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help finding mod versions

Fri May 15, 2015 2:44 am

Hello, I am currently trying to figure out what the latest versions are of all of Giskard's Oblivion mods, since he has recently removed them all from his site because of the reddit trolls, I figured that I would backup the mods I currently have so that I can keep them no matter what. If anyone knows that would be greatly appreciated.

Re: help finding mod versions

Fri May 15, 2015 7:45 am

I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. If he has removed his mods, then what you've currently got is what you get, and that's what you would backup--right?

Re: help finding mod versions

Fri May 15, 2015 1:39 pm

Not necessarily, other sites have stored his mods in the past, such as fileplanet. I simply want to make sure that their versions (and by proxy mine) are the latest ones by knowing the latest version numbers and comparing them to the ones in the files I have. I already know the latest Kvatch Aftermath is 7.3 and Kvatch Rising is 1.3 but I am wondering about the CUO mods, TEC etc.

EDIT: turns out I was wrong, 7.3 was not the latest version as Giskard's videos mentioned being the latest one he made a video on, according to fileplanet the latest is 7.8, this is why I was asking anyone here that has the latest versions of his mods if they could tell me the version number, just to be sure I have the latest and if not, so I can get it from fileplanet (for his older mods).
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