat on him. His wings look just like that of any other angel.

Clothing(Please start without weaponry unless you are a hunter.): Bow and Arrows (he is a hunter), green shirt, stained by mud to help him blend in when he is hunting. Black pants, also stained by mud.

Personality: Very patient. Can wait for days for something to happen, without getting even slightly irritated. He is fairly mean, usually shunning the company of others to be alone. He is not one to make excuses.

Background/History: Cato has been mute from birth, and growing up, he was always made fun of by the other kids. He does speak sign language, so he does have a way of communicating with others who happen to know it as well. When he was old enough, he chose to go into Clan Patentia. As a part of this clan, he became a hunter, enjoying the quiet, lonesome life it came with. He rarely leaves the fourth level where he lives, but when he does it is mostly to do any buying and selling he has to do.

El Matto
Name: Timon the Fat
Age(At least 14): 18
Gender: Male
Clan: Castitas
Appearance(Physical): Very overweight, shaggy brown hair, a bit of a neckbeard going (Based off of Sam the Slayer)
Clothing(Please start without weaponry unless you are a hunter.): Heavy brown robes that drape over all of his body, a hood that obscures his face, a platinum duck that he uses as a tool to convey some healing magic

Personality: Timid, cowardly and bashful. Timon isn’t much good for anything. He usually messes up everything he does, with very little exception. His mind is always racing, thinking five steps ahead, over-cautious and paranoid, which keeps him relatively safe. He instantly falls in love with any young woman he sees, again with very little exception. He has a very hard time talking to women.

Background/History(Can be kept hidden from other players, but the DM would like to know it.): Timon was born into Clan Castitas. His father was a very prestigious priest and he expected Timon to be the same. Well, Timon tried, but he wasn’t very good at healing people or doing other priestly duties. For a very short amount of time he was a servant of Miraz Wolfheart, until he accidentally spilled wine all over Miraz’s favorite white robe. He then tried to be a healer, but accidentally killed a patient with an infected wound – one that surely would have recovered otherwise. He left it all behind to hunt demons because the community wouldn’t accept him anymore. The news that Timon the Fat was killed in a demon raid would make a lot of Castitas clan folk breathe easy.

Name: Imhotep Softstone
Age(At least 14): 18
Gender: Male
Clan: Humilitas
Appearance(Physical): Silvery-white hair that is pulled into a long ponytail that reaches his shoulder blades. Dull blue eyes that always seem sad. He is of a modest height and build, not very atheletic, but not obese either. He has what has been called a "baby face".
Clothing(Please start without weaponry unless you are a hunter.): Imhotep wears a common pastel blue robe with an attached hood. A dark blue belt with several hidden pockets wraps around his waist. He wears mocassin-like footwear. He also has a pair of gloves that he normally stows in his belt.
Personality:Compassionate towards all and tolerant up to a ridiculous level, Imhotep rarely speaks out what he truly thinks, rather following the advice or plans of others. He is caring to a fault in that he does not like anything or anyone to suffer. He has only modest clothes because he has given away everything else of value to those who have claimed to need it. Very meek, he has taken on the life of a psuedo-monk, not ever having enough courage to join the ranks of those in the temple. He is frequently the brunt of jokes, but takes it in stride, laughing at himself rather than getting upset.
Background/History(Can be kept hidden from other players, but the DM would like to know it.): Imhotep has been the cleaning person/custodian for the Golden Plaza, including the recruiting office, for he past three years. He has taken his job very seriously and has made the plaza shine as it hasn't ever before. One day while cleaning the recruiting office he was told that he should join the special force. Not being one to argue with another angel, he agreed and found himself part of the demon catching group. He doesn't really know what he's supposed to be doing, but he will do his best to do his best as long as it keeps him out of the spotlight and others out of danger.

Name: Invictus
Age(At least 14): 20
Gender: Male
Clan: Clan Patientia
Appearance(Physical): Invictus has an unremarkable appearance. He is not too ugly, nor too handsome, he is not to tall or too small. He has black hair and brown eyes, adding to his very plain appearance. He never allows his facial hair to grow and always shaves it whenever he sees it.
Clothing(Please start without weaponry unless you are a hunter.): Invictus has the armour of the common guard, being a guard himself. He is armed with a polearm.
Background/History(Can be kept hidden from other players, but the DM would like to know it.): Invictus grew up in a small family. When he was able to, he picked Clan Patientia as his clan, reflecting his slow-to-act mentality. He prefers to mull things over in his head rather than spring into the unknown. These traits have helped him and also been detrimental to his role as a guard, which he became following his sixteenth birthday. He commonly watches and waits, watches and waits and does naught else. When he does see a suspect, he always make sure that it is the suspect.

Jedi Taters
Name: Ibu Snaketree
Age(At least 14): 22
Gender: Male
Clan: Humilitas
Appearance(Physical): Ibu is on the shorter side, less than six feet, and of solid, but not thick, build. He has smooth, unblemished, light tan skin. His hair is medium brown, and in a few long, thick dreads, which he usually keeps tied in a tail, and he has a short, full beard.
Clothing(Please start without weaponry unless you are a hunter.): Ibu has a simple vest and wide, baggy pants, both in a light orange color, with simple suede boots and belt as adornment. He carries a walking stick made from a polished, gnarled tree branch, and has a simple wooden bow carved with animal imagery.
Personality: Ibu is quiet, often seeming distant and cold, but is friendly and warm to the people he interacts with. He is very straightforward, to the point of bluntness, but is never intentionally impolite. As befits a member of Clan Humilitas, he rarely speaks of himself or his abilities, and even rarer still attempts to take credit for anything. He is patient and compassionate, but remarkably fierce if forced to fight.
Background/History(Can be kept hidden from other players, but the DM would like to know it.): Ibu comes from a family of farmers, foragers, and hunters, and has dabbled in all three. His family home lies on a forested patch straddling the fourth and fifth levels, with a modest farm and a small river. His upbringing held only some formal education, mostly focusing on family trade and knowledge of plants and animals. Both Ibu and his family have, until now, lead quiet, unremarkable lives, though some nosier individuals have gossiped that they do not follow traditional religious teachings, or that they support discontent and disobedience of government. There is no proof for either of these, nor has he or his family commented on them.
Last edited by JVElEven on Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:41 am, edited 5 times in total.

Re: The Sins of Our Fathers

Sun Mar 24, 2013 1:01 am

[Reserved just in case]

Re: The Sins of Our Fathers

Sun Mar 24, 2013 3:43 am


Re: The Sins of Our Fathers

Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:15 pm

The Dovah shall engage in this roleplay.

Just a quick question, can we use any of the points of interest in the background story? As i'm thinking of doing a demon character that was raised in the Abyssal Hole but managed to escape. Or the gates of the deep. Will post character sheet later.

Re: The Sins of Our Fathers

Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:17 pm

I have some character ideas. I'll probably make a character later rather than sooner.

Re: The Sins of Our Fathers

Sun Mar 24, 2013 10:21 pm

Thelastdovah: Terribly sorry, but you cannot play as a demon. I was perhaps a bit vague on that. Also, the abyssal hole is a big shaft straight down.

Re: The Sins of Our Fathers

Mon Mar 25, 2013 1:43 pm

Oh, that is disappointing. As i did have a demon character that i would use. Oh well. I suppose i can salvage parts of that character and use it for the character that i can use. Are Angels playable or are we just allowed to be humans?

Re: The Sins of Our Fathers

Mon Mar 25, 2013 2:46 pm


Well... There are no humans, so angel is what it is.

Re: The Sins of Our Fathers

Mon Mar 25, 2013 2:51 pm

The Dovah will post his character up later. The Dovah may try his hand at doing a fallen angel type of character or a brutal character that believes what they are doing is right but tends to do horrible acts in order to save the party or to prevent them from suffering.

Can we do half breeds if we have a good reason for it?

Re: The Sins of Our Fathers

Fri Mar 29, 2013 12:38 am

Woo-hoo first! :P

Username: Fat Boy Kyle
Name: Alida the Quiet
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Clan: Humilitas
Appearance: 5ft6; Nimble build; tanned complexion (mediterranean); black hair not quite reaching her shoulders (think Cortana's); green eyes; cute face; smaller wings than usual.
Clothing: She wears a simple white tunic and a curious bracelet she inherited which appears to be small translucent gems held together by dim light.
Personality: Alida never seems to be sad, nor too happy, she always has a faint smile and says nothing but kind words - on the few occasions she talks. She keeps to herself and her family mostly, although she is not unsociable; always responding when talked to, just not usually with much more than a gesture or a few gentle words.
Background/History: Like her mother, Julietta, she is a cleaner for the nobility. She rarely talks to any other cleaners or nobility, mostly because her quiet nature tends to make her go unnoticed. Most do not realise that her father is Brutus Bear Hands of Clan Patientia, who serves as a guard - he is about 6ft8, has massive hands, is big built, with a black warhawk and he too is always seen to have a smile.

Re: The Sins of Our Fathers

Fri Apr 05, 2013 10:48 am

Yeah, so, it's been a little quiet, and I apologize for that. I have been hard at work trying to boost attention, but here are a few notifications:

Fat boy kyle has been accepted via PM. I expect Eltee and perhaps Matt to join as well, and that means three players.

The starting date has been set to whenever there are six accepted characters in this RP. PMs will be sent out with a specific date then.

Re: The Sins of Our Fathers

Fri Apr 05, 2013 11:05 pm

Could I join? This RP looks interesting.

Re: The Sins of Our Fathers

Fri Apr 05, 2013 11:46 pm

Send me a sheet. We'll have a look at it. I don't know if you remember Andia, but this will be character-focused much like that.

Re: The Sins of Our Fathers

Fri Apr 05, 2013 11:48 pm

I do remember Andia. I was a day too late to join it. :c

Re: The Sins of Our Fathers

Fri Apr 05, 2013 11:50 pm

Heh. Good times. The only truly insane character I ever succesfully played. But I digress. As I said, please send a sheet in.

Re: The Sins of Our Fathers

Fri Apr 05, 2013 11:54 pm

Was that not the one where King A. had a character that thought his child could see his D when he was doing the dirty with Eltee's character?

Re: The Sins of Our Fathers

Sat Apr 06, 2013 12:46 am

Username: Eltee
Name: Riva
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Clan: Industria
Appearance: Would probably be characterized as Asian. Tall and hawkish, with a narrow face, flashing violet eyes, and a sharp chin. Her hair is a raven black, long but messy. Pale, largely unblemished skin. Hew wings are fairly average, if usually badly tended to and blackened from soot.
Clothing: A simple, dark pink longsleeve shirt, black apron, and black trousers.
Personality: Straightforward and practical, but beneath her stoic exterior she is deeply dissatisfied with her life.
Background/History: A blacksmith and gunsmith by trade, and a damn good one, too. She had learned it from her father as he had learned it from his father, and generally she had lived a very simple life. She yearns for more, though, and wants to see more of the world beyond her forge.

Re: The Sins of Our Fathers

Sat Apr 06, 2013 2:06 am

What would life be like in the military?

Re: The Sins of Our Fathers

Sat Apr 06, 2013 11:45 am

Well, you'll likely be on guard duty, either around the gates or walking around the different levels if you're an ordinary guard. There's an elite tier of guards guarding the summit.

When not on duty, you'd be able to sleep either at home or at the barracks, depending on your choice. The guards do not wear heavy armour, but a sort of roman-esque leather cuirass and some whiterobe beneath that.

Eltee: Accepted. gladly accepted.

Re: The Sins of Our Fathers

Mon Apr 08, 2013 12:56 pm

Character Sheet
Username: Greenlantern
Name: Cato the Mute
Age(At least 14): 21

Appearance(Physical): shoulder length black hair, has a Fu Manchu. Would be considered Arabic in skin complexion. He is about 5'7", with lean muscle, very little fat on him. His wings look just like that of any other angel.

Clothing(Please start without weaponry unless you are a hunter.): Bow and Arrows (he is a hunter), green shirt, stained by mud to help him blend in when he is hunting. Black pants, also stained by mud.

Personality: Very patient. Can wait for days for something to happen, without getting even slightly irritated. He is fairly mean, usually shunning the company of others to be alone. He is not one to make excuses.

Background/History: Cato has been mute from birth, and growing up, he was always made fun of by the other kids. He does speak sign language, so he does have a way of communicating with others who happen to know it as well. When he was old enough, he chose to go into Clan Patentia. As a part of this clan, he became a hunter, enjoying the quiet, lonesome life it came with. He rarely leaves the fourth level where he lives, but when he does it is mostly to do any buying and selling he has to do.

Re: The Sins of Our Fathers

Mon Apr 08, 2013 12:57 pm

I'm going to drop out of this as i'm limiting myself to 3 active roleplays at once untill i gain more experience as a roleplay. This does have a lot of potential and i'm eager to watch it unfold. :)

Re: The Sins of Our Fathers

Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:35 pm

That is okay, msr. Dovah. If you change your mind, we'll see what happens.

Greenlantern: Accepted. Thank you for joining.

Re: The Sins of Our Fathers

Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:46 pm

I think you mean Mr Dovah. I do hope it was a mistake as it would be a shame if a dovah burned down your house with his Thu'um. :Twisted Evil: To be honest, i was struggling to come up with a character so it is best that i give up my spot. Well, one that i liked and wouldn't get bored after a few days.

Re: The Sins of Our Fathers

Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:50 pm

Msr. = Monsieur.

Re: The Sins of Our Fathers

Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:00 pm

Username: Pomcey
Name: Invictus
Age(At least 14): 20
Gender: Male
Clan: Clan Patientia
Appearance(Physical): Invictus has an unremarkable appearance. He is not too ugly, nor too handsome, he is not to tall or too small. He has black hair and brown eyes, adding to his very plain appearance. He never allows his facial hair to grow and always shaves it whenever he sees it.
Clothing(Please start without weaponry unless you are a hunter.): Invictus has the armour of the common guard, being a guard himself. He is armed with a polearm.
Background/History(Can be kept hidden from other players, but the DM would like to know it.): Invictus grew up in a small family. When he was able to, he picked Clan Patientia as his clan, reflecting his slow-to-act mentality. He prefers to mull things over in his head rather than spring into the unknown. These traits have helped him and also been detrimental to his role as a guard, which he became following his sixteenth birthday. He commonly watches and waits, watches and waits and does naught else. When he does see a suspect, he always make sure that it is the suspect.
Last edited by POMC S117 on Thu Apr 11, 2013 10:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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