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Should I revive Zeyelden and change allow any race played?

Yes, I would like to RP Zeyelden again
Yes, but I want to play different races
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Yes but I want to start a new character
No I think this rp is too complicated
No I think you should start a new rp
Maybe...havn't decided yet.
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Total votes : 10

~Zeyelden: The Roleplay~

Wed Sep 26, 2012 7:26 pm

*SPOILER ALERT* For those who have not read my fanfic, Zeyelden, this roleplay will be giving you much information about Zeyelden itself. Though my characters are not at Zeyelden yet and are steadily growing before they take the journey to Zeyelden, this roleplay is to allow you to experience my story/fanfic and help me in writing future chapters to my fanfiction.

Warning: This roleplay may contain content that isn’t intended for the immature or queasy. This roleplay is intended for mature roleplayers with great imagination.

~*~*~*Zeyelden Roleplay*~*~*~

Zeyelden is a magical city far from the mainland of Tamriel. It is made up of mountains, forests, planes, taiga, tundra, ocean and beaches with a little bit of everything including Jungle. Some areas are highly unsafe to be in at night. There is high emphasis in flight and magic. It is an Oasis amongst the Blizzards so to speak. It sits in Mundus and Tamriel but isn’t officially part of Tamriel.

The main City of Zeyelden, however, sits at the heart of the lands and Oceans and consists of 3 Tiers each ruled by an Individual Head that was of major Significance to Zeyelden’s Following. And they are: Prince Daiku of the Were-Clan and lowest Tier, Sister Willow of the Druidic Clan and Middle Tier, And the Queen of Zeyelden and of thus the Queen’s Tier, the highest tier.

The Queen’s Tier The highest tier with a giant central castle. It hoovers about the first tier of clouds.

The Druids Tier Composed of a series of floating islands large and small, the central and largest land houses a very large tree. The Druids tier lies above the Were Tier and below the Queen’s Tier.

The Were Tier The lowest tier and closest to the ground. Mainly composed of large mountains, forests and a central valley, it has a tall castle and a village nearby. In its center awaits a large deep lake with fast pace rivers of rich and big fish.

Races: The races Zeyelden encompass many different species of man, mer and beast. The only race that has never been allowed in Zeyelden or to thrive nearby one of its secret entrances is the Nord. Zeyelden was founded by two critically endangered species of Elf and Man, namely the Snow Elves and the Akavirian humans fleeing Akavir. Nords being pro Nord and anti-everything else especially in the first era were wiped out en-masse whenever they even came close to discovering one of Zeyelden’s at-the-time many entrances. Zeyelden also is home to races thought to be extinct in Tamriel, and even some that originated in Tamriel but disappeared from it before the dawn of recorded history.

: One of the oldest races to grace and destroy the lands of Tamriel. Elves are old, age slow and some are mystical enough to live many millennia without ever becoming a vampire. They are gifted in arts, wisdom, grace and Magic. In Tamriel it was thought that only 3 types survived to present day. However, in Zeyelden, there are at least 8 types that thrive.

Fire: The fire elves were once known as the Molagmer, Molag being elven for fire. The elven name alone became the early fire elves downfall. Shortly after Molag-Bal’s corruption of the Nedic Girl and thus creating the first vampire, Akatosh (known to the elven as Auri-Ei) mistook the fire elves for being worshippers and followers of the infamous Daedric Prince and banished the entire race from Tamriel and all records of recorded history. Auri-Ei would later come to realize his mistake, but it was one he couldn’t fix as the Daedric Lord of Destruction, Mehrunes Dagon, realized that the fire elves were perfect vessels to create his Dremora. The Fire elves were subjugated to many years of torture and enslavement. However, unlike their Falmer cousins, the fire elves grew stronger and retained their original appearance and fought back until at one point they had a Daedric Plane of their own. Meridia was inspired by their beauty and took some to be used as a base for her Aurans. Roughly 16 years before the Oblivion Crisis, The Fire Elves earned their freedom when their princess posed as a young Breton woman and seduced the young Martin Septim back when he was a Daedric Worshipper. She fell in love with him and became impregnated by him. Yet she disappeared and the child with her, and the mortals who knew her even Martin thought she died by the Whims of a Daedric Lord. Martin soon turned to Aedric worship of the Nine Divines and the Fire Elves then changed their name from Molagmer to Yolmer. It is said their reappearance to Mundus, namely Zeyelden, directly ties in with the re-arrival of the Septim Bloodline.
A fire elf, similar to a dark elf, has red Iris’s but white Sclera’s. Their hair is always shades of fire or mixes of fire, and some of the most powerful mages have living flames for hair instead of hair. Their skin is a mix between pale to red-gold. They are also 100% immune to Fire, and due to being forced to stay in the realms of Oblivion for many eras, can detect any and all Daedra. As such they make much better Daedric hunters than that of Tamriel’s “Vigilante of Stendar”.
Fire Elf Male
Fire Elf Female
Another fire elf female

Snow: Thought to be extinct or mutated into the twisted Falmer. Very few have survived in their unchanged forms outside of Zeyelden. And because of the twisted Falmer, most Snow Elves prefer to be called Snow Elves. The pure snow elves that hadn’t evolved into the Dragon Elves or had been purified from the Falmer are often called the Mother Race by fellow Snow/Dragon/ and the Mutated Elves. ((For those of you who wish to learn more about the Zeyelden Snow Elves, you may read my fanfic as I gradually update it))
Some of the more famous snow elves include:
The Snow Prince
Aelein (Saving Andrea, Dovahkin, from a nasty toss off a mountain thanks to a troll)

Aqua: Sea Elves, Water Elves, Maormer. See Lore but include that not all Sea Elves have blank eyes or chameleon skin that blends in with their environment. The Aqua elves came to Zeyelden to start an undersea palace of their own, away from the squabbles and wars by their Altmeran cousins of Summerset Isles. Pyandonea, their infamous island home, saw a deteriorating change in their landscape beginning with the Oblivion Crisis and made worse due to the Thalmor’s rule and their constant search for Talos Worshippers. King Orgnum cared more for finding his coffer than taking care of his land and his people. Many stayed loyal to King Orgnum though, mainly because of what tradition dictated. However, some decided to leave Pyandonea and King Orgnum and travel and eventually discover the land of Zeyelden. Living in Zeyelden came with a strict set of rules for the Maormer. For starters, they are not allowed to attack the Serphantine people and use them as mounts. On top of that, they are not allowed to raise an army to attack any of the other races and elven settlements, including the Altmer. They are allowed, however, to raise an army in Zeyelden’s defense.
Sea Elf Woman
Sea Elf Woman 2

Dragon: More Commonly known as the Dovahmer. They are evolutionary descendants of the Snow Elves. They evolved from more than one loyal family that remained loyal to Kynareth and Sister Willow by continuingly becoming Druids and Rangers of the Druid Tier. As a result they have been blessed by Kynareth herself and were allowed to become one with the Dragon over time. This meant that their hands grew claws on each of their fingers and toes, and they were guaranteed to be born with wings usually of the same colour of their hair or dragon of choice. Along their back they grew additional hair which could be considered a mane and was either White like their Snow Elven ancestors or the same colour of their hair. They are the most colourful of the elven and can sport a wide assortment of nature hair in any hue including greens, blues, violets and purples. Some even grow Horns and spikes yet still retain their elven beauty. (I heavily based their design on Aion’s Asmodians) Aelein was born a Dovahmer and had pale green skin and dark green hair. Aelein also had a green mane along her back and large, sharp beautiful claws. Her Grandmother and Queen of Zeyelden, however, had Aelein purified as she is a third generation of the snow elves and also a member of Royalty. Despite loosing her claws, mane, and colour, Aelein is still considered a Dovahmer as she retained her Dovahmer eye colour and her green wings.
A Female Dovahmer with purple hair
A male Dovahmer with snow elven hair

Aetherial: Also known as Air Elves or Kynemer, they are the reborn souls of the man, mer and beast that served Kynareth well in their mortal lives. As such Kynareth reserved a special place for them in her Aetherium plane. In here they have a village of their own where they can live again as the Goddess of Wind and Nature’s most cherished people. Some are honored in returning to Mundus to Zeyelden where they are able to act similar to Dibella’s Sybil in Markarth but for Kynareth. An Aetherial Elf can fly without wings or beast, as they are one with the air, and they can also go freely to Aetherius and back. Some other races can do this as well but they have to prove themselves in the eyes of the divines. Aetherial elves typically have the color of Aetherium in their eyes, the colour of the Divine realms as they say. Most are usually the color of the sky or clouds and can sometimes be confused for snow elves. They are softer in appearance than Snow Elves but they are not to be underestimated.
Male Kynemer
Female Kynemer
Face portrait of a Female Kynemer

High: See Lore

Wood: See Lore In Zeyelden Bosmer are also considered Earth Elves.

Dark: See Lore

Orc: See Lore In Zeyelden, an Orc doesn’t have to look like a beast. He or She can be Purified and look like a Orc-hued Altmer and actually beat the High Elves in Beauty Contests.


These majestic beings entered Zeyelden through a portal lead by one of the top exploration groups. In the world they came from, the humans there have hunted the Centaur people to near extinction with only a few splinter groups surviving. With the demise of the race at the hands of humans, so to were the centaurs lands and their holy trees. When the unnamed Zeyelden group explored this realm looking for ways to improve their skills and traces of Zeyelden’s enemy, they were ambushed by Chieftan Napayshini and his strongest warriors. The party from Zeyelden was, surprisingly, loosing. Finally the group’s Druid, A Breton girl named Christelle, shifted into a Centaur of her own. The fighting immediately ceased as Napayshini became entranced by her beauty and for the first time the two groups were able to communicate in a civil matter, albeit at the behest of both groups that Christelle remain in her centauren form. When the discussion was over, Chieftan Napayshini sent word to the brother Centaur tribes about a new land that would welcome them and their sacred trees. As a result, most of what remained of the realm’s centauren population followed the Zeyelden group back to Zeyelden, where they named a big section of the planes and parts of the forests as their own.

A Centaur has the body of a humanoid and the lower body with that of a horse or deer ((usually antelope if this is the case)) They can have beast, human or elven like faces and can have course or fine hair/mane. As a result of Zeyelden’s magic, the Centauren children born aren’t limited to Earthly colors but instead can encompass a wide spectrum of colors. They also tend to be friendly with the Druids and Rangers of Druid Tier.

Pegusi: The Pegusi are the Centaurs that developed Wings on their Horse or Deer lower bodies. They tend to be majestic and usually come in light colours but can have darker pelt/hair as well. The Pegusi Centaur are trained to attack from above and are also known to scout ahead for the Earthern Centaurs. The Pegusi Centaurs also care for the top and middle parts of the Centauren Sacred Trees with delicate hands. These same delicate hands can be used to knit and weave fabric and clothing for the Centaur Tribes, of which there are currently three.
Female Pegusi

Unicron: Unicron Centaurs tend to be elusive and highly magical. They are also very in tune with nature. They can have a unicorn spiral corn on the center of their forheads, or it can be a sharp curved horn or even a straight conish horn. Most can teleport short distances and can live very long lives. They can also grand this Longevity to their Mates as well. One of the most famous Unicron is Lady Christelle, who’s change became permanent. Chieftan Napayshini eventually won her heart and she was soon married to him. Unicron Centaurs magical horn allows them to teleport short distances vertical or horizontal and they also tend to the Diplomatics for the Centauren people, usually guarded by two or more Earthern Centaurs. In Lady Christelle’s case, she is guarded by a war party no less than ten members, specially selected for her by her husband, especially when she travels even for shopping.
Lady Christelle

Alicron: Alicron are even more elusive than their Unicron breatheren. They have both the unicorn horn and the pegusi wings. Not one has been known to visually age past their late teen early twenties years. They also never get sick unless it’s an infliction caused by the gods themselves. As such they can never become vampires or Were. Alicrons are rare to the Centaur herd, even with Zeyelden’s magic it’s not guaranteed one will be born as a Unicron or Pegusi is more likely. However when they are born that can learn from both the Pegusi and Unicron to make good scouts and Diplomatics. They can be used for solo missions as they can fly and/or teleport away.
Alicron Female

Earthern: The most Common of the Centaurs. They possess neither wings nor central horn but they can grow horns on the sides of their heads like Minotaurs. They also tend to be the strongest of Minotaurs and can run for miles. Only fools would make the mistake to consider this race as beasts of burden. An Earthern Centaur, next to a Were-Bear and a Aloxie, are the physically strongest in Zeyelden by birth. Unlike a Were-Bear and Aloxie, they tend to run in heards 10+ These are usually their War Parties and they are not to be underestimated. Even a Strong well-rounded Zeyelden party with Members who are masters in their fields of Stealth, Combat and Magic have lost battles to them. Zeyelden’s Centaurs know well of what it was like to be hunted to near extinction, Earthern knowing it most, and have become stronger to survive and thrive once more. The most Famous/Infamous known Earthern Centaur is Chieftan Napayshini. It is important to note that before the Centaur Races came to Zeyelden, Earther Centaur was the only type of Centaur to exist. Therefore that means all Unicron/ Pegusi and Alicron are Zeyelden born.
Chieftan Napayshini
A Male Earthern


They are a young race and the only race to be native-born to Zeyelden as a fact. The first Aloxies come from a single litter of kittens who still live and grew up to follow the teachings of their two mothers, Aloxiea their birth mother and Aelein their elven mother. The very reason the Aloxie race came into being is the reason why Aelein was exiled. Their story plays a big part in Aelein’s history ((And I have yet to get to this point)) Aloxies are Bi-Pedial cat and vulpine like people that are incredibly strong, fast and agile and can hold their own against the Were-Kind even with their bare paws. They average at least seven feet tall and have elven-like faces. The fur on their bodies grows on their heads, feet, arms, tall with maybe a small bunch of fluff on their chest for the males. They have very long ears and are great at hearing an enemy before it is seen. Their hearing is actually fifty percent better than the mutated underground falmer. Other than fellow Aloxies, an Aloxie can only breed with Elves ((except Orcs)), foxes or cats.
Sample of a Female Aloxie
Baby Fox Aloxie
Adult Female Cat
Male Fox Aloxie


This is a race native to Tamriel that no one thought existed as they lived at the very bottom of Tamriels deepest Oceans near Volcanic vents that protrude from the Earth’s Crusts. They are very fish-like and come in a wide assortment of prismatic colours thanks to the symbiotic bacteria that grows just under their flesh, allowing them to glow in the dark and attract their prey, smaller fish that feed off of the vents as well. In appearance, a Crustiluck can look like an Anthro version of either a Frog Fish or an Angler Fish or a mix between the two. Strangely, despite living on the Ocean’s floor for who knows how long, the Crustilucks are all bipedial with their fins being on their arms, heads, back, and legs. No one knows why the Crustilucks left the deep seas only to make a new home in Zeyelden’s deepest Volcanic Sea-Inlet. The main reason is the Crustilucks have only made friends with the Aloxies and as such they are the only other race the Crustilucks will communicate with.
Male Crustiluck


These are the snake people that mainly consist of the descendants of the vampiric Tsaesci mingled with members of other Serphant-like races and snake people that came to Zeyelden from different realms. Although there are some Serphantine people from both the Naga and the Crendescent breeds that look identical or nearly identical to what the Tsaesci were described as being, the pure Tsaesci were the only Serphantine people to be driven off of Zeyelden mainly by the Blood Orchids of Sithis when they tried to eat every blood Orchid. It is said that the Tsaesci were the only ones outside of the Druids and the Blood Orchids of Sithis to know the location of the Blood Orchid fields. After the Tsaesci were driven out of Zeyelden, the Blood Orchid fields were moved including the shrine to Sithis.

Naga: Possess the Upper Body of a man or woman with characteristics of elf or human. All Naga have an upper body of flesh not scales with their lower body usually waist down being that of a scaley snake. Nagas can have horns or be hornless and come in a wide assortment of colours. Some can be extraordinarily beautiful, rivaling even the snow elves, with their flesh the same colour of their scales. Most Naga prefer to wear extravagant clothing and/or armour and are, surprisingly, a sophisticated race.
Female ‘Snow’ Naga
Average Naga Woman
Samples of Naga Men

Medusan: Medusans hail from a female said to be a once beautiful woman who was cursed by a jealous goddess and then cast in the shadows. The realm the ancestor of this race hailed from referred to her and her ilk as Gorgons. At some point in time her descendants came to Zeyelden and small parts of Tamriel through portals and magic. Every male and female Medusan has one thing in common, they all have snakes or snake like extensions for hair. Contrary to popular belief, not every Medusan can turn creatures and people to stone. Only the most successful Earth and Kyne using Medusan mages can accomplish such a feet, and only the most powerful of those mages can do it by sight alone but it’s always controlled as in not every person or animal they look in the eye will turn to stone and they can’t use the power subconsciously. Medusans can have humanoid faces or snake faces, though the female is more likely to have a human face while the male is more likely to have a beast face.
Male Medusan
Female Medusan
Pretty Medusan

Crendescent: Crendescents are similar to Nagas in that they have an upper body of a humanoid and the lower body of a snake. However instead of their Humanoid Torso being composed of skin, they are instead covered from head to tail in scales thick and thin. Most Crendescents have metallic and/or prismatic scale colouring. Crendescents are also unique in that they are the only Serphantine in Zeyelden that can develop Armour scales as they age. Crendescents can have hair on their heads, or scales or even scales that grow to resemble hair.
Male Crendescent
Female Crendescent
Armored Scale Crendescent

Serphant. The Serphants are the most unique of the Serphantine. They are named because they have the longest Serphant body and generally have snake heads. They are either ‘bald’ with thing scales around their heads or they have a series of fins and spikes similar to Argonians. The rare Serphant can resemble a Crendescent in having Prismatic or Metallic scales and a humanoid face and torso. However what seperates the Serphant from the other members of the Serphantine race is that the Serphant is the only member of the race that has the snake fangs instead of humanoid teeth. Serphants intelligence is tied to their arms. When a Serphant is born and is born with arms, they grow to be intelligent powerful mages and fierce warriors. At their Adult point, they are only slightly taller and longer than a Crendescent and can elongate themselves to match the height of a Pure-Blood. However should a Serphant be born Armless, then their intelligence level could be match to a border collie, poodle or huskie and even a wolf! The Armless Serphants can keep growing all their life as their pituitary gland doesn’t monitor the growth hormone in them like their armed brothers and sisters. Many get at least 50 feet tall and wider than the base of an adult Douglas Fir Pine Tree. The most famous armless Serphant is that of Jormungandr, one of few armless Serphants that developed the intelligence to speak.
Female Armed Serphant
Male Armed Serphant
Jormungandr, Guardian of the Eastern Seas

Pure-blood: Purebloods are the only bi-pedial members of the Serphantine. They are covered with small, thin scales and can pose as humans. Unlike Argonains, Pure-Bloods have a humanoid face and almost never have a tail. Those that are born with a tail are coveted as they bear very strong and beautiful children. All pure-bloods grow hair similar to elves and humans, and similar to the snow elves, prefer long hair so they can wear it in intricate ways.
A Pure-Blood woman and a Male Serphant with Arms

Cobran: The Cobran get their name because they each have the extra skin that extends to the Cobras signature hood, usually when they are angry or exited. These hoods replace hair as the Cobran is covered from head to foot in scales. The hoods, however, can come in a wide assortment of shapes and colours, from the standardard smooth to super spikey as long as the shape is symmetrical on both sides and ends at the hips at most. This is the place where the Torso becomes the tail. Their heads can either be human-like, elf-like, but mostly they are snake and cobra like.
A Cobran Male
Human face Cobran Female


Since their arrival to the lands of Zeyelden, the Venusians have stood out not just in their appearance but also because there are no teenage or adult males of their race living among them. While the female Venusian could healthily boast her beauty with the most beautiful models, a male can boast his strength as he is very similar to a Minotaur despite having cloven feet. A female Venusian has a cross between skin and fur, it’s both but neither and hooven feet, usually cloven but sometimes has the shape of horses hooves. Females have absorbed enough magic in Zeyelden that some are born with wings and don’t need to go through the process of earning them. Males on the other hand need flying beasts to transport them as their muscles make them too-Mass heavy to support flight even if they had wings.

When a preteen male enters puberty, the females send him off to study in the Great Temple of Stendarr where they learn to study mercy and compassion. From there the males soon learn about the other dieties, and each must pass a test of compassion and love before they can return to their village and become a good husband. Currently there is only one Adult male Venusian and he lives in a small cabin on the outskirts of the village. The females however study under Mara, who came to them personally as an apparition named Ama Nin. Mara has taken it upon herself to teach the females how to love again, specifically the males who grew from young boys too young to know what pain their fathers inflicted upon their mothers and sisters. The scars are slowly healing and both Mara and Stendarr are being accepted by both sexes
Venusian Female 1
Venusian Female 2
Venusian Female 3
Alemrox, Queen of the Venusians
Young Male Venusian
Adult Male Venusian in battle
Adult Male Venusian

These include all the humans found in the provinces of Tamriel minus the Nord. However it includes that last survivors of the men and women of Akavir. There is also rumour of another, far ancient and what many consider the ancestrial race of man, but this has yet to be discovered and discussed in detail (IE: They are a future and big part of my fanfic, Zeyelden

Breton: See Lore

Imperial: See Lore

Redguard: See Lore

Kothringi: See Lore but note that a few survived by leaving Black Marsh before the Flu wiped their race out from Tamriel. They essential resemble the human version of Snow Elves and magic flows just as strongly in them as their elven counterparts.
Kothringi Male

Akaviri: The members of this human race survived only for 2 reasons: First they fled Akavir before the Tsaesci ate them all, and the Second is they chose to embrace the good dragons rather than kill them all out as what the early Blades Did.
Some examples of the Akaviri include
Prince Daiku
Man 1
Man 2
Woman 1
Woman 2

Beast Races:
In Tamriel this usually refers to Khajiit and Argonians but some also Include Orcs despite Orcs being part of the Elven Race. In Zeyelden, an additional race thought extinct is also included, the Lilmothiit.

Argonian: See Lore but also include that the Saxhleel ((common Argonian)) isn’t the only Argonian type in Zeyelden. The others are the Sarpa, winged ones and Agacephs, needle faces. In Zeyelden, the Hist is not allowed to thrive or be planted as it is seen as an invasive species. So instead Zeyelden’s Argonians adapted the Deep Sea Chorrol Tree known as the Jägerthorn (Pronounced Yay Gir Thorn). Argonian appearance can be that of dragon like, raptor like, dinosaur like, common lizard like, or even elven/human like depending on consumption of the Jägerthorn. Also not every Argonian in Zeyelden are hatched from eggs, some are even born through live births like mammals! Marriage between two Argonians is no longer goverened by a gold band and three flawless amethysts, but instead a celtic-knot carved gold band two flawless emeralds and one flawless ruby diamond are used instead. The Ruby Diamond symbolizes the Jägerthorn.
Elven face male Sarpa Argonian
Sarpa female

Khajiit: See Lore but include, like the Argonian, there are more types of Khajiit and not just the Suthay-Raht or common Khajiit in Zeyelden. Also note that unlike in Skyrim, Zeyelden’s Khajiit are actually allowed to live in the cities and some are even Diplomats and serve in the Queen’s Court as trusted Advisors! In Zeyelden the Khajiit also own Moon Sugar farms with much of the Moon Sugar being Drug free. The Drug version, though frowned upon, is legal Only with licenses to grow and the promise of never being used to make other drugs ((namely Skooma)). This is a promise that is kept due to threat of death and not just from the Blood Orchids of Sithis.

Lilmothiit: See Lore but note that the race is not extinct and ended their Nomadic ways once they came to Zeyelden and found a wonderful home there. It was said that they were the ones who unwittingly lead the Kothringi to Zeyelden, as the Kothringi at the time were hunting the Lilmothiit for their fur and civilization secrets. Strangely, when the two races came to Zeyelden, they stopped warring with each other and went to different parts of Zeyelden to begin their civilizations which would ultimately save both of their races. Zeyelden, it seems, tends to be a haven for endangered species who end up thriving and recovering.
Lilmothiit Mage
Lilmothiit Merchant


*~*~*~ Bloodlines of Zeyelden ~*~*~*

Due to recent confusion I moved the Blood types from Races and then made a whole separate section for Bloodlines. I hope the picture and the new information helps you out when making your character. The bloodlines of Zeyelden chart is the many paths you can take if you choose a bloodline. The Illustration is of a Blood Orchid and is also similar to how the three Tiers of Zeyelden look with an Invisible Stem.

Druidic: (Any race/type that isn’t already a Were-Kin or Vampire)
The Druids of the Druid Tier are technically their own bloodline/spirit form. Similar to how many races can become Vampires or Were-Kin ((With very few exceptions respectively)) So to can they choose to become a Druid. Similar to Zeyelden’s Were-Kind and Vampires, A Druid can also be born to a Druid. Druids are the most powerful Earth and Nature magic users and their Rangers are THE MASTERS of the bow. All Druids and Rangers start off as a Kyne Cub ((Cub of Kyne or Kyneling)) During the Cub stage, the young Druidic prospect will take a spiritual test, a big part being with a set of animals to see if the bond is strong and the animal will become the prospect’s companion ((Druid)) or will many of the animals become the Prospects friends ((ranger)). The test will also be on magic use, dagger use and bow use.

Druid Animal Forms: A Druid can essentially become any animal he or she sees physically or spiritually. Unlike Were beasts that are usually upright and anthro versions of the races that transform into them, a Druid’s animal form is essentially that animal and moves/communicates like that animal but retains the Druid’s intelligence. A young Druid can only become simple animals at first, and must continue to grow mentally ((Willpower)) before they can take on more powerful forms. A Master Druid, such as Aelein, can transform into a Dragon, which is a very big feat considering not many are able to withstand the spiritual journey that takes.

Druid Dire Forms: Similar to Druid Animals forms, the Dire form is a larger more powerful form of the animal and is almost exclusively seen on Druids. Very, very rarely does a natural evolution occur in nature that allows a standard animal to become a Dire version of itself. In this case the animal becomes a Guardian, and a Druid can be classified as similar depending on if this is the animal skin she or he wishes to stay with or grow even more. Normally a Wolf alone can be killed easily by a bear, but a Dire Wolf can prove to be on equal grounds as the bear and have been known to kill or seriously injure the Bear without the Dire Wolf Sustaining serious injuries.

Druidic Shifter: These are the Druids that have become one with the animal spirits that they can comfortably cast away their humanoid forms and embrace Nature by becoming one with her. This can be either temporary or permanent and it all depends on the individual Druid. Druids at this point can pick and choose which animal and parts to become while retaining parts of their original humanoid bodies. For Example, Lady Christelle who began her life as a Breton, cast away her human legs and summoned the body of a horse with an added cylindrical horn in the center of her head. Her shifting became permanent and she is now considered a Unicron Centaur. The biggest reason why a Druidic Shifter is on equal grounds to that of a Spiritual Ranger is because the Druidic Shifter can utilize the parts of animals ((such as a scorpian’s poisonous sting)) while at the same time using their magic and shouts which they could only use previously in their humanoid forms. This means also they can retain their humanoid arms and hands and be able to work locks, read books, etc. At this point, Kynareth herself allows her energy to flow through these beings and they can access Nirnation, or“Nature Restoration” magic, in which case they can revive a frozen or dead land and make it fertile again. They are the only mages ((other than Kynareth herself)) that are able to access and use this magic and is something that can’t be taught like normal spells, but instead is earned by a spiritual journey to Aetherius from each Druid. Lady Christelle is one of the few known Druidic Shifters. It is rumored that Aelein, through her exile, has achieved this level as well.

Ranger: A Ranger is from the Druidic Tier that either chooses not to be a Druid, or finds he or she is more capable with a dagger ((thrown or melee)) and bow. A Ranger also makes friends with many species of animals, living or spiritual. Though a Ranger does have basic animal transformation forms from when he or she was a Kyne Cub, a Ranger is more powerful when he or she is wielding a bow. A basic ranger is a better Marksman than a standard person is when he or she retrieves Archery training. Their arrows are released at such a force, that when the arrow strikes it’s target, the velocity alone is more than enough to do extensive damage.

Master Ranger: Master Rangers carry the skills from the Ranger and include tracking. Their time with their animal friends and training has made them able to track any living or spiritual person or creature. They do this by going into what’s called a “Spiritual Trail” and can sense it similar to how a Bloodhound can track the sent nodes. Master Rangers are the scourge of Poachers and Animal Smugglers, and often lead parties and raids against them. By the time they reach this stage, their arrows have such a high Kinetic Force, that a standard flint or iron arrow shot by a Master Ranger can destroy thick mountainous boulders faster than a good charged explosive or mage’s fireball.

Spiritual Ranger: The Ultimate Level of a Ranger. The Spiritual Rangers carries the experience and skills he or she learned as both a Ranger and the Master Ranger with the addition off that he or she has reached a level in which they can spiritually see through the eyes of living animals or spiritual animals. This allows them to approaching armies marching up the coastline for over 200 Miles Away. A Spiritual Ranger can also shoot this Distance, becoming an Enemies worst Nightmare. A Spiritual Ranger will see you before you see their Proctectorant ((A place or Forest they are Protecting)), let alone them. A Spiritual Ranger also serves as a Guardian to a Druidic Shifter, protecting him or her as they vessel Kynareth’s energy in restoring Dead/Polluted Lands.


Vampire: (All race/types that aren’t already Druidic or Were-Kin EXCEPT for Aetherial Elves, Alicron Centaurs and Crustilucks)
Unlike in other lands and the whole of Tamriel, Zeyelden has two types of Vampires. These are the Dawn and the Dusk. The Dusk vampires are pretty much the Standard Vampires found in all the major parts of Tamriel including Skyrim. The Dawn Vampires however

Dawn: These are the Vampires that can survive in Sunlight and are not subjugated by the tyranny of the sun. Their diets consist of the Blood Orchids but they aren’t as subjugated to this flower like their Dusk cousins. They can look forward to fertility and the women can bear children with ease. Their Children either become a Dawn Vampire themselves or a Reverse Vampire, in which case they produce blood like the Orchid and must give it away either to Dawn vampires or utilize their blood-making abilities for those that need blood transfusions. Dawn vampires don’t have pale skin and they don’t feed on the living blood unless it’s given to them by a reverse vampire. Also a Dawn Vampire counts as among the living and not the Living Dead. As such any spells, enchantments, or means utilized isolating and show a Dusk Vampire’s true colours do not work on a Dawn vampire. A Dawn Vampire does have fangs, true, but they can hide them. IF, however, a Dawn vampire goes one full year without ever consuming a Crimson Orchid, he or she will become a Dusk Vampire and count as the Undead. This is also avoided if they get a transfusion of blood from a Reverse Vampire. A reverse Vampire however doesn’t have this worry, as they produce blood and don’t ever need to consume it from the Orchid. The Reverse Vampire, however, is incredibly rare and should a family have one, they are hence fourth blessed.

Dusk: Pretty much Everything known about the Vampire to this point. Female Dusk Vampires can only have Children if they forsake eating from the living humans and instead have a healthy diet of the Crimson Orchid, something something they must work hard for every time they wish for an Orchid. If a Dusk vampire, male or female, eats a healthy diet of human food ((such as meat and vegetables not blood)) and the blood orchid then they can look forward to becoming a Dawn Vampire.


Were-Kind:(All races/types that aren’t already Druidic or Vampire EXCEPT for Alicron Centaurs and Aloxies. Also note that Khajiit can’t become Werecats but the other types of Were are available to them)
Ruled mainly by Prince Daiki, the were kind evolved from simple beasts of Hircine into Noble creatures of their own right. Prince Daiki, in the earlier part of the first century, was turned into Wolf during his family travels from Akivir. He didn’t agree with the dishonorable nature of a Daedric Lord and gathered a following of likeminded beast-blood carrying followers. When they came with the Snow Elves and helped Establish Zeyelden’s roots, he and his followers prayed to the Divines, Kynareth in particular for salvation. So moved by his humbleness, Kynareth herself blessed them. In exchange for removing their beast and their death-bound service to Hircine, Zeyelden’s Were-Kind would guard and patrol her forests and her priests, namely the Druids, from evil, corruption, deforestation, poaching and pollution.
The Were-Kind embraced their new guardianship and were welcome as man or as beast to Aetherius when they died. Prince Daiki and his family became timeless and ageless. His Were Kind gained the unique blessed evolution to wear clothes and wield weapons while in their beast forums. They can also choose when to change into their beasts or revert back to their humanoid forums at will. Some even use magic while in their beast forum, and their genetics are hereditary or they can choose to bestow this gift on those they perceive as honourable. Most of the Were-Kind live on the Were-Tier and Prince Daiki himself lives in the castle built only because he wishes to impress the only woman he truly loves.

Wolf: Similar in appearance to Skyrim’s Werewolves save for their arms are shorter and their hands have opposable thumbs. They typically have longer and fluffier tails. Like all Zeyelden’s Were-Kind their tounges are strong enough to where they can speak in Beast Form and yet still have the strong Insticnts of their Beast Blood. They make up the bulk of the Were Kind. Their Sense of Smell is second only to that of the Were-Bear. The Werewolf is also the one Were kind that can be the Jack-Of-All Trades.

Bear: Were Bears are the largest, strongest and possess the best sense of smell higher only than the werewolf. They are also the most sluggish and can be outmaneuvered by quick, lithe and agile races. Though they have a large stamina pool, they are the slowest of the Were kind and can be outrun by their smaller brothers and sisters. Were Bears and Were Sabre Cats make up the smaller percentage of Were kind, but like the Sabre Cat are least likely to be mages.

Sabre Cat: The Were-Sabre Cat is Strong, Fast and Agile but sacrifices a larger stamina pool. They are the Strongest of the Feline types of Were yet usually operate alone or with small groups of two or three. Because of their thick fur, Sabre-Cats in their Were forum usually don’t need thick clothing and either wear light clothing or none at all. They like art and tend to be good craftsmen and women.

Cat: A Werecat is unique in that they are the smallest, quickest and most agile of all the Were and felines. They are also unique in that only a human or an elf can become a Werecat. Whereas a Khajiit can become a Werewolf, they can’t become a Werecat. A Werecat tends to be smaller than a Suthy-Raht Khajiit and has human or elf hair that isn’t course like a Khajiit. As such Werecats are utilized as they are masters at espionage, infiltration and sabotage. Though they may be the weakest of the Were in Physical Strength, they tend to be the most magical. Werecats tend to make the best assassins thieves and mages. They also come in a wide assortment of colours and fur patterns in their beast form but almost always retain their humanoid hair colour and length. They also see the best at night and can travel in large packs or prides, or in small groups or even travel alone. Should their abilities be utilized, they can infiltrate a Nord City with ease and get the best discounts with a traveling Khajiit caravan.

Tiger: Larger than the Werecat, smaller than the Sabre-Cat and only weighing slightly less in body mass than the Lion, a Weretiger is the best climber and the best swimmer of the beast Weres. Many Weretigers prefer to hunt with the Werecats as they offer each other the best of both worlds. It is said that the Tiger Bloodline came to the Were Clan from some of the beast races of Akavir. Though the Weretigers prefer solitary hunting or sole partner, they tend to make wonderful parents good husbands and wifes. There hunts are usually the most successful when using only their claws.

Lion: They are the second strongest of the feline Weres. Like the actual animal, it is usually the females that hunt in prides while the males reap the rewards and plan the strategys. A were Lion prides themselves with War Strategy, strength, family and teamwork. They also like wearing extravagant armor and clothes. An adult male’s mane is his own and not made up of snips of his tribe like the Khajiit Mane. Unlike the Animal version, a Werelion Male does not mate with his daughters, instead any potential mate to his daughters must fight him and prove themselves before they can marry and mate with them. An Adult Were-Male also chases away his adolescent sons when they reach puberty, and on fear of death they must leave and prove themselves to becoming men. It is of worth noting that no Werelion has ever had a place in Prince Daiki’s court as they tend to be Pro-Masculinist, which not only offends the Queen of Zeyelden but also the Prince’s true love. As a result, they tend to be the bandit and Maraulder tribes of the Were.

~*~*~Guilds of Zeyelden~*~*~
There are currently Seven Guilds in and around Zeyelden. They consist of: The Aetherium Arcanorium, Blood Orchids of Sithis, The Chestnut Tang, The Cult of Auraneil, The Crystaline Dancers, Dragonriders, and the Paragons of the Divines. Each has a base of operations, either Public or Private. And some Guilds, such as the Blood Orchids of Sithis to the Chestnut Tang, are rivals with each other and won’t hesitate to kill each other if given the chance. Below is a description of each.

The Crystaline Dancers ((Magic but instead of straight spells, through dance. They are also very important to the survival of Zeyelden. The Crystaline Dancers are also the only ones who can utilize Bending despite it being in the Chakra school, the same school used by the Chestnut Tang and Blood Orchids of Sithis.))

The Aetherium Arcanorium ((Mages Guild. They keep records of everything especially the different Mages guilds that survived or live outside of Zeyelden. They are rumoured to have much information even on the Psijic Order and thus rumored to attract members of that order as well. One can create her or his own magic and enchantments here. Members of the Aetherium Arcanorium also take care of and prepare races for the Purification Chamber, the only one of its kind.))

Blood Orchids of Sithis ((More than an Assassins guild, and in a twisted sense, Zeyelden’s protectors. They have their own special breeds of mounts which include but are not limited to: Shadow Horses, Shadow Unicorns and even Shadow Pegacorns! Shadowmere originates from this stock and one has to read the story of Aelein and the Dovahkin to learn more. Members of this guild utilize all three Chi Schools of Ninjutsu, Kuji-Kiri and Chakra. They are also the only group to utilize all three Chi schools. ))

Paragons of the Divines ((These are the Warriorrs on Wings, typically they are the Purest of the races but are not necessarily Abstinence or Virgins. They can include Dawn Vampires but do not include Dusk Vampires. They also tend to be the guards especially of the Queen’s Tier. Members of this organization do not drink and do not indulge themselves in reverie and houses of ill-repute. This does not mean they are forced to be virgins. When they marry, they do make babies but it’s strictly marriage only. The Guildmaster is said to answer to a higher power than the Queen of Zeyelden herself.))

The Cult of Auraneil ((more than a clan more like a City, Against the Vampire Clan and Queen of Zeyelden. They are named after the Queen’s Daughter and the mother of the Exiled Princess. The cult of Auraneil can include members past and present members of all the other guilds and clans, which also includes vampires, Dawn and Dusk, who are against the Queen of Zeyelden. Despite the name, this is more than a Cult. Their Base is in the South Western Mountains where they have an uneasy alliance with the dreaded Carbon Bugs that live there. Like some other groups and races, when the Cult of Auraneil fights in Zeyelden’s defense, it’s strictly for Zeyelden and not for her Queen.))

Dragonriders ((As the name implies. They mostly accept warriors but also accept spellswords, mages archers and rangers. They are the guild that enjoys drinking, reverie and some are infamously known to indulge themselves in houses of ill-repute. The Grandmaster of this guild answers Directly to the Queen of Zeyelden, who also owns said houses of ill-repute. Not every Dragonrider indulges themselves in the houses of ill repute and some are even considered very good people that even a Paragon of the Divines respects. However for the most part, Dragonriders are looked down upon by groups such as and mainly by the Paragons and the Blood Orchids.))

The Chestnut Tang ((A thieves guild. They have to be professionals at what they do because if they get caught, they are usually killed off by the Blood Orchids of Sithis. The best of this Organization are utilized mostly for important portal missions. Though it’s widely believed that the Chestnut Tang only utilizes two of the three Chi Schools, The Chestnut Tang actually use all three.))

~*~*~*Skills and Attributes*~*~*~
In Zeyelden, a race and type is not guaranteed to be born with the attributes commonly associated with that race and type. For Example, in Tamriel a High Elf is born with the most magical and make up most of the Arcane Mages. Whereas an Orc is born strong and make good blacksmiths/warriors. However in Zeyelden, an Orc can be born with more majicka pool and higher inteligence/wisdom than a High Elf, who could be born with great strength and stamina and make a funny looking muscular strong warrior.

So in Zeyelden that means….

…An Elf such as a High Elf or Snow Elf can be as buff as an Tamriellic Orc…

…While an Orc can be as beautiful and gifted in magic as a Tamriellic High Elf…

…In Laymen’s terms just because you are born to a Race and Type doesn’t mean you fall into the Generic Label that Race and Type is commonly associated with. This also means that you aren’t subjugated to look like the image commonly associated with said race and type. If you are born as a typical appearance Orc and wish to compete with the best in a beauty pageant, per say, your character can become an adventurer and take the journey and test associated with Purification. And Purification is another matter entirely which I will go into detail at a later point.


Magic: Encompasses both Oblivion’s, Skyrim’s and parts of Morrowind’s describtion. Mysticism also includes levitation of the body but not flight.

Druidic: Druids and Kyne Cubs only. In the case of the latter, (Kyne Cub), only the first basic spells are known until graduation to full Druid. Otherwise should the Kyne Cub become a Ranger, he or she will know only the basics. Druids only teach this magic to their own, and therefore one must study with them and choose the Druidic Bloodline over the Were/Vampire Bloodline. This Magic School allows access to Earth and Nature magic, as well as stronger healing magic, life magic and of course animal transformation. Druids who Master this school can look forward to transforming into Dragons and are a force to be reckoned with in their own right. This magic school is powerful and can do more damage at later levels than even the strongest destruction spell depending on Terrain. An Earthquake spell, for example, can completely level an old city such as Whiterun ((As Nords generally don’t take care of their buildings or repair them long term)). However this same spell can be ineffective in water and air types enviroments, as well as hotspring fields. In the case of the latter, an Earthquake spell in a Hotspring field can erupt a geiyser on the Caster.

Nirnation: This school is accessed and learned by Druid Shifters only. Nirnation is the technical name for “Nature Restoration” This is essentially Kynareth herself flowing her energy through the Druid Shifter, who in turn acts as her vessel to cast the most potent and purest form of magic, LIFE. This magic school can do the one thing restoration can’t do, bring life back to dead earth, such as turn a dead frozen land like Winterhold into a luscious warm Rainforest. In Theory, this same school can be utilized to restore the flesh, tissue, organs and hair of a rotting corpse and thus bring that Corpse back to life in a True State and not like the Zombies of Necromancy. To a lesser extent, this same magic can be used to grow back limbs to amputees, plant or animal ((And animal includes humanoids)). Magic this powerful is watched and monitored by the Gods ((Myself and Eltee)). However Druid Shifters tend to be so in tune with nature that they accept eventual death of themselves and other sentient beings, and are only known to utilize the restoration powers of Nirnation to bring life back to dead forests, seas, and land. This school is most commonly used by the Druid Shifters to Morph parts of themselves into animal parts. This school is a closely guarded secret of the Druids and can’t be taught to anyone, each Druid Shifter learns this school on his or her own. As such, many non-druidic people realize just how powerful this school is. A Druid Shifter can utilize this school to its fullest potential by teaming up with a Spiritual Ranger.


Stealth: Mainly see Skyrim’s version of the six known skills. I added three new skills to go with Chi. The new abilities were introduced to Zeyelden by the Akaviri.

Ninjutsu- The school for learning the weapons and tools-of-trade of Ninjas and Assassins. This school also includes throwing weapons and Darts. See Tools and Weaponry from this link. This skill school is practiced by both the Chestnut Tang and Blood Orchids of Sithis.

Kuji-Kiri: There are two types of Kuji-Kiri, One is used by the Druidic Rangers while the other type is used by Ninjas and assassins. Both encompass several series of Hand Gestures that lead to Supernatural Abilities. For more Explanation see Kuji-Kiri and [url=v]Hand-Seals[/url].

Chakra: The skill school that is a cross from what we learn in Naruto and also the Bending Techniques from Avatar the Last Airbender. This also includes Energy-Bending, known in Zeyelden as Chi-Bending which can be used to block a mage from their magic, a warrior from their force, or a fellow stealth user from their Chi. However this comes at great risk by the User and comes with serious consequences if misused or mistreated. Only Masters of this school can use Chi-Bending, and it is heavily monitored by the Gods ((And in this RP that’s Myself and Eltee))


Combat: A mix between Oblivion’s version and Skyrim’s version. One handed and Two handed have been removed to make way for Blade and Blunt. Blade and Blunt schools each have one handed and two handed training within them. In the case of one handed, this can be utilized with a shield to make a strong warrior or with a two handed weapon, a well-balanced warrior with faster swings.

Blade and Blunt schools: Has both One handed Training and Two Handed Training within them as well as weapon + Shield skills.

Armoration: This is basically the skill school for learning and mastering light, medium, and heavy armours.

Lucasan: Think George Lucas and Star Wars. This greatly helps the Melee user who is tired of chasing his foes or can’t quite reach them. Uses up much energy and stamina and is Monitored by the gods. (In this Rp it’s myself and Eltee))

Tactics: This is a skill school that is mixed between Battle Arts and a lesser “mind Reading”. This school allows the Practioner to Understand Her/His enemy(ies) and landscape(s) to make Highly Accurate and Successful Battle Strategies. Chieftan Napayshini is a Master Tactics User.
Last edited by unokitsune on Sat May 11, 2013 2:02 am, edited 5 times in total.

Re: ~*~* Zeyelden Roleplay *~*~

Wed Sep 26, 2012 7:26 pm

1) Detailed Posts. I’m making a very detailed story and a very detailed roleplay and I would very much like to see detail in your posts. No one liners please and if you wish to keep it to a minimum sentence, please let it be a medim-long sentence.

2) No God Modding.

3) No Mary/Gary Sues.

4) No Anti-Sues. This is someone who is imperfect in every single way and whose faults outnumber anything good about these characters. Zeyelden is not a place where the Excessively weak can thrive, everyone has a job and everyone has a skill which they are incredibly good at.

5) No Ubering, Ubering Characters. While not as prevalent as God Modding and “Sueism” are just as annoying. These are characters that essentially never lose a fight and are always good at whatever they do with or without handicaps. Each and every one of your characters in this RP will be powerful in his or her own right and skills.

6) Be Imaginative. If you want to be a race and type that you do not see on the opening list under the various races, or even if this is a race of your own and you wish to play it, pm me under ‘Zeyelden-The Roleplay RACE REQUEST’ and if your story about he or she came to be even if it’s a mutation is more than just ‘Just Cuz’ I can and very much would like to add your race into a Player Character. The limits don’t stop at your imagination, but they must fall in the basic rules such as having weaknesss and can’t be Uber’ers and must have the chance to grow as a person both spiritually, mentally and physically.

7) Have fun and treat others with how you want to be treated!

8 No playing a character who is addicted to Drugs and/or Alchohol. In Zeyelden its residents must be strong in mind and body for the upcoming battles and war ahead. Simalarly you are not allowed to play a character that uses drugs ((Skooma or abuse of Moon Sugar)) and you are not allowed to roleplay an alchoholic or drunken fool. You are allowed to role play Social Drinking but you can’t get drunk, ESPECIALLY to the point you become a nuisance/public menance/violent destructive jerk.

Now even though I’m a new DM, I do have a Co-DM who is very much experienced with story making and DM’ing, Eltee. Between the both of us, we are not going to allow Drama caused by individuals constant breaking of rules 2-5 which often leads to what I call “Hypocritical Bullying”. Instead we will give these persons 1 warning and a nuke in their abilities before we flat out kill off their character and kick them out of the role play. Those who have been warned and truly mean they won’t break rules 2-5 again will earn back their Nerfed back abilities.

!!~~!!The Laws of Zeyelden!!~~!!

These laws were established at the Dawn of the first Era by the Alliance of: Daiku, Prince of Beast, Marinae, Sister of the Willows, and Voilindae, Vampire Queen of the last Free Snow Elves. It was edited once in the second century to include Talos and Nine Divines.

All who choose to live in Zeyelden, be it her waters, mountains, air, land or deep seas, must fight and die in her defense and must never surrender themselves to the enemy even upon their dying breath.

Any race and clan present or future must send their every third generation daughter and fourth generation son when they come of age to be Purified to ensure the survivability and purity of your race. Families with more than one every third generation daughter or fourth generation son may send only their oldest for purification.

Marriage is between two partners and only two partners. If a couple consists of two of the same gender then one is required to take the gender change quest for the purpose of procreating.

A family must have at least one child but no more than four children. If one or both of the couple finds they are infertile then they must journey to the fountain of fertility and drink from its waters.

No Religion or Tradition is to be practiced where the man is superior to the woman, where the woman is his obedient servant, where polygamy and bigamy is practiced, where circumcision of one or both genders is practiced, where mutilation of the body and limbs are practiced, where forced marriage is practiced, where gender inequality is practiced, where child marriage is practiced, where worship of any Daedra is practiced, where Racism and Sexism are practiced, where worship of Alduin or any of his ilk is practiced, where worship of powerful mortals as gods such as the Tribunal is practiced, and/or where child labor is practiced.

Everyone has her or his own strengths and must improve them for Zeyelden and the longevity of her life, there are to be no individuals who have no strengths.

You are to treat nature with the same respect and love as you treat yourself or that which you love most. Any trees cut require a logging license and are to be replaced with shrubs and saplings. Any endangered flora and/or fauna is to be left alone except for the purposes of helping those species reproduce and thrive to healthy numbers. Fishing requires a license no matter the race or gender and those Fishermen/Fisherwomen must replace any low wild stock with the same species raised in fisheries especially within Zeyelden’s waters. Deep Sea Fishing especially outside of Zeyelden requires the same license and stock replenish but one must also appease the Guardian of that Sea/area or risk banishment and death. Any species deemed intrusive and invasive is to be killed off immiedetly, likewise any species deemed to have too great of numbers is to be hunted until within healthy limits. Expansion of cities or settlements, including singular forest cabins and similar retreats, requires appropriable from both high ranking members of the Druidic and Were Clans and must be followed with the rules and conditions set by both clans which may or may not including caring for Nirnroot and endangered species of that area.

Internal War in Zeyelden is forbidden. Likewise Zeyelden is also to be kept secret from the rest of Mundus especially from Tamriel until the Victory of the future ‘Bronze Mecha War’, so declaring War within the realm of Mundus especially with Tamriel is also forbidden. Races and Clans can, however, participate in Arena and Arena like battles as well as one on one duels monitored by a third party. In this case the Art of ‘Kill Without Killing’ or ‘Until Death without Death’ can be practiced.

Worship of the Nine Divines is to come first and foremost before any lesser religion, which must meet Zeyelden’s rules and Criteria. While one can have a favorite Divine, such as Kynareth with the Druids, they must also worship the other eight Divines with equal respect.

~*~*~*Cultures, Societies and Religions of Zeyelden*~*~*~
While there are many races and sub types of those races living in and around Zeyelden, one thing is made very clear to them from the moment they enter Zeyelden or are invited to live there, they –must- follow the Laws of Zeyelden at that may mean changing their very Religion and Traditons. Those who choose not to follow it tend to disappear and are never seen or heard from again. If a new Tribe or Village has many individuals that refuse to follow the Laws of Zeyelden especially where gender inequality is concerned, then a public spectical is made where those members are killed off leaving only the ones who choose to follow the laws and their young children alive. Once in a very, VERY, blue moon, a race appears that, as a whole, doesn’t want to follow any of the laws and wants to do things their own way. This has only happened twice and one of the two races was from a realm that was unaccustomed to magic as it hadn’t been seen for a very long time. Those two races were pushed back from the very portals they entered from and hadn’t been seen since.

While the Laws may seem harsh to many, they are truly meant for the survival and growth of races especially critically endangered races. Zeyelden was founded by no more than one-hundred of the last free Snow Elves lead by now Queen Voilindae and fifty Akaviri Men and Women. Without these laws in place, the race would of died out for more than one reason or another. Thanks to the Snow Elven Magic, which was thankfully brought by quite a bit of the fleeing elves, and the internal spiritual focus of the Akaviri, Zeyelden thrived to the Multi-Metropolis it is today while still being Self-Sufficent and cut off from the rest of Nirn.
It is important to note that because of the high levels of magic found within Zeyelden alone, many races experience longer life spans and age with far more grace than the vast majority of the same races that live in Tamriel. They also have a tendency to retain their youth-like strength, agility and wit for longer periods of time and as such tend to experience their twilight years later than their Tamriellic counterparts. For example, while an average non Vampiric male Brunette Tamriellic Imperial warrior begins turning grey at thirty and then slowing down by forty retiring by forty-five and then dying by fifty-seventy, all the while becoming ever more and more wrinkly, an average non Vampiric male brunette Zeyelden Imperial Warrior begins turning grey around fifty to sixty then slowing down around seventy to ninty retiring only around eighty five to ninty five before dying around one-hundred and ten to one hundred and fifty all the while looking like a white hair version with very little to no wrinkles namely until they hit their centennial years.

Snow Elven City located on Queen’s Tier
Snow elven city architecture sample by day…
…And another area by night

Elven communities, especially in the City of Patherion on the Queen’s Tier are very tight-knit. They are lead predominatly by the Snow Elves with some influence from the other elves. Of the 100 free Snow Elven Survivors to found Zeyelden, some came with memory rods and much needed information on Snow Elven culture from before Ysgramor. This information, saved since before Ysgramor in the early Middle Merethic Era. Such histories do not survive outside of Zeyelden and have lead to great magical and technological advances not seen in Mundus outside of Zeyelden. Add that to the many different types of Elves that made their way to Zeyelden over the centuries, who each brought the good qualities of their racial homelands, you are looking at a very magical-technology advanced civilization that is rumored to have magical scrying devices to see the past.

In the Queen’s Tier, where the Mega city Patherion itself is composed of four smaller cities ((though each of the individual four cities are as large as the Imperial city)) as three cities surround the center city that has the Royal Castle at its center, has the bulk of the Elven, Human, and Beast races both vampiric and non vampiric. Surrounding the flower-like city is lush clean forests, rivers and lakes. To support such a large populance, the Elves and Humans worked together to make Sewage Treatment Facilities and Water Purifing Centers.

Zeyelden Elven Society is spent in studying powerful magic and ways of making Technology, either foreign (from portal exploration) or native (from Zeyelden itself or Tamriel), and the technology must be Nature-friendly. Snow Elves are the smartest in this field as they have been studying the Dwemer and their technology ever since the Late Merethic and Early First Era. A rumoured Dark Elf is one of the leading experts.

There is one fact that seperates the Snow Elves and Dovahmer from the rest of the Elven Populance, and that is they hate Ysgramor and Nords like Ulfric Stormcloak. They also hate the Dwarves too, which they claim will one day return. Older snow elves, particularly ones from the Merethic and early First Era occasionally are still heard referring to Akatosh as Auri-El.

Naturally, because of the Laws of Zeyelden, the Dark Elves of Zeyelden are forbidden of worshipping any of the Deadra and any of the Tribunal or similar religions. They are, however, allowed to worship their ancestors, which they do as well as paying tribute to each of the divines. This change did not come easy, however, and yet to this day there is still the occasional dark elf that is humiliated and arrested in front of his or her family and then taken away never to be seen or heard from again while his or her family gets forcibly taken to the purification chambers before being forced to undergo ten consecutive purifications as that family is seen as Daedra tainted before their entire dunmer daedric corrupted gene is wiped from their bloodline and they essentially become Chimer. Dishonoured and not welcome among the rest of the Dunmer, the family is lucky if they make it with the Altmer. They must change their Dunmer names to Altmeri or go join one of the travelling Gypsie camps in the Wilds of Zeyelden. While may be near the bottom of the list on the Laws of Zeyelden, worship of any daedra is strictly forbidden and is severely punished.

Wood Elves in Zeyelden aren’t bound by the Green Pact, and Cannabalism is highly frowned upon, so the Wood Elves in Zeyelden do eat vegetation but make up for it in helping both the Druids, Were-Kin, and even Patherion in cleaning out the forests and woods of illegal poachers traps while helping to guard some of the entrances from invaders and curious bandits.

Human section of Patherion

The different human species in Zeyelden acts similar in part to it’s Tamriellic Cousins with some differences. For one thing they are treated on an equal intelligence level as well as culture level with the elven kind and are not slaves to the Elves nor are the humans slave masters to the elves. This is something of a funny concept to the few humans who come from Tamriel and are allowed to live there.

Imperials tend to worship Zenithar, Akatosh and Talos over the six deities but treat each and every one with respect. In the Human part of Patherion, they tend to make the Bulk of the Traders and do run some of the schools and colleges with the Elves to teach Education from Children to young Adults. They also retrain middle and older age adults to learn something new and be useful in their older age should they no longer be useful as Warriors or in battle.

Redguards Generally worship all Nine Divines with the same and equal Respect. Most are accustomed to magic but generally make the fishermen, dye crafters, blacksmiths and jewelry smiths. Redguard mages tend to excel in destruction magic and usually have a wide Arsenell and work with Breton mages and scholars to better teach various magics and arts.

Bretons. Some make good warriors, some make great thieves and assassins, most make up the bulk of the human mages and are generally the enchanters and alchemists in the human cities and some are even members of the Dwemer research group lead mostly by the Elves.

Kothringi Even though the race ceased their Nomadic ways since they came to live in Zeyelden, they still retain their lust for exploration and adventuring. As such they tend to be the first to volunteer for Portal missions on top of being great hunters of Patherion. The Kothringi that remain in the cities tend to have a lust for exploring arts and new ways to make it including textile art and fashion design. On top of making the most extravagant fur coats and accessories, the Kothringi are also famous in Zeyelden for their inventions of the Hovering Pedestal Platform and the similar Arrow-Key-Step, much to the Elven Races dismay. Also, despite the Kothringi who sent their own thieves to steal some refine Aetherium Crystal Balls as part of the materials for their inventions, the Kothringi instead were given a place of honour and very comfortable living conditions as well as a very large crafting factory with all the materials they could ever hope and ask for courtesy of the Queen herself.

Akavirian Castle
Akaviri hold the lardgest and most luscious lands of the Human sect however they like to spiritually train themselves in mind and body. They also hold their ancestors in high regard, yet give equal respect to the divines. It was the Akaviri who brought the Chi, Spirit and Force schools where they would be integrated later into later classes and guilds. It also gave loyal followers of Kynareth access to her creations and opened up magic thought lost from ancestors of the Ayleids and Aldmer. The Akaviri are closer to the Elves, namely the Snow Elves and Dovahmer, than they are with their fellow humans. They also build intricate buildings with sliding doors and some paper walls. Outside of Zeyelden, Cloud Tower was quite possibly one of only two intact locations where Akaviri art and buildings could be seen. Zeyelden’s Akaviri also worship wingless type dragons that resemble snakes with legs. These are the Dragons from Akaviri, good honourable dragons that only the Akaviri and their loved ones, even if it’s a snow elf, can ride. The Dragon Riders Guild constantly bombard the Akaviri with requests to ride these majestic beasts but are rebuffed each and every time. Prince Daiku himself threatened to lead his people on a raid to the Dragon Riders headquarters and kill everyone there should they harass the Akaviri again. The Dragon Riders have since quieted down. The Akaviri are more in tune with the lesser Aedric spirits than with the Nine Divines themselves, but do welcome communications from them from time to time. Do note that these are not the same people that slain Alduin’s Ilk and Parthurnax’s friends indiscriminately.

The Centaur tribes are also highly spiritual people but they are mostly like the Native American Indians than ancestor worship similar to the Akaviri. They see their Sacred Trees as being their past ancestors and as the strength for any future children. In fact their trees seem to have some connection to the direct number of centaur children born. For Example, when their sacred tree (which resembles a Purple Crape Myrtle) is in full flowered Bloom many healthy Centauren Children are born while eating the fruit cleans out the toxen in the Adult’s systems and gives the added benefit of making the one consuming the fruit fertile. However should a tree die, from either pollution or logging or even being tampered with such as all its flowers cut off for no matter the reason, the Centaur Tribe(s) seem to suffer as a whole and no new Centaurs are born until the tree is restored or replanted. A Strong Centaur Chieftain is said to know if the sacred trees are in danger and will be forced to sound the alarm in the Trees defense.

This was recently seen when a large group of young adult male Venusians sought to impress their female halves by making beautiful flower bouquets, the problem was is they unknowingly and unwittingly were picking the flowers from a blooming Centaur Sacred Tree which they stumbled upon on their journey back to their clan from their temple training. Half of the tree died as a result and retribution was swift from Chieftain Napayshini and his warriors, who killed half of the group before finding out that the male Venusian group just also happened to be composed one member short of the entire adult male Venusians. Chieftain Napayshini then, with his Wife’s and the other Druid’s intervention, sent the remaining half of the male Venusians to travel to his world and aid the centaur tribes there in somehow developing grounds of Peace with the humans of that world. Before the Venusians were sent on their way, they were given a Sacred Tree sapling from Lady Christelle as well as a blessing from the Druids. They asked only that their Mothers and Sisters be informed of the events and to tell them that they will do their best to return swiftly. As a result of these events, the female Venusians demanded that the Centaurs take Saplings of their trees and go to the Temples and instruct the students as to why the trees are Sacred and not to be messed with and to also give the trees a name so there will be easy distinction when describing the tree to one who has never seen it before. Chieftain Napayshini and his people were forced to comply because the Venusians, namely the females, provide the bulk of the Tribe’s trade and excellent training partners and were very pleasing to the eyes of young male Centaurs. It was either that or lose the Venusians as allys. The trees were then given the name of Haipah, or Sacred one.

Other than care and love of the Haipah Trees, centaurs are very calm and train themselves in their strengths and abilities. They are also a very spiritual people and give thanks to Nirn and Kynareth for allowing their Haipah to grow to very healthy and fruitful numbers. Centaur also have a tradition of naming their children with baby and child names until the children begin to show their strengths, usually at ages five to eight, at which point they are given a new name symbolic of these strengths. They can also earn new names as Adults in several different ways, usually this is either fields of battle or Nurture. The names are almost always Native American or similar with very few exceptions such as Lady Christelle.

Druid Forest
Elven Druid Child and Animal Companion

The Druids, as many may guess, love nature and live among it though in a cross between civilized and wild. It is very rare they allow non-Druids the privilege of staying a few nights and visiting, usually to study the incredible variety of wildlife including but not limited to endangered species and even species that many thought to be extinct. However it’s next near unheard of for any Non-Druid to live in the Druidic Tier unless they are somehow married to a Druid AND generally care for nature, and to a lesser extent they must be good at Tree-Climbing. Not all Druids live in Trees though, some live on the beaches or even un underwater hollow caves with underground oasis and vegetation. Some, such as Fire Elf Druids, live either in or near volcanoes usually with their fireproof companions.

One thing that does separate a Druid from a Ranger is an Animal Companion. Rangers can make many animal friends living or spirit but a Druid tends to stick to one true companion. Some stick to the same Animal Companion for life while others can have more than one but only one at a time. The bond between a Druid and her/his Animal Companion is one on a deep spiritual level and both understand each other and generally care for one another almost similar to lovers but not quite. They are more than best friends and defend each other’s back. There is a special bonding ritual that each Druid and their companions perform that allows them to become bonded. There is also a similar ritual that allows the animal companion and the Druid to become un-bonded, usually because the Druid can’t take that companion to where he or she is going or the animal needs to leave to mate. A bond between a Druid and her/his companion is so strong that if separated from his/her companion any other way than the un-binding ritual, it could very well kill the druid or put them in a berserk state if their will is stronger than their heart. Likewise if a loyal companion who loses his/her Druid to a Murder without the un-binding ritual, it’s not uncommon for the animal companion to track down their Druid’s Murderer and if they are strong enough kill the Murderer before returning to the arms of their Dead Druid and then essentially dying. Sometimes miracles happen in which case out of some fluke or spiritual bond, an animal companion gives their life to their Druid and the Druid awakens alive but with their companion Dead at their side.

In cases like this a Druid will carry their fallen companion to a special place close to Kynareth. Sometimes this is at a special Alter near Sister Willow, spiritual leader of the Druids. Once at this special place, a Druid goes into a special trance that eventually takes them to Kynareth’s realm. The Druid then has audience with the Aedric Lord of Wind and Nature. IF the bond is truly strong and the animal’s body is still strong enough, then Kynareth will give that Druid a test. If he or she passes then Kynareth will heal the animal companion enough to where the Companion will breathe and live again. If the bond or the animal’s body isn’t strong enough or if the Druid doesn’t pass that test, then they must part with their beloved animal companion and go through a spiritual healing process before being bonded with a new Companion.

Sometimes though, almost always on very dire circumstances, a Druid will refuse to bond with another animal unless that animal possesses the same soul and spirit. Druids in this case will actively seek out their reborn companion which will always appear somewhere on Mundus. Princess Aelein is one of these Druids. And though a Ranger doesn’t share the same connections with his animal friends, he/she clearly understand the pain and loss a Druid goes through as part of it has to deal with the Druid and the Ranger started off at the same level of Kyne Cub.

As for Rangers themselves, they are essentially very powerful Archers that has access to minor Druid transformations and the ability to make friends with animals living and spirit. They can summon spirit animals for aid and once skilled enough they can understand the animals they make friends with without the animals speaking but rather in thought. They are more in tune in spirit and the hand symbols they use, similar to ninjas, to allow them to ‘See’ through the eyes of the animals. While they are not the mages, they are the most powerful with the bow. Being Druidic they are in tune with Nature and guard it as strongly as the Druids do.

Aloxies and Crustilucks
Aloxie City
Crustilucks underwater City

It’s interesting to note that even though the Aloxies and Crustilucks are clearly two different races from what seems like two different worlds, they have essentially learned how to bring out the best in each other. While a Crustilucks appearance usually throws off the snottier races, such as the Altmer, it didn’t deter the close friendship they soon developed with the Aloxies, another outcast race. Even Argonians and Khajiit are treated better and accepted into most society of the other races than the Aloxies and Crustilucks were. In a big way, the Crustilucks played a valueable role in the Aloxies lives by raising them, namely the original litter.

The Crustilucks came to Zeyelden from their deep sea homes because of some out of control giant Sea Snakes. These Sea Snakes are their own species and aren’t related at all to Zeyelden’s Serphantine race, confirmed by both the Maormer and all leaders of the Serphantine race. These Sea Snakes began to devour the Crustilucks food supply of fishes and crustaceans. The Crustilucks tried fighting them off but then the Sea Snakes did something even worse, the Sea Snakes found the Crustilucks hatchery and nursery. They then proceeded to eat all of the Crustilucks unhatched eggs and even eat the young Crustilucks that were. The adults couldn’t stop the Sea Snakes, heartbroken and angry they were forced to leave as they couldn’t fight the Sea Snakes. While the Sea Snakes were distracted with the eggs and children, as well as some mothers who choose to stay to try to save their children, the rest of the colony fled eventually finding Zeyelden. And although the conditions were more favorable than the home they were forced to leave behind, and much to their shame the children and parents that tried in vain to save their own, they were still depressed and heartbroken and for the first time in their known history were without children.

That’s when they met the First Little Aloxies, the very litter of Aloxia herself, Aelein’s murdered Animal Companion. The Crustilucks were exploring land for the first time as they found they could breathe the air while the First Litter had recently come back from a small fishing excursion and were just outside Aelein’s old Beach house. And out of all the sad kittens, none was sadder than Mira, the one kitten that according to Aelein looked just like her birth mother Aloxia. The kittens themselves had just lost their second Mother, Aelein who was forcibly taken from them shortly after teaching them to hunt and fight and defend themselves. Other Druids came to try to raise the kittens in secret, but the Queen of Zeyelden forced their hand to turn away, leaving the first litter all alone.

Mira herself was standing with a freshwater pink salmon in her hands and it was if she were lost, her eyes full of such Sadness it was as if she wasn’t there. That’s when one of the female Crustilucks, an Albino by the name of Nertia, came out and for whatever reason, kneeled down in front of Mira before surprising both Mira’s siblings and the rest of the Crustilucks by embracing Mira similar to how a mother embraces her child when she thought her child to be lost. Mira was shocked back to reality and instead of pulling away, welcomed the embrace and clung to Nertia just like she clung to Aelein and wouldn’t let go. From that point the two races became almost inseperable. The Aloxies finally had someone to care for them and raise them while the Crustilucks had children that needed love and affection. Both races healed from each other and grew to teach each other.

The Aloxies would demonstrate their unusual strength and hearing abilities, at one point killing a Sea Serphant who had swam too far to shore in desperate search of more food. It was the Aloxies, still kittens that killed the Sea Snake much to the surprise of the Crustilucks while the Crustilucks would shiled the young kittens from whenever the Queen’s Royal Guard came or her hired Mercenaries in an attempt to kill the kittens. The Crustilucks would do this with their magic and enchanted special ear guards and jewlry for the Aloxies so they could breathe underwater and survive and very deep depths until the guard would give up and go away. As the kittens grew older they aided the Crustilucks with building their village as well as their future underwater Zeyelden Kingdom while the Crustilucks in return would trade precious undersea treasures that the Aloxies could use in purchasing materials of their own for their small village, which steadily got bigger as the Aloxies came home with mates. Both races began to flourish and supported each other in the process, a credit to their survival where one race literally could not live without the other. The Crustilucks over time steadily grew and evolved lungs and could stay out of the water for extended periods of time to the point they didn’t need a magical water source constantly over their gills while the Aloxies, though still needing enchantments, developed strong enough lungs to be able to hold their breath for thirty minutes underwater and at extreme depths, which somehow began to strengthen their ears so they could hear danger among other things from miles away.

Today some of the original Crustilucks including Nertia as well as the original Litter still survives to this day leading their people in Union, yet still around Aelein’s old house which they religious take care of knowing one day she will return and possibly with their reincarnated mother, Aloxia. The few Aloxies/Crustilucks that do leave their homes of wildnerness of hunting to brave the cities with the other races gathering do so only rarely and with distrust and suspicion even of the Druids. They know it would take something big before the Aloxies and Crustilucks could be accepted into the other races society seeing as how they are the newest races in Zeyelden and there is still the matter that the Aloxies were magically created, even by accident, so they could avoid the fate of their mother Aloxia. (You must read my fanfiction)

It’s important to note that the Aloxies despise almost nothing more than Were-kin particually Werewolves. They are also are super distrustful of the Akaviri. An Aloxie, either by evolution or some fluke of the gene is immune to the Were disease and the two races fight like Cats and Dogs latterly with usually the Aloxies winning or drawn at a Stalemate. They usually don’t loose because of their enchanced strength on top of their extreme agility and decent speed and their annoying habbit of carrying spears usually to use like Javelins to launch themselves high for an boosted-pounce. They also hear very well and can detect someone under the invisibility or chameleon spells by either listening to their feet as they walk or sneak or the sound displacing around them if they are under muffle. So, unless the Aloxie was distracted, it’s almost impossible to sneak up on them in such close range. However those same ears prove invalueable if the Aloxie has had the rare honour of being accepted into a city let alone a guild. Those Ears can pick up danger and events coming from miles away similar to how a spiritual ranger can see the danger from even further. Aloxies, like the Crustilucks, can talk but also have a long range of meows and calls as well as the special language shared with the Crustilucks

Since the Aloxies and the Crustilucks can’t mate naturally even if members of the two races fall in love, a Crustiluck must almost always become a member of the feline bloodline of Were-kin, usually Werecat, in order for the two to copulate. This is also a rare example of an Aloxie actually accepting and not fighting a Were-Kin. Rumor has it that the two races are trying hard to produce a Hybrid that will be able to breed between the two without the Crustiluck becoming a Were-Feline Race.

The Serphantine people, surprisingly, can get along with almost all the races. They enjoy sending out their talent scouts so they can learn from a race on several things including acrobats, magic, and even bending from the Crystaline Dancers. In turn, these scouts return to their Serphantine tribes, which are spread out depending on Serphantine type, and then demonstrate what they have learned only later to convert it so it can be used by the Serphantine people who are mostly legless save for the Purebloods. This allows the Serphantine people to take part in all the guilds, even Crystaline Dancers, by doing the moves and skills in their own way.

The Serphantine people usually inhabit a mixture of the jungle areas, desert areas with some lagoon areas and grasslands but are known to travel. In the case of guilds, Sithis himself gifted the Serphantine members of the Blood Orchids of Sithis their own special mounts which resemble a mixture of armless Serphants and shadow horses.

It is important to note that, due to bad history with the Tsaesci, it’s highly frowned upon but not illegal for a Serphantine to become vampires, particularly the Naga and Crendescent bloodlines. When this occurs, those individuals or individual group/cults are watched extensively the same way Dark Elves are watched should they worship the Daedra and or Trinimac. The Punishment is also equal too with the addition that the Vampirism gets forcibly removed from them using Purge-Blood Salts, a cure so permanent that those individuals can never be turned into vampires again let alone catch the Porphyric Hemophilia disease again.

Vampire Serphantine are also banned from joining or remaining in the Blood Orchids of Sithis guild and are either kicked out or killed depending on trust. In the case of the former, they must undergo cleansing usually of the Purge-Blood Salts before they are allowed to rejoin their brothers and sisters in the family.

Many Serphantine members are curious and are good usually at whatever it is they choose to do. One thing to note that, when the Venusian males are in healthy numbers, they have a tendency to challenge each other and duel/fight as they see each other as strong capable Frenimies (friend-Enemy). Not all species are Carnivorous most are Omnivorous with very few Vegetarians. The Serphantine race are also renown for growing and producing the best chocolate and coffee, something the rest of Tamriel has yet to see. They also aid in the Grape and Fruit fields, with some vegetable, that are meant to produce the finest wines and alchohol that are more potent and more delicious than any you could possibly find in most parts of Tamriel. The only alchohol that proved more Delicious was Tamika and Surilee Brothers, particularly from the third era when both Tamika and the Surilee brothers were alive.

The Were Kin’s culture greatly depends on the Base Race-Type of the Individual plus the branch of the blood of Beast. So even though this can lead to a great variety of Culture, it’s better to describe them based on their primal instincts. If they choose to forsake their parent or base race such as a dark elf and instead live on permanently or semi-permanently then they are to strictly live on Were-Tier. In this circumstance they live in simple houses of a semi-big village in the shadow of the castle that Prince Daiku had built. The rest of the Tier is as wild as the Druid Tier, whom until recently they had a strong bond with and worked well together. The main reason for the switch from friendship to rilvary has to do with Prince Daiku, Princess Aelein and the birth of the Aloxie Race.

Otherwise if a Were-Kin chooses just to have the blood but live as their parent race, they integrate themselves with their clans elsewhere. A big example is the Crustilucks, who aquire the feline branches of Were just to be able to mate with their Aloxie lovers and also to travel longer distances faster on land.

Most of the Culture description for the Venusians is seen in their initial race description. Also their culture is similar to that of the Centaurs except they don’t have sacred trees. Instead they have taken to heavy worship of the nine divines, practically begging them to lift whatever curse(s) that has befallen their male halves, particularly the men. When they first came to Zeyelden and the original young boys that came with them turned to men, they proved to be just as violent as their fathers who the females had to kill. After that batch, the men either get killed usually by doing something stupid to try to impress their female halves. That or they outright volunteer for Portal missions in Portalis as they are under the belief that they will return as heroes and that their female halves will run to them, hug them and be proud of them. The last batch of adult males to disappear was due to the tree incident with the centaurs. Their males need a serious case of good luck. It’s gotten so bad that the Venusians have taken to babysitting their boys just to make sure they come home safely when they return from studying with the Divines.

Until the batch that were sent off to the Centaur realm return however, the Venusians have limited their trade and flirting with the Centaurs or outright refused to trade with them in General. It hurts both races in the process but at the same time the Venusians just want to be able to unite as a race again of both the men and the women, but their males seem to be cursed. They hope the battle for Zeyelden with the Dwarves returning will eventually sway the divines to see the male Venusians in a better light and hopefully remove the curse that plagues them.

!! The Plot !!
The story of Zeyelden and its future actually begins an Era before its founding, before the Snow Elves and Akavirian tribes fled their homelands. It starts in the early days of the Merethic Era when the early humans, known as Nedes then, slow returned to Tamriel. A group of Nedes very loyal to the divines were slowly lead to the promised land, what would one day become known as Zeyelden. The land of Zel, as the Nedes called it, was a land where ‘Parts stayed Summer all year round’. The Nedes were happy here and lived many generations in peace, worshiping the gods with dance and song instead of silent prayers and kneeling. They revered none more than Arkay, god of life and death, who they called Shiva-Kali, and depicted him as a Statue of Half Man Half Woman. The left Side of the Statue was all Man with the right half of the statue was all woman. The female half, strangely, symbolized death and decay while the male half symbolized life and prosperity. Together the statue, which has four arms, formed the symbol of love and union with one set of arms and hands while the other set was carved in the motion of dance with the feet of the statue.

Then one day a child was born to this Nede tribe. She was named Aaheli, which meant Pure in their tongue. On the day Aaheli was born, an Elder Scroll appeared and materialized at the feet of the Shiva-Kali statue. It prophesized the love between the Pure one, (Aaheli), and the ‘Light of the Sky’, which in this village’s tongue meant Gaganjyot. This also happened to be the name of a lesser Aedra ‘Star’ whom the future Daedric Lord Meredia was in love with, yet never returned her love. However the scroll also prophesized the last days of peace for the clan, a great corruption due to what the scroll referred to as a Daedra, followed by a love cursed set by yet another Daedra, followed by a gender split. It said the curse couldn’t end until the defeat of the great black dragon that ate the souls of the living and the dead, of which a champion will emerge and know both the Voice of Skyrim and the Voice of Zel. This Champion would have a voice strong enough to end the curse and free the cursed ones to once again experience peace.

The scroll didn’t stop there, it also stated that in order for the land to survive long enough for the Champion to arrive and survive for many years after, that the Pure One and ‘Light of the Sky’ must lead their people, (the Nede’s), with the White Elves and the Yellow Skin humans with loyal wingless dragons that resembled snakes with legs. Together they would have to push back bronze skinned elves with bronze-like machines and would have to fight them twice. They would have to do this once in the early First Era, when the curse would still be in place, and then again in the Fourth Era, just after the curse was lifted. The Nede’s knew then that even though they couldn’t stop the curse from happening, they could leave hints and carvings for those that would help them end the curse. As Aaheli grew, so did her beauty and her skill in Dancing. It wasn’t long before she grew to become their Queen, and proved to be the best one of the dance. She also drew the eye of a lesser Aedra star, Gaganjyot. So infatuated was he that he willingly cast himself from the heavens and onto the plane of Nirn just so he could Dance with her and eventually win her heart. This also upset Meredia who grew extremely jealous of young mortal Aaheli. The last day of peace for the Nede’s of Zel, future Zeyelden, came on Aaheli’s eighteenth birthday when Gaganjyot proposed to her for her to become his Bride. By this point, Meredia had gone to the Daedric Prince Molag Bal and manipulated his choice of a woman so he could wound Arkay’s pride and unbroken spear of life and death. It was then that the events of Opusculus Lamae Bal ta Mezzamortie occurred, only the book renames Aaheli as Lamae Beolfag, the name the Nordic tribe gave to her.

Gaganjyot was so heartbroken and used his Aedric powers to lead the Nedic men of the Zel tribe to find Aaheli. What he found was a broken undead shell of a woman so tainted by evil and pain that she had forgotten all love and only knew of death and misery. Lead by Gaganjyot, the Nedic men succeeded in killing most of the new vampires before the surviving few left. Gaganjyot, rather than forsake the woman he loved, used his divine powers to heal his Beloved to the point she remembered him and he carried her back to the village only to find the aspect of Meredia, the Aedric traitor. Meredia thought that by helping Molag Bal turn a mortal into an undead, that Gaganjyot would leave her and come running into the arms of Meredia. In her rage and anger she cursed them to forever live separately until one strong enough to break the curse arrived. Despite the curse, Gaganjyot was able to use the last remnants of his fading power to warn the other Aedra, who quickly cast Meredia from the heavens so she would forever remain and exist as a Daedra. This event is what also gave Meredia her extreme hatred of the Undead.

The curse separated the nedic men from the nedic women, causing all to remain in two sides of a split cave. The men, including Gaganjyot, became the Metal Men and secret hormones which causes any homesexual male and heterosexual female to fall in love with them and forever be in their trap, dead or becoming one of the cursed. The Women, led by Aaheli, became known as the Dead Dancers. Not vampires but not alive and not rotting zombies. Rather they are in a timeless state doomed for many eras dancing and entrapping homosexual women and heterosexual men with the pheromones they secret. Like the Metal Men, if you don’t become one of them you die.

Once every twenty five years, Gaganjyots power is enough to allow sanity to both gender tribes and he and Aaheli are allowed to come out of the caves for very brief visits that never last more than a few days. In this way they are able to temporally ‘breathe’ from Meredia’s curse, and communicate with those that will help them. On the Eve of the first Era, when Gaganjyot and Aaheli both met the leaders of the fleeing snow elves and akaviri tribes of men, it was on this day that they told their story and offered Zel as a home to the last of the Free Snow Elves and the akavirian humans and their dragon eggs if they would aid in ending the curse cast upon them. Prince Daiku and Queen Volindae agreed but also spoke that they needed help against the bronze-skin elves called the Dwemer, who were a bigger threat to them than the Nords. Such has the Elder Scroll Prophesized.

The Dwarves first began an attack two hundred years after Zeyelden’s founding. They posed as peacemakers and were somehow able to convince the Queen and councel that they merely wanted to know why that Zeyelden had prospered and became a very strong, magical city in such a brief period of time. They were allowed to study among Zeyelden, mainly for the purpose of secretly being studied and recorded by the Snow elves and Akaviri. One Night The Dwarves tride to take over young Zeyelden, as they sought the city and to enslave the last of the non-blinded and beautiful snow elves as well as the akavarian humans. The Snow Elf/Akaviran alliance were able to kill off most of the Dwemer before driving the survivors off a day short before Gaganjyot could receive his next power boost.

Five hundred years and a day went by before Zeyelden would see the Dwarves again. This time the population was Two thousand Snow Elves, Three Thousand Akavirians, Four Hundred Imperials, Three Hundred Altmer and Redguards, as well as Six Hundred Bretons that escaped their Ayleid Masters and fled North to Zeyelden. While half of the Dwemer population were either fighting at the Battle of Red Mountain or amongst themselves over the Aetherium Forge, the other half had brought their machinations to invade and hope to take over Zeyelden. The residents of Zeyelden had a leg up thanks to their brief study of the Dwemer they allowed to study among them for some time and knew enough to locate weak points of the Dwarven Automatons, which proved invalueable as the Dwemer brought no less than thirty Dwarven Centurions and countless Dwarven Spheres and Spiders. Though the army of Zeyelden fought with all their strength, they began to lose towards the evening of that day, almost a half hour before Gaganjyot and Aaheli were scheduled to awaken and thus help in this grand battle. Luckily, help arrived in the most unlikely of allies, Orcs who turned their back on Malacath and were searching for a new home to call their own. The Orcs surprised the Dwemer from behind, where the Dwemer Mages and Masters were. By killing one Mage, thirty spheres would fall. Killing the apprentices would kill many spiders and killing a Master, of which there were very few, would render 2 dwarven centurions inert if not destroyed.

Before the Orcs could be Overwelmed, the Metal Men and the Dead Dancers emerged from the Summer Lands of Zel, and worked their overwhelmingly powerful Bending-Magic. Earth Dancers of Men and Dancer alike broke the very ground many of the Dwarves and their Machines fought upon, while Water Dancers flooded them and some even short-circuited the machines. Fire Dancers mainly burned-alive a good portion of the Dwarves themselves and those not burnt alive would find themselves carried in wind funnels many stories above the ground before being dropped to their Deaths courtesy of the Air Dancers. Gaganjyot and Aaheli then held hands, something they hadn’t done since Molag Bal’s corruption and Meredia’s curse, and with their magic mixed with the Snow Elves and even the very Divines themselves, a portal was opened and sucked all the Dwemer and their Machines from Zeyelden into what looked to be a bottomless abyss. The Portal closed but didn’t disappear, instead it took the form of Aetherium Crystals and spread around all of Mundus sucking in every Dwarf in the realm. The event lead to the Race-Wide disappearance of the Dwemer in one day.

However, what should have been a day of rejoicing for the residents of Zeyelden was instead met with solemn knowledge that they would one day return and that Zeyelden would be their first stop. The curse of the Metal Men and the Dead Dancers remained, and it would take many centuries and three additional Eras before the Champion would emerge who could end it.

This is where Zeyelden-The Roleplay story begins. It is the time of Independence for you and for many that means for the first time out of your clans and cities. You will be given a War-Party, a group composed of individuals who harbor different strengths and skills and you will be tasked with traveling through portals to different dimensions and universes. Some places you will visit don’t believe Magic exists and if they have seen it, it wasn’t for many centuries, others have never seen humans in a very long time as they have died out and gone extinct. There will be times you will visit planents where the Vegetation alone proves highest on the food change and eats animals and humans alike. Some places you will be forced to fight others wars and save certain races from destruction all while strengthening yourselves mind body and soul. You will need to get strong to eventually join the Dovahkin in ending the Curse of the Dead Dancers and Metal Men before fighting by their sides with the return of the Dwemer who will be stronger than they ever were before!

Your journey will begin in Portalis, a large city at the foot of the Three Tiers and Dragon’s Mountain. Here you will meet your future party, be given a traveling pack as well as a mount or other means of flight. You will also meet with the guilds and bloodlines of your choosing so that you may briefly study among them to unlock your third tier attributes of Spirit, Force and Chi. Though you are young, you are already more powerful than the races found in the rest of Mundus especially Tamriel. This journey will make you and those you will come to call your friends stronger and buy you time until the Dovahkin arrives. The fate of Zeyelden and the rest of Mundus may very well be in your hands!

*!~*!~Character Sheets~!*~!*
Age (either 18-20 or young enough to appear 18-20 like in the case of Vampires)
Type (N/A if Crustiluck or Venusian)
Bloodline (If not born in the bloodline type ____preferred such as Druidic Preferred. Can choose no)
Branch (I.E. Druid or Range)
Class (I.E. Ranger, assassin, mage or something you made up)
Three Primary Attributes
Nine Primary Skill Schools (I.E. Lockpicking, Enchanting etc.)
Guild Preference
Hair Color: (or Fines/Spines/Spikes for some of the Reptile/Fish/Amphibion races)
Eye Color:
Skin Color: (Or scale/fur/fur-skin color / fur pattern for to the races applicable
Height (In inches please, I’m not sure of a good online conversion calculator)
Weight (Pounds…)
Facial Features:
Physical Characteristics:
Starter Clothing: (Novice clothing)
Starter Weapon: (Novice Weapon)
Personality Type: (I.E. Brave, Shy, Witty etc…)
Back Story

Name: Kujin
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Race: Crustiluck
Type: N/A
Bloodline: Were-Kin Preferred
Branch: Sabre-Cat
Birthsign: The Tower
Class: Monk-Thief
Three Primary Attributes: Intelligence, Agility, Force
Nine Primary Skill Schools: Acrobatics, Enchanting, Mysticism, Lockpicking, Pickpocketing, Hand-to-Hand, Chakra, Tactics
Guild Preference: Crystaline Dancers
Fin Color: Orange-Gold
Eye Color: Yellow with Green Central Heterochromia
Scale Color: Yellow base with Orange and Red Circular Oval Marks around his body.
Height (In inches please, I’m not sure of a good online conversion calculator) 6’3”
Weight (Pounds…) 180 lbs.
Facial Features: More simalar to a Frog Fish than Angler Fish
Physical Characteristics: Lean, thin, lanky
Hairstyle: His fins alter between short and long
Starter Clothing: Water proof rubber-silk Chap-Shorts with equal fabric tank-top type shirt robes that end in knee-length fabric flaps with a rope-belt.
Starter Weapon: His own two hands/fins/ spine-claws
Personality: Intelligent, comes off as bit of a Nerd as well as Clumsy, someone that is easy to bully.
Back Story: Four years ago, Kujin knew what he wished to be when he became of age to leave his city and who he wanted to Marry, and that was to be a Were-Sabre-Cat Crystaline Dancer so he could remain close to his love Cerelie, a Cerulean Blue Fox type Aloxie who became a Crystaline Dancer. As children, Cerelie and Kujin formed a fast and strong friendship. The only trouble was she is four years his senior and even though the two eventually developed their friendship to love, they were denied dating because of their age difference. They had a tearful goodbye when she first left to become a portal-traveling adventure and Crystaline Dancer.

Losing her didn’t just mean he lost his best friend and love interest, it also meant he lost his guardian against the bullies of his city and to traveling werewolf troublemakers. On the brief occasions she visited, she would teach him the skills she had learned. Kujin would practice Hand-to-Hand, Chakra techniques and even bits of thieving until the point he proved he was clever enough that the bullies began to have difficult times bullying him. He only wishes to better himself from Novice Level and become Strong and then ask Cerelie to marry him.

Rules on Crime and Punishment
Zeyelden is unique in that it doesn’t have jails as it is believed one should not be rewarded with free food, free room and board, free bed and an escape from the sad cruel world. Zeyelden believes that one should not rot away, especially at the cost of taxpayers money, but that one should work out their crime or die because of it.

It’s important to note that the worst possible crime a Zeyeldan can commit is the worship of Daedra, any Daedra. Punishment is Death and shame to the worshippers family.

The second worst possible crime is to pose as a God, such as the Tribunal, this includes using one’s own powerful magic and skills to convince people to worship you or even creating a sentient race, no matter how accidental it was. Punishment is usually Public Shame then Death. The only exception to this was Aelein, whose mother sacrificed herself to save her daughter’s life so instead Aelein got banished to go out and find the Dovahkin. Killing these offenders is to prove to people that these mortals aren’t gods even if they are granted the gift to never die of age.

Kidnapping, Rape, Murder, Breaking of Rule 6 ((save for Daedra and false god)): Gender change + Beauty Treatment before being forced to work as an indentured servant in the female and male brothels owned by the Queen but enforced by the Dragon Riders Guild.

Most other crimes, such as thievery ((if caught))or Drug use is being forced to work Dirty Jobs, such as masturbating a giant endangered Elephant to transfer his semen to the female who may defecate on you.

RP character list and their characte sheets moved here
Last edited by unokitsune on Wed Oct 03, 2012 3:15 am, edited 19 times in total.

Re: ~*~* Zeyelden Roleplay *~*~

Wed Sep 26, 2012 7:28 pm


As a Rule though, if you wish to join this role play, start thinking of a Race and Type now because to start off with I’m only going to allow one person to play 1 race/type.

For Example, two people can play Centaur characters however two players can play Earthern Centaurs Each unless a very good story is pm’d to me on Why and those roleplayers come on around the same time every single roleplay session. An exception to this is Myself or Eltee making up an NPC character to help guide you along.

But for the most part 1 Race/Type per person.
These rules don’t extend to bloodlines as there can be multiple dusk vampires/druids/rangers/ werekin.

Race and Type Reserves:

Earthern Centaur – Eltee
Name: Khareena
Gender: F
Age: 19
Race: Centaur (of the Cervidae variety)
Type: Earthern
Bloodline: Druidic
Branch: Ranger
Birthsign: The Serpent
Class: Ranger
Three Primary Attributes: Agility, Cunning, Stamina
Nine Primary Skill Schools: Speech, Sneak, Acrobatics, Druidic, Archery, Blade, Hand to Hand, Block, Alchemy,
Guild Preference: She might be more inclined toward the Chestnut Tang, if a position that accounted for her physique was allowed for.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Skin Color: Tanned a dark chocolate colour, with darker fur.
Height: About '6
Weight 230lbs
Starter Clothing: A simple roughspun green tunic.
Starter Weapon: A recurved hunting bow, and an iron dagger.
Personality Type: Brave and intelligent, after her own fashion, and incomparably proud.
Back Story: Khareena was born into the Druidic studies, but she abandoned her studies to become a ranger when she was thirteen. The strict structure of the Druids never appealed to her. She took to the forests, and became a huntress, honing her skills in the depths of Zeyelden's forests. Though she professes to worship Kyne, and she does indeed hold the Storm Goddess in reverence, she has another inclination she has been terrified all her life to reveal: An interest in Hircine. She isn't an idiot, and would never openly make her interest known... But she does as well as she can to get her hands on any books on the Daedra she can find. She isn't consciously promiscuous, but she feels no fear or shame about her sexuality. While one might say she is bisexual, it would be more accurate to say that classifying herself as such never occured to her.

Human Imperial Dusk Vampire - Justice Knight

Maormer (Aqua Elf) - Velvet LeChance

Dovahmer (Dragon Elf) Druid - Ranga360 (Had to leave)

Snow Elf - Hissien

Kynemer (Aetherial Elf) - Br3admax

Norak (Imp's original race) - Imp

Bosmer (Wood Elf) - Nevastar

Pure Blood Serphantine - The Shadow One

Human Akavir - Arch Mage Matt

Human Kothringi - Nova

Venusian- POMC
Last edited by unokitsune on Sun Oct 28, 2012 7:29 pm, edited 18 times in total.

Re: ~*~* Zeyelden Roleplay *~*~

Wed Sep 26, 2012 7:29 pm

Very well Justice.

Re: ~*~* Zeyelden Roleplay *~*~

Wed Sep 26, 2012 7:30 pm

Thanks Uno, you're the best :D

Re: ~*~* Zeyelden Roleplay *~*~

Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:11 pm

Would you reserve Maormer for me please ?

Re: ~*~* Zeyelden Roleplay *~*~

Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:24 pm

Of course, Velvet.

Re: ~*~* Zeyelden Roleplay *~*~

Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:51 pm

Cardbird wrote:I assume you're changing the title at some point? "~*~*~*Zeyelden Roleplay*~*~*~" Hurts the eyes. Something like "Zeyelden:The Roleplay" Looks much better.

I'll think about it. It might help to change it to that once I get the rules and such typed out which could take another day or so. Thank you for the suggestion Cardbird.

Re: ~*~* Zeyelden Roleplay *~*~

Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:16 pm

So many.. Things.. I wanna be.. But.. I hrmm.. Can I think on this.. I have a idea... Mhm... When will this likely start?

Re: ~*~* Zeyelden Roleplay *~*~

Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:28 pm

The-Shadow-One wrote:So many.. Things.. I wanna be.. But.. I hrmm.. Can I think on this.. I have a idea... Mhm... When will this likely start?

I'm hoping by this weekend or perhaps in two weeks time, it mainly depends on when I can finish the rules, religion, culture etc which may or may not be too soon. I'm going to try to get the character sheet template as well. It might take longer than I expect if I choose to use pictures.

Re: ~*~* Zeyelden Roleplay *~*~

Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:34 pm

Yeah. If you have it complete by like Sunday or later, would be perfect for me as I'm going over the weekend. I wanna RSVP some races.. But I don't know which to have.. Can I also say, I drooled at the male molagmer...

Re: ~*~* Zeyelden Roleplay *~*~

Wed Sep 26, 2012 11:35 pm

Think I might take the Dovahmer if I could.

EDIT: Are the druids chosen like races? Or is it something we will put in our character sheet?
Last edited by Ranga360 on Thu Sep 27, 2012 12:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: ~*~* Zeyelden Roleplay *~*~

Thu Sep 27, 2012 12:03 am

Ranga360 wrote:Think I might take the Dovahmer if I could.
Also are the Druids a seperate race? It looks like it has been seperated like the others

Sure I'll put you down for Dovahmer
And no, Druids aren't a seperate race, rather they are a seperate Bloodline/Spiritline.

It's a simalar principal to that of a Werewolf/Were(insert animal here) in which case you develop the ability to transform.

Rather than it be a different race ((like a Dryad or Spriggan)) it is essentially giving a humanoid, like an elf or khajiit, the spiritual blessing and blood in order to be able to Shift, something that is otherwise impossible. Becoming a Druid or a Ranger begins with that initial ritual. ((Like there is a ritual for Werewolf and to a lesser extent, a Vampire Lord))

The reason for the Druid to be seperated is for me to describe the two different types of Druid. The Druid herself/hiself and the Ranger. Like there are two different types of Vampire ((at least in Zeyelden)) and multiple types of Were-kin. Does this make sense?

The-Shadow-One wrote:Yeah. If you have it complete by like Sunday or later, would be perfect for me as I'm going over the weekend. I wanna RSVP some races.. But I don't know which to have.. Can I also say, I drooled at the male molagmer...

The Yolmer/ Fire Elf? If this is what you wish to be I can certainly add you to the reserve list.

Re: ~*~* Zeyelden Roleplay *~*~

Thu Sep 27, 2012 12:39 am

unokitsune wrote:
Ranga360 wrote:Think I might take the Dovahmer if I could.
Also are the Druids a seperate race? It looks like it has been seperated like the others

Sure I'll put you down for Dovahmer
And no, Druids aren't a seperate race, rather they are a seperate Bloodline/Spiritline.

It's a simalar principal to that of a Werewolf/Were(insert animal here) in which case you develop the ability to transform.

Rather than it be a different race ((like a Dryad or Spriggan)) it is essentially giving a humanoid, like an elf or khajiit, the spiritual blessing and blood in order to be able to Shift, something that is otherwise impossible. Becoming a Druid or a Ranger begins with that initial ritual. ((Like there is a ritual for Werewolf and to a lesser extent, a Vampire Lord))

The reason for the Druid to be seperated is for me to describe the two different types of Druid. The Druid herself/hiself and the Ranger. Like there are two different types of Vampire ((at least in Zeyelden)) and multiple types of Were-kin. Does this make sense?

Ok I got what you mean about what they are. So do we get these powers in the roleplay or something then?

EDIT: I'm addicted to your Fanfic by the way
Last edited by Ranga360 on Thu Sep 27, 2012 10:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: ~*~* Zeyelden Roleplay *~*~

Thu Sep 27, 2012 12:56 am

Ranga360 wrote:Ok I got what you mean about what they are. So do we get these powers in the roleplay or something then?

EDIT: I'm addicted to you're Fanfic by the way

Yes you get these powers, rather the start of them, if you choose that blood/spirit line at the begining of the role play. If choose to become a Druid though, you can't become a Ranger. Likewise, you can't become a Vampire or Were-Kin if you choose to become a Druid.

And thank you. In fact my fanfic will actually be a timeline for this roleplay. Once I have Aelein and Andrea return (with friends and allys that follow) to Zeyelden then the ball will truly get rolling but that will be later. I'm going to have everyone begin from a point where they are fresh from their clans and eager for adventure. Players will get stronger as the role play rolls along. This role play is a big spoiler for Zeyelden itself, and shows just how complicated and intricate it actually is and why it can't be explained in one or two paragraphs Like Whiterun or Windhelm can.

Re: ~*~* Zeyelden Roleplay *~*~

Thu Sep 27, 2012 1:01 am

Gotcha! Thanks
Now druid or ranger...hmmm

Re: ~*~* Zeyelden Roleplay *~*~

Thu Sep 27, 2012 7:00 pm

Can you not reserve anything for me. I'll wait until after Band camp and then make my decision.

Re: ~*~* Zeyelden Roleplay *~*~

Fri Sep 28, 2012 5:41 am

Shadow, I don't understand, do you want to be a fire elf or something else?

Justice, because of the update I did to the opening post I want to know what race and type you are going to be as a dusk vampire is a bloodline.

There can be multiple bloodlines of simalar type.

Re: ~*~* Zeyelden Roleplay *~*~

Fri Sep 28, 2012 5:45 am

I'm going to be boring- Imperial Dusk Vampire, please Uno.

Re: ~*~* Zeyelden Roleplay *~*~

Fri Sep 28, 2012 6:32 am

I'll make my decision after band camp. Thank you for the offer and arriveaceri.

Re: ~*~* Zeyelden Roleplay *~*~

Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:01 am

Well if that's the case about the bloodline thing then I will be a Dovahmer Druid. If you needed to know that.

Re: ~*~* Zeyelden Roleplay *~*~

Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:07 am

Alright, not a problem!

Re: ~*~* Zeyelden Roleplay *~*~

Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:03 pm

Can i reserve a snow elf? If not it is okay if someone else REALLY wants it or has already claimed it.

Re: ~*~* Zeyelden Roleplay *~*~

Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:47 pm

You sure can reserve a Snow Elf, Let me put that up for you now.

Re: ~*~* Zeyelden Roleplay *~*~

Fri Sep 28, 2012 11:30 pm

Are the Kynemer still open, if they are I want a male one. If not I could be a Breton.
Topic locked