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Discussions and questions about the CS and mods for Oblivion
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Can I ask about mods here? Mod subforum dead.

Sun Jul 16, 2023 11:46 pm

I'm here to beg someone to hold my hand through modding. At this point I am willing to pay someone for their time. e-transfer preferred but have paypal if need.

I have anxiety disorder and adhd. I've tried modding this game 3 separate times over like the past 5-7 years, get halfway through, lose focus/steam, and give up.

I ask way too many questions, only have a mild grasp of computers, and get easily thrown off since the guides change every year or so.

So here I am, begging, because this is one of my favorite games ever and I only played it on buggy xbox 360. I know even just the basic mods will make it a lot better but would still like input/help.

I was able to mod skyrim but i think it was almost built into it it was so easy. I seem to recall oblivion was a lot more complicated. The fact that I needed to use both BOSS and wrye bash confused the hell out of me.

Like this isn't a just post how to do it here and link me to a video/link. I will have a thousand questions throughout. Is there anyone willing to help me out? Not even just how to mod but help choosing mods.

for steam. pm me if you'd be willing to help. i'm already lost that there are 4+ mod managers all with pros and cons? wrye bash, MO2, vortex, and LOOT. If there is a more active community to ask this please point me in the right direction.

Re: Can I ask about mods here? Mod subforum dead.

Tue Aug 01, 2023 8:34 am

Hello buddy, I am commenting on here to help raise awareness to your posting.
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