UESP Forums

Changes in the Mod Team - Thank You, Promotion, and Hello!
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Author:  Alarra [ Thu Jun 22, 2017 2:02 am ]
Post subject:  Changes in the Mod Team - Thank You, Promotion, and Hello!

Hello everyone! It's been a while since we've had one of these posts, and this one's got a lot in it!

First I'd like to direct your attention to two of our longtime moderators who have decided to hang up their green coins: Believe and Dohva. Believe first became a Tea Party Moderator in October 2012, and Dohva joined the team at the same time as me in June 2013 - they've both been mods an entire 1/3 of the forum's life! These guys have done so much for the forum over the years, and they've earned a peaceful retirement from the team. Join us in thanking them for all the hard work they've put in and wishing them the best!

Second, Legoless has completed the rigorous trials a TPM must go through as a mod in training, and is being promoted to the full role of Global Moderator!

Third, you're going to be seeing a lot more staff around here!

We've been working for a little while on unifying various aspects of the UESP. If you've been in our Discord, you'll see that happening already: users from the wiki, forum, and guild, as well as fans of the site who aren't necessarily involved in any part are chatting together, and the staff members from the different part of the site have equal powers there. So we're going to do similar on the forum: users with equivalent roles on other parts of the UESP will now be labeled according to their position and have the same powers as a global moderator: Wiki Admins and Patrollers from the wiki and Guild Officers from our official UESP guilds in ESO.
The forum moderating team will still be the primary people in charge of keeping the forum running smoothly just like before; the new roles are just here to help keep all UESP staff on the same page and to give them the ability to step in if we need anything.

Help us give a big thank you and congratulations to these folks!

Author:  AKB [ Thu Jun 22, 2017 2:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes in the Mod Team - Thank You, Promotion, and Hell

We now have around thirty staff members on the forums!

Author:  Cassandra [ Thu Jun 22, 2017 2:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes in the Mod Team - Thank You, Promotion, and Hell

Hooray for new staff! Hooray for old staff! Hooray for staff that are neither new nor old!

I never actually saw Believe, except in old posts. But he seemed cool. So... thanks!
I saw Dohva a couple times, at least. She's nice. So, thanks!

Legoless, I don't know you very well. But you posted pretty Oblivion pictures and attempted to fend off the heathens. And that's pretty great. So, congratulations!

Pretty sure I don't know any of the many staff members who just joined, but welcome, everyone!

Author:  Wolfborn [ Thu Jun 22, 2017 3:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes in the Mod Team - Thank You, Promotion, and Hell

A big thank you to the out-going staff and commiserationscongratulations to the new and in-coming staff! :P :D

Author:  Aarah [ Thu Jun 22, 2017 12:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes in the Mod Team - Thank You, Promotion, and Hell

A fond farewell to Believe and Dohva! Thanks for your years of service. Hope you liked the retirement gift! (What do you mean you didn't get one?)
Hope to see you both stop by the forums still, from time to time.

Congrats to legoless! Now it's not just AKB who's rocking the sea themed blue and green coins.

Hello to all the new staffy people! I've seen most of you on Discord, so perhaps we shall see your snazzy new colours popping up here on the forums more too!

Author:  BetaB17 [ Thu Jun 22, 2017 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes in the Mod Team - Thank You, Promotion, and Hell

To the proud few who spent so many years in service with the Team. I salute you proudly, I dare say I salute you!!
Say goodbye to the cotton candy crowns Lego :wink: And join up with AKB's

Also... (Internally tries to contain excitement.)

(Fails horribly). Those lavender ranks are too much for me <3

Author:  scribbane [ Thu Jun 22, 2017 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes in the Mod Team - Thank You, Promotion, and Hell

"Fair enough. But don't go looking for me to bend the knee and "m'lord" you every time you take a [&@%!]."

Sorry, I love that quote and it's not often I get an opportunity to use it.

But yeah, 'grats to new and old and all that.

Author:  Believe [ Wed Aug 09, 2017 8:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes in the Mod Team - Thank You, Promotion, and Hell

Good times, good times.

Have to admit it's pretty weird not being green. And even weirder not being able to see all the juicy Mod-gossip. (Not to mention, no pool :( )

But thanks for the good times, and I hope all you new fangled modern age Mods can keep up the good work.

Now... whom should I leave my mantle to?

Author:  Musicman247 [ Wed Oct 11, 2017 11:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Changes in the Mod Team - Thank You, Promotion, and Hell

I leave for two years and everything goes big time! I should leave more often!

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